Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Jul 1953, p. 8

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LY EE A RF Tht sh ay FRM - ARAL a a arn ha FREE SR Re a RR Sr eS A ee slr asin - . 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSADY, JULY 30th, 1953 OR Quin J | LAKEVIEW I ¥ ok FOR QUicK | ; LTTE P hone 50 Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. ~ THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT, JULY 30-31, AUGUST 1 FOR SALE---1950 Chevrolet Sedan,| EXCHANGE -- Will cochage. the A ED LLB. Sterling Hayden and Richard Carlson ~~ } . metalic green, in excellent condition, | wood of a tall spruce tree for the la- AR ogram , hedule su moos Inc the Exciting" Colour Adventure Hit ; Average mileage. Priced reasonable bour of removing same, "Aly 4 at : : "FLAT TOP" : for quick sale. Apply at Par Office, Star Office. . OBHAWA--DIAL 1240 : : (MONDAY thru ApNDAY), : ! pgs COMEDY and SPORTS 'OK USED CARS FOR SALE--Willow Baby Buggy whitewall tires, well cared for by one. owner, This car is first class, $1850 Precast Concrete 6.30--News (M. Tu. W. Th. F, yy 8a.) | '6.40--Koffee Korner (M. Tu. Wn, - F, Sa 5.056--Supperclub yo Tu, W, Th. ) Showcase in good condition. $10.00 Mrs; Jas. Sep fic Tanks 1950 METEOR Sedan, black finish, F. Ay Silver ae ( al (Sun.) Staley, Port Perry, . ; 500 I shows exceptional care by one owner, % 00 News (M. Tu. W. Tb F. 8 F. Sa.) 6.30--News for the Community, ) = Any °p rom gallons up. {js excellent in every way. A special offee Korner ( is M, Tu, W. " : % HOUSE FOR SALE--5 rooms, 1% | Delivered and installed, buy at $1465.00, Sa.) ods Supperciub (TW TH F.) ih PINEAPPLE LAYER CAKE * storey stucco dwelling. All conven- BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS 7.30--News (M. Ty. W. Th. Fr Sa. News ( M.Tu, W. Th. a.) "JELLIED DOUGHNUTS" " Frances, also Mr. an fences. Good location, Bus passes door. Apply R. A. Peel, Phone 35. : oor pply e ) li 13| FOR SALE--Kitchen Table and 4|in Airway Blue, in first class me- 500--Nows. (M. Ho. W On un 6.15~What's on at' the Moric Sa.) chairs, in good condition. Apply Mrs, | chanical condition $1525 Pilgrim Hour oa (M. Tu, W. Th. F. 5 5 __GERROW'S BAKERY Help Wanted Fin, Pons 28 Por mp poNTIAC Conch, mea aro, E4080 OEE OR py 00 spp B50 e p dan e FOR SALE--Frost King Ice Box heater, a well cared for car anu _uar- * F. 8a.) 6.30 News ( un.) -- PHONE 32W G. M, GERROW IF Apply to. 75 Ibs. apace, Mrs. E. G. Komody, anteed to be in Al condition ...$1525 8.30--News (M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa) o40-Sports (Sun) hasta 8a i J FLAMINGO RESTAURANT Phone 322W : " 'aug6 | 1949 CHEVROLET Coach, 1211, black Ukianian Russian Baptist = AlL 4b ie d ii a a Sun) = = Phone 376 : -- | finish, with air condition heater and hurch (Sun.) FOR SALE--6 room frame house and lot on North Street, Port Perry. Coa 9.00--News(M. Tu. W, Th, F, Sa.Sun.) F, Sa.) S For information apply to W. S. Greer| SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 -- Farm 19 FORD PELUE Joa, R seed 9.06--Morning Devotions (M, Tu, W, | 7.01--Follow the Band a. To, We ). office, Port Perry. july30 | sold--Cockshutt-Oliver Tractor and 2 ! . Sa.) J : - "ers (Sun) 4 ID--The assis f : ; : pd ial i NED. ih anne a lady 2nd farm South oF Breorlin Fair 1948 DE SOTO Sedan, fluid drive, | 9.16--Listen While You Work of 5s 7.16--A Melody from Murphy' ve, TF) iis 40 Port Perry Star g : Grounds, ale at 1. DJ. : dere custom radio and heater, many extras, | The F Knights (Sa.) Ea Five Minutes for Freedom DECOR ATING " Cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer e Four Knights (Sa, o Th ; 3 excellent blue finish, first class com- 9.30--Canadian National Institute n (Tu. Ia) : ; = 1947 CHEVROLET DELUXE Sedan, for the Blind (8a) 7.20-- Telegram Highll ug 9) Steno ra her B lldozin and (rich maroon finish, heater and de- . Your Sunday Morning (Bun) 7.30--World's Great Music (M, Tu. We supply all material for your job. Sample Books. on g p u g - |froster, good tires and motor, has 9.45--Keynotes by Carle (Sa.) W. Th. F.) request. For exterior 'painting please book your job. eyrly Wanted been well cared for--$1165.00. King's Radio Quintet Sun.) Old Ranch House (Sa.) if possible. : We have an opening on our staff for a stenographer; excel- lent working conditions; 5 day week ; pension, hospitalization and Group Insurance plans avail- R Hopalong Cassidy (Sa) able. Apply Victoria & Grey R.R. 2, PORT PERRY CHOOSE FROM Prelude to Worship (Sun.) Citma 'Doce. Not Pay F {T0) ; i Trust Company, Lindsay, giving 109 r 42 --2 Phone-- 892 CASH, TRADE or CONVENIENT | 11. 00--News (Sun. M, Tu. W. Th, Church in the Wildwood (Sun) and Sons full particulars. oN Be = G.M.A.C. TERMS 11.06--Say It With Music (8s. ¥. 2a) 8. 45--Blucs for Bonde (hy ul - GAA A ae ; ! . : W. Th. F.) | 9.00--News (Sun. M. . Wo . Ph i : It pays to buy your guaranteed used ,. Sa. one Port Perry YOU'LL Be PROUD To DRIVE SEP TIC TANKS cor from o new! iaridoalen: ia 0 Jul er pe 0. 06--Hilloly Jamboreo au 1137.14 "ONE of THESE "SAFE-BUY" N : . ; (M 1 rd] \ BEAUTIES_DON'T BE 1 ATE Mn SN 'Bryden Motors | !1ecSecoty Semin a. Tul W. 006-10.00° Wrestling Matahes (Tu) : 52 PONTIAC Standard Tudor : | 12.00 noon--News (Sun, M. Ta, Ww. Cavalcade of Musld (Th.) . > § "THE SURE WAY" Th, F. 8a.) Charlie Chan (F.) '52 CHEV. Deluxe Fordor CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE 2.06 News for the Community Old Ranch' House (Sa.) '51 METEOR Custom Fordor 24 Hour Service CHEVROLET TRUCKS 12.06, for the (M.W.F) This is My Story Sw ; ' iF : y : Cl { me 3 jE 31'METROR Convertible IRWIN DeGEER PORT PERRY PHONE 74 12 nd TELA OO Mystery House. (V0 221d ANNUAL '50 PONTIAC Deluxe Tudor : easures dw Haunting Hour (Th. n | ordor 3 : 280--N (Sun. M Stand by for Crime (F.) '49 MONARCH Fordor Phone 231 R . ] id wx Da) David Rose Show (Sun.) : '47 CHEV Tudor om Bowmanville 12.40--Sports (Sun. M. Tu. W. Lo 10.00--News (Sun. M, Tu. War, be) '47 FORD Fordor : V. Th, | 10.01--Chatting With The Listeners '42 PLYMOUTH Fordor Bulldozing aid 12.45--Vocal Spotlight (M. Tu. JE. Bling (Tu. Th.) '41 PLYMOUTH Tudor '52 MERCURY !, Ton Pickup Truck 51" MERCURY 1; Ton Pickup Truck '51 FORD 1, Ton Pickup Truck ~ Ux-Spring Motors LIMITED PORT PERRY 8ept24-68| ()oce to 401 highway. Possession . 00--N. f M. Tu. W. Mercury Lincoln Meteor £ arranged. $8,000. Terms. dE > ii Th. P.) 3 News (M.74, W. ta: Sun.) A pe 3 6-ROOM SOLID BRICK, 2-piece bath, News (Sa. Sun.) 3 Ta. W. Th, UGU 3 ---- Afi & E Dealers DEAD STOCK insulated, 3 bedrooms, double gar- | 2.06->Keeper of the Flame (8a.) 11.06--Sports Finals mT Sa. Sun. , ernoon vening* a aT Re I ay OE TW £10 tap Alot Muelle Sponsored hy fix - for sanitary disposal. elephone | residential street, close 2.30--Betty & Bo + Th, F, =n y | Collect. Port Perry 11812, or Toronto | churches and shopping centre. | 2.45 Songs of our Tinos" (M. W 1 15. 00ve Minute bgt ALLL, PORT PERRY BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION 1 G bai k EM 3.3636. $7,000. Terms, 00. 0b Eberly Bn, Bo Se : reenpan 3 Niainias 7-ROOM SOLID BRICK DWELLING, | 00--News (San. M. Tu. W. 7h, | Th F. 8 Sun.) : : 4- bath, oil fi , hardwood "| 12.06 a.m.--Man About Music (M. Tu. ||' : 3 Mr. and Mrs. James Lee, Helen and Gordon Young Lid. fl Thless i ' urnave pr os 3407-- Showeate (M, Tu Te Ww. Ih | Fr.) W. Th. F. 8a.) ||. [] M : : oors, large sun room, modern Keeper 8 the Flame (Sa.) 12.46-- Patterns in Black an White A 1 in Prizes Mr. Grant Palmer, of Port Perry, ; kitchen, garage, garden, on main Personalities on Parade (Sun.) Tu. W. Th. F ; kad ' visited in Wasaga Beach on Sunday. Our ball team are playing good ball this year, and so far lost only one game. On Monday evening they played. Raglan"and were nearly Beaten but finally came out on top with a score of 10-9. Come out and support the boys. : Mr. and Mrs, Murray Lee spent the week-end in Wasaga Beach. Don't forget that the Young Peo- ED. PECONI $1 500 down, 7 room frame house, 1 block from business section-- ple's go to Madoc to the Young Peo- Argyle, Ontario. : / B k ; ' : : ; ple's Camp where the Bay of Quinte Gi Ir 0 er furnace, bath room, hot and cold water, extra rooms attached to side Annual Field Day' .is held, this Satur- day. If anyone would like to go and help cheer them on, get ia touch with any of the Young People for directions to get there. Iam sure it would be an interesting day if you like sports and also fellowship with other people. Mr. and Mrs, Jopes Ianson and Wilbert St. John travelled. to Wasapo- Beach on Monday. Mr. and Mrs; Frank Lee, George, Beatrice and Keith Gibson also spent Monday in Wasago Beach, The monthly meeting of the Wom- an's Association was held 'on Tuesday afternoon in the basement. of the church, with Mrs. Lorne Blakely's group in charge. ' Miss Jessie Me- Arthur, of Blackstock, showed her pictures of her trip to the Coronation, We extend our sincerest sympathy to the many friends and relatives of Mr. Henry Leask who met with a tragic death on Monday afternoon. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Doug Heayn (nee Betty Jannack) on their recent marriage. pT Ce ha ay 1950 PONTIAC Coach, torpedo body, 'e kli Telephone 155 Brooklin air condition heater, newly refinished radio, has had good care, guaranteed to please $1305 Auction Sale new factory rebuilt motor just in- Furniture, property of Pat Murphy, stalled, a real good buy at $1195 Excavating By Hour or Contract. I'ree Estimates Given. - William Tripp 1947 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE, -dark green finish, custom radio, heater, outside sun visor; this car has had exceptional care $1150 SEVERAL OTHER GOOD CARS TO 7- ROOM INSUL-BRICK on'¥% acre in village, hydro, good well, built-in cupboards, small fruit, new roof, storms, screens, garage. 30-day possession. $2,000 down. 8-ROOM BRICK DWELLING, 3-piece bath, 2 fireplaces, oil heating, hard- 'wood floors, 1% acre garden soil, Excavating By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates given Walter King street. Immediate possession, $8000. Dead Stock saves meds possession. soon. Service * | ing, 4-plece bath, sun room, furnace, hardwood floors. laundry tubs, storms, screens, awnings, garage, Dead or crippled horses, cattle, garden, small fruit, cement drive, nogs, picked up for santiary disposal. ] landscaped, extras, $9,600. Terms, Phene collect: Port Perry, 108 r 14; 30. days possession. Uxbridge 92 r 14; Lindsay 4682. Head Office 16 r 11 Woodville, James Nixon, July 68 Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Phone Collect Bowmanville 2679 We also buy live. horses * MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE Broker 160 Liberty St, N. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 682 Notice to Creditors In the Estate of C. Percival Rolph, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of.C. Percival Rolph, late sept10 68 of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, who died on the 16th day of July, A.D. 1958, are hereby- notified to send to : the undersigned on or before the 15th Fred Warren day of August, 1958, Ar partignjars. of thelr claims. Im ately after Port Perry, Phone 54J the said date the assets of the said - deceased will be distributed among the WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR parties entitled thereto, having regard SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM [only to claims of which he shall then ? have notice, ELLSWORTH KENNEDY Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this will be pleased to serve you. 21st day of July, A.D. 1958, Phone 322W Port Perry ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, Q.C, Box for information. Gravel and Loam CRUSHED GRAVEL 181, Port Perry, Ontarid, Solicitor for ~ Nov. 27, 1088 | the Executrix. augis FP A A A CATER se AANA fr Dnt pH FETS ee a a weave bah 7.40--Koffee Korner (M. Tu, ¥: h. 8.36--Kpffee Korner (M, Tu, ¥: hs 8.46--Peoples- Church (Sun.) } Th. 9.01--Stouffville Youth for Chiat 10.00--News (Su . Tu. W, Th, (Sun. Sa.) F. 10.06--Hit Parade (M, Tu. we Th. ) Sunday School on the Air (Sun) |. 10.30--Wedding Bells (M. ™, ) Pipes in: Melod: Gun © 1.00--News (M. Tu. Sa.) With a Song in My Heart: Sony '1.06--8top the Record (M. ti 0 YR) Summerville Meets the Stteks. 1.16--Melody Round-Up (Sa) © 1.30--Music" Hall"of Fame (Sun.) Personalities on Parade (Sun.) 3.30--Portraits In Ivory (Sun.) . 3.46--Silver and Crystal (Sun.) | 10.46--Airlane Trio (M. Tu. Ww, Th. Healing Waters (Sun.) 6.10--Report on Sport (M. Tu, W. Th. "CHERRY TARTS" 'SPECIAL HOLIDAY TREATS 6.66--Stock-Market Report (M. Tu, W. Th. F.) 7.00--News in a Minute (Sun, i Tu. Silver Band (Sa.) Albert St. United Church (Sun.) and 8.00--News (Sa. Sun.) 8.06--0ld 'Ranch House (Sa.) Emile Cotee Glee Club (Sun.) 8.30--Report from Parliament Hill Ray's A Laugh (Tu.) : Guy Lombardo Show (W.) 8.30--Chapel by the Side of the 'Road PAINTING Latest finishes in Rubbed Plywood, any colour « For Expert Decorating call-- M. ST. CLAIR 10,10--Kim's*Korner (M. W. F.) 10.06--Cavalcade of Music (Tu.) .- Obsession - oud Ranch House (Sa.) Invitation fos a Dream (Sun.) 10.80--News (M. Tu. W, Th. F. Sa.) 10.40--Report on Sport (M. Tu W. {M. , 8a.) 1.00--News (M. Tu. w. Th. F. Sa.) SEE FOR of house, | ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LTMITED : Port Perry Representative: ; WM. HEAYN PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. , ----- Could be converted into an income source, SALE Terms arranged Phone 174 r 12 Comino at 2 p.m, * Butcher, Feeder an BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK SALES || ---- ~~ | Sales Every Tuesday [| COME TO PORT PERRY a on a find chy variety of ; Pigs, (all pally Veal and Young Calves, and Horses, Sales Arena heated in winter. Air-conditioned in Summer.. PHONE BELLEVILLE 1828 Feeder PORT PERRY, ONTARIO CIVIC HOLIDAY Night Programme -- - FOR YOUR HOME Limited Number of Tickets AUGUST 3rd Softhall and Baseball Tournaments Horseshoe Pitching Contest Dancing ~ Games - Refreshments | Draw for Westinghouse T.V. Set Tickets 25c., or 5 for $1.00 'NOW IS THE TIME TO WIN A BEAUTIFUL TV. SET | Something Doing All Day Long. lw - dueu0F Phone 206] after six. 0 ALE M CM. bik ; Teo maieg | ROR 8 et bike, These OK USED CARS have been|_.__ MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY,' AUG. 3:4-5 ' - 5 FOR SALE--Six room bungalow, | fine condition, basket, pump, attach- === z z EH on Bigelow Street, Port Perry. 40x28 | ¢d lock and pant clips included. Mrs, | thoroughly inspected and recondition-| . - CODE SAA Helena Carter, Arthur Franz, Leif Ericson - © BE grey brick, will sell" unfinished, .or | G. Luke, Prince" Albert. July80 [ed where necessary by our expert Sun Sunday Thursday 4 : af. In the Exciting New Screen Adventure : H ; t Bill I ls mechanics, and carry our written war- . jie y . : ' -All-in Natura) Colour dy will complete. Contact Bill Haynes, . iy } Tu: Tuesday Sa.---Saturday 4 formerly of Archer Motor: Sales. e.c ~ FOR SALE = 1947 Cher. Coupe, ranty or » days with a 60- 4] Fraser, : W.--Wednesday ; ' "INVADERS FROM MARS" ' a : etre HEE S finished in dar ue, tires excellen ee repairs or replacements should | a = Eat ie a SiN ie, fo = i Don Grogies, Stephenson's fons low mileage, heater. Will sell reas- |be required within this 'period due to TIME PROGRAM TIME 58 PROGRAM ; LITTLE RASCALS COMEDY AND SPORTS Ed el \ , : onable. - "Apply. at- Star Office or| wear, we will pay one half of the bill. 5.60 a. m.--C.K.L.B. Sign On ¥ 4 00--Néws (Sun, M. Tu, W. Th, F.Sa.) X --_-- ok - . FOR SALE--Kitchen table and four | phone 148 after 6 p.m. 1952 CHEVROLET DELUXE Coach, (M, Tu. W, Th. F. Sa.) 4.06--Showcase 4 TY, W. Th. F, 8a.) & irs in good condition. Apply Mrs. talli ; dition - heater. | 8:00--News (M. Tu. W. Th, F. Sa. iver rystal (Sun.) A fairt Eo '26R Port Perry. metallle grey, -air condition - heater, 6.06--Koffee Korner (M. Tu. we 6.00--News Fr .. Tu, Ww. Th, WEEK-END i : A

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