- _ the fuss was about we humans were "til mid-night while dish-pan hands iwere forgotten and the great stacks "on this, the final'act, I made my 'way _ with stays, Jupiter, high in the heav.| Et League SCHEDULE iy BH . (Continued from last week) hg taking care of all the guests needs. special guest speaker of the evening. | a 'entering the last and final round. . The waitresses went Dusting about Finally it was time to introduce the ~The tired helpers 'were now able to "enjoy a' well-earned breather before 'At Yast everybody was on their feet: "wo ANADAM os As the guests moved out to their waiting cars, hard on their heels, the . Kitchen Committee, with 'their will< "ing helpers moved in. All that re- mained was the prize lassie, the Hol. stein cow, a miniature model, beauti- fully done in life color of black and white. I thought she looked a bit solemn-eyed as if wondering what all making, The dishes were quickly stacked, and a big pan of sudsy, surfy good hot water carried in 'and set do each table. Amidst the noise and confusion our minister and his wife, Rev. R. H, 'and Mrs. Wylie dropped in to pass along a cherry word. Everyone appreciated their interest and his "Well-Done." "The dish-washing went gaily on un- washed, dried and packed away right down to the last borrowed cup, all were clean as a bright new pin, When the curtain had rung down homeward along with my neighbors. We walked up the hill and along the now deserted street past the darkened houses. 1 looked down across mile - wide Lake Stugog to the dark shape | of the Talapd, beyond, «- Befare entering my home I paused for a moment to look up into the night sky with the heavens bright ens was the brightest of them dll'and wink down: . B, A I i seemed io sty me : 'Wednesday, Jan. 28 lookéd at the bright star I thought, Thank God for our churches and for the selfless women who keep alive and carry. on our traditions, Ca LZ ean an 1952-3 Tri-County Friday, Dec. 26 Cannington va. Cambray Keswick vs. Little Britain - Port 'Perry vs. Sutton Saturday, Dec. 27 - Coboconk vs. Woodville __Cambray vs. Haliburton Tuesday, Dec. 30 _ Haliburton vs. Cannington Woodville vs, Port Perry Little Britain vs. Sutton Keswick vs, Coboconk. Friday, January 2 Port Perry vs. Little Britain Coboconk vs. Cambray Baturday, January 3 - Keswick vs. Woodville - Sutton va, Haliburton Tuesday, January '6 ¥ Port Perry vs. Cannington » Little Britain vs. Keswick: "4 Haliburton ys, Cambray' Thursday, Jan. ..8 * Sutton vs. Port Perry : " " Coboconk vs. Little Britain Friday, Jan. 9° Woodville vs. Sutton Saturday, Jan. 10 Cambray vs. Woodville Little Britain vs. Coboconk Cannington vs. Sutton "Port Perry vs. Haliburton Monday, Jan. 12 . Haliburton vs. Sutton Tuesday, January 13 ~Woodville vs, Cannington Keswick vs. Cambray Coboconk vs, Port Perry Thursday, Jan, 13 Woodville vs. Little Britain Sutton vs. Cambray Saturday, Jan. 17 Little Britain vs. Haliburton Cannington vs. Coboconk Port Perry vs. Keswick Sutton vs. Woodville Tuesday, Jan, 20. Little Britain vs. Caimington Haliburton vs, Port Perry Woodville vs. Cambray Wednesday, Jan. 21 Cambray vs, Coboconk Thursday, Jan. 22 Cannington vs. Little Britain Friday, Jan. 28 : "Keswick va, Sutton i Port Perry vs. Cambray Saturday, Jan, 24 Coboconk vs. Haliburton Cannington. vs. Woodville Tuesday, Jan. 27 Haliburton vs, Coboconk 'Sutton vs, Cannington Cambray. va. Port Perry - Woodville vs. Keswick Thursday, Jan. 29 x Haliburton va, Little Britain Friday, Jan. 30 Cannington -vs. Sutton . Little Britain vs. Cambray Keswick vs. Port Perry Saturday, Jan. 81 Coboconk vs. Keswick Port Perry va. Woodville Cannington vs. Haliburton Tuesday, Feb, 3 Little Britain vs, Port Perry Cambray vs, Cannington Wednesday, Feb. 4 Haliburton vs. Keswick Woodville va. Cahoconk Thursday, Feb. 5 S Sutton vs. Little Britain Friday, Feb. 6 Cannington vs. Port Perry Coboconk vs. Sutton Sutton vs. Keswick You can be sure that your guests will. welcome this year-around fayourite .~ always in perfect taste. fr Make Coke part of your holiday greetings Authorized bottler of Coca Cola uindys contract with Coca. Cola Ltd, UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES LIMITED Uxbridge Phone 25W | Saturday, Feb. 7 Haliburton vs. Woodville Monday, Feb, 9 Cambray vs. Sutton Tuesday, Feb, 10 Keswick vs, Cannington Little Britain vs Woodville Wednesday, Feb. 11 . Port Perry vs. Coboconk Thursday, Feb. 12 : :k '5 Cambiay vs. Little Britain , Friday, Feb, 13 : Coboeonk v8, Cannington Saturday,' February 14 . ET Woodville vs. Haliburton = Cambray vs. Keswick '| Monday, Feb. 16 = Keswick vs, Haliburton Sutton vs, Coboconk --- Te... ---- Prince Albert (held over from last week) The Women's Association met in the Sunday School room on November the 26th. Mrs. E. Martyn presided. This was ur Christmas meeting, as there will be no meeting in December. YA Christmas Hymn was sung. The appropriate Bible reading from Luke Martyn and the beautiful verses by Mrs. G. R. Smith, Reports were read. Proceeds from Bazaar $116. Visiting Committee reported one visit made. It was decided to continue charging four dollars for quilting, A motion carried that we give $250 toward the decoration of Church. We are grateful to Mrs, c. Snel- '| 4 served lunch. 2nd Chapter wads read by Mrs. W. | ," Good news for those who long for relief = from rheumatic pain, but feel hopeless! | grove for a donation of $5. We were pleased to welcome Mrs, Hooper as a new member, "Joy to the World" was sung and the Mizpah benediction repeated, followed by a vocdl duet by Mrs. B. Snelgrove and Mrs. Luke, "Higher Ground", Grogp * Mrs. G. R: Smith, Miss E. 'Spence, 'Mrs. McKerihan and Mrs. Luke at-| tended the Special W.' A, Service at agrave Sunday night to hear the fine talk by Mrs. Spratt. The. attendance at Church School | : on Sunday was over £0. A very neau- p tiful film was shown, "When the Litt- lest Camel Knelt" . The story was res} corded and accompanied by soft music | ona record player. Truly the nicest | picture that has been shown and was | in colors, All enjoyed seeing it. We are pleased to have Rev. My. Joblin back, after an abscehce of several Sundays. Miss L. Stanton, Brooklin, visited, in the village on Sunday, - T Gy The Sunday School executive will meet at Mrs. Newnham"s home on Friday night, a Pn -- Rheumatic PAIN Thousands get speedy! relief from rheu- matic and arthritic suffering by using T-R-C's. Don't let dull, wearisome aches, and sharp stabbing pains handicap you any longer. Try ergoleton's T-R-C's today, Only 65c. $1.38 druggists, 1.844 BT coal'. the color guarantees the quality! Reesor Fuel and Lumber "PHONE 73 PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1952 -- 7 Only you can decide how you can cut fuel costs this winter, have constant warmth, and safeguard family health. But, before you decide on any fuel, learn first about 'blue coal', Find- out the advantages that make it known as the world's : finest anthracite--how it gives steadier winter heat, cleaner and more healthful operation--how it saves money, saves labor. Phone us today, . Port Perry, Ontario Here's '53 Mercury . and controlled ro daility. 3-WAY CHOICE IN TRANSMISSIONS +. Merc-0-Matic Drive or Touch-O-Matic Overdrive (both optional at extra cost) or Silent-Ease 3 Synchronized Standard Transmission, Unified Design also nicans flowing lines, distinctive styling, com. bination bumper. grille, "Interceptor" instrument panel, "Space- planned" interiors. Mercury's new, improved, high-compression V-8 125 Hp. engine delivers more power and economy. Examine '53 Merny +. it's the greatest yeu! White sidewall Mires, coar fender shields, and bumper-grille guards are optienal af extra cost, . with exclusive Unified Design, where > chassis-engine-hody blend to give greater Somos convenience -- More THON ever - INiLeS aeap Here it is! The new 533 Meteor « «greatest value in the low price field! Miles ahead with advanced styling «+ «miles ahead with striking new body colonrs amd upholstery fabrics ©. . miles ahead with a- wreatly ime proved "ride system that sets a entively new-standard --s- of safer, quieter, smoother riding And '53 Meteor offers three die tinctive series--iwo instrument, panels--two V-8 engines including 120 Hp; Fury® V-8--three" teaniinisdons, Sed the exerting new *53 Meteor on display now! = «the greatest yet! introduces unified design [2 see them... your Mercury- lincoln-Meteor dealer's 3-WAY CHOICE IN TRANSMISSIONS © Merc-O-Matic Drive or Touch-O-Matic Overdrive (both optional at extra cost) or Silent-Ease Synchronized Standard Transmission, y Sg AN i EA re A aS A va ¥ SA SA a Pe xs oN