Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Apr 1953, p. 3

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a. nr y { Tod Member of The Canadian [1 Weekly Newspapers: . Association any thr IEE, Gli GSH Port Perry, Ontario, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1953 : aieion § sg a ai A Witless Tr 55 While there are times: when all of us' feel ; "that violence is justified, most of us wise- 'ly, refrain from its use, However, Laslo Szilvassy, 28:year old Hungarian refugee, exercise confronted by the prize-winning sculpture 'entitled 'The Unknown Political Prisoner'. In a few well aimed blows he demolished this 'futile witless contraption, this: con- tribution to those who had sufferedin con- centration camps.' For this act described by the local magi- strate as a 'bit of wicked, malicious, calcu- lated hooliganism' he was fined £10.- Previously to this 'so-called 'wanton act art critics had awarded the pieee.of junk The Hon. "Stuart S. Garson in a recent public address has listed five cardinal rules: - for the business man who wishes to stay out of trouble. --Don"t arrange with others to rig prices. ---Don't enter into agreement with others to limit supply or distribution. --Don't arrange with others to keep new- comers from getting into your kind of business. --Don't practice resale price maintenance (applies to wholesalers and manufac: turers--and was outlawed by act of parliament in 1961) --Treat your retail customers on an equal "basis (again applies to wholesale 'and manufacturers--) . The Minister went on to point out that there were many other things not to ------business but he felt that if one could avoid not much retraint when he was + refugee rather that the blacksmith, SET sa a prize of £46500 Incidently, the SRatr of this bit of junk was an Engli shman, Reg. Butler--a- blacksmith by trade. * _ .While the. law must be upheld, we must Tonfess our sympathy goes out to* the . In a wiser society than: the present one: we 'enjoy, no doubt the affair would: have been quite the reverse. For having suffered as a politicakirefugee, Laslo, the Hungarian would havesbeen awarded £4500 as com- pensation for the injustice at' the hands of his fellows and Reg. Butler, the: English man would 'have: been fined. £10. for. his insult to those. who had suffered and to the cause ofiart in general. How To Carry; On Through in Business transgressing these:five no serious trouble could arise between-you. and the, govern- ment. Unfortunately in the past much of the co-operation found in our highly competi- tive system of business was: directed to . "ingtituting one or several' of the very things about which Garson had spoken. If business co:operation were used for the purpose of seeking: a fair: deal for all rather thanusin seeking an unjust advan- tage for a select group such statements by the Minister. of 'Justice would be quite: un- necessary. When we are prepared to ad- mit that business is after all not an end in itself but-simply a means to furthering a better kind: of living the practices about which the government is so concerned. will tend to disappear altogether. no me PASSING SHOW STARights x by - In one-of the city papers appeared in large print this heading: "Germans . Seek Canadian Homes". = In: larger print might have appeared. with just It looks as though we aren't Fol} to fight Russia after all and it begins; H.'G. Hutcheson, Port Perry's grand i to look as: though: 'it 'may be Germany: old gentleman; who likes nothing bet- who will start: the third world way. reading, historic facts. as much truth--SO DO CANADIANS Well, at least she's consistant. _ shout. the. district, paid this corner a : ; visit after a note was published about --00-- . --00-- how Seagrave received its name. Mr, . L : : Hutcheson pointed out that when Sea- ' . 0 has pur- :, The new series 'The. Ways of Man The city: coungil: in.Ottawa p! grove or Seagrave. citizens applied for kind' being broadcast by the C.B.C. chased gowns and tricorne hats as a | Asposbiioffices, the Clarkin. that ares is described as an exploration: into. fitting gesture to their exalted of< ,. in Ottawa. mistook an 'o' for an 'a' ii the origin and" development of cul- , = yo. i planned that arrayed land: changed. the. whole meaning. of \ T tures. Perhaps it might have been , |. all their finery they will on Cor- the: name, He also. added that he { more correctly enlitled How . We onation day load, themselves on a. thought: this interesting: little bit of | Learned to Misbehave'. barge and journey down Ottawa's history was explained: in that well- : --00-- famed Rideau Canal. Such: an: his+ known: book 'Hermit of the Nonguon . +f - toric incident seems to merit special written by a famed native of ~Sea- i : Things we could well do without: notice and we: have sought the:muse grave. Hollywood -News; The Speeches of most of our politicians; Hockey play: ~---offs-that-run to-5,7,-9,-and-11°games;_ Newspaper columns. on astrology; Speakers who have to deal in disaster to feel important; Claxton's mistakes; Most : of 'our radio, advertising; Nine out of ten of our present-movies; Nineteen out of twenty of our tele- to attempt a worthy expression of ° this: most notable event. To The . _Ottawa- City Council (dedication) The city council oft has barged its futile way - Through many a preposterous Whitton fray;.. And now in tunic gown and tricorne ; 3 crown these days." : vision programmes, 'andj. perhaps, Plans to barge another way come was a muskrat. tion Day: pil a The Passing Show: : - Corona y : ] "ima . were found , to be. unsatisfactory and' Farm Facts even dangerous, for if too much was : COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT----A applied some elements often had a (local citizen and parent just can't un- a toxic effect on the plants they were. derstand the reasoning of some public supposed to benefit. Sometimes rain school teachers. According to con- THE LITTLE ELEMENTS would leach out the trace elements. firmed reports when one pupil has two ® Plants, like animaly, require: bal<- "yo. five years of experimental pencils and a.classmate hasn't any the anced diet for healthy growth. Some work, chemists have.come out with a. more fortunate or more careful pupil plant foods such as nitrogen; phos... 4.00 which overgomes these pro. is ordered by the teacher to give one . " phorus and potash are needed in large 1.0 [4 is 'known as fritted trace pencil to the youth who, is without one. quantities. Others are essential only 1 noha and consists of small glass Surely this is a good object lesson to in minute amounts but are noless ims particles containing balanced quanti: ~ teach! pupils to shave their supplies-- portant in the chemistry of plant for- i. ¢ tha essential minor elements in but:shauld not:the giver have the right mation. They are known as minor or, o1, uly goluble form, Worked into ito get:theipencil back: Too often the trace elements. soil, the particles make available to student with two. pencils ends up with Some of the most important trace plants the locked-in trace elements by 'a stub; while: the, other writes. free- - elements arg iron, copper, zine, man-. ,. + contact whenever the plants need gratis. _Is this classroom 'Socialism'? ganese, boron and 'molybdenum, : Plants which: cannot get any of these. because they the soil, them. Danger of toxicity and leach. show_varying. deficiency signs, all of ing, are eliminated: The development of fritted trace which generally result in decreased aif = "yields, elements. is another example of the . ability of modern agricultural chem. ET ; ists to help solve the pressing problem * J Rio I, ot Arp lying tase of increased food production. for an, emenia lo.» een Ay owle ever-increasing world population. salts by mixing with fertilizers or by IN 'direct application. These methods TA : in evs | x kok. . TARE STE Road" say an Oshawa Times-Gazette heading over a Gravenhurst story. We can just-liear some oldsters comment- ing-You never can trust hitchikers The 'rat' in question ro = "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE!"-- That's the fivin belief 'of a Saintfield : "district farmer who. cai into The Star office last week a advertisement wanting cattle for pasture; He. paid thesminimum: 40¢. ratasand 30sec lgtemphondsh Te- sults! . FY \ : AN . + Another dantloman waiting to place THE PORT PERRY STAR hiliiiiiin®irit: ified and (made: a deal right on the spot. The. first gent was even re- luctant to take a.refund. The Star | 2 . Rotablished 1864. ! does not guarantee results as fast as this every week. ah The Port, Per; an, ia; published; by, th the Port Perry. Star Company Limited, Queen street, fh by th Po wy iy ". Thursday. Authorized gs Second Class Mail by the Post THIS REMINDS us of mnother Office Department; Ottawa: = Aha. 7 'classitied'i story which: appeared in a p weekly paper... A gentleman who had TERR . Mrs, 8. Farmer, President. lost a watch, adventised inithe 'Lost' ; : columns, Next. week' the paper re- W. A, Farmer, Vice-President. ceived the followinginote -- "After L A. Boyd, eeretary-Treaburor, : : =~ placing the ad I went home and found. . my-watcli-it-anothér pair of trousers. ¢ . h is just, assggod .a \note; as we. $8. 00 per year outside Canada. "Single copy Bicents, to end this column, { an \ : : # 2 od ite kien re by Sy pA 5 Bis Sema tihs oo "EE . . i rr ATA a mite LSS Lo 3 eh ine hear AAR "MAN KILLED; Plekiiig up Rat on - d -placed an DISTRICT DOINGS Stouffville = e init Public School Area Board have de- cided to take immediate action' con. cerning. the influx of students board- ers into the. municipality, Chairman Eldred Catheryood and the board will meet with the Minister of Education: "in attempt to iron out the serious pro- blem. The two hoarding homes in: question _are operated by M, Williams and Stewart 'Watts on the fifth-con-s cession of Uxbridge, X X X Uxbridge Fify-five thousand dol- lars is required before the Cottage ~ Hospial construction can be started, chairman Bob Harris told citizens at the fifth annual meeting. Over one- third of the $200,000 objective has heen received in donations and $40,000 {8 available in grants. However, the fund is still short of the 85 per cent, required before construction cant be started. XE Rix Sutton -- ~lggy-Pogo, the alleged Lake Simcoe monster', has made his 19563 debut---this time near Port Bol- ster, Nélson Hales of that village re- ports chasing -the creature several time in his power boat. Each time Hales got close 'Iggy' subnierged and later poked his snout up in another 'part of the lake. OX X-X : Bowmanville--Jerusalem Lodge, A. _F & AM. No. 21, received a fraternal visit recently from Fidelity Lodge, Port Perry, which also did the work of the evening. lowed by a supper at which a toast to the visitors was proposed by Bro. C. Li: Warren and responed to by Rt, W. Bro, H. G. Hutcheson, Port Perry. X __Lindsay--A new Lions Club, spon- sored by the Port Perry club, was. formed at an organization meeting in Queen Street United Church last week. Insurance Agent C. R. Churchly was 'elected pres. at the initial meeting. The remainder of the executive to be installed at the charter night in May are: secretary, Reynold R. Hills; treasurer, 'Felix Fox; first vice-presi- dent, Jack Welch; second vice-presi- dent, George Aitken; third vice- president, Harold Seakins; directors, Roy Hicks, Al Hay, G. Stevens and 'N. Heatlie, : ; a Seugog Junior Homemakers For our fourth and final meeting in the unit "The Milky Way" we: met at the home of Ellouise Hoggard. The Stand Up for Jesus' followed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The minutes of the last' meeting, were read and approved. The Roll Call was ans-' wered by 16 girls with each telling of a milk dessert that they had made. since the last meeting, , We spent a very busy -afternoon | with two. demonstrations given, one hy. Mrs, Boundéy on Tomato Soup with a cream sauce base and the other by Ellouise-Hoggard showing her favour- ite milk dessert. We were also given an - opportunity to build menues- by filling. in the spaces provided in the incomplete menues. The girls in: the demonstration practiced for a. few minutes also. Following lunch consisting of the dishes made: in the demonstrations, the hostess was thanked by Kay Pren- tice. We will meet next: Saturday again at Rllouise Hoggard's home. for to pack our books and practice the de- monstration and_comment on the ex hibit. Don't forgét to write your club story and the essay 'The. Magic Milk Bottle', ; Back in 1910 it took 86 man-hours} to produce an acre of corn yielding 26 bushels. Today, with modern ma- chinery, the samé acre, producing 38 | bushels, requires only 17 man-hours: Alberta has fewer than 1,000,000 people subsisting on 44,000,000 acres of land. Austin C. A. Bathie DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian Menrorial | Chiropractic College, Toronto For appointment Phone 206R PORT PERRY. "Township: The meeting was fol- meeting opened by singing 'Stand Up | Robert Wanless, B.Sec., active iodine by the .thyroid gland with this regional scintilation -- counter, 'measures the percentage of pic- up of ratio- Mr. Wanless, native of Kenora, graduated in "49 at McMaster and is working on a National Cancer Institute Fellowship for his Ph.D. in Physics this year. River, He, spent the summer of 1951-at Chalk It is the vast potentialities of such work that inspires the Canadian Cancer Sochny in its campaign to raise funds. Looking Back 15 Years From the Port Perry Star files of Thursday, April 21, 1938: ° Oshawa Generals [ost the Memorial Cup finals to St. Boniface Seals in five rames,~ Starrin the losers goaltender Jack Forester, A rock hen owned by Mrs. David Hope, Scugog Island, tried 'to make a name for "herself by producing an extra large egg.' The egg measured 'eight and five-eight inches in cireum- stances one way- and six and one half the other way. The United presented -a letter of appreciation to Rev. W. E. Honey for his fine service "the past four yeas: Board of Manchester Announcement was made'by he De- partment of Highways of the ratifica- tion of the building of a King's High- way south from Lindsay through Ops and Manvers to Pontypool; Orono and Newcastle to connect with No. 2 high- way. The Ontario Gazette report also stated that the Orangeville-Port Pérry Bethany highway would also be consructed, Weekly Smile "_And is thé prince incognito?" asked the reporter, referring to titled guest, "Well, no sair," replied the hotel porter. "I don't know as I'd say that. i 'e certainly 'ad a few." © CNIB--MEANS HAPP INESS FOR MANY-- : The annual campaign far The Cana- ian National 'Institute for the Blind will take place from April 20 to May 2. We have all heard of the happi- ness .(WNLLB. has bYoUght to many-a blind Canadian, but one case we thought was particularly outstanding. A middle-aged man lost his sight sud- denly through an accident. - He would not see any of his former friends, and refused to leave his bedroom. All the furniture was removed but the bed and one straight-back chair, His wife was expected to bring meals to the room The whole family suffered, till fin- ally like the drowning grasping at a stritw, someone appealed to C.N.I.B. The gentleman received the. blind IYigld Secretary coldly, and showed little interest in conversation: "Where's the furniture?" the field man asked, discovering by ear and touch that the room was almost empty, "I_bhad it taken out so 21 would not bmp into it," replied the potential client. That was the professionalla ¢lue, and, as one blind man to another, he deftly demonstrated the ability of a sightless person to walk nimbly and easily. - The new client was sceptical, but the sightless Field Secretary had lit a spark of hope in the other's heart. Later, when the Home Teacher, -a: trajned instructor, blind herself, skill-- ed in unravelling the maze of confu- sion, resulting from loss of vision, be- -gan-ealling regularly at the house, her doubting -pupil slowly started to rally. With the teacher's encouragement, the gentleman felt his way downstairs and learned to find his way cautiously through the rooms, around chairs and tables until he was once more putting in a regular appearance at the family crele, That man -has come a long way. i He's now a member of a recreation- al club for, the blind, and those who met him in the early days think of him as a different person. In this Country there are many re- ceiving C.N.LB. service, and. they ,will all 'benefit from your support of the current campaign: PLEASE BE AS GENEROUS as possible, CONANT & CONANT i BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS Gordon D. Conant, K.C. _Roger_D. Conant, B.A. Offices: Oshawa, Ont., 7%2 Simcoe St. 8.0 Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ont., Phone 25 "MONTEITH & MONTEITH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Phone 5-4662 37 King St. E., Oshawa Gordon W. Riehl, C.A,, Resident Partner REAL ESTATE Consult J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS Head Office, 366 Bay St., Toronto Phone EM. 3-0604 Port Perry 186) City and Country Homes Farms and Small Acreages. Industrial and Business Property. LLOYD LEE is your local representative. Phone HY 6308 Toronto, 3-Begshorough Drive Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CL ASSES OF. Jopans " ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A * SPECIALTY. *. METAL: LATHE WORK. LAWN ~ and:Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE' and ELECTRIC WELDING. HoAVLEE: JIACHIN E Air Conditioning . Furnace Eavestroughing We sell and service DURO PRESSURE PUMPS SYDNEY. G. BARNES . BROOKLIN Phone 72.r 3. Aug 63 for complete Real-Estate Service. |- MOWERS, Machine Ground | BUSINESS DIRECTORY BALLET TAP Register for Classes | ( Saturdays 10 to 11 iB, oS Port Perry High School Gym Teacher--Mary Brotherwood "'Principal--Irene Harvey Sand and Gravel Government Tested, l.andscaping, Sodding, Loam, and Stone: I'vee Estimates. W. J. SYMES Port Perry ' < septd EXCAVATING CELLARS - DRAINS SEPTIC TANKS GRADING CLIFF BAKER, Manchester july 17]. INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W, EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours -- 10 am. to 6 p.m Phones: Office 68W. Rea. 68) : ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER, K.C. in. attendance at niy Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or. by appointment, Blong. Block, Port Perry, Phone. 25 Phone 88R |. Refrigeration Service, hoth household and commercial, Gilson milk coolers and freezers. Refrigerators. Reg. Boundey RE : UPHOLSTERY and RE-BUILDING us re-upholster your old Chester- field Suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone and have our consultant call '|und give you a free estimate. Free pick-up and delivery. : Phone 56-0311 Collect OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. 8 Church Street ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Iavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. SARL WALLACE Port Perry ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS ew or old floors sanded and inhi. or waxed and polished by the square foot. Electric Floor Sanders, or Wax- ers and Polishérs for Rent. R. PICKARD Phone 281W, Port Perry, Ont.- oi {0)\ LIFE INSURANC ( .OMPANY J Consult the Crown Lite Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry - \ Ontario re . _ Clipped Comments Ee at A A, SA ha EN aa RIESE Hal a rake 7 oa MERE ca' ~ % a ag 7

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