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Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Apr 1953, p. 3

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(Edel FOWIATS WEES RSIS RAE RE FONE ee ME FE ae AN ALN arr ~ Fe Lt Tit 4 a RT Oo SE Gash. LE - NIALL RI AT RESP Sob A FA Sl Raand oatedh £57 EAL ATF 7 fT : yar Lo ans == : A : = od ., 1] hase bie, 3 rd d| . 9) z yr mp ¢ = Member of : i : rn THE STAR EDITORIAL PAGE oie "Weekly Newspapers y . . A : THURSDAY, APRIL 80, 1953 > : TT 4 Mental Health Week This is Mental Health Week and so we 4 shall expect to sée some attention given to this aspect of 'héalth 4n our newspapers and on our radio. However, that which L interests us is the popular ~~" belled weeks: We don't know exactly -how- the idea of-special weeks got started but perhaps the commercial success which fol- lowed upon the adoption of had something. to do with: it. before we had a week devoted to this and a week devoted to that we were accustomed ~~ NOTES < fetish for la- subject of the Mothers' Day For long . > 3 . AND COMMENTS { \] 3 . Such. commemorative weeks do serve to . bring certain things rather forcibly to the attention of the general public. articles; demonstrations, and radio talks-- television programmes, téo,--inform and sometimes entertain us with regard to the Staion Special " 1] i particular week. The weak- ness of such weeks is, of course, quite ob- vious, sometimes appallingly so,--they us- ually emphasize it beyond any sensible proportions and thereby tend to offset'the good envisioned. Somehow we feel that ~ DISTRICTDOMGS Bowmanville--A by-law to author ize borrowing of up to $350,000" for a gravity intake into Lake Ontario, a settling basin and pump house at the lakefront, and a 16 inch main from 'the pump mouse to the present ele- vated water tank was given first and second readings at a special meeting __of Bowmanville Towp-Conncil Mon- day night. It will now be forwarded to the Ontario Department &f Muni- cipal Affairs for approval prior to a third and final reading. Cannington. -- Cannington Village people, under leadership of the Lions' Utica The April-meeting of the Utica W.A. was well attended. at the home of Mis.» Cecil Harper, on Fhursday afternoon, "April 9 Mrs. George Mitchell conducted the usual religious period and then Mrs. Robert Walker, the president, - presided over the business session. Mrs, Earl Bal- "lard, Mrs. Handel ahd Mrs; James Mitchell served a tasty lunch to con- clude 'an enjoyable afternoon, "Myr. and Mrs. Jack Crosier and Mr. 'and Mrs. Earl Wallace went on a trip to Dorset last Sunday. A special "service held in Utica United Church on" April 12 was con- It was held to single. days of commemoration, But it the whole procuditte STacks of' BF ous Club, fe busy, with hive Toran od . ducted by Rev: Mr. Kewliedy; assisted sounded rather silly to have a Plumbers propaganda and at best leaves us with no- ome celebration of the 76th anniver- © pa AND MADNESS 1- Kore Reports. . indi by Mr, Hill. Murs. John Millman and : : 4 ji : tion. , s x --_-- \ NS pan anc Orea. eports indicate he rn hd 4 SE Day, Education Day, Cancer Da or Bung Hibg More Jonstrustive SHAW 3h yieon: saty of the $iljage Iieor pore hy in As full of beans as ever, Johnny that many weird and amusing things the Epsom Girls choir_supplied the Vi bE: Day so somebody conceived de J 8a of for able ge ng W i erent) woe details ia Messrs, Wayne (left), songstress Terry Dale, happened to this merrymaking gang "sic Seven babies were christened H taking up the whole week. It seemed a ever you have. & qu n SU and Frank Shuster will be back in while they were away.. They'll let and Marilyn Brown, Gloria Ashen- practicable length of time, might have happened had they chosen a month, or worse still, a year * The Impact of Science on In a recent book by Bertrand Russell called The Impact of Science on Society Imagine what ! mental health Society health of a Mental Health Week ; perhaps, this is simply a result of our own weak is true, in a greater or less degree, of most people in a well-organized modern com- Brock Sproule, - Mervyn Nicholson, Wilf Edwards and Dr, Mack Johnson. --Sutton . Reporter, Beaverton Favors New Industry-- The electors of Beaverton Village were most emphatic in ballots that favored granting a fixed assessment in sup-: port of Village Council effort to at- tract an industry. On Friday last, April 17th; the vote was 390 to 12 to Toronto this week after a six-week jaunt- entertaining servicemen in Ja- listeners in on some of them this Thursday at 9.30 on Trans-Canada. GREENBANK FIDELIS CLASS 'The April; meeting of. the Fidelis Class was held in the basement of the Church. : Three reels of pictures which were very interesting were shown to us by the National Film Board. The ba- zaar articles were collected and a - prolonged discussion on the banquet hurst, Corinne Beacock, Pauline Bea- cock and Hugh Dobson and another hoy from Bethesda joined the Church, The membership card of Mrs. N. Bea- cock- and Mr, R, Wilbur were trans- ferred to the Utiea Church, © Quite a number from here attended the final program and dancé held in Manchester hall last Friday evening - one finds towards the close of the final 'munity. Most people, when they are no ; : . followed. Lunch was served to our hy the Manchester Club. chapter an expression of a point of view oung, find themselves in a groove. grant a $30,000 assessment to Lake 'The meeting opened with Rock of yop porg and guests, A Inrge crowd met in the Utica Hall longer young, fin 8 3 d fter which Ruth Foster led i K a Hall d-a ; 3 b th considerin - p Simcoe Industries 1t ., for a period Ages, after which Ruth Foster led in a ing ; : he Raid \ that might be wor n g Restraint of impulses beyond a point is £90 verve : wrayer, followed by the Lord's prayer We wish to move a-vote of thanks on the same Friday evening to honom He says: One of the greatest causes of. very dangerous; it causes destructiveness, ! years. : ! : to Mrs. Ernest Lee, Mrs. Charley Miss Ruth Prentice with a shower be- . di tent" is 'th bordi 3 The firm, off-spring .of two parent in unison. The Scripture reading, | } 4 : ; present-day discontent is 'the subordina- cruelty and rebellion. Ways must be found : x : "Phoenix and Mrs, Fred Real for wash- fore- her approaching marriage. A T tui firms in England and the U.S, is to chosen from next-Sunday's lesson was ) : tion of the average individual to organiz- of giving more scope for individuality than t to ron the. hill. south of the .given by Doris Tobin. Mne Blakely Ing our lunch dishes while we were dance concluded the -evening. ations. This is an unavoidable feature of .at present exists for most people in our sea ale 10 WH, j > 8 : y : eri © making banquet arrangements. Mrs. M. Randall is teaching at the our scientific society. In a factory con- 1d . downtown section of Beaverton, for favoured us with a reading. More y Prince. Albert: Public. School taining expensive plant and depending' up modern wor "oe : : : manufacture of steel auto parts._Its Love to Thee O Christ was sung. The The meeting closed with the Mizpah dois Sk a 4 ny - A . f 4 ; id o ity . a vss *( A ooattendaed a 1 on the closely co-ordinated labour of many Perhaps, in the: light of what Russell sponsorship is The Atwood Vacuum president welcomed the visitors to Benediction, = birthday party held at the home of people, individual impulses must be con- has to say we can better understand some Machine Co. of Rockford; Ill. and our meeting... Thor ment. meeting will iy Told 85° Mise Corie finder i Tack ery. 'trolled completely except by those who of the individual tragic acts of destruction Bloxwich Lock and Stamping Co., of ppe voll call showed twenty-one the home of Mrs. Ivan Spencer on Miss Marion Joyce and Miss Ruth constitute the management. There no about which we read from time to time Bloxwich, England. members present and each answered May 20 at 8 o'clock. Group in charge Johnson were practicing teaching at possibility, in working hours, of either ad- in our local papers; perhaps, too, we can The company's. guarantees, for. aN ith a toilet article for a Korean bale. Mrs. Ernest Till, Mra. Brown, Mrs. the Utica School last week. They. are i venture or idleness. And even outside better understand why we are willing to employment roll of 60 persons is to Navy jonth the roll will be answered Bacon, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Baylis-and from Toronto. working hours the opportunities are few pay so much, so high ap ce for entertain- be a start toward a payroll eventual 'with a school supply article for same Mrs. Cook. : There is quite a hit_of Sickness for most people. Getting from*-home to ment and amusement, for liquor and gamb- : of ete 509 and dons hy 8: hale. The minutes-of the last meet Anyone wishing tickets for the tmong the neighbourhood children. i work and from work to home takes time; ling, bi sour yestern solely This 1s , cording to sta gient " ia Cs tar ing were read and approved. The" sypictic Club Banquet, please con- at the end of the day there is neither time problem about which politicians might do treasurer's report was then given. "oo of the hockey or. baseball To g nor money for anything very exciting. some thinking for it concerns the common yo N Thank You cards were. read from boys' 3 : And what is true of workers in a factory men, bik HE Armour and Howard McMillan's fa- : Austin C A Bathie ' a i H milies. : ley . - Dal ik ets : ¥ The President, Elinor Davidson was Announcing Moved by Velma Foster and see. iw DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC 4 in charge and Swe" entered: info aon by M. J. Howsam we enquire about Weekl Smile Han I 13 oC." siderable diseqasion 23 to ways and. Free gift day. this Saturday at Dimer tor the iireh Psion Velma Y : : : : Graduate of Canadian Memorial by. M:A.C. means of raising funds for the coming. Parkway Television. Your opportun- Fost 1 Norine C ok were appoint A druggist met an old customer on' > $ ; : Era months. .Some of the members plan ity to get that small appliance you've Osler. Alig wore © re am ¢ aR 3 Chiropractic College, Toronto Roberto Rossilini, notorious husband * = The article was to the effect that on: holdi tt i ytog p ed committee for same. the street and asked; "Well, Tom, did ; id a of Ingrid Bergman, seeks to maintain a member of the police force was re. olding afternoon or evening teas. been wanting absolutely free. Moved by Mae Blakely, sec. by Vel- that mudpack 1 suggested improve : : ? i busi The hostess for the May meeting '0 0 0 - ye. ER ; 54 For appointment Phone 206R. or his reputation for fast work by en- signing to go into private business. will be Doris Jeffrey with Eva Hunter Yeah Captshater vetel tor ma Foster we cater to the Athletic Your wife's appearance? | tering the Italian Road Speed Classic What business? . . . . The policeman Olive Brown and ik Jeffrey SETVing > n ny eh Sa i Club Banquet in the, basement of the "It did for a couple of days," re- PORT PERRY. 2 . as a movie director we expect said that was private. Do you think lunch, bid : i Op Famie, hy Soil A toniatie church Saturday evening, April 25 ut plied Tom mowrnfullys "but then it him to be somewhat of a wizard on. we are safe erasing suchia pun? Christina Parkinson, Merle Murphy Pop-Up Toaster, Electric 'Cottee Per. 1 o'clock, carried. cn wore off." o curves. The Hedin Sireamed-- and Pat Love will be in charge of the cglator, Steam Iron, Electric Shaver. : --0-- ) program, 0 0 0 : Social Service Groups are coming NATO BLASTS SOVIET Moves "°° -After the benediction was repeated You buy an apartment range or any . BUSINESS DIRECTORY R efri eration ? 'to regard childrens' institutions as no Vanes the Risdigis Wre Nays & Grace Beacock then gave a very un- Maytag. washer. We give you free / - . ; g temporary treatment centres "os We muc 4 e or Somme a usual reading much to the amusement your choice of the following, Electric CON ANT & CONANT t BALLET TAP Service, hoth household and suppose they are treating them for the nglis Boghage Ev. =" of all. Doris Jeffrey and Florence [yon, Electric Ketfle, Pop-Up Toaster, | sg ARRISTERS and SOLICITORS 5 et COMB)" childhood. 17. =tlin} We aTe War-monperers, Smith conducted a contest and a gandwich Toaster, Electric Clock. Gordon D. Conant, K.C Register for Classes | Gilson milk coolers and freezers. : --0-- Han al treasure hunt. ; § . $A eloe 1 of ri : rs Ck inn Army Band plans to Shakespeare had the forest move ms were 'enjoyed and 8 You buy an Soci) Washer. We Roger D. Conant, B.A. Saturdays 10 to 11 Refrigerators. fo. oo. SE AR A =" toward Dunsinane . . . but look at , + ine DEO ; ; dhs es : Offices: : a.m. fi : add some German Glockenspiela to ; so DRESSES happy evening brought to a close. give you-free-your-choice of the fol- : v ; ; | AB 4 supplement present instruments . . . Tiel ue newspaper lad did in thls __ lowing, Electric Toaster, Electric Oshawa, Bak ho Se St. S. Port Besty eg. oun ey vl : : : Eh 2 aie e A : . | "Jock. = one o- Hi choo m : & { a es © Pembroke Bridge Approaches Hilltop Her ald ich 5 Hut Ajax, Ont., Phone 25 3 g y RE . UPHOLSTERY {i German Glockenspiels spieling we Engage Quebec Engineers. - You buy a home freezer or 2-door : " Teacher--Mary Brotherwood tard RE-BUILDING 3 I should have something of which every backward The excitement at the moment is refrigerator. We give you free a : MONTEITH & MONT EITH " Principal--Irene Harvey and. bs ; Canadian can be Earnestly proud. How many people. were backward course, the Operetta, the Gondo« mantle radio. CHARTERED - ACCOUNTANTS Let us re-upholster your old Chester- 8 ) 0- about putting their clocks forward ? liers. - At this time everyone is cers 0 0 o Phone 5-4662 i : field Suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. . 5 : Certainly those who arrived at 12.0. tainly willing to be of some help in - For only $374.60 you can have the 37 King St. E., Oshawa Sand and Gravel home and- have oid sonsultans Fa 4 EE < The proofsreader substituted: an i elock to hear the 11 o'clock' service order to avoid classes. world's leading television completely - Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., sid give Ta ree estimate. Free A : __ for a u and had Ottawa engaged in as well as those that let on they slept ~~ oliers will be presented installed with 30° aerial, plus one Resident: Partner Governmeht Tented vick-up and delivery. Ria : the slave trade. . in, Tiontadey 8 3 riday Stening ai $00 year's free party and service, . - Landscaping, Sodding, Loam, and 'Phone 5-0311 Collect 5 o'clock. e first operetta tha Hi i y ; A y EX ; ddi pale blue faconne with matching head. presented by P.P.H.S. was "Trial by BATURDAY SPRaIA) . REAL ESTATE Pree Kstimates Stone... Phone 88R OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. f: 4 5 New 11 cu. ft. Deepfreeze refrigerator ' : 4 8. 8 Church Street o dress and bouquet of yellow gladioli, Jury", which was a success The 6 ' ; " oye 'hu § q e ng "The groom ane Mr. H. C. Cross as Gondoliers is entirely different and - at $389.95. IA. Will Dh & SONS W.J. SYMES Port A - ; -DE : TRE "perhaps more interesting. Therefore . 8 « Ae +14 SE LA . E i FOWLER{LAWSON DESMOND best man. : ,. a Tioser success. To present an Call in this Saturday. ai for complete Real Estate Service. : : bi fi ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Allan R, Fowler On A sword _helonging to the bride's operetta is quite a bit of work, but = PARKWAY | Head Office, 366 Bay St., Toronto a R 0 0 F I N G : Sok: Sot Honeymoon to California father was used to cut the 3-tier wed- "0 "oi 04 ig pent it is worth Phone EM. 3.0604 ( EXCAVATING "es A (Daily Colonist, Victoria, B.C.) ding sake af He otra it. One not only has to be able to : Post pers rly CELLARS - DRAINS OF ALL KINDS 3 NEE og Ls Bond Be Gr bib eto PRY PWIGION | ou toon NC aM vases matt ol : Brentwood College Memorial Chapel welcomed v. and Mrs. R. L. Des- act but also ne - ¢ 3 ma en i Farms and Small Acreages. SEPTIC TANKS Eavest roughing, Asphalt Siding, He | EER was chosen by Mary, Bowers Lawson- mond and and Mrs. I. C, Cross, Dore gin 4 A - Ho - 918 SIMCOE ST. N. . OSHAWA | 4 oirial and Business Property. GRADING Estimates given on all kinds Rial ! . H. C, Cross. : 50 be a sue- - ( ; i oS ANS De rr i TE 'Mr. Cross proposed the toast. be? Dr Wi an Your authorized Hallicrafters Dealer 3 LLOYD LEE 9 CLIFF BAKER, Manchester of work. a the Row. EAR A Sone on Friday Mr. dnd Mrs. Fowler will live in There is no other activity at the 4 is your local representative. july 17 CARL WALLACE . . . ¢ - pe [ - Ly nm aap enid B tno arty. "evening, April 10, 1068. i Victoria, B.C. after. a honeymoon to present time in P.PH.S. we Shea -------------- rye. 2 a Hudson 9 SED, %, oronto Port Perry ; The bride is the daughter of Mr. San Franeisco.. . ~~ . Bd : A T-- oe - -- 3 Besshorough Drive : Tig and Mrs, Richard Lawson-Desmond, For fravelling, the bride wore a == " = ¥ A N C F ' * a: Drive, Brentwood Bay, and the navy blue and white checked taffeta Hear the : NEW KiMD OF HOME Electrical and ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS -- 4 room is the son of Mrs, MR Fowler dress with redingote of navy sheer MINISTER OF LABOR" : HANDYMAN ; 2 Are your policies up-to-date?| New or old floors sanded and hi , of Oshawa, Ontario, atid the late Mr. trimmed with the taffeta, a myskrat | ; N 1 re To ya nD finished, or waxed and polished by 1 hogy Shi : topcoat, navy -blue accessories, and 3 H n : IVI AXES, taking : eC anica epairs Whatever your insurance needs 0h AY fre : ; Traditional wedding music was corsage of talisman rosca: hi on. country or wb: + | |g ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, mig be, eansult Electric Floor Sanders, or Wax. : played during the double-ring cere- (Editor's Note--Mr. Fowler will be Milt F G N mpl cultivates, || ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A H. W. EMMERSON ers and Polishers for Rent. mony, and Mrs. Alex. Cuthbert sang rememberad by many of our young on ° regg ; mows, Phau : SPECIALTY. Ph Al Port P : . PIC D : + "0 Perfect Love, while the couple folk, having attended high school be- ; V.C plows snow, atc. METAL LATHE WORK. one ort Ferry R. KAR - signed the register. Spring blooms fore enlisting with the Canadian navy, : CEE EE a LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground Phone 281W, Port Perry, Ont. decorated the chapel, and guests were and: wasp, stationed at Halifax for a - and \ bbe Bo HA | and Serviced. 3 ; : "ushered to pews marked with white few years. He is the grandson of Mr. alias d, s "| JOXY:ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC DR.J.B.LUNDY LL and purple heather by Mr, Lloyd Wood and Mrs. Oliver Reader, Part Perry.) John La : WELDING. 218 J.B. ; : and Mr. Don Smith ay MILLER'S CHICK --~ | a DENTAL SURGEON A bouquet of peach gladioli, con- : 0 : YOUR LIBER AL H ATCHERY CAUSLEY M CHINE (Over Telephone Office) N tered with white roses, and shamrocks » DIDATE derland 8 31 sans PORT PERRY ONTARIO . CAN Phone Sunderland 8 r : 4 was carried by the attractive bride, rince er ' aprilét.f. : ks tq pir who was escorted down the isleby = in the UAW, HALL; on _ : : Air Conditioning Office Hours -- 10,a.m. to 6 p.m. her father, Her cocktail-length gown . The Prince Albert Good Neighbours -- Bond Street East ee ; faa Phones: Office 68W. Res: 68J . z 4 "was of white faconne over taffeta, the Service Club held at the home of Mrs, LE Rey Fo : i Furn ace err : INSURANCE COMPANY 7 matching jacket styled with Peter Pan Fay Steen on Monday evening was S awa Gravel and . Loam Et Arh : ; Ast : i 1 LY Ee collar apd lily-point sleeves, Her well attended. The ladies "came as ! g wht Eav estrou ghin g ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C. | Consult the Crown Life Man + finger-tip' veil was caught to a cres< you are" following individual invita- T esd i M . 5 $ CRUSHED STONE pcthdt w d t Port P 2 cent-shaped headdress, and she wore tions, : which caused considerable. u ay 1 ay i : We sell and ssrvlee DURO hs en abce a Rid ort Sh S C E C K I N G : a pearl necklace, the gift of the amusement. A prize was given during PRESSURE PUMPS _ oifice on Wednesday morning an Jo SE SA "nicest" ; t 8:00 pm, re arren Ie Friday afternoon. of each week,| : : J groom. : : the evening forthe "nicest. dressed Aine Lio : SYDNEY G. BARNES of by appointment AGENT 5] Mga, H. C. Cross, as matron of hon- person and Doreen Fletcher received Ontario Riding Liberal Assoc. Port Perry, Phone 64) AROORTIN Pumetar? y app nb. : 0 our, chose a cocktail length gown of the most votes, Sh ; £3 : Aug 53 Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25|- pb, Perry - Ontarlo % 0 "\

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