Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Mar 1953, p. 2

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= >. Te Ali, Yo by =z RA i ml a Aone ey SS Se A BA rk oh, oe Aw pe, . 14 Feggy Creator REL Margaret Oriole Roeland __Rag Apple __ 'Sale at 12 sharp; Cattle 2----THE PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, MARCH 19th, 1953 AUCTION SALE Holstein Cattle 23 Reglstered--20 Grades--Fully Ace. Blood Tested and-Vaceinated. Farm. Implements, - Tractors, Et. Tuesday, March 24 . The property of -- ; B. H. Muirhead R.1, Todmorden, Agincourt Zone2-306 Don Mills: Road and Lawrence Ave, 3% miles east of Yonge St., (No. 11) and Lawrence Ave, Toronto REG. AND GRADE CATTLE - 1 Mary Supreme Antony, Dec. 4, 1949, vace., 14006, fresh, Sept. 4. 2 'l'erraview rosch Fan A, (twin), May 1, 1947, vace. BUZ-T8KY, bred Feb. 20, 3 Elsie Man-O-War Antony, Sept, b, 1¥o0, vace. 74194Q6, fresh, Feb, b. vace. 74327Q06, fresh, Nov. 28, 4 voris Brenua Uenol, March 14, 1v4Y, vace. 74327Q6, tresh Nov, 2¥, b VU. 11. OU, Champion l'eake, eb. 27, 19bU,. vace. blyoiSo, bred Sept. 1Y, 6 O.HiU, Moves Posch Dutehlana, July y, 1Y4Y, vace. 01Y4U8b, due March 6, to Kembro Texal Sovereign. 1 Aga Pluto Oriole, July 2u, 1949, Tsuyl X4, bred Sept. 16. 8 Aga Segis Rag Apple, July 26; 1Ya6, 3948313, bred uct, 16 Y Aga Uriole Greta, April 15, 1949, Isud'1A4, bred Oct. 22. 10 Maple Hedge Wayne 3rd, Feb, 12, 191, vace, 67227Q. 11 Maple Hedge Ehzabeth 2nd, Mar, 1u, 1961, vace, 67228Q6, bred Dec, 2 12 Maple Hedges slona It. A., Nov. 23, 1yol, vaer, 33676V0. 18 Laisy Willow Slope Korndyke, Sept. 16, 1ubl, vace. 3369V6, bred rev, 6, Ladky lad, July 2, 1901, vace,-38086V 6, bred eb. 11 10 Maple Hedge, Janet (twin), Oct. 11, 1900, vace, 67221Q6, bred Nov. 10 16 Catherine Segis Sovereign Wal- luce, July 1, 1902, vace. 62966Q0 1% lata Creator DeKol Browtop; Nov 28, 1052, 6296446 Sovereign Wal- lace, July 20, 1962, vace. 6296646 1y Linda Canary Crusader, Aug 8&8, 1uu2, vace, 6298746, 20 Sharon 'T'exal Trixie, Nov. 238, 1952, LLYGBLG. 21 Jean Dutchland Rebudyiie Come t, March 8, 1962, vace, 33688V6, 22 Gloria = Man-U-War ercign, Feb, 7, 1963. Herd sire used for the above breeding except number six, Herd Sire: Mawkherst R. R. A. Marksman Bert, Oct. 19, 1961. Sire: Marksman. Dam: 'Hawkherst Bertha Empress | (Good Plus) 3y 306, 2x 13,776, 654, 4.02--4y 300 plus 2x 12,014, 471, 3.07. List of breeding available on re- request, ii Texal Sov- GRADE 8 Milk Cows ) 9 bred Heifers and 8 yearlings IMPLEMENTS M-H Tractor, 44, new 1961 M-H Tractor, 102: Senior M-H 6-ft. Clipper Combine___ H-H Pick-up for Clipper, 1952 Case 28-ft. Hay and Grain Elevator, 1952. Tractor Snow Plow, hydraulic lift. Tractor Snow Plow, hydraulic lift with buckets. Ford Army Truck (new engine) with stock rack and snow plow M-H. Double Disc Harrow M-H 17-tooth Cultivator _M-H_16-tooth Cultivator -- Cockshutt Manure Spreader, 4 wheels Oliver Manure Spreader, 2 wheels, on rubber M-H Spring- -tooth" Harrow 2--b-section Drag Harrows 2 Rubber-tire Wagons with racks M-H Rubber-tire Wagon roller bearings 2-Wheel Trailer Cockshutt Side-delivery Rake new 1961 M-H 12:ft, Dump Rake M-H No. 8 Hay Loader, steel botfom, 1950 " Case Hammer Mill wih piping, 1950 M-H Grain Drill, 18 spouts, fertilizer © and seed ~ MeC-D. 6-ft. Mower . Cockshutt 7-ft. Power Mower DelL.aval Milking Machine, 3+=units 2 Moffatt Electric Pail Heaters IHC Milk Cooler, 4 cans) "1HC 7-ft. Grain Binder M-H 8-ft. Grain Binder M-H Corn Binder : M-H Corn Scuffler, 2-row 100 feet Hay Steel Track with car- ~~ riage, fork and rope 3:Section Land Roller Scuffler, 1960. Double-mould Plow Turnip Seed Drill, Steel Posts 'Paosthole Digger. 17 rolls Snow.Fence 1 toll 10-strand Fence Garden Drill "6 rolls used Barb Wire. Platform Scales. Wagon Gear Power Emery Stone, Milk Cart (4 cans) Milk Cart (1° can) Steel Feed Hopper Chute 12 Water Bowls and large float _Set Stewart Electric Clippers. 3 new Gem Electric Fencers 3 used Electric Fencera 2 Electric. Motors, 60-cycle Forced Water Pump, 1%" . 3 Water Troughs, ~Cyelone Seeder , 2 Pig or Calf Crates, good ates: White Wooden Gites. with irons Circular Saw with shan le steel frame 1949 __McClary Range. Moffatt Electric goal) ete, Large Dog House. Small Paint Sprayer Tractor Tire, 18x26, G- Pe like Pump Jack new Cash Bethesda W. A. operating lunch booth KEN and CLARKE PRENTICE, : Auctioneers. .'2 Tractor Belts | *- Epsom Mrs. Mac. Cannell's Aunt Mrs. Cum- ming .has returned to Epsom after spending several weeks With,friends in Toronto. 'Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Huggins "and {Kenneth .and. Mrs. Murdy of 'Orillia spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Gord- on- Jeffery. k Mr: and Mrs. Ray Munro and tamily attended the Sportsman Show in Tor- onto on Saturday. © Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Newell. of Tor- onto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Neeson on' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hill and family spent Saturday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, F. St. Clair with Mr. and Mrs. M. St. Clair for the week- end. Miss M. Bailey of Whitby spent the week-end 'with her mother Mrs. A. Bailey. . Mrs. Graham of Wick spent a few days last week with 'her daughter Mrs. R. Munro and family. 'Mrs. C. Morrison, Miss B. Luke of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Hooper of Saintfield with their mother Mrs, P. Luke on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Rogers, Kim and Jay of Bowmanville with Mr, and Mrs. W. Rogers on Sunday. 'Mr. M. Bailey was in Toronto last week attending the Annual Beef Cat: tle Sale. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Art Reeves is recovering nicely after being ll, Master Jeff. Bailey had his name program last Wed. night--we all hope draw is made and win the Car, Mis. "McKercher of .Uxbridge was in the Village last-week visiting rela- tives. = Prince Albert ~~ Fourteen members of the Good Neighbours Service €lub met at the home of Jessie Bond on Monday even- ing. President 'Elinor Davidson was In charge and the meeting opened by re- peating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Secretary Merle Murphy read the min- utés and business concerning the pur- chasing' of chairs was discussed. The Chair Committee were given permis- sion to purchase two doz. or move, "Reports were given on the. Tele- about $30 .was realized. To raise money for April we de- cided on having some afternoon or evenihg teas. the home of Fay Stein and will have a novel arrangement and a program, so be on your toes girls. The refreshment committee are Christine Parkinson, Lorrine Wilson | and Florence Smith. PATTERSON' g- Appliance Store The best place your Power "Chair Saws; --Dairy--Equipment--and Electric Appliances. eal See the new 1953 Saw Models: 'Mall, Hornet, Henry Diston, P. M. Rocket, P. M. Torpedo,' Homelite. From $209.00 up, 4 H.P; 6 HP. * Parts and Supplies 0il, Grease for all saws Orders mailed same day received. EAE * Repairs, parts, attachments, sup- plied for all Saws, Washers, Vacuum Cléaners, Polishers; Expert' repair service by factory trained mechanics. When ordering parts, serial and part number, B See the new 1953 vacuum cleaners hefore you buy any others--Eureka, Connor, G.E.,, Apex. With ten new features, that are amazing to see in action. Orders delivered anywhere, if possible, ' p * \ BIG CLEARANCE SALE-- Used Power Saws, $96.00 up. Used Electric Washers, $39 up. * Used Vacuum Cleaners, $19 up Used Gas Engine Washers, $89 up Used Stoves and Oil Burners $29 up Used: Refrigerators, Ice Boxes, Cook Stoves, Heaters, Milkers, Separators, All Guaranteed. Easy Terms. Write or Phone for our salesman to eal. --- Ck PATTERSON'S APPLIANCE 'STORE, 'Where your cash buys the most" 386 Water Street, Peterboro iPhone 9033 Cedar Creek Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Blain entertained on Sunday, March 8th, for their 'was celebrating her birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs, George Burnett |. and daughter Georgeen, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Porter and chil- dren, Louise, Loraine and Fred Jr, of Oshawa, and 'Mr. and Mrs, John Greenwood and children Séndra, Robt. and Lednard. 7k their cousin Herbert Brawn, of Mount Carmel, wefe Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Steele and Mr. Elgin White, ° - Mrs. Joe Mosienki, Miss Flossie Spencer and John and Richard Spen- cer and Russell Corner attended Mr, Otto Spencer's sale at Bethany last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Wm, Steele spent Thursday afternoon and evening at Raglan 'with Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Slute and Linda. Mr. and. Mrs. Lewis Stinson and girls of Cadmus, visited Thursday afternoon at the Harris home. George Kilpatrick visited 'Allen of Brooklin, on Friday afternoon at daughter, Mrs, John Greenwood, who |. Misses Effie and Greta Brawn and Mr: and Mrs. Wm: New, of Port Perry were Sunday visitors at the Spencer home. We are sorry to hear that Mr, H. Martyn has been ill and under the doctor's care. Greenbank A euchre party will be held in the Greenbank Community. Hall, on Wed. nesday. Proceeds in aid of Commun- ity Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. The tickets on the blanket will be drawn, Nn Mrs. Ed. Balfe spent Saturday with } ind Mrs. Tom Bushby. : We are sorry to hear that Mr. Bill Walker is ill 'and we wish him a speedy recovery. : Miss Faye Beare was home over the week- end. - We extend our sympathy to the At- kinson family on the very serious fire that completely ruined, their home on Saturday evening. The W. A. will be held an Wednes- day, March 26, in the hagement of the church at 2,30, Notice the change in drawn in *The Chiclets Take a Chance' |, Jeff. will be lucky when the final | phone Euchre held last' Saturday and ue The April meeting will be. held at 8 H.P. We rebuild any make of saw. give model; | Free demonstration on any product. Auxiliary The March Meeting of the Evening ¥ room. = Mrs. Heard's group. gave a very interesting account of the Study Book on the 'Unmet Needs of Africa'. meeting will by held at she home of Auxiliary was held in the Sun day 8. At the close of the meeting the Ladies Mrs. 8. Griffin, x » 175% i 'Percentage of Price increases py in Canada since Ss MATERIALS "index of total' Iron prodwch INDEXES SHOW AVERAG i 0 HOURLY RATES COMMODITIES FARM PRODUCTS FARM WAGE IMPLEMENTS RATES » Average hewrly rates of "Toto Inde. of ol index of Massey Heirs bagiurly/ Sigh ant He Saredinn inden of form Canadien Plonn "made form Inplomonts. : Ad i ep 5 is 8 de rR ' A ee a Ssery) Hepial, Allen is day. Kathleen Hook's group in charge. A. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Corner and| Last Sunday 10 girls who belong to 1 M P L E M E N T P R 1 c E Ss Myrtle moved to Raglan or Saturday. | the Young Worshiper's League re- AT L ow LEV (They are living .in part of the Roy [ceived their pins. The previous Sun- Brawn house. .day eight boys iy : EL OF INCREASE 7 : That implement ices have been kept at a low level is clear she = own the comparison of Dominion Bureau of Statistics index Slearly show apy SE _ pe an increase in all dies Sines 1941 of 82. 8% as against an in a comparable index 'for assey-Harris imp ts of only 66.6%. Summer Fresh : All Year Round - low percentage of increase, too, is shown in I Sh Ree of an rT in the iy : . . index figure for materials of 93.99 and of Masog Horn hourly rates of pay - = : y k F : d F d ; of 1659, as can be 8 seen by referring to the chart shown above. : Sy or ; rosie 3 00 S : 66.50, th indexes show that while | farm implements have . ; © there has been an increase in the price of far : FANCY QUALITY FROZEN FOODS : the scarcity of farm labour has caused rie wage ets b to v4 Jr . : ® FISH ® MEATS eo POULTRY ® : - The partial absorption of the increased costs of materials and labour has Y CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING sie I "heen made possible by the continued great world demand for farm hous has : $ s ] 1 ization giving a volume that permits a low ratio of selling: expenses 'and rn C A Ww X E R B R 0 S high operating efficiency in manufacturing. : : "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" MASSEY HARRIS C nei \ a OND OMPANY, LIMITED a 2 © Makers of high-quality farm implements since 1847 _------ - = » : Ea re : EEE SH nA EAL RE a NC + i Sy with & millon miles behind if | ERE, in literal fact, is the Most . Naturally, this spectacular . BEAL advanced V8 engine ever new V8has been proved--by - g 1 did i : placed in a standard-production eight years of developing, testing, : ha Bi "automobile, improving, perfecting--and more --§lit:1s the first such V8 to reach ari 8.5 - than a million miles of driving tol compression ratio, and the first. through desert, mountains, cities 2 with a dynamic flow muffler that and plains. Only then did' Buick cuts power 1088 to zero. engineers mark it: Released for ( It 1s the first V8 to utilize vertical S{odusiion: Or { valves. together with a 12-volt ut these hard-to-please engineers " . electrical system instead of the usual 88ve these Golden Anniversary 6. It is also the first designed with Buicks far more than new power. «new "T" type intake manifold to Theygavethem, too, astill finer ride, replace the 'Y"' type conventionally * more superb comfort, new braking used in V8s. " power and handling ease--and a sen- i! It is, quite simply, the first V8 Fire- . 8ationalnew Twin-Turbine Dynaflow : ! ball Engine--the engine that brings Drive? thatadds new quiet and whip- Senge ins vi electrifying 'performance to the fast getaway to absalutesmoothness. IN 80 OREAT YEARS greatest Buicks in fifty great. years-- Nothing, we believe, will do more ; aks Slag A the engine that powers the 1953 justice to your automobile dollars : Seni a - Buick Roadmaster with 188 hp, and or to your love of magnificent motor- \ the 1953 Buick Super with up to 170, * ing--than a visit to us right now. % Standard on Readmaitir, optional a extra colt on oHbor Sore usted =--WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM 2, : +ARCHER MOTOR SALES rt

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