Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Apr 1953, p. 5

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"SPORTS keeor a RA in ami 5 tp iniliens. at by B8ill Fitsell A TRYING' LEAGUE-- RE : - Sometime ago 'this corner wrote a story about the Pri -County Baseball' League which represents the counties of Victoria, Ontario and York. When the copy uppeired in* print the loop's name came out "PRY ~COUNTY". Maybe the typesetter was right--for fever was == there such a league that showed so much *IRY' to satisfy the deSires of go many: baseball enthusiasts over such a wide area,. Born out pf 'the post-war-erd ('the loop has grown from 10 teams in the Lindsay. district to a8 high as 17 squads stretching from Stouffville and 'Port : : Perry in the west and south, to Sutton in the north-west, Fenelon Falls - Sree tai dart ---------- in the forth and Bobcaygeon in the north-east. contentious question is the grouping of the teams--and from reports this year will be no exception, For the first-half of the eight-year. old leaglue's life the teams operated very successfully in'two groups but ) _. the addition of teams on the outskirts forced a change into three- ! groups 'to cut down travelling, This in turn forced a change from the popular east-west section finals to the unsuccessful round-robin. series. Several attempts have been made the last two seasons to split the 18 or 14 teams into two groups but each year the officials in the little hamlets in the centre group who are-keeping baseball going in those parts, refuse to divide and join the stronger centres. Accord- yh ing to reports the centre group may solve the perennial problem for the Tri-County league: - Rumours have it that Little Britain, Sonya, "Uxbridge and Port Perry and maybe one or two others will 'rebel' and form a new league. All of which means that these gentlemen will have to be more willing to take over officials duties of organization and direction than they have in the past. + However, these are only rumours and it could be the T.C.L. will head for another good year Every year the oF eH Calling All Kids! Joe Fowler, well-known "supporter Jo minor sport in town, His called a meeting of youngsters between nine and 13 who are interested in playing baseball this summer. The session is scheduled for 40.30 this Saturday | Hornig at the scout hall and all pro- spective 'Joe. DiMaggios'-are- invited to attend and give the organizer thei names, ages and tielding positio | Mr. Fowler would also appreciate any person who is. willing to help these young diamond enthusiasts, The Port Perry Yacht Club held another successful, social evening in the form of a euchre and card party at the newly decorated Club House | with a decided majority of members and friends from Oshawa and district being present and winning most of the prizes. Charles Coombe, Port Perry, won . ; ; ; 3 Os. when president Roy Scott and gentlemen meet at Seagrave school- the men's. high score in the progres « t night (Friday, April 24), sive euchre contest, with Charlie house to-morrow nig A "Cap" Bowerman, also of Port Perry, MOST ABOUT SPORTS-- running a close second, Nancy John Harris, Port Perry's gift to Oshawa, is rounding up a strong Drinkle; Oshawa. won the ladies first intercounty contender with his cheque book and persuasive manner and | with. Hazel Ruddy," Port Perry win- no doubt a number of district fans will take in the opener at the ning second and also the door prize. «"* enlarged Kinsmen Stadium on May 16 . . . Bill Harper, the veteran Low 'score. winners: were. Mrs. W. 9 southpaw, will probaly drill with the Marches again this year--and Drinkic, Oshawa, and Fred. Crome, could bea valuable asset, William would loo might good in heading also of Oshawa. Margaret Tuck. a local club too! .. .. Zephyr took the Uxbridge-Sunderland com- Oshawa, one of the hard working 4k "munity League title in two easy games with Sandford winning 16-4 ecutive members was auccesstal i in Stouffville and 11-3 in Aurora .... Johnny Waldinsperger, star winning the lucky number 'prize and PPHS guard, received 'rave' notices in the Kingston Whig-Standard * |'Ted McLaughlin, Oshawa, the lucky ----in the Queen tourney write-ups and was tagged "Yogi" by the writer. BAA The grain prize of the We hear that John and most of his mates may be back at Hilltop next evening, a huge basket of groceries, ~year and could chalk up more basketball honours . . . Senior puckists went to Glad Otto, wife of the Com. = wound up the hockey season in Stouffville last night against the modore of the Port Perry Yacht Club, Brougham speedsters . . ~ PPHS athletes will be: warming up soon Vince Otto, Oshawa. Mrs, Otto also for the future track and field meets including Corontation field day deserves Tach erodit as sho wes thn at the fair grounds here .. . . Roy Scott, the genial Seagrave farmer, vener for this evening of entertain- who has ykept. the Tri- County baseball league going with his fine ment 2 guidance as president-since 1950, may turn down a further tern at 5 the annual mecting in Seagrave to-morrow night. Unfortunately The Women's . Commitee received there are not many men of his calibre willing to handle the job. {many compliments on the lovely lunch Secretary Fraank Power of Lindsay is another workhorse for: the enjoyed by all and also for the new TCL having served as president in the carlier years. We regret that drapes and other noticeable improve- - recent events make it impossible for this corner to help the league or ments to the Port Perry Yacht Glub, these gentlemen this year. We also regret that this is our last "Sports The men have also been very busy Re-port". "It has been fun banging out this weekly col-yum and we attending to the grounds and docking hope just a few of you good sports in Port Perry and district. enjoyed facilities in readiness for an expected it too. Too bad our stay in this good sporting village was so short-- | exceptionally active boating season as wl but it's so-long- -and off to Gananoque. - : t club races are scheduled each week- BER : + end, power and sail alternating. $ : ut " : i CANADAIN CANCER SOCIETY 1953 | ig Lian SPONSORED BY CAMPAIGN § i Fl Gt IT : April 2th to May nd | TY AR Tn TTT Your donation : . If your canvasser does not call send t 0 Su ort : i . Pp your donation to any of the following : Shriners: RESEARCH : {or 0.0 Dymo EDUCATION | > Mr, Wm, J. Carnegie : : ; : ; Mr BL Dorf WELFARE Mr. Hugh Espie : : : H : - all of Port Perry. i age | The official canvassers will call on every home in Port Perry, beginning next Monday, - § April 27th. They will give you an- official receipt | for your donation which may be used : for income tax purposes, l= ; e | Please receive them kindly and have your donation =I ready. REMEMBER, Conceriy isno ADvesyaers of persons Bowling Banter Men's League Standing-- Pinfall Pts, Whiz-Bangs ot 3,185% 7 52 Stars... 216040 47 Sevenaires™ 3013 Td Silverwoods 8,738 «42 Has Begns gs is 327149 - 42 Dodgers ATR I RTT +..3,165 36 Lucky Strikes .......... 3,166" 83 Blow- King's : 33 Peels uit: 28 Knitters. iin, 8,043 21 Meteors .....cccviiiirinn ~: 2,887 18 TUESDAY NIGHT'S SCORES (Not included in the above standing) Blow Kings 7; Dodgers 0. Whiz-Bangs b; -Sevenaires 2 Peel's 4; Meteors 3 The 'champs' of -the first 'series, Silverwoods and Whiz-Bangs, showed their class last 'week by coming through with seven point victories. The creamery boys set a total pinfall record of 3,738 in humbling the Blow Kings while Popert's men dimmed the Stars to take over top spot for the first time in the second series. Silver- wood's victory moved them into fourth two within shooting distance of a 'money- position'; Stars hung onto second by virture of Peel's upset (7-0) .vie- tory over the third-slot Sevenaires. In other action Lucky Strikes whip- ped Knitters 6-2, Hilltops picked up their first points in weeks in edging Meteors for a 6-2 victory and Has Beens outroared and outblowed Dodg- ers 5-2 in the rousing Thursday night wind-up. Has-Beens and Silverwood's were the only squads to chalk up a team total of over 8,200. Even the 'low-handicapped 'Whiz-Bangs couldn't hit that figure... However, they really took the shine out of the Stars by beating them by 28 pins in the first game and by three points each in the second-and third games. ; C. A. Glass, the veteran huttermak- er, was the high man in the 'Mudcats' big victory, battering the pins for a 796-triple, including a total handicap of 87. 'C. A. also rolled the -high single hitting the charmed. 300-circle in the second game right on the nose and followed up with a 266. Manager H. cluding handicap while veteran Alf Dowson rolled 767. Other triples over 650 (with handi- cap) -- Merv. DeNure 766, K. Mark 695, John Jefford 668, Lou Burnett 703, Lloyd Humphreys 651, Don Simp- son 695, G. Mark 668, G. Morrow 6b4, Archie MacMaster 651, Gord Carnegie Hastings 669. High singles per team: (with handicap)---M. DeNure 277, K. Mark 262, B, Pollard 269, L.. Burnett 256, D. Simpson 271, C. A. Glass 329, H. Edenborough 308, C. Popert 242, Bruce Beare 239; Bill Beare 249, Gord Carnegie 272, Art Panabaker 266, F. Hastings 278. Epsom In honour of Miss Ruth Prentice, whose marriage to Mr. Leonard Beech of Uxbridge, takes place on Saturday, April 26th, a miscellaneous shower was given by. friends in Memory Hall, Utica, on Friday night. Ruth and Leonard were invited' to two white chairs arranged in a prominent place for the prospective bride and groom. Mrs. B. Bailey read the address and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer and Mr. and Mrs. Long assisted in unwrapping the many beautiful-and useful gifts. After best wishes had been offered for their future happiness, lunch was served and dancing followed. The Community Club. will meet on Friday night, April 24, in the school. Everyone welcome. Ladies please provide. Thanks to Mrs. Cracknell for the donation of two dozer cups. If you have recently moved to this community and would like to meet your neighbours, you will be welcome at the club on April 24th, The W.A. will meet on Thursday afternoon, April 30. Place of meet- ing will be announced on Sunday. w Miss Marion Taylor, of Oshawa, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and- Mrs. G. Taylor, "Miss B. Luke, Mrs, Cecil Morrison, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wagner, called on their mother, Mrs, P. Luke, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rogers and fam- ily, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers. ed her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Medd, on Wednesday, - Miss Yvonne Jeffrey and Mr. Alin Blair visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffrey on Sunday. points behind Sevenaires and' Edenborough wasn't far off that pace with 210-266-308 for a 784 in- |& 716, Archie McDermott 6756, Frank | Mrs, Leona Blight of Oshawa, visit- | Brougham Ends Hockey Season For Port Seniors ' Brougham wrapped up the hockey season for Port Perry's ORHA sen- iors With a 10:¢" thuffiPing last night in the final game of .the Stouffville Arena'Cup finals inaStouffville. Coach Abe Cawker's ten men "put up a strong fight the first 2 periods but were snowed under in the last 20 minutes as the. B's full squad led by Swifty- Todd - wrapped home six goals. -It was 2-1 at the end of the first® and each: team 'repeated that scoring in 'the second but the locals failed" to match" Brougham's last period drive and tallied only twice, Don Mark fired home two goals for the losers while Mac Christie and Glen Till notched the others, Barry Howie had two assists and Ken Mark passed for another, Todd paced the victors with. five goals and an assist and also picked up two of his team's eight penalties. Port players were handed four sentences including a. major to Gerry Hunter and Ken Mark for fighting in the rugged third session. Scugog Junior Homemakers The third meeting in the unit "Thi Milky Way" was held at the home of krene and Ann Ptolemy on Saturday afternoon, April 11." There were 15 girls present. The meeting opened by repeating the Lord's Prayer in uni- son.' The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and: approved. Mrs. Boundey reviewed our home assignments and some plans toward Achievement Day were . discussed. Next meeting will be the final one before Achievement Day. Mrs. Rod- man gave us some notes on the dif- ferent milk products including two re- cipes for the-making of cottage cheese. portunity to judge a baked custard similar to what we will be doing at Achievement Day. During the afterncon: Mrs. Boundey demonstrated the making of su corn chowder which we ll sampled 'at |'Oshawa called at the Spencer home velyn, of Columbus, spent Sunday at Following this we were given the op- {- lunch time: The hostesses were thanked by Sondra James. : » ' THE PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, APRIL 28rd, 19588 Cedar Creek My, and Mrs, Jim Rayment and family, of- Peterborough, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Mar- tyn recently, Mr. and Mrs. Litherland, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Connell and family, Prince Albert, were visitors at the Martyn home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Spencer of ENJOY YOURSELF lust Sunday. . = Mrs Wi Steele called on frie nds in Columbus last Thursday aftérnoon, Mrs. CoN. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Corner and Grace, of Oshawa, and Mr..and Mrs. Gordon Corner and Play 'Canada's fastest grow- ing sport. Make up a party or come alone and participate in this popular pastime. the Wm. Steele home, Friday Miss Ilossie Spencer and brother John, and Mr, and Mrs. John Lawrige of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at the Kilpatrick home. 3 '= Mrs. Wm. Steele visited Mrs. Kil- patrick on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kudlak and fam- ily moved to Sudbury last week. Open howling and: Saturday nights. King Pin Lanes WES. STATA, Proprietor PORT PERRY 3 wise i ULE Our long history of rk preparation of farmer's needs, 'is your guarantee of the best in seed and fertilizer ©... of a successful harvest ahead, No wonder! Each and every type is used and used again, to scien- tifically test its potency. That's why you ean be sure of profit- able growing when you eall on us. ORDER YOUR-- Seed Potatoes NOW | |sALaNCED || FEEDS ALL CLASSES OF POULTRY FARM LIVE STOCK FUR BEARING ANIMALS & DOGS COBBLERS and KATAHDINS Master Feeds Port Perry Phone 1 2332=22==232=223232%3 oe FEEDERS WHO KEEP RECORDS: WVekTbALY; BUTEMASTER LINOLEUM TILE | = no | 13c. 20c., 25¢c. each Children's Corduroy Coat Sets $8.25 be" WINDOW BLINDS, e255 95¢, In he -- C Nundlem is : GRACIA SHOES Black Kid Ties ..... . $11.50 Black Calf Pumps with nylon mesh trim, $11.75 Brown Calf Pumps with per- ferated leather trim $10.95 Fairy Princess Wool Pullovers TOMATO, ROSE, YELLOW, BLUE, BLACK $4.65 and $6. %h my rn GROCERIES ANGEL Foon CK 1 MIX a Ble, . doa ARN Loch OS rrT OGILVIE CORONATION CAKE ib rineste neni MIX, Cherry, Almond .................... J6e. GIANT, MAPLE LEAT SOAPTLAKES "VELVET" FLOUR, Extra Fancy ions Silver Spoon in pkg... AER rR 98¢. PE ER Ri 2 for 31. | WIZARD SPRAY DEODORIZER MacLaren JELLY POWDERS... for 25c. | yyy Kile SCOed oon 00 CHRISTIE'S PE ANUT C REAM QUALITY FRESH FRUITS © Y : : COOKIES Snipe fda ini pkg. 27¢, and VEGETABLES ROBIN HOOD COOKING SCHOOL SHEA UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOM ATS ; TUESDAY, MAY 5, at 2.30 P.M. . WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, at 8.00 P.M. Sponsored by I. O. D. F.-Tickets boc. on Sale Hon, © v an F. W. BROCK & SON Phone 43 Port Perry SRNR, HI A vv -- | 1 LD lS Cg 0. ya FF YT EEE EEE p ., PO TI GAD} GD |G) Wi | | DL | 1 GU} | To | A | SG a7 A + > AD DDC. +. 1 GD GD. AD A DD C+D GD + ---- i ---- Foity a n | | } Ne nt a i lm FNS, J ~~ Ce - EN

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