Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Aug 1953, p. 8

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Q. | Classified Advertising Rates 23.5 x aC RHA wa o 38 2 EAE RANMSEC ARES URS EIR LA ITI A ES A an Ch br a AT Liaad A Thy ta : 1% + S50 AR SY 2c. per word per issue, minimum 40c¢. Semi-display, 16¢c, extra, * Full display 4dc. per inch. Box No. 10c. extra. Coming Events, Cards of Thanks; "In Memoriam, Engagements, Mar- riage, Birth and Death Notices, b0c. + minimum charge, Xe WANTED -- Dishwasher. School girls do not apply, please. "Del" Res- taurant, Port Perry. . aug27 FOR SALE--Dry Birch Wood--short lengths, $18.00 a cord delivered. Dry Birch cordwood at bush, $12.00 per cord. N. Malcolm, P.O. Box 112, Port .{ wood of a tall spruce tree for the la- finé c bour of removing same. Star Office, EXCHANGE -- Will exchange the Apply at lock and pant clips. | Luke, Prince Albert: finished in dark blue, tires excellent, low mileage, heater. onable, phone 148 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE -- 1947 Chev. Coupe, Will sell reas. odd pieces, . Phone 276M Apply at. Star Office or TOILETS, PIPE, FITTINGS, PUMPS ence Harrison, Myrtle, Ontario. "PLUMBING SUPPLIES SINKS, BATHTUBS, BASINS, including bed, couches, chairs, tables, TANKS, SHOWER CABINETS _ _| mirror, heater and other items. Apply + LAUNDRY TUBS. Friday or Saturday afternoon --1lst | : house East of Perry St. on North St, FOR SALE -- Man's C.C.M. bike, éndition, basket, pump, attached $30.00. Mrs. G. FOR SALE--3 piece Chesterfield |-----___° ee Suite, Corner Cupboard and other AEA Spt. 3 ; FOR SALE--Chevrolet Sedan, in |: ; really good condition. 'Apply Clar- FOR SALE--Household Furniture Perry, Phone 59, aug?28 HELP "WANTED -- Part or Full Apply Terminal Grill, Port time, Perry. STREETSVILLE, ONT. | S.N.JOHNSON See [im Pres FOR RENT-- Heated Apartment, furnished. - Phone 216W, ~ Open Wed. and Friday Evenings and Save HOUSE FOR RENT--on Highway No. 12 near Greenbank. Ux-Spring Farms Limited, Uxbridge, Ontario. Phone Uxbridge 245. : . WANTED -- Unfurnished 8-room WANTED TO RENT-- Furnished Summer Cottage from September' 8 Reply to . until the end of October. Box 43, Port Perry "Star". Precast Concrete Septic Tanks HELP WANTED -- Waitress for Apply at Full time and week-ends. Green Thistle Restaurant. Delivered and installed. ~ Telephone -155 Brooklin HOGS FOR SALE--Purebred Eng- lish Yorkshire, serviceable age and Any size from 800 gallons up. BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS apartment in Port Perry, for newly married couple, WANTED TO RENT--6 or 7 room house in or close to Port Perry, with hydro and all conveniences -- steady employment--will pay reasonable rent. Call Howard Langille' Realty, Phone 396. -- FOR SALE--Boy's Bicycle, $10.00. o. younger; W - 4 Tractor; Manure B iid ine d Sn on rubber. Fred Milne, u 0ZIng dll 40) Blackwater. Phone Sunderland 38-r-3. - saul Excavating Also : Get the Best-- RESULTS FROM FERTILIZER by having soil tests taken and by using x for information phone WEBSTER TRANSPORT 67-r-31 owned _and operated by ~~ Herb. Payne Sept. 10 By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates Given. R.R. 2, Port Perry Phones: Res. 109 r 42. Office 392 BACKHOE for Trenching and Loading Tripp Construction Apply Les McDonald, Corner Elgin and Caleb, FOR SALE -- 100 Plymouth Rock Chicks, mixed, 10 weeks old, $90. Phone 84 r 21, Mrs, Freeman, Scugog. FOR SALE -- Hardwood Cot and spring mattress, .Gendron Carriage, High Chair. All in good condition. Reasonable, Apply old Hotel, Port Perry--Mrs. Cheery. FOR 'SALE -- Ready to lay 160 Barred ' Rock Pullets, Feel strain, SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned by Stop! Look! and Buy| All are 'Safe-Buys" 51 Meteor Fordor 51 Meteor Convertible 61 Ford Fordor - 49 Monarch Fordor 47 Ford Fordor 51 Ford % Ton Pickup Truck 50 Mercury Pickup Truck 52 Pontiac Deluxe Tudor 52 Chev Deluxe Fordor 50 Pontiac Deluxe Tudor 41 Maple Leaf Chev Truck 50 Dodge Fordor 47 Plymouth Tudor 47 Chrysler Fordor 42 Plymouth Fordor 41 Nach Fordor Ux-Spring Motors Lincoln - " Dealers Junction 12 and 47 Highways. Mercury - Meteor British Ontario Motors CARS - TRUCKS - TRACTORS: 53 MERCURY SEDAN--2 tone _ 53 MERCURY 1% Ton Pickup 61 OXFORD SEDAN 60 MERCURY SEDAN---radio, over- drive. 60 MINOR COACH 49 MONARCH SEDAN---radio 49 MINOR COACH 49 VANGUARD SEDAN 38 DODGE COACH 37 CHEV. COACH 36 CHEV COACH 33 DODGE COUPE "82 FORD COACH . 63 FERGUSON TRACTOR 48 FORD TRACTOR 46 FORD FERGUSON 42 JOHN DEERE IMPLEMENTS : 2 and 3 Furrow Ferguson Plows 3 Furow M-H Plow ain! Ferguson Plow Kits--make your two furrow into a three furrow 8 Section Spring Tooth Harrow Manure' Spreader Tractor Cab for Ford of Ferguson Fergugon Side Delivery Rake Disc Plow, ete., ete, - EASY TERMS--CASH or TRADE BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS ' . Meteor -- Mercury Cars erguson Tractors . LEASKDALE Phone Uxbridge 162 r 15 PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY", 24 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER 'Dalton Road, Sutton - . Phone 231 R Bulldozing and Excavating By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates given Walter" King PORT PERRY * -- sept24-58 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly or sanitary disposal. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 118r2, or Toronto EM 83-8636. Gordon Young Lid. Dead Stock ~ Service Dead. or crippled horses, cattle, nogs, picked up for santiary disposal. Phene collect: Port Perry, 108 r 14; Uxbridge 92 r 14; Lindsay 4682. Head Office 16 r 11 Woodville. ED. PECONI Argyle, Ontario. July 68 Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Phone Collect Bowmanville 2679 We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE i sept10 53 Gravel and Loam CRUSHED GRAVEL : ~ Fred Warren Port Perry, Phone 54J WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, 80D and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information, | 118-r-22. Phone 96-r-3 Port Perry. FOR SALE--50 Barred Rock Pul- lets, Peel Strairf laying. Apply to Ray Medd, R:R. 1, Port Perry, Phone 1 FOR SALE-- Ladies Suit, Beige, Size 14, in excellent condition. Phone 174-r-32. 7 Notice At a recent meeting of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Associa- tion, a motion was passed that the minimum fée for a piano lesson would be $1.60. | In accordance with this, Mrs. Flor- ence McClintock 'and Mrs. Gertrude Jackson have agreed to charge $1.50 for Grade V and up, and for beginners and Grades I, II, III, IV, piano and Grades I and II Theory, the fee for this year will remain $1.00 per lgsson. Classes re-open Tuesday, Sept. 8. Neh " 'gept3 - Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Elsie Elizabeth Pargeter, late of the Village of - "Port. Perry, in the County of Ontario, Widow. the estate of the above-named who died May 24th, 1963, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned par- ticulars of their claims on or before Septembpr 21st, 1968, Immediately after September 21st, 1963, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims 'of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 14th day of August, A.D. 1968. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Part Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. y All persons having claims against : p= ~ CK.LB. Program Schedule OSHAWA--DIAL 1240 (MONDAY: thra SUNDAY) : " Sun.--Sunday « 'M.--Monday Tu.--Tuesday W.--Wednesday TIME PROGRAM 5.60 a.m.--C.K.L.B. Sign On 6.00--News (M. Tu. W, Th, F, 8a.) 6.06--Koffee Korner (M. Tu. W. . F, 6.30--News (M. Tu. W, Th. F, JF. 8a. 7.00--News (M. Tu, W. Th, F. Sa.) F. 7.30--News (M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) 7,68--C,K.L.B, Sign On (Sun.) 8.00--News (M,.Tu. W, Th, F. Sa.) Pilgrim Hour (Sun,) 8.10--Sports (M. T. W. Th. F. Sa. 8.30--News (M, Tu. W. Th, F. Sa.) Ukranian Russian Baptist Church (Sun,) : 8.36--Koffee Korner (M. Tu. 8.46-- Peoples Church (Sun,) T 9.01--Stouffville Youth for Christ King's Radio Quintet (Sun.) 10.00--News (Sun, M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. 10.06--Hit Parade (M. Tu. We Th. . Sa.) -- Sunday School on the Air (Sun.) 10.30--Wedding 'Bells (M. Tu. W. a Hopalong Cassidy (Sa.) Prelude to Worship (Sin) 11.00--News (Sun, M. Tu. We Sa.) 11.06--Say It With 'Music (Sa. M. i : W. Th, it hurch Remote Broadeast(Sun ; (M. Tu. W. Th. 11.45--Second Spring (M. Tu. W. 12.10--Midday Melodies (M. W. I) 12.30--News (Sun. M. Tu. W. Th. 12.40--Sports (Suni M. Tu. We , 12.46--Vocal Spotlight (M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) . Pipes in Melody {Sun,) : 1.00--News (M. Tu. W. Th. F. 8a.) With a Song in My Heart (Sun) '1.06--Stop the Record (M. i VE) Summerville Meets the Stocks ; : 8a.) 1,16--Melody Round-Up (Sa. 1.30--Music Hall of Fame (Sun.) 2.00--News for Women (M. Tu. W. Th. F.) News (Sa. Sun. 2.06--Keeper of the Flame (8a.) Personalities on Parade (Sun. 2.16--Aunt Mary (M, Tu. W. Th. F. 2.30--Betty & Bob (M. Tu. W. Th. F. 2.45--Songs of our Times (M, W. F. : Bob Eberly Show (T. Th. 3.00--News (Sun. M. Tu. Ww. F. Sa. 3.06--S8howéase (M, Tu. W, The F.) Keeper of the Flame (Sa.) - Personalities on Parade (Sun.) 3.30--Portraits In Ivory (Sun.) 3.46--Silver and Crystal (Sun.) ) CODE (M. Tu. W. Th, F, Sa.) Th, Sa.) +) 6.40--Koffee Korner (M, Tur W. Th. 5 { ) Silver and Crystal (Sun.) 7.06--Koffee Korner (M, Tu. W. Th. ~~ 7.40---Koffee Korner (M, Tu. W. Th, 8.20--Koffee Korner (M, Tu, Yd h. T ta a.) "1 6.4b--Meet the Merchants (5a) W. Th. F. Sa.) 9.00--News(M., Tu. W, Th, F, 8a.Sun.) 9.06--Morning Devotions (M. Tu, W. : h, F. Sa.) Sun.) Albert St. United Church(Sun,) 9.16--Listen While You Work (M, Tu, | 7.16--A Melody from Mur hye F) The Four Knights oF ) hk) Five Minutes for Freedom oo 5 30-- i u. Th. 8.30--Capadian National Institute 7.20 Telegram Highlights (1 Tu. Your Sunday Moraing Program|, oo. World's Great Music si To 9.46--Keynotes by Carle (Sa.) : ; ~ W.Th F.) ) | 8:06--O0I1d Ranch House (Sa.) 3G 11.30--The House of Peter Nc Gregor Th. F.) | 12.00 noon--News (Sun. M. Tu. W. , Th. F, 8a.) 112.06 p.m.--News for the Community ; (M. W. F.) 12.06--Midday Melodies (Tu. Th. Sa.) Treasures in Melody (Sun. F. Sa.) J 11.16--Man About * Th.--Thursday F.--Friday Sa.--Saturday 8 -- -- -- TIM, * PROGRA ; | 4.00--News (Sun, M, Tu, W. Th. F.Sa.) 4.05--Showcase(M. Tu, W. Th. F, Sa.) Sa Silver and Crystal (Sun.) 5.00--News (Sun, M. Tu, ih : ) 5.05--Supperclub (M, Tu, W. Th. F.) Showcase (Sa.) 06.30--News for the Community (M, Tu, W. Th. F. 6.00--News ( M.Tu. W. Th. F, Sa.) Healing Waters (Sun) 6.10--Report on Sport (M. Tu. W, Th, ; F. 8a.) 6.16--What's on at the Movies (M, Tu. W, Th, F. 5a 6.20--Supperclub (M, Tu, W. Th. F. Relaxing Rhythms (Sa.) 6,30--News (Sun.) 6.40--Sports (Sun.) All Aboard for Adventure(Sun) 6,66--Stock-Market Report (M. Tu. W. Th. F.) 7.00--News in a Minute (Sun. M. Tu. ; W. TA, F. Sa.) 7.01--Follow the Band (M. Tu. W. Th. ¥.) Silver Band (Sa.) Old Ranch House (Sa.) 8.00--News (Sa. Sun.) ._ Emile Cotee Glee Club (Sun.) 8.80--Report from Parliament "Hill Ray's A Laugh (Tu.) Guy Lombardo: Show (W.) .8.30--Chapel by the Side of the Road ~~ (Th) - Crime Does Not Pay (F.) Church in the Wildwood (Sun.): 8.46--Blues for Monday .(M.) 9.00--News (Sun. M. Tu. W. Th. F, Sa.) 9.06--Hillbilly Jamboree (M. > Let George Do It (Tu. : 9.06-10.00--Wrestling. Matches (Tu) Hollywood Theatre of Stars(W.) Cavalcade of Music (Th.) Charlie Chan (F.) «+ Old Ranch House (Sa:) This is My Story (Sen) i 9.30--Lives of Harry Lime ( ) Mystery House (W.) Haunting Hour (Th.) Stand. by for Crime (F.) David Rose Show (Sun.) 10.00--News (Sun: M. Tu. W. Roi ) 10.01--Chatting With The Listeners Tu. Th.) 10.10--Kim's Korner (M. W. F. 10.06--Cavalcade of Music (Tu. Obsession (Th.) Old Ranch House (Sa.) i Invitation to a Dream gen) 10.30--News (M. Tu. W. Th. F, Sa. 10.40--Report on Sport (M. Tu. a 10.46--Airlane Trio (M. Tu. W. Th. . 11.00--News (M. Tu. W, Th. F, = . Sa, Sun,) 11.06--Sports Finals (M; Tu, W, Th. F. Sa. Sun) 11.10--Man About Music(M.W.F.Sa. Invitation" to a Dream (Sun.) Five Minute Mystery (Tu. Th.) Music(M.W.F.8a.) |. 12,00 Midnight--News (M. Tu. W. 3 Th, F. Sa. Sun.) 12.06 a.m.--Man About Music (M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa.) 12.46--Patterns in Black and White (M. Tu, W. Th. F, Sa.) 1.00--News (M. Tu. Ww. Th. F. Sa.) Brooklin Softers Take First Series Brooklin Stevenson. Motor Sales advanced to the second round of the. OASA Intermediate "C" play-downs last night when they defeated Pick- ering at Brooklin Community Park 12:1, to sweep the series in 2-straight games. 5 B.C. has the largest accessible Sept 8. five years' experience. Salary maximum, $3,200. "application". - ~ Aug. 18/58. Nov. 27, 1958 stand of coniferous trees. Village of Port Perry : POPULATION 1817 = ' = "Requires the services of. a Chief Constable of 'at least Applicants must state education, age, experience and physical fitness. Reply in first instance by letter to the uhdersigned; marked J. F. RAINES, Clerk-Treasurer, height, previous Closing date, Sept 2nd, 19563. Port Perry, Ont. ; | Auction Sales B| THURSDAY, SEPT $rd-- " estate of Levi Tordiff, Brooklin, j| Terms Cash, Sale at 1.80 p.m. 8 | Highway and 1% miles west of = | lan, SATURDAY, SEPT. 5-- . : Dairy . Cattle and 'Equipment, the property of Lorne Duff, north half of lot 23, con. 8, Reach, 2 miles east of Oshawa Road. Terms Cash, Sate at 2 pm, . TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. ee TUESDAY, SEPT. 8th-- Farm Stock 'and Implements, the property of Martin' Boumens, lot 7, con, 11, Reach, 2 miles west and 1 mile north of Greenbank, . Terms Cash, |: Sale at 1. p.m.. ; i TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Household Effects, belonging to the -. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 i i" Live stock, New Ford Tractor, Im- plements, poultry equipment, the pro- perty of Alex, Agocs and Leslie Gyo- roky, lots 27 and 28, con. 6, North Whitby Twp., 1 mile north of No. 7 No reserve, Terms Cash, Sale at 1.80 o'clock, PRENTICE, KEN and CLARKE mL Auctioneers, Phone 50 6,35--Supperclub (M, Tu, W, Th, F.) Fg J THEATRE LAKEVIEW teams Two Shows Nightly -- 7 and 9 p.m. John Payne and Agnes Moorhead . , In the Great Technicolor Outdoor Story . "THE BLAZING FOREST" ) : _"* CARTOON, ETC. Ais MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED, AUG. 31, SEPT-"1:2 Anne Baxter, Richard Conte, Ann Sothern ° In the Tense and' Gripping Drama ) 5 "THE BLUE GARDENIA" i Bs Adult Entertainment SHORT PICTURE Ch THURSDAY, FRIDAY; SATURDAY; AUG. 27:28:29 ~~ (4 pon i Hi : Sa Store will be open as uswal but their will be NO DELIVERIES for the week of th AUGUST 31st to SEPT. 8th, This Week-End Specials "CHOCOLATE DATE LAYER CAKE" "CHERRY TARTS" GERROW'S BAKERY PHONE 32W ' G. M. GERROW _-- 5 PAINTING and. DECORATING We supply all material for your job. Sample books on request. For exterior painting please book your job eurly if possible; : Latest finishes in Rubbed Plywood, any colour A © For Expert Decorating call vag. MST. CLAIR IT and Sons Phone Port Perry 113-r-14 ~ -- BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK SALES ~ Sales Every Tuesday commencing at 2 p.m.' Buyers will find a wide variety of Butcher, Feeder and Dairy Cattle (Sprigers); also Feeder : Pigs, (all sizes), Veal and Young Calves, and Horses. i Sales Arena heated in winter, "Air-conditioned in Summer.. PHONE BELLEVILLE 1828 |i NEW KELVINATOR { We will give you a liberal trade-in Brook- ont buy pg ELECTRIC RANGE ill you see the . hi at i > ROBERTSON ELECTRIC ACROSS FROM POST-OFFICE - | Good 'Stoves Priced Right value plus a reasonable wiring price. ~~ TERMS br Plione 179 for estimate pre iid | BV

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