| ' =i =x "plete service. Par) "R.R. 1, OSHAWA er ' i 4 7 3 1 > ' aa Who's Who In Oshawa Bill Moring ) Garage 1084 SJMCOE ST. N. Phone 3-9321 BEAR SAFETY SERVICE Bear safety service means the very best. of service obtainable. in wheel alignment and repairs. Axles, hubs, frames, wheels and spindles straig ed. Front end alignment, 'Shock. sorbers overhauled and replaced. akes relined #nd adjusted. #They also carry batteries, tires and sell gasoline and oil. 3 Here will be found a most com- - - we agree. Under the capable manage- ment of Bill Moring this business has grown to its present size through a policy of good service at low cost. In this special review of the leading firms of Oshawa, the writer is pleased' to recommend Bill Moring's Garage, Authorized Bear . Safety Service, which has been established for years, to all our friends and readers, W.F. Bowden ROOFING CONTRACTOR 54 BURK ST. Phone 5-5533 Many people throughout this region have found that when it comes to roof- ing, in consulting W. F. Bowden, they make no mistake. Expert on roofing and an authority on roofing materials this firm is only - too glad at all times to give advice on your roofing problems, and esti- mates are cheerfully given' without charge. Asbestos siding sold and ap- plied. Sheet metal work is also done. When you are thinking of having a new roof put on your home, one can ruin considerable material an spoil the appearance of your house or building if not properly applied. That is why we recommend W. F. Bowden to you because you will be sure of getting a proper job at a very. reasonable figure. Call 56-6533 and they will familiar- - ize and give you complete information on your roofing or insulation job. "Wm. Teogsits CUSTOM FLOOR SANDING AND REFINISHING 5-5836 "Nothing is more important in an enterprising and fast growing country, _ such as ours as the building trade and its. associate skilled trades. In re- viewing some of these important busi- nesses that give a valued service to the building industry, we find that Wm. Leggette has strived at all times to met the request of all his customers. They do custom floor sanding, floor refinishing, laying, and remodelling and have floor sanders for rent at prices you can- afford to pay, Estimates are cheerfully given with- out charge or obligation. So con- sult Wm. Leggette abont your plahs, and they will figure with you and give you proper advice, backed by their years of experience, on your pprticular job. In a review of this" nature it. af- fords us great pleasure to recommend such a firm which has built up a re- putation through years'of honest deal- ings with the public; : Sharp Motors R.R. 1, OSHAWA Phone 5-5948 While they are sales and service for Kaiser and Henry J. motor-cars, this garage specializes in a gomplete re- pair service, The management has had years of ) s. {pe in the garage business and ! \ ® well known to many people of this ection, The service extended here is the best and the mechanics will make a thorough job on your automobile or truck motor, Remember proper repairs and main- * tenance now will keep your car run- _ning as it should, If you have any "motor trouble, consult this garage and "- they will put. your car or truck in shape so that its performance will more than satisfy. . A check-up now can save you from sitting onthe road- side. Visit, Sharp: Motors for a sea- «sonal tune-up and recondition job.) On everything from a small to a} major repair job their expert service will increase your motoring pleasure, 4 "(Continued from "Page 2) I am sure you will "able to Toms ER ep AAT Westmount Welding Works 26 ATHOL ST, W, Phone 5-2443 < This shop specializes in all types of general welding. Equipped with a portable outfit they are capable of going anywhére to take care of any -| class of work, either in electric or acetylene welding. SARE There are few enterprises more ims portant in the dévelopment of modern communities than a progressive es- tablishment such as thid, replete as it is with a complete line of equipment to take care of all classes of welding. Westmount Welding Works is fully equipped and do work of the highest quality at all times and they have built up an enviable reputation, due to their past promptness and. effic- iency. They will respond without de- | lay to a summons by telephone or per- sonal call. We urge our readers to patronize Westmount Welding Works. Zellers Lid. _ This is one of the most' popular stores in Oshawa, located at 21 Sim- coe St. South, and is where you will find quality higher than price. You will be surprised at the wonderful values. 'Drop-in the next time you are in Oshawa, as this store is well known and a cordial welcome will be extended to you. This store is well known to people from Port Perry and vicinity and .is popular as a place where people at once feel at home while in the city shopping. Its friendly atmosphere, which pre- | dominates at all times has placed this store in'a class by itself, and it may be termed shopping headquarters for: the surrounding district. } We suggest that you make Zeller's Ltd. your shopping ° headquarters whenever in Oshawa, Audy Nagy Body Shop COLLISION SERVICE 408 KING ST. W. Phone 3-7132 Featuring complete body, fender, auto painting and repairs to all makes of cars, this firm is located at 408 King West, Phone 38-7182, Duco or Delux refinishing, simonizing and ex- pert workmanship make their service complete in every department. Andy Nagy Body Shop is equipped with the latest equipment for a com- plete repair service. No matter what kind of a smash-up you may have been in, you will find that they will be "take care of your tar or truck and put it in such condition that you would never know it had been in a selision, \ = 1? in motoring. over the highways you have been bumped and the body of your car is dented or fenders bent, lamps crushed, ete, drive around to Andy Nagy Body Shop and they will fix your auto so that all will look like new, at very little cost, : Bathe & McLellan BUILDERS' SUPPLIES 81 King West OSHAWA Phone 5-4761 '| the week-end were Mrs, Phone 3-2994. Ja yy Id de PET Seagrave Mr. and Mrs. J. Forster visited the former's mother in Oshawa on Sun. day. Mr. Wm. Martin of Sutton, and Mr. Duncan Martin of Sunderland, visited My, and Mrs. J. 6. MacTag- gart on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Standish, who have been living with Mr. Leon Stan- dish since their marriage in June left on Saturday for Montreal where Laird has been given a permanent position with the Bell Telephone Com- pany. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagle- son during the past week were Mr. Truman Eagleson of Toronto, Miss Lyla Eagleson of New York, and Mrs. J. H. Eagleson of Oakwood. Rev. Mr. ~Wallace is at present visiting - with: members of his family in Fenwick and Niagara. : Visitors at the Parsonage during White of Kintore and Mrs. Loveys of Toronto. Miss Eunice Fishley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Mac- 'Laughlin of Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fishley and Mr. and Mrs. S. Gorrell called on Kin- mount friends on Sunday. Miss Lorna Dure of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. MacFarlane. Miss Eleanor Forster is holidaying with Miss Jeanette Dobson, at her parents cottage at Shelter Bay. Mrs. J. S. MacFarlane and Mrs. Brabazon of Blackwater attended the 61st Anniversary of the. W.M.S. at Beaverton.on Tuesday. Mr. Gordon Cober of Peterborough visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Forster on Monday last. - . Pine Grove The W. A. will meet at the home of Mrs, Edgar Johnson, on Wednes- day, Sept. 2." The guest speaker will | be Mrs. MacEwen. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill and June | have returned home after spending a week with their daughters in Camp- bellford; Taster Ronnie Emby return- ed for a visit with his grandparents. * Mrs. Keith McLaughlin, of Bell River, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ballard |- and Mrs. Sullvin of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Evans and David of An- caster visited a week _ago Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ballard. Mr, and Mrs. Jack 'Simpson and family spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Elford of Welland. Mr. Clarence Albright of Toronto, Mrs. Frank Disney of Mount Zion | visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. Albright, Mrs. Jack McKertcher, is also staying a few days with them, Mr. and Mrs. John Rice and family spending a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie, Mr. Davison will have" charge of the Services next Sunday. Mr. Donald and Edwin Evans of Toronto spending a few days with '| Mr. and Mrs, Jack Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Russ Ballard; Miss Della Ballard and friend visited Sun- day with E. Ballard's. Clark and Mr. Ed Gail called also. |Scugog The Head W.A. held their Annual bazaar and home baking sale at Port- view on August 8. a very successful afternoon, as well as an enjoyable one with the cottage friends. Proceeds from the entire bazaar and the quilt were over $100. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Keefer (Barbara Barry) on the birth of their daughter last week. The Head Community Picnic was held at Stephenson's Point on Aug. 16. All report a wonderful time in spite of a few showers which cut the afternoon's fun short. We wish to] thank the owners of the park for its entirely free use on that day. Miss Inez Martyn is on vacation 5 this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martyn, "Miss Jean Samells is to present her coronation travelogue at the Grace United Chur¢h on Friday evening, August 28, at 8.00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy these ¥ pictures. There will also be musical numbers throughout the- program. The hext meeting of the Head W.A. will bé held at the home of Mrs, Or- val Heayn next Wednesday. Don't forget your 1948 coppers,. and also ladies, please bring your waistline | measurements for our roll call. S8CUGOG % The Head W.A. held its August meeting at Mrs, Rodman's and op ened with hymn 298. Mrs. O. Heayn read the seripture. Business followed with a reminder to bring your 1946 pennies to the next It, proved to be | SE J A wr meeting. Mrs. A. Heayn gave an In- teresting name contest using Island residents names. A piano solo Was enjoyed by all and poems of interest "Woman's Washline" and "Seeds of Friendship." Closing hymn was 362. Roll call for next month is a penny per inch of your waistline, Mrs. 0. Heayn' 's group served a "scrumptious lunch, The next meeting is Sept. 2 at Mrs, Orval Heayn's. Prince Albert Mr, and Mrs. L. Bond, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Wage, enjoyed a motor trip to Parry Sound recently, Rev. C. and Mrs. Clarke and daugh- ter Fern of Cataraqui, spent last' week at the home of Mr. and Ms. W. Heayn. Fern expects to go as nyurse-in-training in Kingston hospi- tal soon. . A family aiirpiries birthday pdrty 'was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Martyn on Wednesday night, in honor of M#; Martyn's sister Mrs. T. Rennick, the former Lillie Martyn, Mr. and Mrs. Pugh and family have bought and are living in the house formerly owned by Mr. Hooper and previous to that, owned by Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown. The latter are erecting a fine new dwelling on the same street, Mr. W. Horsley, Tdronto, corvales- ced several days at the home of Mrs. G. R. Smith and Miss Spence. Mrs. McKerihan, Mrs. F. Stanton, Mrs. W. Bond, Mr. A. Bond, Mrs. Luke and Murray enjoyed a lovely motor trip to Niagara, and stayed to see the illumination of the Falls, Most everyone has had this trip but it is always worth repeating on a glorious day, at the time of year when the peaches are being picked and to see the rows and rows of grape vines and other scenic beauty. Mr. and Mrs. Howie were also at Niagara the same day, then proceed- ed on to Buffalo. : Baby Sylvia Jeffrey spent a few days with Mrs. Jack Brain. ' "7A very enjoyable "evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith, on Friday, when a mis- recently married daughter Marion, now Mrs, Donald Leslie. Marion re- ceived some lovely 'gifts and all wish them a very happy wedded life, Marion is missed in the Sunday S. where for some time she taught and scemed so interested in the children in her class. Ta Little Miss Linda Fear, Toronto, holidayed last week with her grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. B. Fear. called to Mr, Durie's home this Tues- day morning. Not much damage was done, Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and family were present at the Miller picnic held at Lynbrook park recently. Miss Beth Hunter has been spend- ing a few days with her grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson of Omemee, ; Donald and Grant Beacock have re- turned home from an enjoyable holi- day with their cousins Barbara and Neil Devitt, Oshawa. ~ One of the outstanding features of the C.N.E. Grandstand show this year will be the Dancing Waters, a unique attraction brought over from many. Combining engineering know- how and showmanship this event will be included in one of the big produc- tion-numbers of the 1963 spectable. cellaneous shower was given to their The fire reels from Port Perry were [~~~ Ger- PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th, 19631 Take a break ooe Relax with a Coke: It takes only moments to pause for a Coke. Piys off in big dividends, too--for things get done when you work refreshed, --a [} DRINK ¥C ll Xa oe fron, Rog Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under senireet with Cosn-Cola Lids UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES: LTD. UXBRIDGE PHONE 205W - Mr. Ross |. You know, there are thousands of people who have never driven any car but a Buick. Their Buick is more than the family car, it's a part of the family--a tradition passed on the best, It's Buick's from. generation to generation. There's a reason hehind this loyalty of Buick owners. It's the satisfaction of 6wning individuality . . . the trigger-quick: responsiveness of its Fireball power--the matchless beauty of its styling-- the famous reputation for craftsmanship. That's 'why once a Buick family, always a Buick family. And this year, The Greatest Buicks in Fifty Great Years - are surprising even old friends of Buick with their dazzling pA) x, = Tals . od il Sa € ri ! Yo Ths Lhe : RON. 5h : ty Hlustrated-- Roadmaster 4-door Riviera Sedan he a | the brilliant Super and the spirited Custom, each one a 24 . IN new triumph for the Buick name. 8 | 4 . ; Ky + Whether you're headed for your first Buick or your A ix twenty-first, we promise you the driving thrill of a lifetime, 80 visit your Buick Dealer soon. 4 h) : When Better Automobiles are Built Rl B U | GC | Ww . Sa new peaks of performance. Theére's the superb Roadinaster, Phone 57 ARCHER MOTOR SALES Port Perry A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE will Build Them Sih, a io bts A a vi 26 A ER A SER ER TS TY I RT eT, ar