Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Jun 1953, p. 8

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EET ERY '8--THE PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, JUNE 11th, 1958 USE THE Advertising Rates 2¢. per word per issué, minimum 40c. _Semi-display, 15¢. extra' Full display 44c. per inch.' Box: No. 10c, extra. Coming . Evénts, Cards of "Thanks, In Memoriam,' Engagements, Madr- riage, Birth and Death Notices, G0c. minimum charge. y FOR SALE--1950 Chevrolet Sedan, metalic green, in excellent condition. Average nfileage. Priced reasonable for quick sale. Apply at Star Office, or Phone 206J after six. CAR BUYERS Before you buy your new or late model used car, see us about our Low Cost Financing Service. Available for either Déaler or Private Sale. 7s : Err d RA Ed t ol A ni el Ea rl > 3 4 HERB. TOOMBS Se Phone 90 r 23, Port Perry HA june sda] FOR SALE OR RENT- 50 acios of LR Nina farm land, good fence and water. TUR 1 Phone 119 r 23, Port Perry. Sd junel?2 yl By FOR SALE-=Dark Oak Extension Sn = RR Phone 133J. junell Table and four chairs, ZEA A INTE CRE hy Pa PR PEE EL ax PAL for a5 AREY RNS ™ TILE DRAINAGE for farms. No job too large or small. Free estimae on your work. All work guaranteed. For'information write or phone J. H. Henderson ¢/o Ray Hobbs, 153 r 13, R.R. 4, Port Perry, & , FOR SALE- Ibs. capacity. 322W. Frost King lee Box, 76 Phone E: G. Kennedy, FOR SALE --- Five Room -Frame to be removed from property. Phone 119°r 14, : : HELP WANTED----I am looking for a woman 28 to 45 years of age, who means business; has a car and wants immediate profits, Apply Box 34, Port 'Perry Star, © FOUND---Light Tan Female Dog on farm 1 mile south of Port Perry, on Oshawa Highway on Wednesday, June 4. "Steve Lambkin, R.R.2, FOR SALE---Finley Coal or wood and clectrie combination range, white enamel, in excellent condition, Phone Mrs. Ella Smith, 119 r 21, C.GLE. four plates, oven at top. D. Roberts, Manchester. - Hotpoint Automatic Stove, Apply Mrs, FOR SALE--1950 Johnson Outboard Motor, 5 h.p. Phone 248J Port Perry. FOR SALE--52 Dodge Regent, 52 Pontiac, 51 Meteor, 50 Pontiac, 50 ~Meteor; 49 -Mogris, 52 Mercury Pickup FOR SALE--200 New Hamp Pul- 'lots; ready-to-lay. Apply Mrs. Geo. Truck, '51 Mercury Pickup Truck, bl 'Ford Pickup Truck. UX-SPRING MOTORS LIMITED, Junction 12 and 47 Highways, Mercury, 'Lincoln, and Meteor Dealers. : FOR SALE--=Uséd horse mowers, various makes!, Forage Wagon Hoist, : new, priced reasonable. Side delivery = rake, hay loader and various other hay cquipment. UX-SPRING MOTORS LTD, junction 12 and 47 Highways. 5 = FOR SALE Ice Refrigerator, large size. $10.00. Phone 1021» 2. FOR SALE--Two Misses Dresses, size 12, black and size 14, grey. Phone 311W. : WANTED IMMEDIATELY --- Jee Cream Truck Salesman. for summer months. Employment could he on ver round basis if required. ~SILVERWOODS DAIRIES Phone 1564 Port Perry, Ont. LTD, FOR SALE----200 New Hamp Pul- lets, ready to lay. Apply Mrs. George Beare, R.R. 3, Uxbridge. Phone Port Perry, 125 r 22, FOR SALE --Baby Carriage in good condition, John Reader, Mary St, Port Perry. FOR SALE --- 2 Building Lots, on Crandell. St., Port Perry, 56 ft. wide, one a corner lot. Apply Wm, Starr, Union Ave. june26 British Ontario Motors "FOR A SAFE BUY" 563 Meteor Custom Sedan, demonsta- tor, $200 of list "53 Henry J Coach, NEW, $100 off i list. : 50 Meteor Sedan, overdrive 50 Ford '% ton Pickup' 50 Cowley '% ton Pickup © 49 Vanguard Sedan Peivy, 126 r 22. : FOR RENT -- 3-bedroom modern cottage at Pine Point Park. For ap- pointment to inspect, Phone 205R, Mrs, Austin Bathie, Port Perry. HELP WANTED--Male or Female. Short order and pastry cook or one willing to learn; also a counter boy and waitress. FOR SALE -- Three-Room Cabin Trailer. ~ Apply Bob Banks, Lot 8, Con. 8, Reach, R.R. 4, Uxbridge. FOUND Collie Dog, tan and white. Owner may have same by phoning 212], Port Perry, and paying 'ex- penses. . FOR SALE--Bunk Beds, with mat- tresses. "Metal, strong. Apply to C. L.- Coulter, second cottage, Highland Beach, Port-Perry, Ont, FOR SALE--Smart modern sum- mer cottage, brand new, picture win- dow, screened porch, very well plan- ned and built, water on tap available, lovely view of island beach, in beauti- ful subdivision North of Port Perry. $3200. Terms. Apply C. L: Coulter, second cottage, Highland Beach, Port Perry, after 7 p.m. or week-ends. Auction Sale plements, Tractor, the property of F, H. Rich, on No. 7 Highway, 6 miles West of Lindsay, on Tuesday, June 16. "| Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer SATURDAY, JUNE 20--Holstein Cattle, Horse, Tractor, Farm Equip- ment and Furniture, the property of REX UPHAM, Whitby Township, just off Highway 12-7, and 2 miles north of Brooklin. Terms Cash. "Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. ; TED JACKSON, Auctioneer DEAD STOCK removed from your farm 'promptly for. sanitary . disposal. Telephone 49 Fargo -3 Ton Dump ............ $950.00 48 Dodge Sedan 40 Willy's Sedan cocoon 38 Chevrolet Coach... $150.00 37 Ford Coach concn, $65.00 37 Hudson Coach ......cccccovvvveunnenn. $ 50.00 34 Dodge Coach .....coovvvvivennni $ 76.00 34 Dodge Stake; 1 ton ... +$ 76.00 32 Ford Coach' ......c.ceoiin.. $125.00 TRACTORS and IMPLEMENTS 49 Ferguson Tractor--Guaranteed 48 Ford Tractoor--Guaranteed. = ~~ a . » or Wr . Yar ny" a. oil So A , I Es ; A CaN STEEN To Ra WL eh wo rE eI A oA = a) (a 55 i : +46 Ford Ferguson Tractor" a 42 John Deere Tractor on rubber new motor. \ Used Ferguson Plows from $76.00 up 3-Furrow M-II Plow, almost new EASY TERMS -- IF YOU WISH RS _ es CSS ALT i BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS 7 Meteor - Mercury Cars--and Trucks EE, Ferguson Tractors and Implements 54 LEASKDALE Phone Uxbridge 162 7 15 juni8 Dead Stock Service _ Dead or crippled horses, cattle, nogs, picked up for santiary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry, r 14; Uxbridge 92 r 14; Lindsay 4682, Head |. Office 16 r 11 Woodville, fi . ED. PECONI En % Argyle, Ontario. 68 YY July RE CARE Se A IA & rice fo in Collect. Port Perry 118r2, or 'Toronto $195.00 SM 33636. Gordon Young Ltd. Beare, -R.R. 3, Uxbrid re: Phone Port Phone 215 Port Perry. |. AUCTION SALE--Live Stock, Im- ceas. SYFIED OR Quick Pa ra ra ---------- STORY OF A:COUNTRY: PARSON A RESOUNDING HIT by James J, Hylton, Author of 'Goodbye Mr. Chips' Hollywood's long awaited film of a man of "God, "The Country 'Parson', comes to this community after play- ing to' tremendous success' in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Kansas City and other important cities in every section of the land. Everyone has read or heard somethfg of this story of "The Country Parson". Men and women have commented on it on the air, on TV and in print. Dr. F. Kingdom: some months ago said: "It is one of the truly magnificent stories of self sacrifice written' in many years." : Robert M. Savini, president of As- tor, distributor of the thrilling story of a man who put the love of his fel- low men and women before 'all else told this--reporter that in the forty years he has been in the motion pic- ture industry, he has never enjoyed a film as much as 'The Country Parson.' At a press conference in New York, Gravel and Loam CRUSHED GRAVEL Fred Warren Port Perry, Phone 54) Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Phone Collect Bowmanville 2679 We also buy live horses MARGWILL : FUR FARMS, TYRONE : septl10 653 SEPTIC TANKS § Cleaned by i PUMP EQUIPMENT "| "PHE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231 R 'Bulldozing and - Excavating By Hour or Contract. Tree Estimates given Walter King PORT PERRY sept24-63 WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry - for information, % Nov. 27, 1963 ~ Bulldozing and - Excavating By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates Given. William Tripp _R.R. 2, Port Perry, Phone 109 r 42 ; ix july4tf Switch % tor, Drive in for Switch to PORT PERRY PLEASANT; SERVICE Drop in whenever you want your radia- battery or tire pressure checked. check, .a 1000 mile oil change ot a coms plete lubrication, Sweelman's Service Station ~ Sweetman"s EFFICIENT At our Imperial Esso Station, you will find clean, well-kept sani- tary washrooms, . y y an oil - PHONE 4J Le SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM] "The Country Parson" 'Brings Most Poignant Story of Self-Sacrifice Mr. Savini said that he had seén over two thousand films, - both feature length and short subjects, but never one with the emotional impact of "The Country Parson". We agree with him even though we have not seen as many films as Mr, Savini. We have spoken to patrpns of theatres and churches where the film has already played, and some with tear-stained eyes and others in low emotional voices have told us that no character in pictures has ever affected them like that of "The Country Parson". This wonderful minister of God is a composite of a hundred servants of the church, and if ever an Oscar is given for a humble and heartwarming picture this forth- right motion picture would win one of the coveted honorariums, "The Country Parson", is coming to the Roxy Theatre Uxbridge, all next week, and if you are seeking a new kind of thrill, a sensation of ten- derness that comes once in a lifetime, 'a spirit of thrilling inspiration, we re- commend this screenplay of one man's supreme sacrifice for his fellowmen. "The Country Parson" with its cast of splendia artists is one of those 'rare 'moments of the theatre. ERGY | Itis a lesson of 'self sacrifice so sad=1 ly and badly needed in these A-Bomb days when we all need such a message of brotherly love and family sweet- ness and tenderness that this unusual film gives out to all who have the eyes to see it, and the heart to accept it. MRS. ROY FERGUSON' In the passing of Mrs. Roy Fergu- son on May 21st, Blackstock and com- munity lost one of its highly esteemed and beloved' citizens, 'A daughter of Mrs. Hyland and _the late Thos. Hy- land, Cadmus, Verna spent all her life in or near Cartwright, teaching school until her marriage in 1924, ° Since then they have resided on the old Joshua . Ferguson homestead. Altho in failing health for some time, she kept a keen interest in-all- activities of home, church and community. Un- til a month beforé her passing she taok her place as President of the, W.M.S., teacher of- the nursery class in the S.S. and Cradle Roll Supt. A great lover of, and loved by children everywhere. At an early age she has accomplished "The greatest thing in life--the unselfish urge to do for others, and love and sympathy in discharging our duties." The funeral service was held in the United Church, Saturday, May 23rd, conducted by her pastor, Rev. C. W. Hutton, who in his usual manner, spoke words of comfort and encourage- ment to all friends. Left to mourn her passing are her husband and five children--Grant' of Toronto, Thelma (Mrs, Lloyd Wright), Nestleton; Mona at Brougham, and Bill and Sandra at home, ~ Her aged mother; Mrs: T: Hyland, Cadmus. Three sisters, Mrs. LAKEVIEW f THEATRE . PORT PERRY Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m, ' : . ------ "THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 11.12.13 Betty Hutton and Ralph Meeker... ~~ "In the "Glorious Technicolor Musical Hit : = "SOMEBODY LOVES ME" COMEDY, ETC. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15-16:17 Gilbert Roland and Angela Clarke | In the Truly Wonderful Screen Sensation Alk in Beautiful Colour + "THE MIRACLE OF FATIMA" ~ SHORT PICTURE v-- = / PHONE 32W | GERROW'S BREAD and PASTRY IS MADE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WANT THE BEST! LET US SERVE YOU. Saturday Cake Special "CHOCOLATE DATE LAYER CAKE" GERROW'S BAKERY ' G. M. GERROW 'Chas. Graham, Cadmus; Mrs. W. D; Ferguson, Oshawa; Mrs. Williard Spencer, Oshawa; and three brothers, Frank Ballyduff; Larman, Nestleton; Orma with their mother, The many beautiful flowers which surrounded the casket spoke of the es- teem in which deceased was held. ™ "The 1953 Budget Opens the Door 1 to Tax Savings and More Income Spence & Co., MONTREAL For Investors"-- is the title of a pamphlet which has been prepared by our affiliate--Milner, Members. of Toronto Stock Exchange. A copy will be forwarded to you on request, Mills, Spence & Co. Limited GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION SECURITIES 25 KING STREET W., TORONTO KITCHENER the WINNIPEG 7 \ \ AL PORT PERRY 'BRYDEN FIRST FOR «oo | MILEAGE MOTORS PHONE 74 CAMAY, reg. 10c....3 for 25c¢. HARRY HORNE'S DOUBLE PRINCE ALBERT = re LAO td Gita sa SS Eg WEEK-END SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 12-13 . HEINTZ BABY FOOD .......... ( - CAMPBELLS VEGETABLE or TOMATO SOUP, 2 for 25¢c. CLARKE'S PORK & BEANS, CROPP'S TOMATO JUICE, 20 oz. tin ...................2 for 2l¢, V-8 VEGETABLE JUICE, 20 oz tin ....................2 for 85c. KLEENEX, regular or chubby ...............ccc0..0......2 for 87c. COLGATE'S BEAUTY SOAP ...........cocvvrinnend for, 29¢, 16 07, tin... of + SUGAR ........ocoiiinnnnninmninnanen. 10 1b, 98e, _ All orders of $2.00 and over are delivered Free, ~~ Doupe's Store iranian d 101 276, 20 oz, tin ................2 for 29c. MATCHES, 3 for 25¢. CREAM CUSTARD 4 'Phone 174 r 14 ' and request. PAINTING "DECORATING We supply all material for your job. = Sample books on | if possible. : "Latest finishes in Rubbed Plywood, any colour Bs \ For exterior painting please 'book your job early For Expert Decorating. call-- M. ST. CLAIR ~~ and Sons 'Phone Port Perry 113-r-14 LT + ne for B-room Bungalow, just off main street. arge lot and garage go to make this a very desirable property at a moderate price. 4YPRINCE ALBERT, ONT. 1 0 CO JO OOO 1 FOR SALE \ i ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LIMITED s~ : a = Port Perry Representative: ~~ = WM. HEAYN Phoné 174 r 12 0 OO OO PO commencing at 2 p.m. Butcher, Feeder and Dairy Cattle (Sprigers); also Feeder Pigs, (all sizes), Veal and Young Calves, and Horses. BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK SALES - 3 Yo i & Zz. Pa ~17TW- - Sea Sa £5 in : [| a n [| = 4 a u u el " nm | a » : a aia fe : C a : . ~ E [] ; CT] Sales Every Tuesday Buyers will find a wide variety of Sales Arena heated:in winter. + Air-conditioned in Summer.. PHONE BELLEVILLE 1828 dition. The lowest or any Tenders Wanted i "Sealed bulk tenders, addressed to 'the undersigned, and -plainly marked "Tenders for Alterations of Port Perry High School, Port Perry, Ontario", will be received until six p.m. o'clock June 22nd, 19683. : : Plans and specifications may be obtained from J. L. Crané, 'Port Perry, on or after June 8th, upon deposit of a certified cheque for $25,00 per set, payable to the Central Ontario County District High School Board, This deposit will be refynded upon the return of the plans in good con- + J tender will not necessarily be accepted. ' NORMAN ALEXANDER, Sec'y-Treas, Central Ontario County District Bite : High School Board, Uxbridge, Ontario, - Fa ! - [23st ett ee ett SI 220220200 0000000000000 000 000000000000 0004

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