Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Jun 1953, p. 5

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Reesor Racing Car Wins at Claremont A Bowling Season Reesor Lumber's Racing Car, of | Open Lawn af Minor Baseball Let is be noted that the weatherman finally let us have three chances to 'phay-ball;= This done; we played three |= _| Bethany. as. Peesident. Teams have . THE PORT PERRY STAR ~ THURSDAY, JUNE 11th, 1953--5 North Durham Baseball: Schedule Bethany--The North Durham Base- balP League has been organized for the season with Reg. Edmunds of been entered from Bethany, Blgck- stock, Port - Perry, Janetville, Mill- brook and Peterborough. The following schedule of games has been drawn up for the season. June 12 Janetville vs. Bethany June 18---Blackstock vs. Millbyook. Peterboro vs. Port Perry June 15--Bethany vs. Blackstock Millbrook vs. Peterboro , -June-16=-Janetville vs. Port Perry. June 19---Blackstock vs. Bethany Petérboro vs. Millbrook June 20--Port Perry vs. Janetville June 22--Bethany vs, Port Perry Millbrook vs. Janetville Blackstock vs. Peterboro June 26---Port Perry vs. Bethany Janetville vs. Millbrook June 27-- Peterboro vs. Blackstock June 20 Bethany vs, Peterboro ~ Millbrook vs. Port Perry June 30 ~Janetville vs. Blackstock. \ | SHERWIN WILL! Lr "BE / SHERWIN-WILLIAMS e Excessive Loss of Gloss o High Dirt Collection e Uncontrolled Chalking *Every drop of each of these 6 points before it is permitted to b the Sherwin-Williams if ar SWP HOUSE PAINT IS WEATHERATED' for your protection AGAINST: PETC RIL HED e Color Fading , ® Checking and Cracking SWP is tested for its ability to resist label, Ce | SH PAINT y AN. Brighten Furniture, Woodwork etc. with Sherwin-Williams HIGH GLOSS ENAMEL OID PHONE 61 CARNEGIE HARDWARE SHERWIN-WiLLIAmMS PORT PERRY ) PAINT HEADQUARTERS OLED ~ when you buy house paint ae PRINTED REMBERG SHEER... $7.75 GLAZED COTTON SUN DRESSES $8.95 and $9.95 PRINT DRESSES .............. $2.95 to $4.95 Fj ou Ls Perman's Cotton Jerseys " CORAL ROSE, TURQUOISE, YELLOW WHITE $2.35 and $2.75 LE PP PPP PP Lard) HAMPTON DRESSES | Wahasso Pillow Cases HEMSTITCHED ......... Pair $1.75 BOYS' SHORT SLEEVE $1.00 to $1.89 (2 to 6X) Cotton Jerseys Venetian Blinds 1 nA a a at a 8 - rot wz 3 ; ; m - : Ry > an sho Perd Perry, won the Open Race held The official opening of the local HVA 11 The Fors Hed Lg Ms i last Saturday in Claremont. This 'was J . ; 3 «cafs, 11-11, e Bisons 16- er . ~ Claremont's first Soap Box Derby, and Lawn Bowling Club took place on |, Leafs; then' the Bisons managed ; they Riad many entries from all' over Wednesday, the 10th. to down the Royals: 9-8 in: a well Pickering Township, : hii the weather conditions which ses foes Rovala ta Miss Ann Keevil, who drove Rees- have prevailed so far this season, the Mondas: sich yg on Friday Hho 2 or's Racing Car received the trophy | &rounds-keeper: has been working | o = will try for their third win. "of behalf of Mr. Gordon Reesor, There | Under rather.a real handicap. He Why not drop up and sec your boy were about six gr seven.other cars | has succeeded, however, in making the day 7 1 You will elov it ard he 4 i entered in the Open Race. .| green looking well and, and in fact, pay fori as the anjoy Sa AVE As 4 In addition, the following won their { much improved as a result of last Gate ime :00 # oS : * respective races: 3 fall's soil top dressing. lace. The stheol vard ; i Bovs nder 12 years--Bill Sheridan, | . Actual play must be rather limited FLASH!-Royals 18-Leafs 8. ji z Claremnt, Dennis TT until warmer weather, but members : ; oys over years--Dennis Toger- feel fiee to play any time. 3 organised " | son, R.R. 1, Locust Hill, May Ise dreqtopay any, be : : _s Girls' Rate--Enid Benson . An invitation is extended to all P y Alb 1 GEORG E MURRAY [ Late Entries' Race--Dean Evans [citizens and visitors to join the Club. rice er pa £ i : == : . innipeg-born tenor George Mur- od Micnael Jackson, | || Facilities will be offered to those| The time for our Sunday School | THNBCEDOH bent ficorge Mur. - Adult Race-- Honourable mention: ; ire to bowl for the first | Anniversary service is 2.30 p.m. on| ; P 010 Frank Ward, Frank Carter, J. Wesley who anay desire to bowl for June 14. For music, Mrs. Elsie Dob. singer before he was out of high Johnson, time, without obligation, son's: Jonior. Chole will Slip and thera school, and after years of hard work will be violin mysic also _. | he is now considered onc of the top EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE ESSE EISELE SESSLER Will anyone in the village havin entertainers in the business. After Y 3 u ! | flowers, please 'bring them to the making a name for himself in the H : fia : : church 2 Saturday afternoon for de- West, he went to Toronto in 1939 to : Ontario 'Count Junior Farmer coratihg find a larger audience. Since that : Reet Y : : 4 Mr, and Mrs. W. Martyn and Mr time he has been gaining recognition : i ; ; f y and Mrs Barl Martyn were guests at as a successful singer on a number of ci : 4 i BL : the Foston-Mark wedding in Forward CBC network programs. On top of $ D A N C E Baptist church, Toronto, on Saturday. this, he has turned up in a number a « Reception Was held at the Baptist of CBC dramas, particularly in parts : ; Seminary - | calling 'for an actor who can sing. aot dior Mr and Mrs. H Collins were among When he's not busy at the studios, 13 : HE : > | Murray likes to get out with rod and ev 3 | the guests to attend a family picnic d ! : a. al Gen d Park, Saturday, June . : Te om oa M. ys Hil reel. In Toronto sporting circles he's >% Sibi | day in Zephr Park. on Saturday. known to be-a very enthusiastic fish- hs v RPE O000tttttttttttttiotttonttetttetetetottttenatettetetittiettesttsisstssdd . bi : % A Laat Keath iidaial ! The latter was the former Sarah |érman. T ; ; -- Fielding. F132333328288828823288088888888888888828820822883888383808323332328282828383888 HI Miss Shirley Vance and Mr. and . > ! IR Mrs, Les Beacock were guests at the TENT CATERPILLARS SERVICE AND RE : Cathcart-Whitfield wedding in Black- : } : : {8 1 : a stock Anglican church on Saturday. The Eastern tent caterpillar will he : ! : ] - Mrs. McKerihion, isited Mr. and | quite plentiful: in many sections of | : T All M lc f C d T k Mrs. W. 'Bond and other relatives in| Southern Ontario this year. They | : y 0 a es 0 - als an ruc 5 Toronto last week. hatch out in May and by June 1st are | : : bot! usually found in small 'tents" which QUALIFIED LICENSED MECHANICS, USING will increase in size as the caterpillars aL : k : ) ; grow, and will be quite conspicious THE LATEST IN MODERN REPAIR EQUIPMENT soon. ~ They do not migrate from tree : : to tree but will feed only within a . : : "3 yard or two of tent. They are found Fo enn Bie Rar ie: OU. (We can pick up your car and return it in you.) op wild cherry, apple, hawthorn, plum, 3 iis and a lesser degree on shade trees. J = Siro The tents should be destroyed at once $ : f and save further infestation. ; They : : i 1 3 d can be burned, sprayed or pulled out. § tid Ux-Spring Motors Limite Suggested sprays -- DDT 509%, 2 5 \ a 1 a Ma tablespoons to I gallon water. 8 MERCURY, LINCOLN, METEOR DEALERS Calcium arsenate, 2 tablespoons per $ Junction 12 and 47 Highways gallon. : ; : : Lead arsenate, 3 tablespoons per 1 4 w 2 ersetestetttesstssststssseetesestesttsttsssssssssestsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssttttsssitstss walle : = For migrating forest -ten_caterpil- | BA LAT at A at A A A ARTI IIIT At DPA SAARI SATE AISA SUES BEAU BARES lars, it will help to spray the trunks : Tal % and main limbs as well as the foliage Blue Coal 4 with DDT as given above. A : " 3 JC TS RICES : f 5 The operation of life insurance : RR HARRY PRYCE ' companies operating in Canada are : 0 STOVE AND. NUT EL 5 Harry Pryce is once musician who strictly supervised and regulated by JUNE and JULY ......oons Sessieiisinseistaseresetd ,. $27.00 per ton - $#| doesn't care fig for the current hit the ode, 2 part phont 2 Tstraes AUGUST eee pester ruresreticeitansssreitersiTase $27.50 per ton £ parade. As the smiling conductor of on ihe Lona! men 9 msurance ! SEPTEMBER coor reveererens $28.00 per ton. £|the Leicester Square to Broadway or- | 'CT Provinces. x 4 OCTOBER Saal $28.50 per ton 58 chestra, heard Tuesday nights on CBC ti pig ; ' - D7 | SO ET TPT PT PETTY B 4 Trans-Canada net work, he is mainly a : 3 7] A > " 3 s A . + interested in the songs of twenty-five : n Spain a wine cellar is ca 0 DISCOUNT--50c. per ton for Cash in 15 days. on orders in & bi sib ago. Much of the old | bodega; in many other countries it is : June, July August and September only. 5 doncert hall music used on the pro-|the name for a wine bar, an : 8 | gram has been contributed by faithful REE ad v REESOR FUEL & LUMBER - £5 listeners. Harry Pryce was in at the : : 3 : 2 | start of Leicester Square when it be-| During the past 2 years, Canadian * Sh : : ; : 2 gan on the network nearly fourteen |champagnes have won_top. honours i et 1 a SS RS SS RR RR SIS years ago. two international wine competitions. ~ : # ° li: : : 3 5 3 fh } - > (ix dale 2 ¥ . i Even today a few people still 4 LA) > Wh r : ' Ae wis 0 7 d 3 . HEIN hide their money in a sock or under the ALU ERMAN EER . 1 ' ; » : 9 mattress. But most have found that keeping. their savings in the bank is a whole lot safer, more | convenient-- and completely private. Today Canadians have nearly 9,000,000 deposit accounts -- striking evidence po king - of their faith and confidence in the - < ; . chartered banks of Canada. 1 7 , THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY ¥ - ! 0 ¥ ° 60 GAUGE, 12 denier Extra Sheer, $1.95 Stripe Home Spun Congowall PRICES QUOTED COMPLETE 6% ft. | : SBR a pe a 1.97 Monarch Yarns : | He DOVE, A-ply--e EEF 35e07 T FE JAC MALLARD, with percentage of raverse Rod NYION oii ig hoi sitios Je. oz. Apt - S : te : : Rieh pib including draw -cords.-- Complete------ -- 4 ------------ SPECIAL BET SE STON S179 and $2.69 Mercury Nylon Hose - : 51 GAUGE ........... SSSR RETR: $1.50 5 5 : $1501 Inlaid Linoleum Floors 36 inches wide .........oocooveviiii 95¢. vd.- | topmaned 25h | Chintz GROCERIES 36 inches wide, ............ 65¢. and 90¢. yard Crispy Flake Shortening ..... finite 1. 25¢. 1 : AE "Maple Leaf Lard ..oo..ocooove ivi, Ib. 19¢. ad . Miller's Tomato Catsup, bottle ........... 22¢. Embossed Printed Plastic Z hs. nny Pog subs ling 45¢. 36 inches wide, assorted patterns a i DRIAL Stine 2.0%. 3 iy 3 i ) "On JA i" 3 . h MY inieatiinsnreces 1 L151 WN and Colours, yard .... ...cooooverivinnnnn.. Ge. Culverhouse Choice Corn, cr. style THI : 20 oz, tin™....... ER ER 0 2 for 3lec. z Yan ! Glen Valley Pork and Beans, 15 oz. Circular Pillow Cotton uae kin pend apie ens viet lesin Soe tuted aie 12 for 19¢. Universal Sockeye Salmon, 4's ..... 37¢. 'A2 inches L...........- cies yard 95e Sultana Raisins... 2 Ibs. 45c¢. ! : King's Choice Tomatoes, 20 oz tin, 2 / 39c. Cail Colleen Chojee Corn, 20 tin ..o...,......... 2/21. . : : Gab. Surl inital 76¢ White B oadcloth ; large Drefl phe... 37c. : ; : FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES ........ 36 inches wide ............ yard 57c¢. and §7¢. at MARKET PRICES a : --_-- F. W. BROCK |. a * . A 'hone 43 | | P Pe Phone 43 ort- Pérry - - -- mmm mmm fl |] 2 a i 5 \ FE, i py 3 x

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