Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Apr 1953, p. 8

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"Port Perry by young couple with "row saddle plow, good as new. 2 SRA NN OC SRT LAER ABA tab AMAR AA §IHE PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, APRIL 28rd, 1968 ASSIFIEp), TOR -- erry QUICK ; {i l7 Rh Sa ee 'RESY, rE Phone 50 FOR SALE--Seed Potatoes; Canso, the blight-resistant potatoes, and Ka- tahdin seed potatoes. . Government inspected. A. T. Powell, Phone Ux- bridge. 93 r 24. may7 FOR A PLEASANT family drive you'll save enough to pay for your gas by shopping at_Glecoff 1.G.A. Supermarket. Open every day -until 10 p.m. except Sunday, 174 Ritson Road South, Oshawa. : They come from the east And they come from the west They come from the lands afar To shop at our store we For values galore In taxis, by bus and by car. "Low Prices Every Day." Apr.30 WANTED TO RENT -- House in small child. All conveniences required.' Apply Box No. 26,- Port Perry Star. may? WANTED--Child's play pen, Phone Port Perry 176W. FOR SALE--1940 Ford, 1997 Chev. Good buy for wrecking or parts. Geo. Milne, Seagrave, apr.23 © FOR SALE--1932 Model B. 4-cyl. Ford Coach. Recent motor job. New Tires, These madels are scarce. One ton Chev, stock truck, new tires on back. Reasonable. Also one 2-fur- Sell cheap. Apply to -W. Ross, 8th con- cession, east of-No, 7-12 highway. mayj ns-,A'o te, M ; FOR SALE--BALED HAY. Apply Clare Vernon, Phone 119 r 4. FOR SALE--Tcam of Horses, 'six and seveh years, Phene 299), Port Perry. ; H FOR SALE -- Potatoes, excellent quality. - Katahdins. Apply Harold McLaughlin, Phone Blackstock 66 1 11 FOR SALE----Two lots, Nos. 121 and 122, West side of Alva Street, Port Perry. Apply Mrs. Howard Bartley, Maple Lodge, Whitby, Phone 2426. FOR SALE--Cobbler and Katahdin |. Potatoes, suitable for seed. Also 1936 Chevrolet half-ton delivery truck. Dalton Anderson, 2 miles west. of Utica. FOR SALE----Warba Seed Potatoes. Warba are the earliest potatoes and ideal for home gardens. Foundation A Seed. A. T. Powell, one quarter mile north of Epsom. Phone Uxbridge 93 r 24, may? WANTED 'Brick and Block WORK ART BROWN <° PRINCEALBERT Phone Port Perry 265 r 22 april23 F.Hogy Nursery Co.| Finest 999 A EVERGREENS -. SHRUBS FRUIT TREES - ROSES Select your own and have local grown stock, quality . prices and variety second to none. [ree catalogue on re- quest, JACK ARMSTRONG Half-mile south of Uxbridge. may? "WANTED TO RENE Bovis aps artment or small house: with conven- iences, for young married couple with 'no' children. Phone Port Perry 126 r 4. FOR SALE--Boy' s bicycle: Reason- able. Phone 287M, HELP WANTED -- Truck driver for cream route for summer months, May to September. Apply - Silver- woods Dairies Ltd. Phone Port Perry 164. WANTED_50 ¢ to 100 acres of good pasture land near Port Perry. Harold Eangille, Real Estate, phone Clare- mont 31108 or write R.R. 4, Uxbridge. FOR SALE--1936 Chev Standard Coach, good motor and body.: $126. Phone 27W. ; FOR SALE--Twin COMPpressor and tank with automatic control with guage and safety valve. Less motor. For auto painting $76. Tom Conlan, Manchester. 'BULLDOZING Excavating and Loading by Contract or hourly rate H. VanCamp & Son BLACKSTOCK Phone 69W LY A TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SUMMER SERVICING for: your oil Furnace. FURNACE VACUUMS --- | BURNERS CLEANED and ADJUSTED. : FILTERS CHANGED. Other services included--All types of repairs. Installations, For prompt service, Phone DON SKINNER, 42307, Oshawa, collect. MANCHESTER'S QUALITY GROCERY . Groceries, Meats, ete. Could be, we have what you want all 320 r 33, Port, Perry Custom Cultivating TILLING - SEEDING Promptly Done BOB CAWKER Phone 122 r 22 EE g Auction Sales SAT. MAY 2 -- Auction Sale of Live Stock, - Holstein Cattle, Ford Tractor, Implements, the property of Gordon Reeson, Lot -15, Con. 3, East Whitby, South end of Oshawa Air~ port. 'Terms Cash. . Sale at 1,00 p.m. H. E. Pierson, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer THURS., APRIL 23--Auction Sale of Holstein Cattle, Implements, ete., the property of Thos. Wilson, Lot 24, Port Perry | Con, 8, Cartwright, 3 miles east of North Nestleton, at 1.30 p.m, TED JACKSON, Dead 'Stock | Service ~Dead or crippled horses, cattle, nogs, picked up for santiary disposal, Phone collect: Port Perry, 108 r 14; Uxbridge 92 r 14;<Lindsay 45682. Head Office 16 r 11 Woadyville. : ED. PECONI Argyle, Ontario. Terms. cash, 'sale Auctioneer. July 63 PAINTING and ' DECORATING request, if" possible, > - dt We supply all material for your job. Ifor exterior painting Pleas book your job early Latest finishes in Rubbed Plywood, any colour 'M. ST. CLAIR {| 113-r-14 Sample books on For Expert Decorating call and Sons Phone. Port Perry : (ATW British Ontario" Motors 61 CHEV. SEDAN, heater, slip covers .,, 90 day. guarantee" on. motor, a dandy i.o.onniions SAT $1760.00 51. FORD SEDAN, a nice maroon, = heater, 30 day guarantee $1496.00 51 MORRIS SEDAN, Mist Green, Heater, 80 day guarantee 1095.00 50 MORRIS:SEDAN, Maroon, Heater, 80 day guarantee ......... 996.00 37 FORD COACH, it runs .... 99.00 34 DODGE COACH, u good chance for a mechanic 45.00 31 BUIC K COUPE, body, motor, tires all good 126.00 52 INTERNATIONAL % Ton Panel: nothing wrong with this truck, List price $2126, our price 1495.00 151 OXFORD % TON PANEL-- heater, perfect in all ways, Guaranteed 1196.00 50 FORD 1 TON PICK-UP--heater 8-ply tires--a real :bhy-- Guaranteed 34 DODGE 1% TON STAKE--will make a dandy buck rake--tires alone worth the price .... 99.00 SOME GOOD GUARANTEED USED TRACTORS from $696.00 UP, ANOTHER CARLOAD OF FERGUSON TRACTORS JUST UNLOADING: SPECIAL We have.on hand a limited supply of 10" Plow conversion Kits--these Kits will make your 2-furrow Fergu- son Plow into a 3-furrow--these are {the first 1 have had since October, 1951, and it will likely be the only ones available this year. REMEMBER--we give easy terms on anything. SEE the 1968 METEOR and MERCURY CARS and TRUCKS on DISPLAY. BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS METEOR - MERCURY - LINCOLN. " FERGUSON TRACTORS LEASKDALE Phone Uxbridge 162 r 16 Local Representative JIM DAVIDSON -. / Port Perry 265 r 12 / apr 23 * EGGS, Sirictly Fresh ° Ready- to-Cook: CHICKENS Ld Cooked"Ready- to-Eat CHICKENS Very Reasonable Prices _ Open Daily and Saturday Evenings. Brunion Farms On 7A Highway at Scugog Road: and 6th Con. SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SUR: WAYS : , .24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, - Sutton Phone 281 R , Bulldezing and - Excavating . By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates given . WALTER KING Phone 86 23, Port Perry 'DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for. sanitary disposal. Telephone Collect. Port Perry, 118r2, or Toronto EM 38-8686. Gordon Young Lid. WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W.- Port Perry for information. ° Nov. 27, 1953 Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Phone Collect Bowmanville 2679 "We also'buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE Ea : sept10 68 Car Insurance FOR BETTER INSURAN h ithe LARGEST AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY. Premiums on easy terms --Six months -- P1.-Pd. 10/20/5000-- $8.60, $100 deductable (Coll.) plus fire and theft for $11.60, on 52-68 average car used for business and pleasure--age limit driver, 21-68, Ap- ply:to ~ DIRK BRINKMAN ~ . Insurance, R.R.3, Burketon, Ont. Phone 82 r 2, Blackstock Gravel and Loam C RUSHE D STONE Fred Warren | Port Perry, Phone 54) "NEW KiND CF HOME: HANDYAN TV] Axes taking - care of a country or sub- 8 urban home a snap! Cultivates, mows, hauls, f¥saws, sprays, Eom snow, etc. yy for itself in a few months, Write or phone | for FRER BOOK. - . MILLER'S CHICK HATCHERY Phone Sunderland 8r 31 april6t.f. _ TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Bulldings--Province of Ontarlo EALED tenders addressed to the Under signed and endorsed "Tender for Coal" will be received until 3 p.m, (EDAD) Wednesday, May 18, 1063, for the or of coal and coke for the Dominion Bu throughout the Province eof Ontal 'orms tender with conditions attached can' be obtained from the Purchasing gent, Depa: rtment Public Works, Ottawa; and the Buperviving Arebi- tect, 86 Adelaide St, Toronto, Ontario. Ay should be made on the forms sup- with Bulldozing and 'Excavating By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates Given. Vikan Tripp R.R. 2, Port perty, Phone Pp r 2 lye awarding the order, a form of a certified. bank in Canada, made Dp of the Honourable the Minister Works, equal to 10 Sud cont. amount of the tender, or Bearer {be Dominion of Canada' ational way stituent companies anconditonslly | as to principal and interest by ada, the aforement/oned cheque, if required fo make up an Such security will serve as a guarantes for the proper per folfilmént of the' contrast. 4 order, : ROBERT FORTIER, ; Acting Department of Publie Works, Ottawa, April 15, 1063, 4 TIE 4 Por encii at 2 p.m. Piss, (411 sizes), Veal and Xi BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK SALES Sales Every Tuesday Buyers will find a wide variety of 'Butcher, Feeder and Dairy Cattle (Sprigers) ; also Feeder . Sales Arena heated in winter. Air-conditioned in Summer.. PHONE BELLEVILLE 1828 'Young Calves, and Horses. Tov Resident (Continued trom Front Page) MBANING' OF SEISMOLOGY. : Dr, H )n then told the meeting how. the! study of . earthquakes. had. benefitted mankind. ,He stated that a ser ies of studies on earthquakes had led to scientists learning that a slight |§ | earthquake occurs directly below the || re "eye" of a hurricane, This informa; 'tion, he said, made it possible. for man | to learn of the path and speed of such hurricanes and so warn pérsons living in' the path that such a storm was on its way, Another German 'scientist, follow- 'ing World War I, said he hag been able to learn that the centre of the earth had the rigidty of nickel steel and he developed-a plan to find oil by setting off blasts and recording the effects on the earth by means of a seismograph. His system was used in the U. S., he stated and had since been used in discovering oil in Alberta after Canadian scientists had perfect-| 'ed the plan. There has been more oil found by seismograph, said Dr. Hodgson, than any. other method yet deviged. Dr. Hodgson concluded his remarks| by advising the parents of the cour- ses "and education necessary to com- plete'a' * study of 'seismography in Canada." Mrs. Duncan Melntyre inroduced Dr. Hodgson, a personal friend of the McIntyre family. She stated, in her introductory remarks, that Dr. Hodg- son in his studies had secured a Ph.D. degree from St. Louis University in seismology. She noted that Dr. Hodg- son had now retired from the Domin- ion Observatory and now lived in Port Perry. Reeve Duncan Melntyre thanked Dr. Hodgson. (continued from' front page) "As. a result of the: Liberal govern- ment's postwar policies, we have in the riding such-modern, bustling com- munities as Ajax with 36 industries and a population of more than six thousand", 'Mr. Lay said. - "Such planing must continue, and its bene- |- fits spread into every one of the 12 communities making up this constl- 5 _tuency." "Further plans for the future ex- panson and welfare of agriculture, 1a- bour and ifdustry will be announced | | TENDERS "at the Oshawa meeting May 5", said Mr. Lay. tee Local Shriners , off. What scientists have been* able -to do in saving lives in other diséases, they will be able to do in'the casé of | cancer--if we continue gur support. Our contributed dd\lars®elp provide funds for scientific research and 'a program of fellowship training, that they may go on until the control: of caneer is complete. = "Give your dollars with knowledge that cancer must 'be conquered and with the eyer constant hope that it will be soon. FIGHT CANCER. GIVE: NOW." The local campaign: in aid of "the fight against cancer will start on Monday, April 27th when canvassers will call at each house during the week. BY 5 The Canadian Cancer Society Cam- paign is being supported bythe 'Oshs, awa Shriners, and donations will glad- ly be received by the local members of looms | the Oshawa Shrine ol, that js Dr. abenn, -We- br sto .you--to- make your donation a8 fzenerdus as possible and if you are not at home when the can- vasser ca lease leave your dona- tion 'with one of tastove gentlemen FAR Lions Club Hodrs * Secretary. (continued from front page) President Art Bruntdn reported on the club's visit to Lindsay and the sponsorship of that new club. He an- nounced that the second meeting in May would be postponed so that all' members could attend:in a body at the Lindsay charter night (in_the Canadian Legion Hall) May 28, The cliib will present the new club with.p | gong and gavel. It was also an- nounced that the Port Perry club will present the new' Apsley club with a. Union Jack on May 13. Plans were also made to attend the zone rally on Fray, May 1 in Oshawa. ARR [formed the setting on Saturday, April LAKEVIEW jms Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. - * ._ THURS, FRI, SAT, In The Glorious: John Archer, Jane Nigh, Wallace Ford Jolour, Outdoor Story Ls Lat - "RODEO" : 5 : Lie SHORT FEATURE and COMEDY : 4 ve APRIL 23 - 24-36 Janes Craig and * MON,' TUES, WED, APRIL 27 - 28 - 29 "In The New Technicolor Adventure Drama . "HURRICANE "SMITH" Yvonne De Carlo < : ong EELS ~~ B BREAD - BUNS - Satugday : "GOLDEN DATE GERROW'S PHONE 32W "FRESH BAKING DAILY oPIES - CAKES - TARTS Special LAYER CAKE" BAKERY G. M. GERROW PORT PERRY * TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS ® FISH ® MEAT 'eo POULTRY o " CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING York Frosted Foods | CAWKER BROS "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" 'PHONE 29 SIGNS with Designs . SIGN signs p INTERIOR DECORATING -- SPRAY PAINTING THE SIGN SHOP Rear of Green Thistle Restaurant DESIGNING FRANK ALLAN, Prop. 58 mayT "TOWNSHIP Tenders will be received > apr.23 5 FRIDAY, MAY 1st, 1953, for the following: . For one 3 ton Truck with hoist and gravel box complete. Lowest or any tender. not necessarily accepted. GRANT CHRISTIE, Clerk-Treas, OF REACH a 'by the undersigned untit \ Port Perry, R.R. 4, Ont. Wedding - : LUKE--CRADDOCK , wn. A central basket of pink snap- 4 draggons, supported on either side by tall candelabra of pink candles, and standards. of white snapdraggons, 4th, for the wedding in St. Giles Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chmayles Craddock, of Brantford, and Murray Keith Luke, son of Mrs. Luke and the late: 'Mr..G. W. Luke, of Prince Albert, Ontario. ; " The impressive, sacred service was conducted by" Dr.-Clifford Elliot. Rev. Dean' C. Donaldson, of Alma, Ontario, friend of | e ton bh took the. vows. At the conelt n° of the 'service, the sacrament of thé Lord's Supper was received by the. bride and groom. The organist, Miss. Jessie .Gray, played traditional wedding music, and accompanied Mra. Tan McNairn's vio- lin solo, "Jesus, Joy of Man's Desir- ing". . Immediately prior to the cere- mony, Mrs, MeNairy sang, * O Per- fect Love," The bride given in marriage by her 'father, wore a street length gown of Swiss bengaline in champagne shade with full skirt, three-quarter 'length Holinan: sleeves, and small rolled col- r. The dress had touches of pearl nd sequin. trim as did her small winged hat -of matching bengaline. Complementing her attire were mat- 'ching, pink gloves and pink satin pumps. She carried a small cascade hyacinths and fern. Maid of . honour, Miss Elizabeth Erie, were dressed alike in street length apple green faille gowns made with sweetheart necklines, tight bodi- ces and faring skirts. Nieces of the Bride, Leah and Dawn Craddock, as Junior Bridesmaids, wore bouffant United Church, Hamilton, of Helen] apple green faille frocks, styled with scalloped Peter Pan collar and cuffs: The Attendants wore flower circlet headdresses of pink sweet peas, and carried colonial nosegays of the same | flower. ; Mr. Stewart Foster, of Scarberou "Groom as best man Brantfo Kitchener, Later a reception for seventy guests was held in St, Giles dining hall, Bride's mother wore navy crepe with navy and white accessories, y and Mr.-Norman Lynsh, of taffeta with navy and white access- ories. Their: corsages were of pink carnations, For travelling, the Bride 'wore a navy, blue suit with box jacket, blue accessories and a short topeoat 'in straw shade, with a corsage of white carnations, Following a trip to the Eastern United States, Mt, 'and Mrs. Luke will live {p Hamilton, Guests were present from Brant- ford, Port Perry, Toronto, Brooklin, Fort Erie, Kitchener, Sudbury, Galt, Scarborough, Prince Albert, Ont., bouquet of white carnations and Well St. George, Ottawa, Alma, ellsid and Dundas, - : Cameron, of Windsor, and the Brides- '| maid, Miss Frances McCuaig, of Fort 'attended @ Ushey se) «Mr. Ross Craddock of The - Groom's. mother was attired in navy WS - [ > < [) "& : 4 f - Ee | wi ] i : wv a 4 1 | A | ' 64 or a FA 1 vo. ¢

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