Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Dec 1952, p. 8

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* $THE " nt 7 le EC y " Cor, "Dead Farm Stock PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1952 A can be drawn to your premises by . Webster's Transport at any time for your. convenience. Phone 389J, Port {- L "Perry. aT da "hove? Go 'in Business for yourself at 4564 Simcoe street, "South, Oshawa. Store will be vacant as.of Jan. 1, 1968. See H, V. Bate- than, 410 Athol Street, East, Oshawa. : . novetf SKATES SHARPENED--Right next "te rink. H. J. Sintzel. nov2? FOR SALE--Cedar fence posts, 40 cents each. Mixed stove wood, $16 "per cord, delivered. Ralph Larmer, R. 2, Nestleton, Phone Port Perr 196.r-11, : Dec, 4 FOR SALE--Dressed chickens for gale from 6 to 8 pounds, Gordon 'Shunk, Phone 189-r-2, Port Perry, Nov. 217. FOR SALE--Mixed Baled Hay, ap- ply J. L, Dobson, Highway 47, phone Port Ferry 125-r-16. nov, 27 FOR SALE -- Princess Pat Cook Stove, ivory enamel, good condition. Phone 122 r 28, Port Perry ~ FOR SALE--No. 1 Table Potatoes, $3.50 per 76 Ibs. 50 cents a basket. Lakeview Orchard; G. H Porter. : ; decdtf FOR --SALE--1947 Pontiac Coach, low mileage," excellent condition. Heater, fog light, good tires. A love- ly car. Phone 182M Port Perry. A SS aA 4 SRE BAR Cr ITTNOMCR Any dussiity of water | Automatic Oll' Burner sold, instéiled LP WANTED. ; and serviced by . ROBERTSON{ cle ing woman, for new Community ELECTRIC, Phone 179 of 871W, eA emorial Hospital, Port Perry. Ap- ornight. "7c © o oct28 ¢ Television Sets. For anything electric ' A augkny; "Port Perry. The "famous 'Aero Silver Flame : : HELP. WANTED -- Waitress. for | 4 OIL BURNERS week-ends. Apply Green Thistle Roat: ply, Superintendent. anitor, cook and LOST . ! HELP WANTED--Married woman desires housework. . Phone Port Perry 'Red Yearling Durham Heifer, lost |268J. Ask for Frances. from my ranch, concession 12, lot 16,] FOR SBALE--Two Yearling Leicester Township of Reach. Ear tag, right {rams. Apply Cawker Bros., Phone 29 ear, "Max Heidt, No. 464", Please call | Port Perry. Port Perry 198 r 21, Expenses will be paid. Max - Heidt, dec.4 FOR SALE--Three used oak doors, after 6 p.m, FOR SALE -- G-E Featherweight See These Fir st Automatic Steam Irons, G-E Floor Polishers, G-E Kettles, Sunbeam Shick | ~ FULLY GUARANTEED. Electric Razors, Washing Machines, 52 Ferguson 20/85 Tractor A MeOammond,. Port Pony, Cultivator HOLSTEIN - HEIFER, nearly all| Spring Tooth Harrow black, one-year-old, from ranch, lot 24, 2 Furrow 10 inch Plow concession 13, Reach. Vaccination tag All metal Tractor Cab in right ear, TB tag in left ear. Please | _ I ertilizer Spreader call 116 r 21; expenses paid. F.'H.| Ferguson Tiller Watson, Seagrave, : decll Ferguson Loader FOR SALE -- 1951 -International | * Manure Spreader L-110 Panel Truck, low mileage, good Easy Terms - Cash - Trade : tires . Ux-Spring Farms Limited, Ux- bridge, Ont. ----decd WORK-_ WANTED -- Baby sitter available. Mrs. Warriner, Phone 162J Port Perry. . WORK WANTED -- Woman, ex- perienced in store, restaurant, factory or house work, desires position. Ref- erences. Apply Box 21, Port Perry Star, 4 FOR SBALE--EIm Wood, cut in stove lengths, $16 per eord delivered; 4 ft. lengths, $16. Martyn Verkuyl, R.R4, Port Perry. : Angora Wool Non shedding Angora wool in 100 per cent Angora for sale, at $2 per oz. 50 per cent angora and nylon at "$1.36 per oz... All colors. E. Audrey | nov. 20--dec. 4 FOR A GOOD BUY See These First 63 Henry J--Overdrive--Heater 652 Morris Oxford--Air . conditioning 61 14 Ton Panel 40 Chev Coach 34 Dodge Coach Easy Terms -- Cash -- Trade British Ontario Motors LEASKDALE Jim Davidson, Port Perry, Decc.4 Bulldozing and . Excavating By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates given . WALTER KING Phone 86 23, Port Perry DEAD STOCK DEAD and CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPT- LY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL. | _ Telephone Collect. Toronto--EM-3-3636 _. Port Perry--118-r-2 GORDON YOUNG LTD. nov 80 ~ Dead Stock Co. ; w Service Dead * or erippled horses, cattle, hogs, picked up for santiary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry, 108 r 14; Uxbridge 92 r 14; Lindsay 4682. Head Office 16 r 11 Woodville. ED. PECONI Argyle," Ontario. July 68 © PICK-UP PROMPTLY Phone Collect Bowmanville 2079 : We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE Ford-motor, tires, fit up to '47; Ter- sept10 63 | 72 y eh FOR SALE -- One 1951 Gendron |- British Ontar io baby carriage. High priced model. Apply or phone Hilliard W, Stoughton, 76 r 23, Raglan. : eell| n i Motors Xs i FOR SALE -- Christmas Puppies, LEASKDALE Registered Cocker Spaniels, pply Mrs. Lorne Hoskin, R.R.1, Burketon,|Or contact our representative-- Phone Port Perry 193 r 12 decd | JIM DAVIDSON, Port Perry : 266 r 12 for Parts, Sales, Service. Save! Save! Save! lid d ize 7' x 8; d ¥ : hai plaas, ie 5. x oot. can |For @ Good Buy 61 Waterloo Tractor, Plow and : 49 Massey Tractor, Disc, Mower 3k : i : 48 Massey Tractor, Loader, Plow LLOST- 48 Ford Tractor oe Eb Ferguson 'Cordwood Saw ; FOR BALE -- Auto Parts, for V8 raplane and Chevrolet parts. Prac- : C } tically new 17 inch tires, car heaters. ustom Apply W. Ross, 8th concession, first house off Manchester highway, south Dressmaking | .|'side of road. MRS. BARRON Phone 279-R FOR RENT -- Two-roomed apart- ment, - conveniences. Abstainers. Available on: or about Dec. 16. Phone Apartment 1 Jn Carnegie Block 2115, Opposite Library .. Stock, Implements;-Ferguson Tractor, will be pleased to gerve you. the property of Frank Murphy, Lot Phone 322W Port Perry. 18, Con. 2, Brock, (at Layton) Sale| for information... at.1 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer ov 29, 1052 Master T.V CONSOLE, large screen, simple tuning, beautifully styled in walnut, mahogany or autumn © $479.00 'T-V large screen {able model. Features easy tuning, steady A : + pictures, smart styling, LOW. PRICE:........c..cccoor.rovrvns $39 Credit Terms Arranged. SPECIAL TRADE-IN OFFER, ASK US| PORT PERRY ELECTRIC * PHONE177 "WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL" : tan. WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR Auction Sales SAND, GRAVEL, 80D and LOAM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 -- Farm| ELLSWORTH KENNEDY Television The Yuletide . . , an ex- "cellent time to begin: the lasting enjoyment that a television . set 'will bring to. your home. : Select'|:. - from our large showing...|: WANTED--Used Kindergarten set, | LADIES LAWN BOWLERS Phone 26R, * : LEAGUE-- - i... 3 FOR SALE--One: pair of ladies fi- The ladies from 'the lawn bowling I] ol gure skates and Samson white boots, | club are setting quite a*pace at King | 5 size '8; Helen Honey, Phone Port n Lanes with 'a four team league. ky Perry 671-2. : Flying Saucers captained by Alma Phone 67-r-2, Port Perry. Dec.11 | piece. FOR SALE--White enamel Finley IT Condor wood and coal range, with chrome trim, in new condition. Phone 277J, Port Perry. : FOR SALE--Quantity of elm wood, J // in cord wood lengths. Apply A. B. -- Cawker, Phone 29, Port Perry. ! CORRECT TO SERVE ON ANY OCCASION HOUSE TO SHARE--9 rooms furn- ished; four bedrooms, also utility and washrooms, Situated on Water street. Apply Box 20, Port Perry Star, Annual Banquet | (Continued from Front Page) or Tory newspapers. A place had al- ready been prepared to receive them. Here they were bedded down and would remain piping hot until needed. - Sharp on the 'hour, the tables were loaded down with platters of carved up turkey cooked by members of the association, there were' dishes filled with delicious-dressing seasoned .with a light touch. There were bowls of mashed turnips well laced with butter and bowls piled high with creamy D A 'N C E mashed potatoes along with dishes of | . e ; 3. taste tempting salads. Of course no dinner was ever complete without the T gravy. , Eo The Welcome Mat was out Port Perry ' When all was ready the members : of the Club accompanied by their Hi h S he : | ig wives sat down at the three hundred 1g C 00 table places, They had come from |- -- near and far, from Kedron and Brook- » lin, from Seagrave and Greenbank, F d Y D 12 from Prospect and the Island and fom : I d ec. many other places whose names. are EEE 9 p.m. - unknown to me. The dinn~% Went gaily along for a long time -7hile cap- Sponsored by N-Durham League able hands refilled the pl'Alers and | team of Port Perry Baseball : : ; eis ------ Cox are tied for first place with Jean- | & + CHRISTMAS TURKEYS -- Order | ette Hutchinson's" Atom' Bombs with 3 your turkeys for Christmas now. |ten points each at the end of two |¥ Fhese birds are specially fed for fla- | weeks. . Buzz Bombs captained by |g vour."Heavy birds:10 cents per pound | Helen Stouffer and.the ;Duds led by | less than hen turkeys, Helen Honey, Grace Hastings have. five points a- | ¥uesg | Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited atre, Port Perry; Ont. 4 + Two Shows Nightly--7 and § pam. ms ra REP------ ar :- id c. . = THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, DEC. 45:6 _ '$ : Cornel Wilde and Teresa Wright In the All Technicolor Adventure Hit "CALIFORNIA CONQUEST" . COMEDY and SPORTS . « MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED, DECEMBER 859.10 ; Frances Langford and Tony Romano In the Sparkling Army Musical Comedy . "PURPLE HEART DIARY" 222 - 2nd FEATURE--The Exciting Outdoor Story "JUNGLE JIM IN PYGMY ISLAND" Last Complete Show starts at 8.30 p.m. * ER A SR ER SA Ll LE RR OR Ct OR POP I CONOR PRP POBORO Se ne ttt tt ee Sh a A 8 SWE 4B 4 2S SF pe swe ae ete ene ob iE RG be SE Get. Ready for WINTER! "Order Your», . ida Hix: : » and SASH NOW before the cold weather is here. THREE WEEKS DELIVERY PORT PERRY © © Phone 240 w FOO BNET TR AAD Sn Arma} fan Seng Sa A he -- 4S A. oy 4 fn Re OO CO om 2 Gilboord's Store - 7. BARGAINS GALORE = Closing Store After Christmas * H All our goods must be sold by Christmas regardless of costs. © Come in and get your share of winter and Christmas gifts. i © 0. 7. "ALEX. GILBOORD. cH OO OO OO "BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK SALES | © Sales Every Tuesday = | : 'commencing at 2°p:m. Buyers will find a wide variety of Butcher, (Feder and Dairy Cattle (Sprigers); also Feeder Pigs, (a sizes), Veal and Young Calves, and Horses. - Sales Arena heated: in winter. bowls. The pies were cut $h generous ! Club. 1. Air-conditioned in S a wedges and placed upon the tables. & - =] ; . n_Summer.. (continued next week) PHONE BELLEVILLE 1828 : FF reo i 3 , - mn : . --- Dit, .~ Skilled, tough .and proud of their reputation, Canadian Infantrymen are the finest fighting soldiers in the world. They are the top: men in the Canadian Army. Modern developments have only made the job of Infantry more complex, demanding careful training in many fields, © © Wherever they have sérved, Canadian 'Infantrymen ' have: distinguished themselves, Todhy,~in Korea and = Germany, Canada's Infantry Soldiers are once again Lah oh . demonstrating their superiority, + ..° ola . TTR % \ : . 'Report right away to: No. 13 Personnel Depot, i - Wallls House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont, hs . No. 5 Personne) Depot, : Artillery Patk, Bagot Street, Kingston, Ont. - Canadian Army Raérulting Station, : 90 Richmond St, W., Toronto, Ont, - No. 7 Personnel Depot," Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth $ts., London, Ont, Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main St. W., North Bay, Ont, 5 .. Army Recruiting Cenire, James St. Armoury, 200 James St. N., Hamilton, On, : A200W.0 5 iy ee 3 oT aony Jointhe CANADIAN ARMY The Canadian Army needs more of these men, Canada i needs more of these Iiifantry Soldiers to help maintain "our security, to-help assiré our future. For young men with the spirit of adventufe, there is challenge and satis- faction in serving with Canada's world-fanious Infantry, He ® You are eligible if you are 17 ta 40 years of age, _ physically fit and can meet Army test requirements, Applicant should bring birth certificate or other proof of age when reporting for interview, ACTIVE FORCE Nou!

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