Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Apr 1953, p. 5

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6 re « : r , uN 'y - a y " lie v by, of 4 . ~ : 3 } x ' oo OO OO | Bowling Banter WHIZ BANGS WIN TROPHY Tuesday night closed the Bowling League for 1953 season with the Whiz- Bangs taking two games out of three in the play-offs from the Mudcats. The score: . W.B.--1100 1083 1046 M.C.--~ 910 1168 1018 - The High Single for the year. was won by Bill Harrison of the "Stars with 844 and the High Tr iple went to with 740; LAG another of the "Stars", Irving Boyd The Second Soption finished as fol- lows: .. Whiz-Bangs ........o. oasisisstariians 57: SUAS | icin Bir insets nbd Has Beens ..49 'Mud Cats .. Sevenaires ... « Blow: Kings | ...ccmiai ...40 Dodgers iain 2.30 Lucky Strikes 33 PRIS. nis sian 82 Hilltops PANE, SORT RL) Knitters ......ooimmiimminin, SAY 21°, me. Lok CC PC Debentures bearing interest at 5% Price Par and accrued interest. bentures maturing, dealer and. to private individuals. they have matured. Village of Port Perry. place their order with: or in the area the bonds nay not be sold locally. Please .give several' AEA FOR SALE $125,000 Central Ontario County District Iligh School Area Board Maturing in One to Twenty years." To pay cost of purchase and renova- tion of Public School building. These Debentures are approved by the Provincial Government whose grant at present is 76% of de- "Debentures are being offered for sale to a pond The rate of interest is much higher than on Government Bonds and the municipalities in the High School Area have always paid any debentures issued by them: promptly=as These municipalities are: Reach, Scugog, Uxbridge and Scott; the Town of Uxbridge and the The debentures will be issued by Port Perry. Anyone wishing to invest $1,000 or more should IMMEDIATEL Y J. I. RAINES, Port Perry Clerk-Treasurer, Norman Aleiander, Uxbridge, Sec.-Treas., Central Ontario County District High School Board, so that if enough orders are received the whole issue may be sold in. _ In the event of the whole issue not being subscribed for, Orders must be received not later than the 15th of May, alternative _- The Townships of 1953, maturities in placing orders, A i go aE $ GRAF Fay : LAH X ASP SALA HUE PES SPAR, Meteors ....ciuirinnnai wal The winners of the first section were 1st Mud Cats, 2nd Whiz-Bangs, drd Stars. Winners of the second section, 1st Whiz-Bangs, 2nd Stars, 3rd Has Beens. 'The banquet to close the season will be held at the Del Restauragt on-- THURSDAY, MAY 14 when the prizes and trophy will be presented. NOTE--If anyone has an odd pair of bowling shoes, 'please: get in \ touch with Bill Taylor. 4 THE LAWN BOWLING LEAGUE-- On Monday" evening the four feams climaxed their Bowling Season at the Bowling Alley and howled two games. The winner for High Score was Emily Badour who won herself a lovely chicken, but as you know a chicken would be no treat for them, as that is their business she very generously donated it over to Lowest score for the season and Mrs. Joan Godley was the Lucky girl. After bowling we all came up to "Little Norway" at the Delicateria and sat down to a de- licious banquet which was paid for from the League's funds. Following the banquet the President Myrtle Palmer in her remarks men- tioned that we had all looked forward to our Monday evening gét-to-gether at the alley and were Sorry to see the Bowling league season come to an end and thanked the girls for their Co-operation. The games convener, Mrs. Jeanette Hutchinson was then called on to give out prizes. The 1st Prize went to Jeanette Hutchinson's team for High Score for the season. "Second Prize went to Grace Hasting's team, and High Single without handi- 1 SX nd 1 ¢ 5 A , 08 Rat S90 ' Pinal al i = § 3 x bis, £5454 THE PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1953 P.PH.S. All-Stars Win Basketball Trophy Holding off a last quarter drive, the local" high school cagers upset the Fort Perry Lions to win the Port Perry and District basketball champ- ionship "last Friday. This sudden- death game decided the winner of the trophy donated by the'1945-46 champ- fonship team, namely Jim Baird, Mac Christie, Roddy Foster, Murray Lee,, Willie Stone, and Bob Willfams., The scholars were short handed with ee . only six playerspand"the squad of two seniors, three juniors, and one sen- "or substitute were decided underdogs. Théy were without their high-scoring vegular, Norm Haugen, who has late- ly discontinued his formal education, and has joined the Lions. Besides Haugen, the Lions had their regular squad plus Peter Bulman and Dave Brunton. In the free-scoring first quarter, the high school kids opened fast and took a lead which they never gave up, although they were threatened sev- eral times. At the half, the score was. P.ILS, 31--Lions 27. The all- stars continued to roll in the third session when they built up a ten point lead, which they increased at the start of the final quarter. The lions cal- led a time-out and whatever Griffen said to them isn't known, but they <& -< Myrtle Palmer was the recipient of a Beautiful Bouquet from the girls, Myrtle thanked the girls and said she hoped to meet many of them on the Bowling Green this Summer, 'he Newly elected President for n. Orders will be filled in order of receipt, This offering is subject to cap went to Mrs. Rose Walker., Mrs, 'the Fall is Mrs. Rose Walker; Sec- [| allotment and confirmation. The right is reserved to close the sub- Alma Cox Secretary forthe league retary, Mrs, Emily Badour; Treasurer [ seription books at any time. was given a lovely cup and saucer for | Mes. Del. Bentley; Games Convener, n Government, ai other, Bonds may be sold at Ye present marke! her untiring efforts in keeping the Mrs: Mavis Irwin. The four captains a price to purchase these debentures, 3 Ta a records for the girls. We had nlare the save Mss, Grae Hastings, April 25,1953. aprd0 may? =| ycky- draw for a chicken and Mrs. | Mrs. Helen Stouffer, Mrs. Jeanette n | fucky= quay Re, wn i : : FRB I GT i. 1 J mm OT C1 I Minnie Brignall was the Lucky girl. | Hutchinson, Mrs. Alma Cox, 3 g i RUCK (ABS : . : Now . . . Ford Truck Engineering NEW VISIBILITY ALL -AROUND NEW COMFORT SEAT NEW CAB POSITION Ort 'N on ce curved wind. Finest truck seat c¢ver built-- New forward posi. Introduces New Driverized Cabs shield one, bie increise of more over a full 5 feet wide with non. (joning of engine and : = than 304° in jass area Rives sag poring rovides foamy cab over the longer, ' : n t or sa omfort for three men. INewW es Jiere's ihe as most 3dvance] driving. Fal wid reat indo built: -in Shack snubbors. sooth Stier Jlrs Meubles - tdea in truck design... . erized --over 4 feet wide--and bigger out roughest bumps. Seat adjusts spit Cabs<planned with the driver in «side windows give an increase of forward and back--seat-back greatly improved mind . . . designed to reduce fatigue, 199% in all-round visibility. angle also adjustable, driver comfort. strain and discomfort . . . built to~ : promote greater driving ease and : PLUS THESE o Larger side windows with sliis at arm-rest length! higher efficiency. Check over the ; . ; o Wider doors open right out for easier entrance! all-new driving features . . . see for © New Insulation seals against engine nolse, heat and fumes! yourself bv Deirerfeed Design NEW FEATURES © New roto-type door locks . . . quieter, safer, more durable! Bd makes Ford Economy Trucks the OF DRIVERIZED ® New fully Weather- sealed construction... dust: "tight, fume-tight, water-tight! most comfortable, most efficient © New curved Instrument panel with easy-to-read "Cockpit" cluster! trucks on the road --the best trucks to- ° 4 AB DESI GN © New heating and ventilating system for added all-weather comfort! drive from the driver's point of viewl © New push-button door handles . . . easy, 10 operate, more dependable! - Completely NEW for 53 ' 7 --\ N {+ BY } : \i i) NEW STEERING EASE Shorter wheelbases ' ; and wider front seads make all '53 Ford Trucks easier to steer than ever before . . . shorter turning radios bili more manoeuyra- _. bility . preater "front-end stability, FOR SMOOTH HANDLING Famous Ford V.8 engines deliver plenty of livel ower- for toug auls , smooth, depend. able performance mile after mile. EFFORTLESS SYNCHRO - SILENT SHIFTING ---- Synchro-Silent "Shiiting on all models means much less effort for the driver, smoother operation in traffic, Automatic Transmission* and 'Overdrive* available in: all © ¥<100 Series. (* at extra cost), y . Rive TRUCK DEALER "by more and carry Hfarther. , ror tviry rhs DOLLAR MANCHESTER; ONT. Phone 171 r 21 came back fast to within three points, at which time coach Parkinson took time out. The "high school took charge then and led by eight points before a floor-long, desperation'shot by Mag Christie brought the score to 61-56. The P.P.H.S. squad was led by Bud Warrinés and Gary Lawrence, while starred on guard Their superior re- bounding was 'a. main cause in the victory. Jack Griffen played his us- ual fine game and led the Lion scor- ers. Bob Storry and Ron. Wallace al- so played good two-way games, P.P.H.S. has now won the trophy twice, against one win for the town, who held the championship last year. This is a fine tribute to coach Parkin- son and his boys who have been noted all year for their comebacks and ,up- hill struggles. : P.P.H.S. All-Stars: Warriner 22, Lawrence 18, Owen 11; 1, + Total 61. full of 'blue coal', low prices." PHONE 75 L] Sisman MEN'S OXFORDS : $5.95 MEN'S OXFORDS Crepe Soles, $6.95 MEN'S OXFORDS Lug Sole, $6.50 BOYS' OXFORDS, $4.95 YOUTH'S OXFORDS Jack Owen and John Waldinsperger Robertson 5, Waldinsperger 4, Kendall Port Perry Lions: "fuiffen 18, Wallace 11, Storry 11 Christie 7, Hayes 6, Sulman 2, Brun. ton, Haugen, Tots) B55. : Manhiester Mr, and Mrs. Emil St. Aubin and Mr. Danny Teevens of Ottawa visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mulholland over the week-end. The Women's Association will méet at the home of Mrs. J. E. Holtby on Thursday afternoon, May 7th at 2.30. The ladies of the district ave cordially invited to attend,' Mrs. Grant LO.D.E. convention in Hamilton re- cently. Mrs. Lloyd McKee, Mrs. S. Weaver and Mr. Gordén Mackie are patients in Port Perry Community Hospital. We wish all a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Mulholland visit- ed Mrs. Wm. Mulholland at Canning- Pay for your Fuel the EASY WAY et our 'blue coal' Budget Plan cut your : winter fuel costs by enabling you to pay small sums spread.over months, Start the winter with PAID-UP HEAT, You'll be sitting pretty with your bin 'bought at today's a. ' ream rei-- (| ton on Saturday. STOP JUGGLING with heavy WINTER BILLS Ask us now about our-- 'blue coal BUDGET PLAN Reesor Fuel & Lumber The $3. 95 'Gabardine Panis MEN'S .... $7.50 § BOYS' PUTTY TCC CTTTITIT, +$4.95 Men's Suis $39.50, $49.50, $59.50 Wallpaper 19¢. a roll and up Congoleum 90¢. sq. yard Christie: attended the. | Closing | Monday, ~~ © May 4h ~~ until further . notice For : a Re-sanding and re-finishing Pb Alleys and other 53 repairs. ; Tee fii » 7 AA EY sy vIn 5 hk I ol - n - he [ > 3 King Pin Lanes WES. STATA, Proprietor PORT PERRY PB AR Isman Scampers d] 1 veh ------_y ii RA, PORT PERRY ratte tra 8 FA 5 FW AO LWT {i outdoor choe pice CB sor all the family LY I ---- ay. -- UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY TUESDAY, MAY bh, at 2.30 SCHOOL ROOM PM, 2 WK PR DAY: MAY 6th, at 8.00 P oy {5 GROCERIES Dresses and Drygoods i Velvet Pastry Flour, 20 Ib. bag ........ $1.39 MARTHA WASHINGTON PRINT 1 M.C. Fig Bars, special, 1 1b, ................ 29¢. DRESSES $2.05 $3 95 $4.95 : LE Wethey's Blueberry Pie Fill, 20 oz. dlc. EE i in Beets WA, Bll XY Shrouded Wheat ..............coivnnns 2 pkgs. 33c. COTTON DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS Fob oice Tomatoes, 28 oz. tin .............. ale. so Yellow, Gree 51x51) $2.¢ PAS Lynn Valley Green Beans, 20 oz, 2/31¢ pi log, Green, (51401) og 4 Lynn Valley Peas, 20 0%. tin Ty pin mat DEB. 1 1) 3 I rg Ry Spr RX DAE) bi Ogilvie Coronation Cake Mix COTTON LACE TABLE CLOTHS a! York Golden Corn, Cr. style, 15 oz. tin 15c. EYES NI cid tier 3208 ti H: H. Péanut Butter, plain or ice box jar a Di % EN Homogenized, large ..................4de, [+ ESMOND BLANKETS, Blue and Green, i A Catelli's Noodles, pkg. vi aaa mE 10¢ Satin Bound, cach ....................... «98.76 RA Mixed Cookies, pkg. ...........oe 35¢. NOVELTY COTTON QL TERT "ha Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies, pkg. 37c. NOY fo S IN DilnS MATERIAL | AE : : € : , Tan, juoise and 'Yellow baa Shiriff's Jelly Powders............ 3 pkgs. 29c. Per -vard $1.20 and $1.25 FE Miller's Tomato Catsup, 13 oz. bottle 22¢. : Evan : rad AL Sultana Raising, Ib. ...coinininnn 23¢, PRINTED DRAPERY, 36 inches wide 10 IF'resh Pitted Dates, Th. cui 15¢ Per yard coco, 65¢. and $1.25 Ri : : -- : : ha & LEY © : ] Nd ROBIN HOOD COOKING SCHOOL Hi GOOD DOOR PRIZES Phone 3 F. W. BROCK & SON Port Perry C--O TA mr

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