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Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Mar 1953, p. 3

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A & Member of : The Canadian Weekly Newspapers ie TH Assoeiation . ei wet : STAR EDITORIAL PAGE Port Perry, THURSDAY, " MARCH 19th, Ontario, 1953 Church al Society This is Book Week and we can 'afford to take afew Minutes to think a bit about i books: ELS - John Coser Po Howys. one of the great | authoritios nglial 'Literature, said that a ' successful without ~ books, he'can; row "rich without hooks, he can tyrannize over his fellow-man with- out hooks ; but without books he cannot see . God, he cannot live in a present that is To ries : Siac A 2% y . Canada by Dr. O. M. McConkey. Those with # more philosophical bent and-a de- sire to understand the world in a more meaningful way. than one is apt to get: from reading' the: daily newspaper will he fascinated by Professor A. N. Whitehead's chatged with the past and pregnant of the future: "A man will tell you that he can think for himself and so has no need for books but you will not be long in his without discovering that his re- actions, his original thoughts, his wit, of which he is so proud, are nothing but the tags and commonplaces of old folk-shrewd- ness dropped from still more- ancient books into the crowded market- places of long ago. ~ Further on he observes that all reading Adventures of Tdeas. * There are many luteresting. Ifttle books written 'about business correspond- ence and one of the best is entitled Effect. ive Letters in Business by Robert L. Shur- ton. For those who like to know about their own country there are books by Hutchison which givd\y many years of costly travel. These people will enjoy, too, Halifax---Warden of the North by Thomas H. Raddall, If you are particularly interested in people and-who isn't, you shouldn't neglect, The Mature Mind by H. A. Qoverstreet and ou a finer picture . of Canada than you are likely to gét in 9. M. Letcher, H. Archer, Jim Caw- ker, G. Manning, A. L. McDermott, W. M. Bowes, H. Peel, Archie Farmer and M. A. Gerrow were elected Direc- tors of the Port Perry Rink Company. Appointed as associate lady directors Port Perry edged Prince Albert 3-2 "Company we can supply nearly any and Scugog whipped Myrtle 4-2, rubber stamp within a week or 10 ; days. LAR LT 00 5 SUT F. W. Brock and Son advertise Print ~ APPARENTLY all governments Dresses 'New for Spring' --tubfast-- and government officials think the ee pattérns--$11 weekly papers are just sitting back with columns of empty space waiting for their opinions. THE PORT PERRY STAR 'Established 1864 he Port Perry Stay, is Star' Company Limited, Thursday. "Office Department, Ottawa. Mrs, S. Farmer, President. « - W. A Farmer, Vice-President. . I. A, Boyd, Secretary-Treasurer, SUBSCRIPTION RATE--$2.00 per year in advidee, ~ $8.00 per year outside Canada. 1 Queen street, Port Perr, Authorized 'as Second Class Mail by t! e Post past that some dominion or provincial government department or official from many countries forwards some "bulky banter of little or no Interest' locally; Last week was no exception ns the Ontario government's budget fdcts, some 100 pages crowded the mail box, Fortunately we salvaged one line about Port Perry from the "info and a shiny new paper clip. 'Is published by the Port "perry editor figures he could go to Queen's Park or Ottawa and save the amount - of his income tax-and cut the sales tax "in half in a few hours of slashing mailing lists and editing press re- leases! : i -- Single copy 6 cents, Not a week goes: 3 _have undestaken. . the Kinsmen Club, : . the same province. 4 --even from the lowest motivess-brings Just: Human by Frank Crane. Ba i in foneh with ne vou owing side or Our world is beset with advertising, umanity's seconc thoughts upon its fate good and bad, and to better understand under the sun. That is the whole thing. our pre ; : : present day society there is The. Ac- Below the formless chaos of chance and _ guisitive Society by R. H. Townley . accident and blind occasion, below the ~~ And tow back 1 P : Hy ; Hadas oe senseless bludgeonings,--the meaningléss it) un v ay 0 H'OWys bi oon bp jolts, 'the brutal shocks, the infinite dis- ~~ Wi 44% mos Sycepingy b ong ; the gusts, the unspeakable loathifigs, below Pobrasy : e FrOsaes 'e ie sha oweat, WH the intolerable monotonies and the barren mos! me SArama 10-01. ti % arly with wastelands, flows over large and free and gi.gometh ing, Some fede HOD 08 deathless, . refusing none, welcoming- all, Seles Some. Stgljen on So on o the boundless ocean of books. & the Dees Lhat 108 ne) ol jn 0 ° on And what, an ocean! Some people 00C 0 are man's ra lona pr is ; : against the unreasoning, man' s protest think books mean a- world of unreality, a : : B against the implacable, man's ideal against world of fiction, an escape to another land th A ; : i hk e world's real, man's word against the but how wrong they -are for there are : lumi life t th hooks for all things and all people. + cosmic dum mess, man's 8 1r1e agains ne ™ of b h planetary death, man's revelation of the ° Kean, % leient, business vi 4 d God within him, man's reply to the God has no time for books wi i pee ds min without him. Whoever touches a hook 4 he can Spare a men to Ww by q 'touches not only a man but Man. Man is an on the Assembly Line by Walker anc thé animal who weeps and laughs and ____ Guest.or Making Work Human by Glen ] fir h b ) Writes. If the first Prometheus brought : U. Cleeton. Farmers who find: little in fire from heaven in a ofennel-stalk, the ; : books might consider with delight such last will take it back-in a Book. - : 'publications: as Our Plundered Planet by - Mio AA Fairfield Osburn or the 2 on to Survival AND SOME PEOPLE NEVER READ by William Vogt 0 or even Conservation in BOOKS. : wo THE PASSING SHOW ~ STAR- lights pig by "M.A. Cc." SIGNS OF THE TIMES ?--Accord. One of the most poigiant and force- with princes, princesses, kings and Ing to unconfirmed reports a suspi- ful pieces of advertising we ever en: queens . .. you sce we have never Cious car was noticed parked .on a- countered' was the sign on 1 the blind been any of these things. street near the business section in the "early hours of the morning. Mindful beggar. « 5% n of break-ins in recent years by thieves -- Its Springtime and I'am blind. Ontario government took one lovk iy cars who were reported to have ve at Ontario's liquor-bill and introduced watched certain. business premises be- --- a bill to set up clinics for alcoholics | fore entering, some citizens became Farouk has supplied newsmen with this is really a ense iquidating its aroused. One 'citizen observed the more of the worst news than any other responsibilities. mysterious car not too far from a gas figure of modern times 3 . IHS won- raya station and then investigated. He op- 4 han It Nin oon ered impor--- We don't think - Dro will: ever do- ened ihe) doo of he Ite model car . * feat the Liberal. government . . the oly to find two friendly teen- App hh only hope for that seems to lie 'With ¢ abulined iy Risgion ii pairiter We think of the horse and buggy the Liberal Party itself and we have out the Noss! ilittes of a prin ora days as being rather slow but in those NO doubt that in time it will achieve holdup. "There's 1io hold-up here, : y 4 bh its own defeat at terrific expense of replied the young miss curtly and the v- days you could rattle down thé main- otra _youthful couple, unmindful" of the 4 Breet howd J dobbin 2 Eno id ak : am, hour, drove into a laneway and ----miles-an-hour------now-we-cr on CE ft : continued 'their arking. =F behind traffic at about five miles per yy apnears on the record that our * =D * x hour. . . and this is the age of speed! pearson is Pearson Non grata with MOTORISTS who obtained their 1s it the love of pageantry that is: jo Ryusiany. - 1953 motor vehicle permits and driv- luring so many people to the corona- ; : ! 2 - : +x a ers licenses hefore yesterday's(March tion or is it clever publicity? It could San p : 1 : 18) deadline will have priority in allo- be other things but we are kind of We V3. good 'movie the other tom of the new Coronation Year Of stupid in our thinking when it comes night a he shock was almost too S0H'ON OF the new Lor ; to figuring out: affairs that have to do. great ficial rond maps issued by the Ontario :IBUTIng on : X + BrenLs Department of Highways. --A bonus _ for proniptness? » * hk x ; Looking Back 15 Years "DISGUSTED" --We arc still hold- " ing your annonymous letter in hopes > : : that you will forward your name and From the files of the Port Perry Star, were: Grace Davis, Mrs. M. Beare, address so that your comments may he ° : Thursday, March 17, 1938-- Mrs. W. M. Letcher, Mrs. H. H. Stone, i104 % The Chiropractors of America have Mrs. Ronald Peel and Mrs. I. R. Rent- ; * kk . decided to erect a memorial to David ley: : 9 FOR THOSE BUSINESSMEN who Daniel Palmer, who was born in Port TEE dislike repetitious signing or writing Perry in 1838 and who was the found: R, Cornish and N. Deshane had ©f names or addresses, The Star has er of chiropracty. "plenty to handle in refereeing the the Arka Just order a "ohber iY xn '% rural hockey 'league semi-finals as Stamp: As agents for C.W. Mac "it any wonder that any humble weekly Clipped Comments IT'S NICE TO HAVE CR! From the middle of 'Novembek up' until the time of wr iting itis amazing how many people have commented on show mild the winter has been and how= £5, lucky Bowmanville is to have artificial ice this year. Hotkey fans and skaters have all had-a field day this winter with something doing every night at the Memorial Arena as well as many afternoons and some mornings tod. How different thé Saturday nights' are in town this year when we are sure there will be ice in the arena for the scheduled hockey 'games. The credit : for this. project and all the praise for bringing about this near- miracle belongs in one place only. We take our hats off -- to the town's news est, youngest and smallest club--the Kinsmen Club, A seeiee It is-through their combined efforts that our children and adults are en- joying a full winter's activities of skating, hockey, carnival: and other entertainment. Few people realize the work this small and energetic group of Kinsmen To start with they raised over $15,000 by various means to get the. artificial ice fund under- way. Then of this they have undertaken to pay off the town's $25, 000 debenture that was needed in ad- dition to the $15,000 to install the- ar- tificial ice equipment, Only those who "have attempted to "raise money for public causes can ap- preciate the cedit due the members of For the next ten years they-must raise at léast $3,000 a 'year, in good and poor times, to pay off this debt. They reserve every bit of help they can get for providing . Bowmanville and district With this worthwhile institytjon. On 'behalf of the citizens, we take this opportunity to thank the Kinsmen for their efforts and to wish them well in their campaign to raise' money for their artificial ice fund and other~ heneficial projects to come in the fu- . he eT he-Canadian Statesman; -- 2 ; Bowmanville. Farm Facts YOUTH TAKES THE INITIATIVE There have been growing misgiv- ings among statisticians that the av- erage Canadian farmer is getting too old, the assumption being that youth is fleeing the farm for better oppor- tunities in urban centres. Recent events, however, have shown that farm life can hold a rosy future for the rural youngster. There is the case of 19-year-old Ronald Leonhardt of Druniheller, Alta." on his father's farm and harvested 60 bushels per acre in the fall. He en- tered a sampling at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto--and won the world's wheat champion. Last year another Alberta youth--- Howard Roeppel---was world's wheat king and in 1950 the crown was cap- tured by 13-year-old Ricky Sharp of At the 1952 Royal a youngster from Ridgetown, Ont.-- Daniel Clunis ----- was awarded the world's championship in soybeans. The fact that these boys nosed out veteran growers for the world's high- est honors indicates there are rich op- portunities for youth on the farm. This. was realized, of course, by the early sponsors of the growing junior farmer movement--the 4-H Club. This organization was formed to give farm youth (boys and girls) a better -under- standing of farming as a way of life and farming as a business. Today there are some 60,000 young farmers belonging to 4-H Clubs across Canada, Among. these are young Leonhardt, Roeppel and Sharp. An organization' which can help mould three successive world wheat kings certainly merits the praise of every Canadian, "BALLET High : School Gym Teacher--Mary Brother wood _Principal--Irene Harvey _ window on the appointed day: "let me." Last-April he | planted three acres of 'Marquis wheat TAP Ar Conditioning Register for Classes Saturdays 10 to 11 Furnace am. ; hi Port Perry avestr oug ing 1 FROZEN EGGS ARE POP UJAR: Last year about 18 million pounds of frozen eggs were processed in Canadian plants for use by "the bakery and confectionery trade and for making such foods as ice- cream, may onnuise and macar oni, Processingis 'done in plants approved hy the Federal Department of Agriculture and the product is graded on a biusis of bacterial count and the solid vontent, Key to a good product is the hand:breaking of the eggs, and good eggs are used, prevents deterioration, Processi season, oT operators;-hy- sense of sinell and visual observation, assure that only Rapid freezing immedinte 1ythe eggs are broken ng is done duging the flush egg Weekly Smile A Scotchman owned a store. For several weeks his business was not as it had formerly heen. He decided to give a gift to each customer on a certain day and placed a sign in his "Coat hanger and cigar lighter given away free with each purchase. " The people swiarlned his store, and -ench customer received. a-nail and a mateh! X XxX. Xx Fiither: "Well, son, your bride? ------ Groom: "No, dad, but I believe she'd did iY ou kisy | Austin C. A. Bathie DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic' College, Toronto For appointment Phone 205R PORT PERRY. "10 cents per mile. DISTRICT DOINGS Uxbridige--Town council is cotisider: 3: ing: a proposal to build a new muni-, cipal building. here. 'Reeve Rae Fer- guson agreed with the suggestion put 2 forward by A. Whitney -and said that council should have proper building in which to meet. A committee Was ; appointed to bring w report at - the: next meeting regarding the possibility of securing suitable premises, Pickering -- :Johi S. Balsdon, W. Grant Messer, John Harry Purvis and Gordon H, Bray are the newly elected councillors of this village's first coun- cil. About 65 per cent of the voters, cast 303 ballots. _Cannington--J. J. Rothberg, of Sut- ton, a native of Melfort, Saskatche- wan, is opening a dry good and shoe store in the building formerly oceu- pied by Frank Brandon. A resident of Sutton for the past year, Mr. Roth- berg served three years in the Cana- dinn Army and has"T6 years exper- ience in selling shoes and dry goods. Lindsay -- Harold G. Pollock, who spent a-few of his early years on a farm near Blackstock, was featured in a 'Personality Sketch™in the Wat- chman-Wardér. A native of Toronto, Mr. Pollock served on the sales staff of National Carbon Company for-26 = years before coming to Lindsay as Secretary-manager of the Chamber of Commerce three years ago. <r . Stouffville--George Coppins, a resi- "dent of the 4th concession of Uxbridge Township is the new Warble Fly In- spector for that aren: - His salary will he $1 per hour, plus an allowance of Johny Sheehy will be employed as assistant operator at the same hourly rate. Sutton--=Several local relatives at- tended the 6H0th wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark of Uxhridge on Feb. 28, Twenty- three roses, one for each grand-child, were presented to the happy couple who formerly farmed on the 7th con- _cession of Scott near Leaskdale. _Bowmanville--A number of the 20 directors of the Durham County Fed- eration of Agriculture. reported on visits made to Farm Forums in the -{-eounty--at----theregular--meeting:--hi=-- rector Earl Dorrell recommended that these visits be made earlier in the season to keep up sngereat. CONANT & CONANT BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS Gordon D. Conant, K.C. Roger D. Conant, B.A." Offices: Oshawa, Ont., 7%; Simcoe St. 8S. Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ont., Phone 25 ..MONTEITH & MONTEITH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 King S St. E., Oshawa Lo Gordon W. Rich), C.A. Resident Partner REAL ESTATE Consult J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service. Head Office, 366 Bay St., Toronto Phone EM. 3-0604 Port Perry 186J) City apd Country Homes Farms and Small Acreages. (ndustrial and Business Propet. LLOYD LEE is your local representative. Phone HY 6308 Toronto, -3 Besshorough Drive Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF hams ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. METAL, LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE and ELE( ~ WELDING, CAUSLEY Jaca SH SHOP TRIC We sell and service DURO PRESSURE PUMPS BUSINESS Se ~ Stone. Free Estimates. Phone 88R 'W. J. SYMES Port Perry septd Sand and Gravel Government Tested Landscaping, Sodding, Loam, and ~~ EXCAVATING - , CELLARS. DRAINS __ ] 3 SEPTIC TANKS GRADING Cc LIFFKF BAKER, Manchester july 17 INSURANCE 'Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may: be, consult H. W..EMMERSON Phone 11 Port Perry DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Oflice) PORT" PERRY ONTARIO Oflice Hours ---- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phones: Office 68W. Rea. 68J ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block; Port Perry, Phone 26 Bulldozing and Excavating J Sir ur Contin, Willam Tripp R.R. 2, Port Perry, Phone Pp r 42 Refrigeration hoth household and commercial. Gilson milk coolers and freezers. ~ Refrigerators. Reg. Boundey RE - UPHOLSTERY and RE-BUILDING Let us re-upholster your old Chester- Service, Phone 'and have our consultant call and give you a. free estimate. Free -| vick-up and delivery. Phone 56-0311 Collect OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. 8 Church Street ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Favestroughing, Asphalt Siding, stimates given on all kinds of work. . KARL WALLACE Port Perry ELECTRIC New or old floors sanded and finished, or waxed and polished by the square foot. Electric Floor Sanders, or Wax- ers and Polishers for Rent. 'R. PICKARD Phone 281W, Port Perry, Ont. I CT A OA fleld Suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. FLOOR SAN DERS CROWN LIFE NRE VN N of oto] Y I=: AY Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry 'Ontario julydtt SYDNEY G. BARNES BROO N Phame 72 r 2 Aug §% Ah as En a er a er Tr grec J

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