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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 May 1953, p. 8

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a a ~ 5 { § i ' ME Se ek Er Pi i rt SS SR Nady Re ra Ae a NL a = Tle, lu ; = 5 ---- 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR--THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1953 FORESEES HAAR a Shit Lek Ridge Ramblings By JAMESINE WILLIS "++ to™miental health, MENTAL HEALTH-- Recently a week was set aside in Canada as National Hospital Week and in the United States the same week was called Mental Health Week. How long will it be before. Canada will ne- dessary to separate hospital week and give exclusive concentration Whether we like the thought or not mental ill- ness is dogging us. One person in twenty of our society can expect to, at some.time, be an inmate of a mental institution. In United States the ratio is one in twelve amd we ean count on it, we will soon be the-same for strange as it is we have a great tendency to follow < move-cagerly the weak points of our neighbor than to follow where he is strong. v ; 'We so easily and eagerly adopt from our whom we love but do not always respect, their speed, their personal freedom, and low moral standards. This craze for speed we certain ly do not get from otir Scottish, Irish or English ancestors, nor from our E uropean forefathers; they gave us a placid inheritance if we had the sense to grasp it." The exagerated idea of personal freedom gets us many a headache; no man, American or Canadian is a law unto himself without sooner. or later finding that he does not fit well in-his small social circle. The idiotic divorce rate in United States and so rapidly growing in Canada makes the whole country look weak and unstable and so these add up to a few of the reasons why so many.of our citizens are residents of mental hospitals. Our home life has degeneiated to the point where juveniles show more dnd more psychiatric symptoms. Admissions in mental insti- tutions are younger and home life is to blame. It is a weakening in our moral tone of living that parents refuse to accept their respon- sibilities and put -the home before personal pleasures. Parenthood is an obligation which carries with it some sacrifices of the liberty and freedom of movement enjoyed by childless couples or single folk, The drives 'that cause mental illnesses are, the.tensions in the demand for material things, the constant thrill seekers, dope and alcoholic addictions and those deep mood attitudes, to name a few. None of these tendencies are normal and if we are going to stop this ever growing menace to ourselves and our children now is the time to begin. Throughout the south end of the County of Ontarig. there are hundreds of patients of the Ontavio Hospital, boarding in homes. These people have so progressed favourably in their mental illnesses that they are given a chance to mingle again in society and try again living normal lives. ave you seen them? Is there one or two of these folk on your street or in-your own house or your neighbors? .. Have you noticed the half afraid, half shy look .of some who yearn for a kind "good-morning", a friendly nod, anything to assure them that they are people with feelings and responses like the rest of us who so far have not had the "one in twenty" label. Some of them have the far away look of a dreamer who seeks solace in im- _aginations but a cheery word often enough spoken can bring them 'back to reality and if folks make the world of reality nice enough perhaps they would prefer to dwell in it and not tend. to build up their own make-believe. . Human happiness grows out of a harmonious adjustment of life to the conditions imposed by our society. The thoughtfulness and American causins, ¢ kindness which we give these convalescent patients" can help them > greatly as by treating them: nor mally we assure them that they are not set apart: -- At the same time we will be giving ourselves the best insurance we can carry-against our own "one in twenty" chances for as long as we think of other people as having greater problems than we ourselves our own troubles will never overwhelm us. Prince Albert June 14th to attend our Sunday School anniversary. onto will be guest speaker and Port Perry United Church Junior choir will sing. We are fine service. a later date, "Tlolman improving from her illness, and has been convalescing for | a%€. a week at their lovely home here. wife and daughter of Toronto spent a few days helped Miss Flora put in garden. of Mrs, Hospital, s00N. hospital. Don't forget" to reserve Sunday daughter Beth on Sunday. Professor Kingsley Joblin of Tor- recently purchased. anticipating a very Further particulars at We are pleased to report Miss Mary recent A nephew Mr. David Holman and Charles Stabback. A brother at this same home and We are sorry f§ hear of the illness Charles {larke in- Kingston and hope "for improvement It is nice to note, a daughter Wapg. sure - increasing. Catharine is nurse-in-training at this Mr. W. Taylor was visited by his : Mel Heayn has had new (red) as- phalt shingles put on the house he Mrs. Art Pargeter, the former El- sie Stabback passed on in the Port Perry Hospital on Sunday morning. Elsie, the daughter of. the late wil- | liam and the late Mrs. Stdbback. was born and attended school in this vill- Sympathy is extended to her tio sons Jack and Don and to her brother Clar- ence predeceased her a few years ago. A new house is being built on: the property formerly owned by Elmore Prince Albeit's population is TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS ® FISH © MEAT © POULTRY e CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING York Frosted Foods: CAWKER BROS. "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" PORT PERRY PHONE 29 $3E3E88E88828828322808 88088008308 8808388888888888¢ $3888 882882028 $3338 800000000000001002 TENDER FOR TRUCK ON' 'ARIO COUNTY ~ Sealed Tenders marked "Tender for Truck" will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m.,, THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1953, for one five ton truck complete with dump § "body and hoist; i Tenders must indicate the allowance to be made for a 1944 K 11 International Truck presently being operated by the County, 'Specifications may be obtained from the office of the under signed. ; a RE SIMS, P. Engineer, £1 County Buildings, Whitby, Ont. - - [= Pine Grove The Anniversary Services will be held Sunday, May 31 at 2 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. H. 8. Cobb, B.A, B.D, of Toronto is guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Honmore and Mrs. G. Johnston will provide special music. A dedi- cation Service of Unveiling of a Cross iymemory of the pioneers will be held after the 'Service in the afternoon. Mr. and- Mrs. Jack Hill and June visited Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Croster on Sunday - evening. Mr.and Mrs. Jack Simpson attended 'Youth for Christ in 'Massey Hall Tor- onto; and Billie Graham new picture on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Glas- gow: visiting: Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evahs. W.A. will be at the home of Mrs. Jim Jones on Wednesday, June 3. Mrs. Jack Johnson and Mrs. Talbert Evans spent Monday in Toronto. Mr, Kay Evans and Mr, Walter Kerry were in' Brooklin on Saturday Judging live stock. Pine Grove W.A. is invited to the fifth line Church for June 10. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie visit- ed Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Turner Forsythe and visited Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Catherwood on Monday night. : Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Ken Noble and Audrey, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Noble and Mrs. John Locke on a trip to the States over the week-end. a ---- Manchester Reeve H. O. Dobson and Mrs. Dob- son attended a presentation for Mrs. Reed, Fairview Lodge on Friday even- ing Mr. and Mrs. Lorne "Thompson motored fo Niagara one day recently. Mrs. Viola Schnapp, of Buffalo, spent last week with her brother, Mr. E. Mitchell, Church service as usual next Sun- day morning at 11.15, There was a good turnout to help pour the concrete for'the church basement floor and the work is progressing favourably, Rev. E. Crossley Hunter and Mrs. Hunter, Toronto, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Joel Miller. Mr. and Mrd. Graft Christie were in Toronto on Friday attending the funeral of the'late Mrs. (Dr.) Wilfred Christie, Donna Woolley. of Toronto, was with 'Mr. and Mrs. W, F, Crosier over the week-end, Mr. Bill Conlan and his fiance, Miss Connie Longworth, of Sarnia, also Jacqueline Conlan, of Toronto, spent a pleasant holiday week-end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Conlan. The Woman's Association will meet at the home of Mrs, Fred Lamb on Thursday afternoon, June 4th, at 2, 30 o'clock. The ladies are- cordially" in- vited to attend. ; CCF Candidate Is Elected J. W. Powers, an Oshawa Alderman, is the CCF party federal candidate in Ontario Riding." Employed in Gen- eral-Motors and part-time fruit farm- er, Ald. Powers succeeds Roy Scott of Seagrave who recently withdrew froni the race due to pressure of | Scott was the party's standard- bearer in last year's by-election and was re-nominated again last fall when it was thought a spring general elec- tion was in the offing. of the election still unknown; Mr. Scott felt he could not devote all his time to a campaign when farm work was at its heaviest, You Will Reap - What : Yor Sow! SEED. is the foundation of 'your crop. Take no aut 1] your order early. BALANCED FEEDS for ALL CLASSES OF POULTRY ® | FARM LIVE STOCK #IFUR BEARING 2 J ANIMALS & DOGS We carry a complete line of GARDEN SEEDS. . .. ~ Order your HYBRID SEED CORN . See us for your Master Feeds -- Phone 1 -- chances, buy "GREEN GOLD" and 'be sure. Place * HOG ] * DAIRY * POULTRY requirements. ~ Port Perry * 2323233323232 == With the date]: Ald. Powers is a native of Ontario County, having been born in the vil- lage of Port Perry in 1905. He has been active for the past five years in municipal politics. 'He served two years in the East Whitby Township Council. When the urban area of the township was annexed to. Oshawa he sought and was elected to a seat on the Oshawa City Council, Serving his third term on the council he is | chairman of the board of works. = The COF candidate has. a family of four--two girls' and two boys. Three .Jof 'the children are attending high school. He is active in Oshawa social work" and is on the executive of the Red Cross Society and. the Greater Oshawa Community Chest. He is a 'member of Calvary Baptist Church. . "Powers was nominated by Mayor John Naylor of Oshawa, at the con- vention which was held May 22. Tests moisture seals or MASSEY-HARRI MAC CHINES For bearing protection ~~ To 'deliver the power and per- formance expected and demanded of them, combines, tractors and power machines are precision manufactured from: high quality : materials, But this carefully sadde ma- chinery must work in heat, in cold, in dry conditions, in wet conditions, in gritty dust and clinging mud. On the Massey- Harris- Test Track these trying conditions are provided so that! engineers may test Massey- Harris machines to check their ability te meet iresent-day re- quirements in field operation. In engineering design and con- struction, Massey-Harris ma- chines offer: features and ad- vantages, developed to help get work done easier, -quicker and at Jess cost, MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED" 'Makers of high quality. farm. implements. since 1847 138828212 SELL ast asst sts ss ttt atts RRR RRR RRR RRL RL RR RRR RRR SYS HI BLUE GASOLINE MADE 0 POWER TODAY'S HIGH COMPRESSION ENGINES! HOW? q, By the famous catalytic refining process, Li pioneered by Sunoco engineers. Blue Sunoco : _ contains more catalytically refined material than other 'high- test gaslines sold i in Gondit, 5 ! Make the 10 Gallon Test ' and discover what this means in terms of ofigine pore formance: higher anti-knock, longer fmileoe; 'more power: High-Test remioh aby ----1

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