RR ER SE a EE DE : < 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER sin, OE Pine Grove Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark of Pine- dale had supper Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hil. ReV. Warren of Toronto guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson on Fri- day night. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Simpson attend- ed the funeral of her grandmother; the late Mrs, Henry Elford of Ux-| bridge on Monda y. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Brent and Bob- by of Belleville and Mis, Charlie Wil- son of Trenton visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John Albright. . Mr. Lyons will be our minister for next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown, of Maple on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ballard and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ballard and son Paul of Toronto had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, E. Ballard, also calling on Mr. and 'Mrs. John Locke of Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ballard had sup- per Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Lofke $f Uxbridge and Mrs. Henry Skerrett. . Mr. and Murs. Hillard - Armstrong had cousins from Whitby visiting .on Sunday, 3 : money can buy, -- Agent for .-. . present furnace. Come in, write or Phone can save money, Don't Take Our Word For It Try a ton and prove to yourself that it's the best Hard Coal "That Famous Reading Anthracite." READING, : as Herco Automatic Hard Coal Burner Hot Water and "Wim Air--a conversion unit for your PORT PERRY COAL & ICE Co. CALL 289 for a folder, and see how you lon "Mother cooks her | Solina and the finals will'be held here Blackstock Quite a number from here attended the Cadmus Anniversary Services on Sunday to hear the former pastor, Rev. F. W. Newell, Bond Head, Ont. Sorry to hear Mr. Ribey, postmas- ter at Burketon is very ill. We wish him a speedy recovery. The young people of -the Village gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Graham last Friday evening to Chivari the Newly weds, Mr, and Mrs, Don Pargeter; Lunch was ser- ved and a good time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Wannen, St. Catharines, visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Mountjoy and attended Blackstock Fair on Saturday, Dr, and Mrs. J. N. Marlow visited with Mr.' and Mrs. Wallace Marlow and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hart, Oshawa, "visited Mr, and Mrs, Howard Saywell. The Cartwright School Area Public Speaking was-held in the Recreation Hall on Monday evening. There were 14 contestants and they all spoke so well on their chosen subject; the jud- ges Mrs. J. Venning, Mrs, Geo. Nich- -olsin, and Mrs. J. Madill, must have had a very difficult time choosing the winners. Jack Swain came first. He spoke was presented with the Port Perry Lions Club - Cheque by 'Mr. Irving Boyd. Sylvia Kozut came second, her subject was "Oranges" and was presented with the prize donated by .Dr. J. A. McArthur. Betty DeVries won third prize with her speech on her trip from Holland, and she was presented~.with a prize donated by Henry Thompson. The remaining CoRleRLANL: each were presented with fountain pens by Rev. Geo. Nicholson. Mr. Earl Dorrell was chairman, and Miss Yvon- ne. Chants pupils provided several musical numbers during the evening, The Semi finals are next week at on October 30th, - Blackstock Fair is reported to he the best yet with perfect weather, large crowd, good turkey supper and a good concert in the Recreation -Hall |. goose", and |- to finish the day. ~ Presbyterian Ladies aid of Nestle- | ton met at the home of Mrs. Wm. G Hooey. Mrs. Gist read the Scripture and Mrs. McLaughlin the explana- tion. Arrangements for a hot pie supper was discussed. Roll call for next meeting to be a jar of fruit, jam or money for Port Perry Hospital. Programme--organ solos by Misses Joyce and Margaret Hooey; readings by Mesdames Wilson and Gist; Mrs. Fitze conducted a contest, won by Mrs. J; Forder; Mrs. Hooey read an article written by Rev..C. H, Davis. Lunch was served by Mesdames Gist, Litze and Hooey, assisted 'by Joyce and Margaret Hooey. : Blackstock W. I. held October meet: ing at the home of Mrs."H. McLaugh- lin. The toll call was "What I like about October", and the motto "Some people jtch for what they want when they should be scratching for it". Plans were made to get a bus for Nov. 6, and names of those wishing to attend the Area Convention on that day were taken. An invitation from Nestleton branch to attend thelr meeting on October 26 to hear a talk .on "Color in the Home", was accepted. Meeting to be held in Presbyterian Church, Nestleton Station. : Thanks: to members who arranged and looked after the exhibits for Port Perry and Orono Fairs: was exterd- ed and final plans made for exhibit at Blackstock Fair. Secretary was instructed to pay Mr. Hall 'who has done a very excellent job of caretaking of Memorial Park. It was decided to leave jam or jel- lies at the home of Mrs. Roy Taylor for Port Perry hospital, and Mrs. Mountjoy and Mrs. Byers agreed to]: buy and dress a doll for B. W, I's con- tribution in the the competition {n aid of the hospital. After the singing of the "Queen" Mrs. Foster Ferguson of Orono W. I, a former member of Blackstock branch and a Past District President gave an interesting address: on Community Activities, dealing with her training and work in the St. John's Ambulance Corps in ot-| tawa during and after the war. Mrs. N.- Mountjoy conducted an oral con- test. The meeting closed with the singing of O Canada, after which lunch was sexved by Mrs. A. Palk and hei" group. Mr. Geo, L. Totten, Orangeville. has been appointed Counties' Road Super- intendant by Northumberland and Percen interest (per year) for 12 years on. your new (8th series) Canada Savings Bonds ments at Ris, TEMPTATION 10 SPEND 4 REMOVED | ada. - "LOOK AT YOUR MONEY % PILE UP! Immediately cashable at full face value plus interest--at any time --at any bank in Can- Bear interest each year for 12 years at a , flat rate of 33, hk annually--a hig of interest for a bond of 100% cashability. Yes...a full any ; NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FULLY-REGISTERED FORM TO BUYERS OF NOMINATIONS OF $500, $1, 000 AND $5,000 (i... interest paid by cheque instead of coupon) LOOK AT ALL THE MONEY . YOU'VE SAVED} your bank. FOR YOU- AND THE WHOLE FAMILY! _ WHERE D0 YOU GET THEM? paid rate There's a limit of $5,000 in any one name, but each person in a famil up to this limit, May be secured through your bank or - your'investment deal- er--or through your Company's Payroll Savings Plan, A favourite with more than a million Canadians » Wo other Bond offers this co tingtion of features Fdr cash--or in instal. ments. Instalmeng-- purchases can be financed through the ¢ Payroll Savings Plan # where you work, or on convenient arrange= At maturity 12 years from date of issue, November 15, 1953-- ou will have received ack. $100 you invested... and you can count on it. $145 for each IT'S ONLY VALUABLE may: hold 10 You! i Available in denomine ations of $50, $100, $500, $1000 and $5,000. Registered as to prine cipal in your own name for your protection against loss, theft or destruction, $500, $1000 and $5000 bonds may be fully -- ; registered if d 3 Cash buyers may ar. range for fully-regis- tered form at time of purchase, Instalment uyers purchase their coupon bonds in the regular way and then exchange them for fully-registered bonds after all instalments have been paid in full. _ NOTHING ELSE YOU CAN PUT YOUR MONEY INTO COMPARES WITH DA SA /INGS BONDS | , NEW 8TH SERIES ON SALE STARTING MONDAY, Cs.53. Iw OCTOBER 19TH _ '| During the business discussion, a let- i) ~ Durham Counties' Couneil, to succeed Jack Jordan who resigned to take a job with Waterloo County. . Mrs. Sadler and Miss Vivian, Bow- manville, were hostesses to the Unit- ed Church W. A, at September meet- ing. Mrs. Neil Malcolm gave a talk on Thanksgiving and led in prayer; 'Mrs. Kyte sang "Comie Ye Thankf People Come". Mrs. Hutton gave a very. interesting account of her recent trip to B.C. and the Peace River Dist- rict,. Mowing pictures, Miss Sadler sang "Spirit * Divine Descend Upon My Heart". - Lunch was served by Mrs, Sadler and Vivian and a social period was enjoyed, -------- Scugog News Our first pot luck supper in our newly decorated tea room of the Head Church was a great success. About 652 people turned out to enjoy the bountiful supper. Proceeds were over $16.00. We hope to have more of these suppers soon. The Farm Forum will soon be hav- ing its first rally, so members watch for further news. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkinson and Mrs, Graham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dowson in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman were in Oakwood Sunday' visiting Mr, and 'Mrs. Percy Sproule. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter are enjoying a trip to Buffalo and other points this week, Mrs. S. Rodman will attend the Jr. Homemakers unit 'school on Thursday and Friday of this week, The school is being held at Sunderland, and the, new unit is called "Well dressed and well groomed", ii Miss Inez Martyn spent last week- end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Alex Martyn. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Hamer of Hampton, and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerrow. Weekend: guests of Mr.. and. Mrs. H. Barry were Mr, Albert Carr and Mr. Bruce Mason of Carnarvon, and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Paul of Hall's Lake, * Mr. and Mrs; Parish of Oshawa and Mrs, Parish of Fenelon Falls visited Mr. and Mrs, Barry last Tuesday. Grace United Church W. A. held their monthly meeting on Wednesday October 14th with 13 ladies present. ter from the hospital was read re- questing a donation of fruit and also that we dress a doll that could be sold at a later date. Both of these items were voted on and a motion put Bo through. All ladies are requested to | bring their fruit to our next meeting fp in November, Our annual bazaar will be held on i in Grace United £ Everyone will be |g November 26th Church basement. welcome. & Mizpah benediction closed the meet- ing. Lunch was served by Mrs. Neil (! Lamont and Mrs. Alan Martyn. Sunday October 26th Anniversary 8 services will be held in Grace United | Church, = There will be no Sunday School. is Rev. Arthur Young of Pickering. Special' music is being arranged by Grace Church Choir and the Hooper Quartet of Oshawa. Services both morning and evening, Come and $2,000 Down Payment 4-Room House, centrall $4,200 is uly Jocuted price. ~ + Good selection of choice buildings lots for ale, wel located, Reasonably hriced , x All Kinds of Listings Wanted WM. HEAYN, Real Estate Broker PORT PERRY Phone 174 r 12 largo ot, Sis See Us For That FALL BUI CO AT FULL LINE OF FALL AND WINTER DRESSES + + 'ARDLEY FROCKS, Guest;-speaker for the day i: gd PHONE 73 | 491-3-6 DANFORTH AVE., TORONTO TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS ® FISH © MEAT ® POULTRY eo ""CusPoM | SLAUGHTERING York Frosted Foods 0 A WK E RB B RO S "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" PORT PERRY PHONE 29 rata be LLL 2 LE TAT SAN ST ES Te Le See Tees BLUE COAL PRICES for the month of $2800 a fon. STOVE AND NUT REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY OBOE BSS Sa a SE ES SR RC SS SCR ROCIO 00 A ORTRCION0I0 HC OIONONORCHO worship with us. 1 people of Port Perry. TO-THE PEOPLE OF PORT PERRY AND DISTRICT: i ie ~ Sibby Cleaners wish to notify our former, customers nd friends that MONDAY, OCTOBER 26th, wei will be picking up Dry locality. We have bought an extra truck just so we could service Yo , the 181' BOND, STREET : 3 . ~ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT += rtin ing next nie," Jdyour ~ "REMEMBER! for cleaning that pleases and snrvice that Satisfies" ~~ | CALL ZENITH 29100 (no toll charge) or put our card in your window and we will pick-up and deliver every - Monday - Wednesday - Friday 2 Day Service sn BL i= THANK.YOU. ---- . SIBBY CLEANERS A. SIBLOCK, Proprietor, : ) OAM -