aa Fs PALS hn TY $2. 00 per year, Single Copy Se, 1 Pu i Meeting in Rink, Monday, June 29 - Re Artificial fee |couNTY AGREES T0 PAVE - More than 1000 feet of mulch pav- ing will be laid in the Village of Port Perry this year by the County of On- tario. The June session of the Coun- cil hag approved a by-law aythorizing an agreement between the County and |. the Village to lay 1320 feet of mulch]. pavement along Lilla Street in the village. Another by-law, adopted by |STREET IN PORT PERRY Rose Tag Day Successfu T The Rose Tag Day, sponsored hy the Scugog Chapter, LO.D.E. last Saturday, in aid of the Community [Community Hospital In Need Of $18,000 At Present Time The Board of the Community Memorial Hospital has obtained an audit of its accounts to the date of May 31st, 19.8. As was to be expected, the operating deficit was larger during the first three months: of operation, due to the fact that a staff had to be maintained while the income from. patients was being established, Until about a week ugo, it was not possible to de- termine the operating de ficit, as the Maintenance Grant given by the Pro- vince to help reduce the losses arising from services to indigent patients was AC COMPLET E STORY ON THE DE- TAILS IN REGARDS TO COST, yagd J - MAINTENANCE, ETC. BE SURE TO 'READ IT CAREFULLY AND A MUST TO BE ON HAND AT THE PUBLIC MEET- ING, MONDAY, JUNE 29, 8.30 P.M. AT THE MEMORIAL PORT PERRY. THEN MAKE IT GARDENS, not yet defined. This is now known to be $400 per month, It is obviously impossible to obtain an inventory of stock each month, Thus some of the figures entering into a de 'termination of operating deficit must be estimated, In all such cases, care has been taken to assess such entries at figures which are believed to be very close to average monthly the county council places Shigmly more than a half-mile of road Ajax in the county road system. The first by-law mentioned actually authorizes the Warden and the County Memorial Hospital realized the sum of $161.50, The success of this drive was due in'no small part to the efforts of Mrs. Frank Godley, a member"of the Chap- Population in Rr Clerk "to execute an agreement be}... 4,4 sixteen of her Girl Guides, | <*3" This being understood it may be stated that" the average monthly : . \ tween the Corporation of the village namely: Shirley Bryden, Karel Espie, deficit for operation for the months of February, March and April is set down Uxbridge 1S 3 of Port Perry and the County of :On- Barbara Hayes, Ruby Hutchinson | being $750, - : | ai tario for the construction or rebuild- 4 $ This was to he expected, - The tabulation below presents a report of Declining 0 Gladys Lane, Maureen McLaughlin, Muriel: McMaster, Mary Louise Pick- ard, Ann Ptolemy, Irene Ptolemy, Geraldine Spears, Muriel Wallace, ha hospital operation for the month of May. Some of the entries in the list of expenditures are ¢stimates of average monthly amounts. These are based on experience gained over the first three months and are believed to be very ing of County road extensions or con- necting links." The agreement states that the County of Ontario will con- The Uxbridge Township Council met in the town hall, Goodwood, for their I es 3 V 1 struct a mulch pavement, 20 feet wide Patsy Wariner, Ellen Warwick, Louise close. The items not so marked are aetual expenditures. The Board "is | regular. monthly meeting on June 8. § on Lilla Street, from the intersection Warwick and Helen Watson. The pleased to eall.attention to the fact that the operating deficit for May has | Reeve Isane Catherwood was in the 3 of Perry and Lilla Streets northerly a : " o | been reduced to $566. 3 ! Lal Coma © | girls brought in_a total of $68.00 in -- tetas im Jfchair and all councillors but one were... "| distance of -1320-feet:--This is a total his 4 : - ywesent, their. house-to-house T&iivass during "REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1953 brosen gif Thg_clevk, Mr. Ashenhurst, stated that the population of the Township of Uxbridge has decreased during the past years.: In 1877 the population i, was 3,500 and the 1953 figures show a area of 26,400 square feet and will an estimated $2,000. Connecting Link The strip to be paved is actually a connecting link between two county the-morning. « rg The down-town- tagging and other organization work was done by six- teen 1.O.D.E. members, namely: Mes- dames Bentley, G. Brock, Brock, Brock Numboer-of-out patients Number of patient days Indigent patient days in above total -.. Average number of patients per day -.. Number of major operations ponds 7 TS nis ay Chapman, Christie, Griffen, E. Harris, Number of minor operations... decrease of nearly 1,600, : 2 $ provement: Amendment 'Act: which Harris, Hutchinson, Ingram, Jackson, NUMBEr of DIFthS Cece essere seen : provides that "where a street in an M. Jarrett, Letcher, McFarlane and Number of deaths cite eee - - A urban municipality, not separated Whitby. ' Graduate nurses on staff Good Fishing Jeri from the county, is not a part of the The thanks of the Chapter are ex- Graduate nurses; part time oo : . a county road system but is an exten- tended to all those above who helped Nurses aides on staff ©... Last Sunday, June 14, Mr. Charles . sion of or connects roads included in| ™M this work and also to the follow- Total Number of persons on Staff o.oo 30 5 id had himself some fun landing Xr the county road system, and if it is in ing places of business where tag box- Receipts: } ) 22 pound Carp on a 6-Ib. test line. i the public interest that such street es were placed beside the cash yogis. Total _ patient "sr ¥eroipts-- Burp reauesiomnet liens pui ee iee seta PI i POTN $3,106.82 nein says that it took him half an ax 2 be constructed or re-built the county ters, namely: Robertson's Bentley's; Blue € ross, outstanding... 1 . 1,667.64 | hour to get the big fellow close enough 85 '| shall enter into an agreement with and the Geen 'Thistle and Del Rest- Outstanding accounts collectable inci eee 1,164.34 | to gaff, and then he borrowed a hook 3 the council of the urban municipality aurants. 3 . Indigent accounts receivable iiss eee esses 90.00 | from a by-stander to lift the brute oh for the construction or rebuilding The splendid co-operation of all Provincial Maintenance Grant oe eeeeneeeseese ieee eos 400.00 [ from the water, fearing that the 6-1b ah £3 thereof." + -[ these many helpers was a higlhs light ------=-- [line would snap with the-full weight aaa ! of the sntorpriee. =~ | - $6,418.80 | of the fish. 'It was quite a thrill and Fri According to the agreement, the 5 ) village of Port Perry will assume the Expenditures; he wreally felt he had accomplished Mr. Donald James Steven with his bride the former Miss 2 A H o! JAROS i iviciniiiiniiiisinien ¥ : 5.16 El thing 'ne > Mis = : , Helen Ruth Diamond, who were married recently in Port elitite; cost of construction .of curbs, Ea se Sta Fi fth Poa TE as Ee HA retention pazeie Se liviy wan. he Bap Jy Jit Perry United Church, The bride is the daughter of Mr, gutters, catch basins, sanitary or asier n ar 1 Prete a wan watching and Mrs. Paul Diamond and the bridegroom is the son Sor Sewer 9 ons 00 gt A the Bi thd P i : : ena ee Ere ri oa (iF of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Steven of Colborne. : Fre is also asked to agree to pay all Ir ay ar Y *Laboratory Supplies ooo 75.00 ) i¥ : : claims for property damage or for On Thirsty, Junie '11 Hh Order mg 0 AE NCI CS J SOO. DRY... LA 537.00 Paper Salvage eh : County Council is Guest of aio affection to land arn tof the Easter. Star No: 08 colbrat | an at yg iron iv YEE Rae : » : oz or 2 i i bh conn. ed their fifth birthday with a party at Light Eo Water big Paper Salvage, SATURDAY, JUNE 5 ; Victoria County Council ton o pavement. oe Y | the Port Perry High School. tStaticieiv. ete RAO 20th. Please have papers tied and py So 2 = : agrees to pay 100 per cent of the cost ppe Worthy Matron Mrs. Mabel 'Ho a lies SO 2 out by R30. We need your papers; i Casting aside for a brief space the [small libraries are affiliated. Five [of the construction of the pavement, | oy. 0 ond Worthy Patron Mr. Len. |= eens TE NON a So the money. from these will pay our fd : cares of County Administration, mem- | high schools are'in' the scheme, only | including = any necessary grading, Colbear received the guests from No- HS ton) : UPPICS Sissies 180.00 camp yrounds expenses (we hope). 1% + bers of the Ontario County Council | Lindsay Collegiate is out. Book cir- |shouldering, underdrainage and base| | "a. oiin "Bowmanville, OFhawa, Cori) - DRerating "Room .. 1510 - BA _ and County officials on Thursday en- | culation has grown from 2,800 books |consruction, 'Before the agreement bourne, Toronto and Scotland. Also| Deus en Sons joyed the hospitality of the Council of | to nearly 4,800 during 1952, 3,500 of | comes into. force, it must have the present were Grand Trustee Mrs. Jean. Oxygen : 95,00 Sc t n " written approval of the Minister of Gow, District Depity: Grand Matron FPOOU oo Dic rrisis scsrs teases npr rsa spss srssarere casein an 696.26 cou ews the County of Victoria, making a tour of the beautiful county with its many lakes, prosperous looking farms, _ modern towns and villages, and won- &! derful scenery. All day long and well into the night program was served by Mine Hosts from Victoria, _ Starting at Brooklin, the Ontario | county members and officials travel- led by chartered DeNure coach, pick- ing up members 'en-route until Lind- say was reached. During the day a tour was y made of the county, an inspection was made of a- Lindsay - industrial. plant; dinner was served in the Legion: Hall and a banquet in the evening at Gil-Mar Lodge, on the shores of Sturgeon Lake one of the most attractive places in . the County. Speeches and entertain- -----ment-were in the program. - Given Reception. At Lindsay, the busy and progres- sive county capital, the visitors from Ontario were met and cordially wel- . comed by- Warden Vincent Fee, reeve of the Township of Emily, and shown through the County Buildings includ- ing the Court House, the modern reg- istry office and the Victoria County 'Library co-operative, located in the esis office building, ne new registry office, modern in construction, appointments and equip- ment, was a revelation to the Ontario County officers, who could visualize the completion this fall of the fine new addition now under contruction at Whitby. Certainly Victoria county -council planned for the future: Co-Operative Library. ; / of the particular interest was the visit to the Library Co-Operative, which lends out books to: public and secondary schools, in places where no ublic library "is established. Its operation was explained by 'county clerk and treasurer, F, L. Weldon: Only two years in operation, it cost $7,000 last year, Some 60,000 books were loaned out, and in 'one year only needed repairs. Some have been "borrowed 85 to 40 times, Approxi- mately 89 public and separate school rooms get:the books, and 14 rooms in secondary schools, In addition 11 i LL 'There are 88 units in circulation. | Legistators. 3 5s eli bi which are constantly out on lean] County grant is $2,800, and the gov- ernment gives a substantial grant. A full time, experienced librarian is em- ployed. Guests at Dinner. At noon dinner .was served in the Legion Hall by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. 'The welcome to and free- dom of the Town.of Lindsay was ex- tended by His Worship Mayor Charles Lamb, and brief addresses were given by Victoria- County Warden Fee, and Ontario County Warden Heber Down, réeve of Whitby Township, both of whom extended friendly greetings. Warden Fee recalled that his council and county officials last year enjoyed the 'hospitality of the Ontario County Tour Large Industry Immediately after dinner the visit- ors accompanied by their hosts were taken on a conducted tour of the mil- lion dollar plant of Visking Ltd., sub- sidery of a. large "United States con- cern, In this plant, regarded as one of the finest in the continent, are man- ufactured casings for wieners, re- frigerator bags and other allied pro- ducts. The plant, visitors were told, cannot shut down, so operates 24 hours a day with three eight-hour shifts, There aie some 250 on the pay roll, and the plant id equipped with a modern cafeteria and rest rooms, and there never has been any labor trouble in the two years of operations. The plant enjoys Canadian and export | markets. Batteries go. into immed iate action in the event of a power failure. On leaving visitors were pre- sented with refrigerator bags. In the. afternoon. stops were made at the famous canal locks at Kirfield, truly a marvel of engineering, also at Cdbiconk. The bus travelled some very good paved and county gravelled roads. Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon were visited andifiom there on to Gil- Mar Lodge on Sturgeon Lake, Dis- pite frequent rains and cold weather crops on the whole look very good. It will, however, not be a banner 'crop year for farmers, TERE of b84. Highways: Farewell Cup Won| By Port Perry Bowlers At the first large tournament of the the current season held by the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club on Saturday afternoon, the Farewell - Cup, given many years 'ago-by the late Col. J. E. Farewell, county crown attorney and county clerk, was won by W, M, Letcher and Joe Allin, team from Port Perry, but not without very keen com- petition, Fred DeNure and Art Cox, of Port Poriv, had high for two wins. With favourable weather although a little on the cool side, rinks were present from Whitby, Oshawa, Port Perry, Lindsay and Cobourg. Greens were in fair condition and the tourna- nient was a complete success. Port Perry carried; off the trophy with three wins, having a total score _ Other three game winners were: A, McMillan, Oshawa, acoring 60, and J, Biddulph of Oshawa, with 46, and J. Thomas, of Oshawa, with a score of 40 for one win, ' The. ladies were on hand at the club house and served most Sevepiable eats, Laura Bassman, Mrs. Ethel Preston D.D.G.M. elect, also past D.D.G.M. Ethel. Milne, Anderson. After the business meeting, Misses Beryl Palmer and Diane Tease favor- ed us with several dance numbers, little Donna Samells at the piano. Mrs. "Jean Osborne of Alola Chapter sang several selections which were greatly enjoyed. The evening finished with a square dance, Mr. Chas. Coombs caller, Mr. Herman Wilson and Mrs. Myrtle Pal- mer provided the music. A delightful lunch was served by the Committee, the centre of attrac- tion was a delightfully decorated Birthday cake made by Mrs. Helen 'Colbear. A: number of Ladies attended the 0.E.S. Church Service at Lhe United Church, Simcoe Street, Oshawa, The order is having a draw-on a beautiful Hope Chest and contents. Don't forget to get your tickets. Congratulations Miss Ruth Marie Snowdon was a proud member of the graduating class of the Oshawa General Hospital, Miss Snowdon is the only Port Perry girl among this year's graduates. Con- gratulations, Miss Snowdon, Lynn F oster Falls From Car at 40 MPH.-Lives After falling out of the rear door of her father's car which was travelling along the highway at about 40 m,p.h., Lynn Foster, 4%, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Foster, of Port Perry, was admitted to Oshawa General Hos- pital 'with a possible skull fracture, But this morning the child was great- ly Jmproved." "We are building a house at Green. bank and just living in Port Perry for the time," explained Mrs. Foster. "Yesterday we started out for Green- i EO A t rrr " rks pe sameness Sat ais ans ed bank with the two children in the back seat. They were sanding up. The door locks by having the handle up. "We usually keep it locked when the kiddies are in the car. The windows were down and Mr. Foster suggested that they put it up. Perhaps she grabbed the wrong handle, We looked around and she was gone." "When the' child was picked up from the roadway, she was bruised but con- scious. "~She was taken to Dr, Dy- mond's of Port Perry. Meta 'Moore and Edna |. the Hospital Auxiliary and from the Jiabilities would have been increased $6,974.10 H Hh >.30 sons 10 $6, 974. 10 opps 1953 spirits ist $22,038.52 13,790.83 9,147.69 Total Liabilities as at May 31, Total accounts payablee. oii. Construction accounts still unpaid Accrued Accounts to May 31 $22,938.62 Accounts Receivable: 2 Federal Government Grant... girtiipss sr lin innit nusety $ 8,000.00 Provincial Maintenance Grant on ., 2,000.00 - ro - $10,000.00 Pledgres not yet received Ju, 1,675.00 : $11,675.00 $11,268.52 $22,998. b2 i Total net linbility . Foss we "$22,048.52 Discussion of Above Accounting to meet the monthly operating deficit ~ |and to carry some debts for patients who have not been able to complete their payment at once. (See tabula- tion for 'May, which shows the amount assumed as a minimum of possible collection, two-thirds. the total.) The monthly salary cheques have always been issued regularly on time. Taking the break between construe- tion and operation as Dee. 31, 1952, the present Board fell heir to a capi tal indebtedness of $26,084.00 at that date. To offset this, there was a final Federal grant of $8,000 definitely ex- pected." (Another Special Provincial Grant of $2,900 was later allowed and has been received.) In addition there was a bank balance of $10,414.60, As of May 31, the inherited ac- counts" were reduced from $26,084 to $13,790.83. The Board has thus paid off $12,293.17 of the old construction accounts, But it has been forced to incur: a further liability of $9,147.69, making the total indebtedness $22,- 938.562, as at the end of May. - Had it not been for the generous donations of money and supplies from It is necessary at this time to leave at least $6,000 of the expected grants in the capital bank account, to cover the varying overdrafts occurring in the -operating bank "account, arising from the. necessity of meeting' sal- aries on time while ,at times, consider- able amounts are still due from Blue Cross and from patients paying direct- ly but Mpls to payin full. This limits the payments which can be made on the liability of $22,938.52 to about $5,000... The Board is thus urgently in need of about $18,000 to be able to clear up the old accounts (some of which are becoming press: ing) and leave the necessary backlog in the operating account, - If this amount could be raised at this time, the Board would confidently expect to operate until Dee, 81 with a final operating deficit of from $6,000 numerous organizations and individ- uals (as reported from time to time in the Port Perry Star), these further by $4,713.14, the total of such dona- tions from Jan, 1 to May 81. The $8,000 -is_still to come, but the initial bank balance of -over $10,000 has been spent to cover the above ré- duction in the inherited indebtedness, (continued on page 4) . s, - Ea MPING Ist Camp under the supervision of Wesley Lane and helpers... vision of Stan Ploughman and helpers. There are 67 Cubs eligible for camp. We need your help. 1st Cub camps, boys, Sr, 10 and 11 years old, June 26 to June 30, leaving Scout Hall at 7 pan, Friday night, - returning on Tuesday night, June 30, leaving camp at 7.30 pan. Znd Cub Camp July 8th and 9th Junior 10-and Senivr 9 year boys leave Scout Hall at 8.30 Wednesday morning July th, returning Friday morning, July 10th, leaving camp about 9.80 a.m, i ) drd Cub Camp, July 10th and 11th, 8 year old and junior 9 year old boys. Leaving Scout Hall Friday morning at 8.30 a.m. and return Saturday evening, leaving camp about 8.30 p.m. The cost of Cul, Camp is $1.00 per day. Scout Camp is from Tuesday even- ing, June 30th to Tuesday, July 7th. Scouts going to camp will meet at the Scout Hall on Tuesday, June 30th at 7.30 pan. Transportation will be ar- ranged. You! Casting practice on Friday at 6.30 pam This important as June is getting short and the bass and muskie season will open in less than two weeks, This will be a fine opportun- ity to limber up your casting arm. At 8.pa. the members are asked to as- semble in the band shell to seleét re- presentatives to attend ,a meeting to be called by the Community Center Board for June 29th. All members is are requested to be in the band shell at 8 p.m, on Friday evening. ' k A = 2nd and 3rd camp under the super- be