6--PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1058 SDR AS Ed A SR by 3 3 =~ ar. a AN Rr ne, SCT TR iLL Eo Sn FAS Sear XT od a a ES oo Ue a at a a Nr oN a wv SRA a -- er oS ES a Nye Come RE a WAR SEW - he Darlington Farmers Winners in Ontario Field Crop Contest do of the standing field crop cdMipetition Mm oats carried on by-the South Ontario Agricultural Society this season have been! announced by Lew W. McConkey, secretary of the society: 2 "7 "Heber. Down of Brooklin; whose farm was the scene of Canada's first soil conservation and farm improve- ment day in September, 1949, stood first in. the competition, It will be seen that several Darl- ington farmers were among the prize « winners which follows: 2. Boyd Ayre; 3.. M. B. Vipond; 4.-George R. Mec- Laughlin; 5. Vernon J. Powell; 6. John Baker; 7. Murray Dunkeld; 8. D. J. Tran and Sons; 9. Cyril H. Mumford; 10. Russell Richardson; 11. Fred Stephens. Manchester Ideal harvest weather has prevail- ed for several weeks and farmers re- port a wonderful yield of grain, Mrs. Gladys Archer and Miss Ca- therine Christie spent a couple of "days at Lake Barnard, Sundridge with Mrs. Archer's daughter, Mrs. Brydon and family. ---- ea Gordon 'Hill .of Whitby is visiting his grandmother Mrs, Sadie Masters. Mrs. A. Roach and children return- ed home on Sunday after two months vacation at their cottage in Halibur- "ton. Church service will be at 7.30 next Sunday. evening. Throughout Sept. and October it will be held in_ the morning at 11.15, Le Miss Doris Mason, Shelbourne and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mason and fa- mily, Markham were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Holtby on Sunday evening. : The Women's Association will hold a baking sale at Oswald Croxall's corner on Friday afternoon Aug. 28. Miss Hazel Gregg is visiting Mrs. W. WoHoltby, ~ = TE Misses Mary and Flora Holman, Prince Albert were guests of Mrs. Lorne Thompson one day last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gray on the birth of their little daughter on August 20th and to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holtby on the birth of a son, 3 The Women's Association will hold their September meeting at the home of Mrs. Hannah Johnson on Thursday afternoon the 8rd at 2.30. The ladies dre cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Ferkin, Greenwood is visit ing her sister Mrs. Hannah Johniaton. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jackson of Cha- tham are holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McKee. Mr. Harley Johnston returned home on Friday. This is Harley's third season as bus driver for the Alberta Recreational Society's trans Canada tour. Mrs. F. B. Johnston and Harley visited friends in Wilberforce- on Sunday. Miss Phylis McCartney spent ten days in Halifax with her sister Mrs, Dorothy Tippett. ! : Water-skiing, table tennis, archery, softball, fencing, swimming and div- ing are but a few of the many sports attractions at the 1958 C.N.E. From Aug. 28 to-Sept. 12 visitors to Can- ada's "Show Window of the Nation" will have an opportunity to see some of the world's finest athletes in action. ~ Canadian wood consumption is be- low annual forest growth. PALL 18 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE ANNOUNCES THE Tuesday, September 8, 1953 Day and Evening Classes ACT NOW. ENROLMENT IS LIMITED. Oshawa Business College OPENING OF THE TERM DIAL 565-4343 BRYDEN MOTORS PORT PERRY To 8% oe fe seats faite ot ste ste te PHONE 74 bn id nit sn. mtn gig - RF A Kemptville Agriculturali}School 'Offers Training to YOUNG MEN and WOMEN DIPLOMA COURSE-IN AGRICULTURE « Soils - Crops - Livestock - Machinery : 300 Acre School Farm, Well Equipped. A valuable Preparation for Farming or Agricultural Positions. DIPLOMA COURSES IN HOME ECONOMICS 'Nutrition - - Home Management - Family Living Crafts - Home Furnishings An Education for Homemaking or a Career. A RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL -- $8.00 per week. SCHOOL TERM: OCT. 13 to APRIL 14. . Under direction of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. REESE OR ORRIN ORDA LEDD BAIA AAA AAR AIBA i Ar A Sian Set bin For full information write: A. M. Barr, B.8.A.," Principal, Kemptville Agric. S¢hool, Kemptville, Ontario. oR X ABABA RRA dle Bethany Good Samaritans!!! They fell by the wayside . . . five head of cattle! And several good Samaritans assisted in returning then -to their owner. . : Joe Simpkins, farmer and trucker from Hespeler, Ont. is quite con- vinced that there really are some good Samaritans living in Bethany. While passing through the village en route from Smiths Falls to his hpme with a truckload of newly-purchased cattle valued at $1,800.00 the tail gate of the truck racks became un- fastened and one of the animals Jumped out on the main street. Several men rounded up the animal and another got out his car and took after the truck driver and was able to stop him some two miles out of the village and inform him of his loss. When Mr. Sinfpkins got out to in- vestigate, he found he had lost not only the one animal, but four others. He turned around and started back along the highway . . . . the obliging car driver also returned, picked up a friend and they, too, joined in the search, They stopped cars, making enquir- ies along the way and finally, after some two hours, located all the cat- tle. None of them were seriously injured by their tumble from the truck. They were all finally coralled in a farmer's yard and. loaded back into their truck with the end gate re- paired. * Another man and his wife invited Mr. Simpkins to their home for din- ner and later in the day he was able to proceed on his way home convinces ed that nowhere else would he have found so much neighborly kindness. "daying in Florida last winter.' Blackstock Miss Mona Ferguson was hostess for the August W.M.8. last Wednes- day afternoon. Mrs. Alex Johnston, president, gave the worship from Matthew and gave a talk entitled "Who is Greatest." The roll call was well answered by a scripture verse containing the word "Peace". "Mrs, John Scott gave a very help- ful talk on "Peace"; Miss Sandra Ferguson played a lovely piano solo "Rustic Song". Mrs. C. W. Hutton gave a very interesting account of her recent trip to Vancouver and Dawson Creek. 4 After the closing of the meeting, lunch was served by Mrs. Gorddn Strong's group with 'a social half- hour "being énjoyed: ; The Mission Band met in the church basement on Monday afternoon. Mrs. R. Taylor took the worship and Mrs, Cecil Hill gave. the Study Book chap- ter, "Npengo Goes A-fishing". Nan- cy Hutton sang "Jesus Loves Me", John Hutton gave a reading "A Song of Lovely Things". Mrs. Taylor told a story of a new Canadian, Meeting closed with singing and the Mission Band Purpose. yg Mr. and Mrs, James Marlow m tored to Niagara Falls on Sunday, also called on friends in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert and fa- mily, Millbrook called on Mr. and|' Mrs. Frank Stinson and other friends in the village on Sunday evening. " Cangratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ginn on winning a T. V. set last week. - * Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong and | Mr. and Mrs. Polson from Paoli, In- diana visited Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Bai- ley and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- low whom they had: met while holi- CS |) -- "HYDRAULIC LUCKY DRAW Cockshutt Farm Equipment DEMONSTRATION i Wednesday, Sepiember 2nd | BROOKS-PORT FARM (¥; mile north Port Perry) FEATURING COCKSHUTT 20, 30, and 40 TRACTORS : "EQUIPMENT | DEEP TILLAGE IMPLEMENTS TED JACKSON, -- Cockshutt Dealer. The above 3. world's leading Automobile Daredevil Shows are sched: uled to compete one-against the other in every known Automobile and Motorcycle thriller. Each show will try to outdo the others in rolling automobiles end-over-end and sifle-overside; jumping automobiles com pletely over huge buses and crashing them into parked awomobiles; the dangerous Roman Standing events; the Slide-for-Life; motorcycles leap fng high Into the air and through space; Hel. Driving; and a dozen other thrillers. All this to decide what show and what individual dare devil can claim the title of World Champion - It's the big afternoon event of the CNE, and besides this big show there will be 12 of the Greatest Circlis Acts in the whole world...all for 12 days, Aug. 81st through Sept. 12th. The cost is.extremely low for Grand Stand seats-- - -- = These Auto Daredevil Shows fo Com One Against the Other for Championship Afternoon Grand Stand 12 Days Mon., 'Aug. 31 through Sat., Sept, 12 CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION - TORONTO 60c;. Ckildren, 60c. Reserved, $1.00; General Admission, Western Provinees, (fall, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and Sunday for a trip to the U.S.A. and | out?" Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Snooks and Mar- Jorie Ann, Toronto visited Mrs. John Marlow who is recovering from a Mr. Neil Bailey, Mrs. Howard Bai- ley and Catherine, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Bailey and Mrs. Maud Bailey were: guests at the wedding of Miss Nora Heary to Mr. Ray Byrd, in Janetville United Church on: Satur- day; August 22nd. : le 4 Ray and Donald 'Bradbury, Scugog Point provided some excellent piano and violin music at the United Church evening service on. Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Grant 'Ferguson, Toronto, on the ar- rival of a sen in 'Women's College Hospital on August 24th, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell and family and Mr. Peter Philp motored Magistrate: "Come, now, you really Mr .and Mrs. Oscar Graham left on |don't think he meant to put your eye PORT PERRY in" \ TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS ® FISH © MEAT ® POULTRY eo CUSPOM SLAUGHTERING = York Frosted Foods CAWKER BROS. "HE FAMILY BUTCHER" ' PHONE 29 Plaintiff: "No, your Honor, 1 don't; but I' do say he tried to put it further to Paudosh, near Bancroft on Sun- day to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Rut- lidge. Little Miss Margaret Saywell, of Oshawa, is visiting her Aunt Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Jor my work..." * A wuly enjoy in oom > ! PORYe o oo = You, tee, will find the Moe 3 inf, ith ; etautive, hi complete > siructive viewpoint in every bing story The Christian Science Moakler s 3 One, Neeway $s Boston 15, Mass., v.sA r Please = introductory subsctipe tion to Navi Selonce Monitor 76 issues. § enclose #3. (name) (eddress) § (a) (some) (oe) OPENA The Canadian Bank i no to CHANCE : Make sure of your plans through regular savings Use the 'toupon belew for o wpe a ------ Ey a saviNGs 4 *0cscesssersinccccsceeessctoce ACCOUNT AT x of Commerce ONLY Despfreaze Refrigerator has "The Door that Stores More" Phone 177 Bhan ~ . BOTTLISTOR holds to quan beverage and milk : © REGOSTOR keeps eggs hondy, protects them from ° breckoge! : : EXCLUSIVE FEATURES (I ONLY Deepfreeze Refrigerator "has the Genuine. | ~~ Deepfreeze Freezer. Compartment | ; Stores approximately 50 Ibs, of fr Separate freezer shelf for ice cube trays and dessert tray. food and actually keeps ice cream hard. 2 HIGH-HUMIDITY CRISPERS ~ Transparent--keep over half a bushel of fruits and vegetables garden-fresh. Slide out and in with a touch. : PORT PERRY ELECTRIC nd rt abt ppp nt Bm y . borane ase - rr ar