Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Nov 1953, p. 5

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WE bi SC UA SR RES ANSE IN SNES LS 5 : ; : THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 10685 ik " i . 3 2 ri p i ¢ | 4 Report from Ladies Monday Flyers Take Game In Overtime 8.6 Weekly Cage Report |", fot too ot Usbriden. NFip or Hole ~ King Pin Alleys ht Le PORT PERRY FLYERS TAKE FiRt'p = ! ; The lakestory BasKetball team so C ey \ Nig eague OVERTIME GAME 8 to 6. Port with 5 penalities, 8 for Port, 2 LA PERRY LIONS PLAY IN hal : Seapine 9 four utes. Practice : for Peterboro. A KESHORE INTERMEDIATE oo Cams each play ng six league games { 532 pe La die es' Ww di d: Swallows - 44 Robins - 28, ; Port Perry Flyers, in a fast over-| Second Period Port Flyers slacked The Lions sponsored cage aggrega- i putt Py Uxb., Bowman. Whitby), one Saturday, November 28 in & > f nes ay Gulls - 84 - Canaries - 24 Lime Jame autsksjed and out scored | off, letting - Peterboro even the-scorp] HOD -is-opening its. home. stand - this nter loan from Oshawa (Grads), There will be hockey practice for . Ni ht L Si. Budgies - 83 . Orioles - 22 he i Ses agles by 8 to 6. | when Doris netted one on a pass fronpy Wednesday against the powerful entered in an exhibition league until | 811 boys in the district on Sat. morn. 1J eagu fe # Martins -83 . Crows-18 3 poh, ort Flyers,- R. Hawe, Goal, | Gardner. The Eagles edged ahead bi] Bowmanville baskethallers in the cur. | the Play-downs, and three minor teams ing beginning at 8 a.m. in the follow- . ~_Btandings gue 18 ' Cuckoos -29 i 'Wrens - 15 XK. one aati 'Attersly, Cen. [ Ball slapping it in unassisted. : Port Nt raiser for the Lakeshore Inter- | entering play-down 'competition only ing classes, Hurrisaney THT Mustangs - 30 Next week 'marks the end of thé erante Ju WES yles, L, W.; Alt: | fought back and Brodie scored « from | ediate 'C* group play. The schedule | a bantam and midget team 'from 0 h. PeeWee Group 8 a.m. Age under y Spitfires -46 North Stars-26 first series and the following week, : avis, C. Copeland, E.|Copeland, but Peterboro netted two [1% 48 follows,. awa and 1-112 at-31st July, 1958 ~ Jets-85 * Lancasters . 25 | 2¢¢ 7 prizes will be awarded to the Romanek; >. Brodie, G. Till, B. Gib- | more with Doris from Gardner and | Tues, Dec, 1, P,P at 'Whitby $40.8 midget entry from Port P| Bantam Group, 9 a.m. Age 14 and "Mosquitos 34 ~ Kitty Hawke. a Ist; 2nd, and 8rd. winners (without aon, ochrane, D, Masters, : McDougal and again with Twist un- Thurs, Dec. 10; Uxbridge at Bow. The League executive is us follows,. | Under at 31st July, 1953, : Helicopters - 82 ° Bombers . 12 andicaps), : - Line up, Peterboro Eagles, J.0'Brin fSsiste, ending the period with Peter. | ® 11 Dec, 18, Whitby at Uxbridge, | Pres, Bob. Patte (Osh); 1st Vice-Pres.| Midget Group, 10 a.m. Age 16 and Sunderlands - 81 : Flyers - . HIGH SINGLES * Goal, J. Frizzell, Def, M. Burns, Def. i Sealing ® to 3. Penalities, Port od iss 5 RL RED Goxdon Neal (Whitby), Sec Treas L under at 31st July, '1958, ; : : : HIGH SINGLES .B. McDougal Cen., B, Gardner, RW. of of es 2, E : urs, Jan, 7, Whitby at Bowman. EHD : ? na Juve ile GY fide ss Bruton MHelscrioss) Si Mrs. Hope (Cuckoos) 201, 208, 240. P. Doris, L. W. Alternates B Twist, Phird period Port were the first to W ed. + Jan, 13, Whitby at Bowman. w. Parkisson (Port P.), other repres- a 4) Hs 1) pe Age 18 and Louise Cornegic (Hurricanes) a Murs. Frank Hastings (Canary) 243. | G. Coyle, .K. Heffernan, G. Kearns, score when O Connor. sunk one on a | Fri. Jan. 15, Bowmanville at Uxb. entatives from Bowmanville (Bjll Har- All players turning out for abov I °. Norma Tease (Sunderlands) 237 Marjorie , Harrison (Swallow) 228 T. Hook, B. Dren, C. Ferguson, L pass from Attersly, only to have Tues, s., Jan. 19, Uxbridge at Whitby, | dem), from Uxbridge (Ray Linton), | mentioned groups are asked to b i : Beth Oke (Spitfires) 281 | Mrs. Mark (Gull) 246 \ ~ | Bal, J. Ratan. ' Herterman returh it on a pass from rss Jan. 21, Port Perry at Bow. and from the referee's hoard of Osh- | their own equipment - sticks gd Marj. Huntley (Hurrieanch) 213 Mrs. Gray (Gull) 213 Backed by the brilliant net minding J wisi; hut the undaunted Flyers came | Tues Jan, 26, Bowmanville at Whitby | awa (Don Seeley). this practice. = Joyce Taylor (Kitty Hawks) 208 ! HIGH TRIP of Hawe, Port Flyers edged out an 8 ack to tie the game with goals scored ~ rs -- : HIGH TRIPLE wen Li RIPLE to 6 victory over Peterboro McGilles hy Romanuk from Brodie and Masters : ; : fe. Catne rs. Hope - 2 Eagles. with a to t rom Brodie and Copeland, Lou gle (Hurricanes) 619 adi = period: eo; minute overtime In overtime périod the Flyers lived iy NA rr A y * up to their name and outskated the Di A WINTER TIM Men' S Tuesday Men's Thursda Starting slow the game increased | Eagles to put the game on their vict- on et - E its speed until both teams were going | ory list with two goals, first by Cope- <7 2 : a Y all out, ending in an overtime period | land from O'Connor and second hy : i . he TROUBLE-TIME i Night Lomas Night League when the Flyers outskated--and also | Chaseweski from Masters. ; : * i =v [outscored the Eagles. During the game the penalty bench ) Sevenaires' took a firmer grip on| The League ended its Goal getters in the first period be-| was kept warm by Peterboro wotting { "Sor US ar. Ve . : first place by taking 7 points from [last Thursday with the hth ing Peterboro Doris from Gardner and [9 and Port 10. C Loe v Carnegies. The hardware boys were knocking the King Pins out of first Rata Fless for Port Ceara from Don't miss the game Friday night, ' Ip ; a Caria off their game all evening. The Knit- | place 6 pts to 2. Good opeland, 2nd Port goal Attersly un-| Nov. 27, with Lindsay in Memorial ! fi ; i ters dropped 7 points to the Stars, this | first place by downing tila assisted. First period ended 2 to '1 for | Gardens. Port Perry, > was the firat time that tters | pts. to 0. DeFuxs-took seco EE : : ; --Qy a 0. Dek: nd place by J : = Ss " ; rT were shut out. Whiz Bangs started to winning over Six Aces § -~ "Bow ille--B. Dad 5 G : : : } UA SM pts to 2. The ° fs vmanville . Dadson 15, Gal Ee EF Ry roll again and picked up 5. points from | Fire Domes tied for fourth pla P L Ww ' lager 13, Tighd ( ' : Rp! ; Bh eo' rer , Tighd 0, Mohon 0, Rundle 0, UP the Hilltops: The standing as follows, | downing the Dual Streaks 5 ow to 2 ort 10018 m Shields 0, 1. Dadson 8, Hoedson 18, Wh . th a lad Po) # 4 Sévenaires- 52 Blow Kings -26| Following is the final standing for 0 ener Fr oI [Sutton 0, Parker 0, Harnden 0, Steep . Where are the snows of yesteryear--and this year too?. . . i Ha ~ Stars -39 Hilltops - 26 | the first series. £2 p } m- ood -] Final score---Port Perry Lions 69: Right around the corner! And right 'around the ¥" ° oh "Whiz Bangs - 34 Lucky Strike - 25 Goode's - 35 Firedomes - 28 B ill Bowmanville Kinsmen H4, Referee corner with them is your old acquaintance "Winter & Bi N J Carnegies - 31 Fitzjohn -18 | peLux's - 32 Dual Streaks - 17 owmanvi e Bill Gingerich; umpire, Carl Reidi; Car Trouble! Don't let Winter cripple your car . . . 4 J aa Knitters - 29 . Peel's -18| King Pins. 31- El en Timer, Mac McMillan, iing it to us for thorough 12-point Winterizing : z N PAY, Deas a tidy mg Bive- 11 sx Aus. 18 Port Perry Lions showed siiRs th ud : : ery nk wl day the mercury dips you'll be glad SETHE AS "HIGH TRIPLE plons & CAPE - 1211 ey'll be worth watching in Intor.| THURSDAY NIGHT BOWLING : : : HAR Harris - 677 (265, 221); Pollard -602,| HIGH TRIPLES LAST WEEK | mediate 0.A.B.A. this season as they | SECOND SECTION SCHEDULE : a tae, 2 2 JOA, e 3 : Fst (208, 208) fii ni on Ken Jackson-610: Jack Starkey-610 [came up. with a great team effort -- Neyenifiee 26: 2 _ BRYDEN MOTORS poh L. Burnett 268; B, Huil. 250: D. Par Wes Stata-591 Dave Rider-566 that saw every player hit the score ER Domes a. King Pins 3 ¥ CHEVR bis : : ."- | column--and walk off the floor with Td ! OLET - OLDSMOBII E - v ga geter- 247; L. Leahy- 240; F, Hast: HIGH SINGLES °° and wally Delux vs. Seugog Carps . t : CHEVROLET TRUCKS {ik ings - 284, J. Christie - 228; Bruce | Ken Jackson- 264; "Wes 'Stata. 239 a Dene 9.00 pm. : : P X r CASE FARM MACHINERY 8 = » ' or or : Fin! Beare- 227 Jack Starkey- 229, in the first tunrter the Joesis: Juried is Accs vs, Gopais am IE or Perry. ; Phone 74 RS 'into a 12-9 lead at quarter time and ee Y§. yal maeans 200 com cm 3 cw a m3 m1 { 3 C K L. B. Pro ram Schedule. stayed out in front from the initial 7.00 List] : = = 1 g y Sansa, hosel hed fo Swe ith Legionaires vs, Carps Kit OSHAWA--DIAL 1240 Say png v oy 1 ld Ramer Six Aces vs. King Pins 8 : web ie ads were always in there and | oo : : ; : p.m. + MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 10.01--Obsession : made jt 'elose: near the end of the| 5 Gi » .650--CKLB. sign on a FRIDAY on. -- Jtussle as they pulled up within six Te) Breaks Yo Delux ! IGIFTS - TOYS L Bs *6.00--New Fi 8.30--Guy Lombardo Show points. However, Port finished strong I ° ADIES' WEAR, MEN' S WEAR bf : 6.05 Shane and Fletcher : 2.00 low in 5 Minute : ~~ |and came out with the 69-54 victory. | MEL, 3 dimmer SERGE Mam SE pel Doubles SHOES. DISHES. - HOME FURNISHINGS | i hr igen ews. aaa BY) 00--News : : clude the defensive heroes who win the | nid : a - Lindl Te WR ES) me vo evoe || RUBBERS - WALLPAPER -- ALL ON DISPLAY : ru Friday--fro .30 p.m. izes last wee the winner ; 1 135s gn) Pletcher a oe ot War we rs we eo on Sr 3 ews : eport "Sport * - § SV . al Mrs. Haro & 810--Sports : Wi 10. "46 Aidane Trio rolled up 20 points for the evening | Martyn, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walker, . 7 ER ane and Fletcher . =. 1 00 Naw Yi : and a high for both teams. George and-fayce Eyre and Bruce Hull. - Con- CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS AT pe = md : e a 5 B ports. Finals = : R lati 'izes went to Mr. and Mrs. y : Ria * 835 Shaneand Fletcher ~~ |1110--Tues, Thura Bod Pin | ats, Creionr nnd Ji, and Mes enon : ! : 5 ~~ -9.00--News ' ve Minute Myst ed - Crozier i Mur. Murs. T ke' Ti SES NER | v k} 20cm Devotions voi 's 11. 10-Jims Place yoery the tide when Bowmanville threatened Henwy. In High wipes PS Harald 00 e S 1S Cee eas SL an CB ; sten e You Wor! Friday: Turntable Terrace) [to také over. While the mentioned | Martyn 221, 235 and 272; Rose Walker MEN'S 0) hi 85 : x 1000 Nowa. i ie 12 00--Nows ois tie i, 233. Bruce Hull 279; Mary MacGregor lie plata EN FR CR IPL $5.95 and $7. 95 : § 7 He Na alls : At 27 4 Po ms Place / Waldinsperger, Brunton, Storey, Wal. 235; F. J. Hutchinson 285; Jack (2) 11 pitas pam ms fg iil iis tiers astaras ssa sitaas sss sabia ses an ds $4. 35 = 7 1 5 --Danl falls Poti M G SASS ORLE- Sign Off lace and Haugen were the big guns uy and Woy Jara - 2nd 8 TOOKE SHIRTS, $3. 95 and $4.95 h e House eter MacGregor "| definitely and set _| Don't miss this Friday night«-- take i. bo | § : 3 3 feeond Spring - | eA Sign On . | sing ly For fin 008 news an home our Sanday ham] ham! Af be NAN Fale ay poey alan. 803, = ' 12. '05_News for the Community 6.06--Shane and Fletcher we feel may improve enough to win LADIE Ba SL A Ein HE = i 4) 3 I 0 12.06--Mid asd nday, 2 silnesday, Fri. 40S 2 Fltihs the league; the Dadson brothers, Bob| © we m w wows ge |i % 3s 2180 wu pews 5 "$4.25 ¥ y Melodies : ne a etcher : allager and lefty Hoedson were the hf A L U E S : L di 'G Sh $9. 95 d $10. 95 g Gf 32 .80--News ; : 7.00--News pick in a loosing cause. d BH racia oes an 3 : 12 0-8 FAL 5 3 ans and Fletcher. Box Score: ; "It's unwise to pay too much, but it's LADIES' WOOL, JERSEY BLOUSES--BIack, Red, Green, i ; - Ve 1 00--News ; 7 20 Ne Shane and Fletcher . Port Perty Lions--Owen: 10, Rodd unwise to pay too little. When you pay BEIGE and BROWN; WHITE and BLACK, $5. 95, $6.95 Fob 1 of JS the Record : 20 News 16, Griffen 7, Haugen 17, Storey 1, 90 eh Jou Jose n Nitto money, at Wool Skir i $6. 50, $8. 1", 11. A ere HE SN 8208 hy and Pietehes Wallace 2, Brunton 2, Warriner 20, on lie, " mn S 3 25 if 2.80--Career of Alice Blair 8.830--News L : Waldinsperger 5. thi boul A I'EDDY BOOTS and RU BBE RS 5 _ 2.45_Mon, Fri, Songs of Our {mes | 8.35--Shane and Fletcher ns : _, | thing you bought was incapable of do- LADIES iia ininiaananni oo 3 95 4 ea Tednetda ¥-- Magazine Review | 9.00--News 55 ing the thing you bought it to do, The (1H ER ER eS tba 5.50 Hy a 3 Tues, Thurs -- Bob tberly Show 0.05--Morning Devotions common law of business: balance pro- i i EE PS J.9 hos .00--Nows our ghts hibits paying a' little and getting a Quil ed Co on Hoo Co $10. 65 et os Sowase J = 948 Keynotes by Gente \ lot . . . it can't be done. If you deal RAYON GOWNS_P ouse els &% 4.06--Showease 0. News with the lowest bidder, it's well to add : £ x I INK and BLUE cissresens [EXTRIEPPR $1 98 each i 3 115 Magle Christmas Window | Hy 0 Jiouom Roll of is something for the risk you run. And LADIES S*NYL ON KNI1 HOSE Uy pair TT ren $1. 5 "ot k . 4.80--Showease ; opalong Cassidy if you do that, you will have enough S ilk Whi N 1 ; os I 808 re lub oF 11.00 News Comics to pay for. something better." up ersl 1sper Y ons dis ER rmerel Community 11.18=Sports Stats of To-morrow D GAUGE: iis ini iiidbiiinibisinrenin, $1.25 pair $0 Se SE pperclub 4 1a Lean Time The Most Respected Name 2 4 Ave 2 TIA TTT TIT TI TT TTT CY or p81 50 pair he 5 wg . iz 08 Noy Molidins : King Pin Lanes i Cin Telovicica : a , 4 Be 31 i» np - tg 6. upperelu News 5 yy A Ne Ala ils eae ILI IVT J tH P35 B_ Stoo Market Meport 12.40--Sports gr PERRY "en WATSON'S RAYON UNDERWEAR ~~ £0, 7.00 Nash in a Minute , 12 46 Farm Fair : PANTIES ir iiss 98¢. and $1.35 pair Sd « . 102 Follow the Band 1.00--News SCHEDULE OF OPEN | - VE RL Ba cach 71 Tussda Ln ov 105 Melody Round-up BOWLING LACE TRIMMED SLIPS. straight cut, $2.98 and $3.85 each 5 , Mon, Wed,, Fri--A Melody. 2.06--Keeper of the Flame : MONDAY--2 Alleys, 9 to 11 : Ww ] Fi || RY" from Murphy's 8, ews 5 = aoa pam ' gig ; 00 111e om orte 12.50 30 h i ; 7.20--Tely Hi he 8.06--Keeper of the Flame _ - THURSDAY--2 alleys, Tto1l pm. | QUALITY TELEVISION Is eac Ea 7:80--World's Greatest Music 4.00--News PRINAY 41 Alleys, 9 to 11 p.m. : Sd MONDAY 6--Showcase : AY--All Alleys, 7 to 12 p.m. P - res rie fe 12 # f Eig! im iy Sytem Hin B00--Nows °° | SUNDAY--All alleys, 7 to 11 pm. | & OF § Perry Electri 1C GROCERIES ,Ogilvie's Biscuit Mix with Free Rotary to : : > 3 § 2 Biscuit Cutter, 49c.. . 08 iiny bores 5) ai : -- uli Li ay 177 Aylmer Tomato Juice, 20 oz. tin, 3 for 29c¢. = Choe Whi ' pkg. - : New f 6.20--Relaxing Rhythms " g Arrow Standard Peaches, 20 oz, 2 for 37¢. ous 17) JAF nin n 38. : / 10.06--Kim's Corner : $46 Meet the Truckmen : , 4 Reddi Whip, can ....... 56 pn \( 7.00--News in a Minute : Colleen | eas, 20 oz. tins ............ 22 for 39e. Miller's Cat MOE Le a vp MAY gr \ *8.80--Dennis Day Show + renade in Silver fo Be Hills-dale: Sliced Pineapple, choice, 20 oz. | 8 Catsup, bottle .....icvv y-22e, "l..\ - 00. 4 715-3 Musical t BLINN y Q. Q. Oats, pl 3 5,00--News > 7 3 al | onien 3 , y : he 29c. tin Hubhard Sr ain EE SE 3 Ibs, box 87c¢. oT Yims' ¢ 780-0 Ranch ouse UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Toilet Soap, assorted colors, 6 bars 29c. oy 6) : auash .... Simin 156, 204 19g, 00--News' Minute ia $00 Nowa nH 3 = M. H. Instant Coffee, 25¢. off large jar vance Oranges, 'dozen ..........viiiun 39c. # 10.01--Crime Does Not Pay ~ | §:35--0ld Rane ouse : ' 313 ; : : $1.61 _ Grapefruit, .......... «.10 for 49¢.; 5 for 29¢. i WEDNESDAY 5 25-01 Ranch House Ce We wish to announce that we have putchased the Swiss Ogilvie's Fruit Cake Mix ......... pkg. 72c. Larnips, Ib. ....... Jofitiandedin iin fen, Se. HA 3 | : pmb LY That of Stars" 12 0501 Rand Héuse Bakery and that we are prepared to give both new and old : X 508 yalery House 10. 40--Report on Sport customers the hest in baking goods. id F. \ Rit .00-- «ty rlane Trio \ . 3 i » "10,06--Kim's Korner 11.00--News A 3R O C K SRE THURSDAY : 11.06--Sports Finals NO Pham Fue emer | 0, ARNIO Phone 13 > AEF ews (Fe ? x} 2) 906-8 ports Forum ~ |12.06--dim's Place ~~" Fel : 1 hone R Wi 100--"News t's Mioute 05--CKLB Sign Off aig . { ge : NPR

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