spirit is at its height. Ask grads of some high school or college and way for sastiiive Positions We he 3 yards wide, per running fool i....iiuinbiiingn 90c, they'll tell you there's nothing like those days of school yells and . Students Covhell and : a re. ner rallies. And yet there are those that weren't infected by the basket- ; shou Sto get vat es . : ball or rugby bug. - That's where Canada's National Winter game . . CONGOWALL-- | 1 : : comes in, If one doesn't care for the high scoring madness of the cage Jear gid ls yelling A seVera co ours sport or the aerial attacks and body smashing of the gridiron then uv orty, Ie 4 A) hoo : AV < 3 5 maybe it's hockey in wintry weather that you enjoy, Yes, there's McGregor choosing the volleyball Easy to install IRIN RR 1": square feet, Tic. LOCAL NEWS = THE PORT PERRY STAR-- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 ,1962--¥% en a cts who sold the tickets in aid of the hos- | ing from Port Perry in a car with spending 18 months on the Korean "TT TT "| pital" five other fellows and they stopped | battlefront. [Hillto Her ald The draw of the Honeydale W. 1. about 8 p.m. near an uhknown barn. RE. PORT y N Kight quilt took place on Monday at the| Magistrate F. S. Ebbs was sched- | Evans and a companion went into the | Messrs. Jolin Sayer, Donald Smith, - ancy nig high school, and the, holder of the |uled to give his verdict at Uxbridge "by Bill Fitsell rs = 3 © Comes falling leaves and frost. on the pumpkin and across the . country, thousands flock to the epen air centres for the fall pastimes of watching two teains shug it out on the grid-iron. Also about. this time comes the sport (whieh is niore familiar in Port Perr y)---basket- * ball, 'Both are thrilling games in their own right and yet there are *- these who wouldn't walk across the street to see either one --Roy Scott the Seagrave baseball and hockey sportsman, who like many of us has his favourite sports, has attended only one football game in his life. He | 'likes to tell his story of two well d are playing? asked one. "I'm n think it's Port Credit and Oakville," . ressed ladies Who found themselves' seated on the B0 yard line for a Grey Cup game unmindful of value - of choice vantage points or what was going on in front. "What teams ot sure", answered the other, "I . That could he stretched a little but it does give one an idea of the "hysteria" which sweeps over some people who find it a 'must' to be 'at other games as well as the Grey Cup finals.. "It must have a great attraction tho," points out Roy. "Just look at the thousands who turn out in all kinds of weather _ to see the games and yet some hockey fans will complain if the tem- perature in Maple Leaf Gardens goes up a few degrees." . . Then there are others who don't get a kick out of a goal-a-second at a.cage game despite the fact that in the States basketball draws the largest crowds. How come these spbrts pull in the customers ? doubt it traces back to school days nothing like variety these days. Theré's no when the pigskin fever and school --, You can even take your sports in the Lazy-lad chair in the front room along with the comforts of pipe, _ slippers and beverage and T-V. For the present tho we'll*stick with hundreds of others and take most fresh air. of. their sporting. pleasure in the "| THE WHEELS OF KNOWLEDGE: are really turning again at PPHS and place lately. "ON FRIDAY - PAST a basketball game between the Lions Club team and the High School Stars was played for a trophy put up by.Bob Williams, Jack Griffen, Mac 'Christie, Willy. Stone, Jim Baird, and Roddy Foster. Both teams played an excellent game 40." Better luck next time, boys, the new hardwood floor is very good for dancing. = Shirley St. John and Joan Ray added much to the evening's entertainment with their skillful ex- hibitions of- tap-dancing. Though there was a little trouble with the re- cord player the Syening was greatly # enoyed by all. THIS WEEK elections are under. team for a tournament with Whitby. fn ------ Public School with the Lions coming out on top 61- || AFTER THE GAME a dance was held in the gym and many found that 69 Gladstone Ave. Oshawa. "We are very much indebted to Mr. Crane who would also like to thank the: people ar lucky ticket was Miss 'Shirley. Turner, today._in the case against Garry A. Evans, 17, of Claremont who is char- ged with arson [following the burning week he déscribed how he was return- barn and the accused lit a match, drop- -ped-it--and-walked--outs-- -He-said=he- looked back, saw.the loose straw a- blaze and tried to put it out but later Hugh Davidson, Lorne Carson, Murray -Holtby;~Mae~Christier---Glen--Smithy--- eu West Flintoff, H. Crossman and J. Pascoe_of Port Perry district, flew to i -- the Fou oi 3600) iii B82 pen kindly arranged 'and made the draw", | of a barn owned by Harry D. Jamie- decided to make a run for it. the Ahoknte :rnational Plowing Match # : : hy 1 rp ta Le th ae ne said an Institute member. ~ "We | son at Brookdale, In testifying last Ross' Hutchinson of the Canadian | at Carp Ontario Tn planes "of the Ont--- "= "YOU PAY YOUR MONEY AND a te = and hasretnall games al have ome arlo Flying Club. Army arrived home Monday after 2 ERE A Bathroom Floor f Linoleum Tile ow % . "8 iy Bathroom floors need no longer be drab, The wide varlety of Marboleum .and Linoleum Tile potterns and colours offer infinite scope for cheerful effects. 'And they have the added srdvanjages of being inexpensive, 4 2p So Em TILE 9 in x9 in, 20¢. Floor Covering Remnants ~*~ and 15¢, each ~ JASPE LINOLEUM TILE | 25¢. each RUBBER TILE | 35¢c.each EASY T 0 INSTALL--FREE DE MONSTRATION GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM C3 er cent Discount im -- - Chapman and Allan Goode was sec- occupants. : 5 Su let us show you the latest Teas for Dao and other floors. > LION CAGERS START TO ROLL (Continued from front Page) ¢ "i = ; oN 0 'IVAN' PARKINSON, coach of the Li C T a oN A Lions entry in the Oshawa basketball jon agers on Addlioriom marsh | RK loop, reports that his lads are work- : : : i El vel High School Lads [fhe = Tina | D tices and beginning to look like a ball | ARI C 00 a Se A a lk JOHNSTON APPROV \ club. After dropping the decision to I oon ee Eamets the buck wall 106 o S . i A | 1,° 52 x ; Oshawa . Industrial Joop 2) vies Port' Perry Lion cagers began to| On either edge of this 'dropped ceil- CLOTHES: . A. J eo 0 . 13 the locals were joined by the wander- |, the results of regular work-outs]ing is a continuous plaster trough man TERN WPL AE SAR Rar IE: . ing world series fans, Griffen, Hayes |, trimming the High School all-stars containing. the lighting fot the room. i HANAN DERWENT SUITS, do " 1 be ated a "the- well: "dr essed man" : 3 EERE and Wallace and trimmed. up. the hie 61-40-Monday-night-in-the first-ganta | A kitchen with. hit pass through hateh|| GIRLS LOAF BRS--by Tote r, MEN'S STOCK SU dpunre-hreasie is wearing . . . . . *T ar school picked squa onday i : yis- |: ; 3 : : : Ee Te i DR as ove RA series for the Dis opens uit the Cr ini pro- Brown, Black. Neolite sole for long wear. single... ocd $49.50 and $5¢ ).50 . fe PPHS bench-and Jack Griffen handled y oh Rallities for serving. leh re : i 4.05 pir WINTER . OVERCOATS in stock $49.50 2 AA the more experienced squad: The| The Oshawa league entry took a{ Treghmenia. : : : yd pain in BENE Lions showed results of their training | stranglehold on the trophy by grab- Kindergarten ~ GRACIA SHCES--Orthopedic. . . as by stretching a seven point lead at the | bing a 27-20 lead at Tlf time and 'Wandertul fitting, health shoes. Black M S 3 PUL: PU To 1 Sh nk wh en ascring. hl sour pun) he Kindszuion and te den Made-fo-Measure duits ile "boys had trouble biting theloop . . [34-20 in-the last half. Mac Christie been ealgied Yor the. Use "of ual) Suede, Nylon Mesh cocoons $12.50 who was a member of the champion-| :., f . zs HE 59. 0 + Whatever your FRIDAY NIGHT will see Rick Sol-|ship PPHS squad which donated the shilgrem. | The gloakoom eonfains a ~ Black Suede Ties .....ccoccovvveeriniiivnnennnnn $11. 25 or Overcoals $ "type, there's a way's Oshawa Grads here against the | cup; sparked the winners along with | pt vith il toreh 'wor Brown Oxfords ; S11. 25 ab aha Ce aT stripe to suit you Ports . . STOUFFVILLE 1 LIONS are | Jack Griffen as each potted 14 points. Sh ih Si Pn Su : per- Briere . _in this wide range taking over minor hockey in that vil-| Ron Wallace counted a vi zen and Geo, The i ah oe age: i Black Orthopedic, all widths WL 1810.95 EN'S WEAR of chalk stripes, lage, sponsoring the kids games for Rodd- nine. Jack Owen' led the losers h d 3 ot floor cov il 2 , . : = pin stripes, 25 Saturday mornings at a cost of | with 12, two better than John Walden- as Sha ; 51 Po LALA 1 Me stripes oN ; : : y § ERATE INV ET if and narrow ¥ $600¢ JACK OWEN hooped 20 points Speen, Li pel hd second ame in a space under this floor so that i NYI ON SOCK TE 81 stripes. Pdi, in that 56-53 win for Oshawa last has vob to beset, the children playing on the floor are Hampton Dresses "FINE SHIRTS ooo $2 98 to $. 1.95 § is. See then How. a 2d 3 week. Mac Christie scored 11 points kept warm. On two walls of the PARKA COATS 4 15.05 ges Lot us ye 54 and Norm Haugen 10," Bob Booth led [LIONS ST Yoo. 87¢ toy orage: ins metnted BARBARA JOYCE SILK CREPE-- choos aralli 2 measure 6 : AR . 4 i or : SA * the Motor' City. team with 26 . . on casters. These are stored under : WOOL PLAID SHIRTS .oooooocis $7.50, you for - HR . FG FT TP built-in benches and can be" pushed , $16.95, $19.94, and $22.95 ! 7 a really $7 : BOB RIPE of Quiang Ties Says + Rodd coors rinsen 4 1 9) bout the room wherever they may be HA won S oy E RAL LS and PANTS 'smart striped Ea score of the game indicates coac 6 512 el 3 i Th it handant sri Parkinson. 'has a kettle boiling up Walase a 0 0 0 bial a 1 ha WOOL PLAID SKIRTS, pleated all around | | ; Sa od thataway'.--"His boys set up a 3-2 TURIN, enka, ; ; circle. This consists of an inlaid de- $9.50 each E-Z SLEEPERS Pink and Blue; Yellow to your zone defence that all but bottled the | Griffen ......nn b 4 14 on Fan Pans aia ge "4 ' fon. wp puoi locals oft ihe floor |, Jdons were | Christie. sii Sp -- Bd le Msibee linoleums. ches and Green, on $2.75 pr. measurements - using driving screens to free a man Baird FA TTT TIT TTT TI TT 0-0 0 i MONARCH FAIRY PRINCESS - > ue ai 50) . by Johnston. down centre court and the play pat-fg, op 2 2 ¢|Classrooms ° = he SHIR Extra Pants... $1.50 pe. Aor WAS 8 Yory PISHY ON0 « «rr [Haves duiidiiiain "3 0. 6| Properlightiig is one of the most CARDIGANS $6.50. PULLOVERS $4.65 HOCKEY CHATTER in the district } -- -- --|important considerations in a class- i > i : i ; Nits | "hasn't reached it's peak yet but a few 25- 11 61|room and consequently the outside : . : : a I LANNELETTE GOW Th i) i wall of each classroom is one large P.K. 3-1 LY CAVALIER WOOL, 42¢. 82." 4 Colored -.............ccicinenr and 7D frosts and the puck enthusiasts will be PPHS ALL-STARS e A ST ) 3 talking about organizing the loops for 3 : NiMow Sign feat high i ing aw Learn WHITE TAILORE D COTTON LONG ~ anather year ., GEORGE RODPD-re= pear iain 0-- 00 feet long. Modern incandescent light} TTR ZPTERRY TOWRI ING 6% var EEE i : Be 1) turned 'tothe basketball scenc here , , o.- ~~ 9 1 p|ing fixtures supplement the natural WHITE TERRY FOWELING ....62¢c. yard SLEEVE BLOUSES EI $2.98 wh ¥ 3 % Monday night by sinking nine pomtsf =". , 5 oo 18 ligt to Provide paste) Seeing pt op - : He against PPHS. Griffen Wallace and {TT TI TC TI TTI rr TryrTy ditions. ac classroom 18 prov 1 ao Qo PALE AIS QTQ . oF : i i oe ok ' i Christie were the other top scorers. Haugen PETTITT IIIT IT LITT ery 3 3 9 with bookshelves, "a. work area, and WATSON S Ligh and VESTS CLEARING LINE LADIE S LONG Ai Owen and Johnny Waldensperger | Lawrence .........iii 1 0 2 | wardrobes for hat and coat storage. "(Cotton 98c. pe. SLEEVE WOOL PULL OVERS: 25 : : 3 3 _- paced the losers . , . SIGN OFF. Waldensperger.... ~.....oees 8 4 10} 1hierior Finishing - : : 15% Wool ....... a $1. 15 and $1.59 . REDUCTION. 2 - bi a EAI LEE Warriner 0 2| Floors have been covered with vari- ; Ss = AR wan . Hadden ... 0 0} ous materials to suit the requirements = A *y Y thi I' B . | | Keendall ........ 0 © 0] uf different areas. Hard, durable ~ad : ou u OWIEX'S | robertson : 0 0] terrazzo has been used in the corrid- ; LEY = : 1 : = == | ors, asphalt tile in classrooms where g GROCERIES i Win Chickens at © 16 10° 40] jujet and colour are important, and : : ax ; \ Sy > : eins wood in the auditorium where a com- ; P : AY nd tailed ia Ih. 39. Sth Final Tournament bination of the above qualities are re- || ~~ CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP ....c.ccocooininns 2 tins 25c¢. MIXED ( okiEs dvi stessmnbsins i fig pun sa Dees paras e penis 3p ed 3 ou hii wo rhage quired. - Walla are exposed brick in : QUAKER SUGAR PUFFS .....covvrmrivimrinumsiiznnin 2 pkgs. 25c¢. OMAR 0 Ee ip RT . Boe. 5 fins oi os skippe 3 : . ] gs i < 'RES TGS : : > Eighteen members of the Lawn |; "cit il" Mid hut tho | the corridors and auditorium ovine "Il ~ KING CITRUS BLENDED JUICE; 20 oz. tin ........ 2 for 25¢. bp ARKDALE SHELF LINING PAPER, plain, i it roll 25¢. Ya Bowling Club took advantage of the former won the toss for the prize Pleasants Jurshle, Be WAGSTAFFE'S RASPBERRY JAM, large jar ................ 42¢. DOMINION HOUSE HOLD FOIL WRAP, 25 ft. roll 29¢. ) A 0 : warm sunshine on Thanksgiving Day chicken." Mr. .-Colbéar's threesome diy di a 'a variation of SILVER RIBBON TOMATO JUICE, 48 oz. tin ....c..coco..0. 20c¢. SERVIETTES, 70 in pkg. white ooo. WE ; i QD ne ee ns of fowh | Which included Mrs. Clift Love and | 2000 S00 BREAN, PF Posada || + V-8 VEGETABLE JUICES, 20 07, tin cocci for 83c. - BANANAS ce Ib. 1c. TURNIPS, 1. Be ; i | Wuebles touimament for prises of f0Wh | yy Graham awarded ginger ale and | SOO To SRE (ULF BEE Fan|| HALLOWE'EN KISSES ST "Ib. 39, SUNKIST ORANGES duh i * A RR x EX eg A - Frit . 4 MT EE EE AN "THe team of Art Gox and his wite | the sa of EW Hig: iid Place ceilings are acoustically "treated toll FR RESH ROASTED PEANUTS WE ste erin ....1b. 85c. ~~ COOKING ONIONS 10h. bag 59¢ ; he 0 en 0; re ure an r. an 4 y ALE rath: ae in - i Re. Hr oid Elgin Hutchison. The low six keen ose down fo 8 wODNOTISblg SSBC ARS RR RRR RRR: Sa SH : best, of the half-dozen trios by taking | prize went to skip Joe Allen, Bob fi the 'honours with three decisive vic-'}#Harper and Helen Stouffer with 26 | Heating and Ventilating a "tories for a score of 46 plus 21.. The | points. Mrs. Brignall and John Bir- | The School will be heated by steam Cox threesome started off with a 85-8 | kett made up Charlie: Brignall's third convectors utilizing pipe trenches to vistory over Fred DeNure's team and | place rink, any the' heating hii Thess ; then handed the Leshy skipped trio trenches run below the floor to al : : 5 ; their only defeat b [18.6 count. The club will hold its annual dinner ortions of the building and are of 2 Ib y defeat by an 184 at the Scout Hall October 29-when | P i : The final 'saw' the Cox-Cox-|® sufficient size to allow a man to walk . : : 3 al game. sa he election of officers will be held. by 14- the elec in them. To complete the school fa- ; ; ' Beare rink win over Joe Allen by Feature of the evening will be talk ; il be 5 # 5, to win the first prize. chickens, ic. | cilities all important rooms w : : S AER by Merle Letcher who will show p mechanically ventilated to insure a Fr. ) sd sa BHI 3 : ' : 2 z The entry of Len Leahy, Mabel ini Hh Conadion bowl- continual supply of fresh air to the --- ~ Boy Scout Apple D ee, "October 1 Boost 'Buy. an Apple and the Scouts!