Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 May 1953, p. 4

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LC AERERNR RAE 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR--THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1953 LOCAL APPOTme Made Mrs. E. A. Hodgson has been ap- pointed to the position of accountant for the Community Memorial Hospital. Notice € . .- I. 0. D. E. » 'All LO.D.E. members are cordially % "invited to 'attend the Coronation ser- \ ¥ vice, Please meet at 2.30 in the 3 A foyer of the United Church to enter in od a body. Ll . { a J 36 I. 0. D. E. $a) The regular meeting of the Scugog SEAS Chapter LO.D.E. will be held in the N Community Room of the Library, on Hl Monday afternoon, June 1st, at 3,00 \ Vi pm. This will be our Coronation 3 : i meeting, and an interesting program ha "has been arranged. Members are oo urged to be present: SER Members are also reminded of the iy Church Service on Sunday afternoon, May 31st, at 3 p.m. and are requested to assemble in the corridor of the United Church at 2.45, Let us have a good representation of our Chapter at this special Coronation Service. -____ Births VANDERBY---Mr. and Mrs. Gerban Vanderby wish to announce the ar- rival of their son, a brother for Greta. ~ Born at Community Memorial Hos- pital, Port Perry, May 25, 1953. PRENTICE--Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prentice are happy to announce the arrival of their baby daughter, Joanne Marie, at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, on May 15th. vo A Re SR en apy we nd X x > 3 no LEAS Engagement Mrs. Diana Titus, Uxbridge, wishes to announce the engagement of her younger daughter Norma Norene, to Robert Worth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman FK. Crozier, of Port Perry. The wedding to take place on June 20. Card of Thanks I would like to thank all the kind friends and relatives for their thoughts, cards and flowers during my recent illness. Mrs. Jos. Peel. Death PARGETER, Elsie E.--Suddenly at eee Community_Memorial-Hospital-- Perry, on Sunday May 24; 1953, I5. Stabback, beloved wife of the II. Arthur Pargeter, Jack and Donald. Funeral service was at A, I. McDermott chapel on Tuesday, May 26. Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery, Elsie late dear mother of FAMILY CWE ENTERTAINMENT ii PLEASE NOTE Two Shows Nightly, 7.00 & 9.00 Matinee at 2.00 p.m. LAST SHOWING TO-NITE NEWS The Churches CORONATION CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY, MAY 31, 3.00 p.m. Church Parade and Service in.the United-Church., Combined Choirs and local Ministers in charge. Those tak- ing. part in the parade will fall in at Community Memorial Arena at 2,15, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. 1.8. Swabey, Rettor 9 a.m.--Holy Communion, ~ 7 p.m.--Evensong. ST. JOHN'S" PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 a.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Divine Worship At this service' we shall have as preacher the first applicant for a Call to our pulpit. A full congregation is hoped for. PORT -PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wyle, Minister PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH-- Sunday, May 31 11 am.--"Fear God, Honour the Queen" 3 p.m.--Community Coronation Service : _7 p.m--"Is Patriotism a Virtue?" PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Douglas Sloan, Pastor. PORT Sunday, May 31st 2 p.m.--Sunday School. 3 p.m. Service-- Wednesday--Prayer 1 meeting, 8 p.m. \ PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, May 31-- ' 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 3 p.m.--Sunday 'School. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic I'riday, 8 p.m.--Rally. Whithy Church will be our guests. The speaker--Rev, 0, J. McPherson. EVERYBODY WELCOME Pastor: Wm. D, Thompson. kind | Port{---- DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Saturday, May 30-- Service at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Stanley Gerrow. All are welcome SEVENTH | Hall, Utica, with prizes for euchre and .| noon, May 30th, 1953. State exper- be obtained from Mr. N. W. Heayn. EAR RE Ka LARA BA SS CON SAR LA Coming Events Dance FRIDAY, MAY 29-- The Port Perry Junior Farmers are. holding their "Annual Spring Hop 'at the : Port Perry High School. Walkers Orchestrac Admission 50c. per person. may21 Coronation Ball FRIDAY, JUNE 5th : 1 A Coronation Ball will be "held_in .| the Port Perry High School with music | provided by Wes Jackson's oxchestra, ! Dancing from 8.30 to 1 am. Formal attire. Admission $2.50 per couple. Dance and Euchre FRIDAY, MAY 29th. At 8.30 sharp a Coronation dance and euchre will be held in Memory best Old Time Fiddler. 60c. Memory Hall, Utica Friday, June 5 Play--"Three Smart Girls" by Good- wood ladies -- and ice cream social. Guest singer, Mr. G. Pearce. Under auspices of Utica W.A. Adults, Tbe. Children 385c, Admission Tenders Wanted The Port Perry Public School Board hereby solicits sealed tenders for the position of caretaker for the Port Perry Public School. All applications must be signed, sealed and sent to the Secretary of the Board by 12 o'clock ience, if any, and salary expeéted. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, A copy of the caretaker' duties may Duties to commence June 16th, 1953. N. W. Heayn, R. D. Woon, Chairman, Sec'y May 7th, 1953, may28 Recent estimates show that the av- erage Canadian telephone user, in pay- ing his bill, annually contributes $12 in taxes to the Federal government. --00-- The Defence Research Board is de- veloping a new type of synthetic rub- ber which will retain its flexibility at temperatures as low as 65 degrees F. The wonderful new lightweight mineral insulation that "POURS INTO PLACE"! rs simplicity - itself, using "MICAFIL"". . No blowing equipment, nor special tools are necessary. It's so light, you -- PHURSDAY, MAY 28= "BIG JIM McCLAIN starring JOHN WAYNE and NANCY OLSON a Te &] =a a] A Sa A, nh "FRIDAY-SATURDAY, MAY "NO HOLDS BARRED" : with "FHE BOWERY BOYS" --Plus-- 'WAC FROM WALLA WAL LA' starring JUDY _CANOVA and STEVE DUNNE f 29-30 yy F a MONDAY-TUESDAY, JUNE 1-2 "AGAINST ALL FLAGS" starring ERROL:, FLYNN and MAUREEN O-HARRA Technicolor WED.-THURSDAY, JUNE 3-4 I" 'gm [] nis 'Destination Gobi Technicolor starring RICHARD WIDMARK and DON TAYLOR PLUS "A Day in the County" | 1 ', TECHNICOLOR IN 3-D ° . Wednesday and Thursday, June 3 and |. aE 4 there will be a be. Service Charge. Manufacturers of ASPHALT SHINGLES & SIDINGS Blends and Solid Colours ROLL ROOFINGS Asphalt and Tarred SHEATHINGS & FELTS BUILT-UP ROOFING MATERIALS "BISCO" WALLBOARDS Triplex -- Green Board Burley Board -- Burley Tile PLASTIC CEMENTS & WATERPROOF PAINTS ROOF COATINGS ' "FLEECE LINE" ROCK WOOL INSULATION _ A CARL ro gregates for Plaster Concrete " BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS LTD. Plants at PORTNEUF STATION QUEBEC, P.Q. Lake Seugog Lumber PORT PERRY war _.c - from the convenient 1ight- and Insulation P.Q., TORONTO and LONDON, ONT, Warehouses and Branches: MONTREAL, P.Q. can easily pour It into--place weight Micafll bags. Make your home comfortable in all weathers, with economical Micafil, " See your BISCO dealer now! [Kel {el Ree] kN & Coal Co, Limited Bob" '| Fri,, 19--Uxbridge at Sunderland +1 Mon, =20-=Sunderland at Stouffville | Mon; A MERION nk i ' Mr. and Mrs. John William Kane, Toronto, are seen signing the register after their recent marriage in Grace United Church, Scugog. Mrs. Kane H 4 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES ..........coooocoonniiJarge 25. KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES .............oininoinn large 28e: SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 16 oz, ........ AEROWAX LIQUID "NO.-RUB"...............pts. 43¢.. qts. 79¢. VOGUE TOILET TISSUE... Besasasaannnsans natn oD0 vend TONS 25¢, -JAVEX POWDERED BLEACH, pkg .........coooiiininnrinnnnn 276, JAVEX, cocci 16 02. 16e. 92 oz. %6¢: oz. 47¢. « LUX TOILET SOAP minnnssasiaeaiead. ars 25, "Fresh Fruils and ol Vitae CARROTS, cello bags EEL CRE for 27c. NAVEL ORANGES, dozen . rns 3G BANANAS, Golden Ripe | passes sores De 19€, . BOXED PLANTS--Flowers and onto boxes $1.00 E. MERLIN DOWSON PHONE 91 FREE DELIVERY EVERY MORNING OF EVERY DAY eee eee terest errr ere ttre reer tre tr ttt t itt rter ttre tert tt ssrt tnt rots s oss se sens esesesess 331i 00000000 000000000000 (Allene Jane), is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sweetman, Scugog. Mt. Kane is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kane, Toronto. Schedule for Tri- County Ball The following schedule of games arranged for the Western Section of Tri County League was settled as a result of last Friday's meeting in 'Ux- bridge and sent out by League BSec- retary John Learoyd: MAY-- Mon., 25--Sunderland at Stouffville Wed., 27--Uxbridge at Sutton Fri.,, 29--Stouffville at. Sunderland JUNE-- Mon., 1--Sutton at Uxbridge Wed., 3--Stouffville at Sutton Fri.,, 5--Sunderland at Uxbridge Mon., 8--Sutton at Sunderland Mon., 8--Uxbridge at Stouffville Fri., 12--Stouffville at Uxbridge Mon., 16--Sutton at Stouffville Wed., 17--Sunderland-at Sutton Wed., 17--Uxbridge at Stouffville Mon., 22--Sunderland at Stouffville - Wed., 24--Uxbridge at Sutton Fri., 26--Stouffville at Sunderland Mon., 20--Sutton at Uxhridge JULY-- Fri, 3--Sunderland at Uxbridge Mon., 6--Sutton at Sunderland Mon, 6--Uxbridge at Stouffville Wed., 8--Stouffville at Sutton Fri, 10--Stouffville at Uxbridge Mon., 13--Sutton at Stouffville Wed., 15--Sunderland at Sutton Fri, 17--Uxbridge at Sunderland Wed., 22--Uxbridge at Sutton Fri., 24--Stouffville at Sunderland Mon., 27--Sutton at Uxbridge Wed., 29--Stouffville at Sutton Fri. 31-- Sunderland at Uxbridge AUGUST-- : Fri., 7--Stouffville at Uxbridge Fri., 7--Sutton at Sunderland "10--Sutton at Stouffville ~ 12--Sunderland at Sutton 14--Uxbridge at Sunderland Wed, Fri, --Top two teams in Playoffs. -- Visiting team supplies a plate; umpire; home team a base umpire. Teams are askd to let Secretary John Learoyd, Sutton West, Ont. know the results as soon as possible so he can keep Standings up-to-date for the league, Public Speaking Contest Winner REPORT ON CANADIAN LEGION PUBLIC SPEAKING GONTEST, PORT PERRY, FRIDAY, MAY 15 On Friday, May 156th, 1953, at 8.00 p.m., four public school- pupils, and 6 high school pupils of Port Perry schools. participated in the Legion- sponsored - Public - Speaking Contest. "The judges were John C. Brintnell, of the Legion; James L.- Crane, high sghool principal; Roy H. Cornish, pub- lic - school principal; Frank Godley, Legion seeretary. An audience of 35 people -- parents and friends of the contestants--attended. The contest commenced with ele- [A w PASTEL COLOURS - IVORY « PINK - BLUE - GREEN UTILITY CASE o Repl 3¢ wil any plastic --- curlers $139 * MANY OTHER USES... CARD BOX COSMETIC CASE » SEWING CASE ITH EACH PURCHASE OF A ---- SHADOW WAVE 'KIT OR REFILL | BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE PORT PERRY PHONE 16 mentary speaker Wayne Oke, speak- ing on "Our Town", Miss Karel Espie, 'speaking on "The Coronation", David Williamson, speaking on "Our Queen", and Miss Donna Samells, who_spoke of "The. Coronattion". The contest- ants were surprisingly well prepared, and delivered excellent talks, resulting in the awarding of first prize -- a camera--to Miss Samells; and second prize--a flashlight--to Wayne Oke. In the secondary division the "fair sex" outnunibered the "strong sex" by five to one, the speakers being Joy McCully, speaking on "The Signifi- cance of Coronation Day"; Bonnie Munro, "Canada's New Frontiers"; Thelma McEachern, "The Significance of Coronation Day"; Dorother Wilbur, "The Conser vation of Natural Re- sources"; Ken- Hallett, "What The|- Coronation Means To Me"; and Diana- Rac-McCully, "The Significance of Coronation Da$." lot MEN'S T SHIRTS / MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS, regular $3.75 ATTENTION! GILBOORD'S FINAL CLEARANCE SALE surprised a lot of people the of goods left. GIRLS' SHOES, regular $2.25 EVERYDAY TOWELS - serene last two weeks with the good bargains we gave them; but there is still a Call in and see for yourself and supply the family with Drygoods, Ready- 0 Woe Footwear, at prices less than cost, as we must Here are a few of-the bargains you can buy: LADIES' LEATHER SHOES, regular $3.99 $2.75 $1.25 MEN'S GOOD OXFORDS, regular $6.25 DRESS PANTS, regular $6.95 PRINT, BROADCLOTH and FLANNELETTE, 36 Inches, good weight, 99c¢c. pair $4.44 CT TP PP FIT TTT IT) $5.45 ° 34 cents yard 84c. CRTTYTTRTY Gilhoord's Drygoods, Ready- to-Wear and Footwear So outstanding was the calibre of all of these talks that the judges were] very hard put to arrive at an equitable decision. Three prizes, instead of two.| wer¢ awarded to solve the dilemma, Ken Hallett, Bonnie Munro, and Dor- othy Wilbur being the recipients. Judging Chairman John Brintnell ex- plained the decision and awarded the prizes. The winners of the cleminiary and secondary levels are to participate in the zone contests in Oshawa, to de- termine their eligibility for the final competition: at the provincial level in Sudbury in August. - To Trench etorky S-Lonada is, Dominion Network CORONATION ROUTE-- By means of radio, millions of lis- teners in Canada will be following the Coronation Parade along its route, as well ag the service in Westminster, Abbey. Here's how these broadcasts will be relayed to listeners here: three trans- Phone 240 w missions of the same program, but on A ps wD an i RE A a AS A pn a different frequencies, will be short- waved by the BBC from London as the historic event takes place. .One of these willbe picked up by the .CBC shortwave receiver near Ottawa, and the other two from New York. They will then be relayed to Toronto, from where the broadeast will be fed to the CBC networks. " { For home refreshment v dm «fi paren, ~ buy Coke by the carton Generations of Canadians - have enjoyed the quick --- Sw --- (C LF 3 Sele R16-X refreshment and unmatched flavor of ice-cold Coca-Cola: For family and friends it's the popular choice everywhere. Authorized bolero of Cota-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Lid; UXBRIDGE PHONE 205W oye tr ------ UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES LIMITED AC ---------- antpqeme =. nd.

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