aE soipen expanding itaitex base, Through church with Mrs, Rummerfield and : : Mrs. Tobin as the committee to pre- » B « vincially. He had to admit; he con- he Department 6f External Affairs, 7d + needed, as a change of heart. The LN would not; be quite.parall ~ REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT LW are il | in the Shraemol spies Re --- - TT " ep ply e Speech: from the Sip that it should assist the municl- - Throne, and during the debate. the 'Members have made appeals to the Government to set up investigations in various phases, such 8s a full in- @ventigation of the farm implement and farm fuel situation; for an inquiry into gasoline prices and perhaps sore durable goqds prices as well. Jt has "also been suggested that the Com- ' bines Investigation Branch should ex- amine farm products price spreads; a sweeping probe of ithe entire steel and goal industry has been requested, [ ice has been requested, and no- tice been given by one Member that he wants to debate the desirabi- lity of probing the Canadian fertilizer industry. 53: - The debate orations have been filled in most instances with handsome coms pliments to, the constituency and pro. vince which/sent the member to Ot- tawa, but in one particular case A, 'Liberal Member from Skeena could "not understand how or why British __ Columbia electors should have return- ed a Social Credit Government pro- 'have' benefited. Grants Act is to operate to the ad: vantage of all communities, an al- tered approach is needed. To be sure, as: well, it should recognize that pro- be a charge on general reyenues ---- bran Epsom An enjoyable evening was spent at the school on Friday night when local folk met to spend a social time playing: euchre and. crokinale. There were 9 tables of: euchre and crokonole played. Mrs. M. Blain and mers and Mrs. R. 'Taylor and Mr. Yager won: the consolation prizes. fessed, that the Province had become : sAfter the euchre Mr. A. Christie "temporarily unstable and it had, ip fact, gone rather wacks". eae This week I was one of the party of 80 M.P.s of the House of Commons who took advantage of an inspection trip to the City of Montreal. We visi- ted the R.C.A.F. Air Defence Com- mand at St. Hubert, Quebec, and we were privileged to view an air display by F86 Sabres and CF100 Canucks. We were then taken.on a-tour of the Canadian Vickers Limited, where we saw ships under construction for the 'Navy.. We, were conducted. through No. 25 Central Ordhance Depot at Longue Pointe where we saw twelve . huge warehouses in which were stored materials for the use of the Army. This trip was very much enjoyed and # great dea) of interest was shown by the members of the party. .It was with relief that we heard a statement made by the. Honourable Lester Pearson, Secretary.of State for front, while Elaine Medd, Diane Jor- don and Patsy Bailey carried in two well filled baskets of gifts. Mrs. Bruce Bailey read: the address and Bert Ashton and Darlene Christie assisted at the Gift Table. Marlene attended school and 'Sun. day School in Epsom, she was a good student and a good Girl Guide and we feel sure that she will be a good wife, The best wishes of her many friends in Epsom go with her to her home at Cedar Creek. Marlene and Roy expressed thelr thanks in a few. well chosen words. Members of the Community Club served lunch and coffee and a social time was spent together: The next euchre and socinl evening will be held on Friday, Dec. 11th. All are welcome--ladies please provide. Congzatulations to Mrs. Cummings "November 80th. 'palities, - But only a few towns with | large concentrations of Federal pro- perty, such as Ottawa and Halifax: If the Municipal the Act should be based partly on the | principle that [Federal properties should pay for municipal services; but perty owners alone should not he taxed for general services, such as] welfare and education, which- should When Sylvia Lennick took a day off from radio work to do her Christmas shopping, good-natured husband Ben went along to carry parcels. In no time, they were both loaded to the gills with gaily-wrapped gift boxes. On their 'CBC: show, "The Lennicks", 5 informality. They also collaborate on writing and.adapting plays for radio, and are heard from time to time in : - acting roles in major network dramas. | Disbursements... FEES Onde) » Ji, Wa TES BORGIR THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 19681 Port Perry Community Hospital _* Auxiliary Treasurer's Report (Dec. 4, 1962 to Nov. 16, 1968) Blackstock-- DISBURSEMENTS fe Ta Materials ...... na Ep itiem $487.68 Dishes and Glassware . Dunldp Pad iid, Mr, G. Jordan were high score win- _-- Blackstock: b called Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blain to the (held over from last week) Rev. C. W. Hutton, Mrs. Hutton and family went to Toronto Thursday to attend the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Mountjoy spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy, Lansing, and Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Belea, at Bronte. Mr, and Mis. J. A. Johnston, and Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, visited Mr. Scott's sister, bridge, on.Sunday. Sorry to report Mr, Thos. Venning is ill in Port Perry Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. : Mr. and Mrs, John Argue, of Bow- manville, visited Mrs, John McKee on Miss Mildred Herbert, of Toronto, visited Mrs. 'W. Archer, last, week. Ma. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston received word on' Sunday evening that Mr, and Murs. Keith Johnston, Carrying Place, who was T9 years young on Monday; | ; had a baby girl. Congratulations. on behalf of the Canadian Govern- ment, in which he outlined very satis- ~~ fpctorily the part that Canada has ,played in the exchange of notes with the United: States, and its co-opera- on with responsible 8 of Government in matters pertaining to]. the national defence of both countries. No doubt_you have read the full de- tails of this;whole matter, which were expressed in sensational terms in all the newspapers. It is to be hoped that this ia now a closed hook and that the friendly relationship between Csnada and the United States will continue on the same high level as it has for so many years. : Y The forecast in the Speech from the Throne that an amendment. to the Mu- nicipgl Grants Act is to be considered has given renewed hope to the Cana~ dian Federation of Mayors and Mu- nicipalities. A delegation from the : Pederation met with the Cabinet to discuss the issue. Yet it seems not so much a change in the Act that is _Mra. Cecil Morrison of Toronto spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. Pascoe Luke. : Mrs. M. MacCannell has returned tre. Mrs. Beacock is spending a week Beeton. Sadr Mr. George: Jordan, Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs. Jordan and family. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Leach and family spent saturday ig, Oshawa with relatives. hi ters were in Bowmanville on Sunday visiting Mrs, J. D. Cole. Seagrave We are looking forward to the special Christmas services to be held in Seagrave Church during the fes- tive season. On Sunday, Dec. 13, 11 a.m. a white gift service is being pre- pared by Miss Willows -and Mrs. To- bin with the S. 8. pupils, In the S. S. service on Dec. 20.a special Christ- mas service is being planned. On Sunday evening Dec. 20 at 7.80 a Christmas Contata willbe given un- der the direction of Miss Willows and Mrs. Abraham. i Mr. and Mrs. Steve Moffatt, Fréd- Act itself leaves so much to the Go- vernment's discretion that even with- out an amendment a considerably in- creased grant to the municipalities in lieu of taxes would be possible. . The Act requires the Government to pay a grant on Federal properties valued at more than four percent of a municipal assessment. JProperties, such as local post offices, that serve the municipalities in which they are located are not taken into account. The Government appoints its own as- « geasors, and the grant is decided by _o.the Finance Department. There is no appeal from, the Minister's. decision. In these circumstances, the formula . itself becomes, at times, academic. The case of a private property owner, On Sunday last Mr. (rry Davies making his own assessment and de-] and Mr. Ralph. Ferguson of Cobourg ciding how much to pay to the munt- | visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Forster. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Boe of Beaver- ton: were Sunday ' gilests of Mr. and Mra. O, J. Boe?" Mr. and Mrs, Walter Brignall and Mr. and Mrs. H. Michell of Markham ta and Mr, 'and Mrs. Fred Lamb of and Mrs. Wes, Crosier. . Myf. and' Mrs. J. 8. MacFarlane spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Reid MacFarlane, in Toronto. ere is sufficient resemblance to. indicate that the Government will grant what it is prepared to pay, ra- ther than what it should pay in ac- cordance with the proportion of ser- vices it receives. in .Otta: wa the experience has been that at least part of the grant has resulted from bargaining between the muntet- pal. authorities and the, Federal Gov. ernment, rather than from applica- 'tion of a formula, } In the past 16 years an increasing. burden has been placed on the muni- gipalities, but no mew sources of re- venue have been made available to them. Apart from provincial grants, the cities sll deghd ion property ta- on Friday. Y Mt. George 'Ross/ Who is an ex- the near future. 14" daughter. ges to meet eir-obligations.. In the|in charge. On Friday evening, Dec. meantime. the Faderal Government has | 18 the. 8, 8. concert will be In, the Municipal Grants Act, the Feder- al Government has accepted the prin- | pare the program. "Mrs. Oakley, Carley and Ann, Cavan visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow Congratulations to Mr. Douglas Hayes and: Miss Ruth Hamilton, who i Joek-on-Saturday- n Church by Rey. her sister Mrs. Holly at Holland cén-] .in St. John's Geo, Nicholson. happening=-- . Our village "was awakened at mid- night on. Sunday night by the steady blowing of a car horn. gone on for sometime, Mr. Ray Snooks of Blackstock Motors, was called and discovered the rain had cause® a short in one of 'the used cars parked in front of the garage. moments work the village was re-|~ stored to peace and quiet. Mr. and Mrs. Wallaée Marlow, and with her sister Mrs. S. Nichols at After it had Mr. and Mrs, Ray Medd and daugh-, After a few et hh 2 a at die and Sandra of Edmonton, Alber-' Beaverton were Monday guests of Mr. visited with Mr, and Mrs, J. Forster aun. Nn 1 0 : PN || Navy man and a veteran of two world Could. come, night GY, dodlon Wars, is in Sunnybrook Hospital and You J 7 expects to undergo an operation in}: : " x i + Rev. T. Wallace spent several days last week in Fort Erie where he at- tended the graduation of his gran- * Christmas concerts wil be held. In Bethel School on Wednesday evening Dee. 16 with Mrs. Mero their teacher Uxbridge, on Sunday. ' of weeks with them. -- Lealling_on ack daughter Mrs. E. McKnight. too well, hext Sunday. - : Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans Friday in Lindsay. Mrs. Thlbert Evans. Hilliard Armstrong, When you need help in a hurry, you reach. for your telephone .. Think of the difference ; it makes -- just knowing your telephone' is: there, ready: to serve you in any emergency. No price can measure iniusefulness. ) THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson motor- Mr .and Mrs, Robert Bank have moved to Port Perry, for the winter. Miss Della Ballard and Mr. Guy visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ear] Ballard. Della is staying a couple Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ballard, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ballard and Billie, of. Sun- Fdorland,. visited Mr, and Mrs. Eldred Catherwood; on Sunday. -- | -- Mr. and Mrs. Vie Sims, of Clare- mont, spent Thursdav evening with with Mr. and Mrs, E, Catherwood. 'Mr, and Mus. Eldred Cagharwood Mrs. Jack Albright Friday. | Mrs. Albright Is staying with her = to report Mrs. Albright is not feeling Rev. Halbert will be the opekir 'spent Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Evans, Clare mont, calling on Sunday on Mr, and Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Bell, of Stouff- ville, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. $2187.62 | port Perry-- Door Silencers ......ioiin a d 48.45 'Heater, Lamp for Nursery... 27.60 | Epsom 8 Utility Table and Hot Plate .. 626] [ladies Buchre ...... ¢ Pp.60-- Intravennous Stand... assist 126.00 oT Club....... 26.00 Operation Room Equipment .... 200.00 : 50.50 _| Kenwood Blankets 116.10 | Manchester W.A..ic.coonn. 12.98 Ice CAPS ....ccoovevie: IEA AE 2.90 Aeneid gp ast Gifts for Babies ........o..... 12.80 | Uxbridge-- Advertising notices . Bethesda W.A' ......... 50.00 Booth EXPeNses .........c.n less exchanage.,........ 16 Chairs for office ........iin 50.00 : -- 40.80 Secretary and Treasurer's -- Greenbank Community ........ Ww 188.48 'Books and Receipt Books ..... 10.40 | Cadmus W.A, Lin ol Ascorbic Acid coin 2.66 | Nestleton--- they play records from their eollec- | Bank charges and stamps ....... 19] Ladies' Aid tion of music light and lyrical, and | Rubber stamp... BBS | Wi a chat about this and that with m gay | Flowers for opening ............ 8.00|- United Church .. i 19.86 $1477.08 Shirley Institute on 100.00 $1477.08 Caesarea WEA isis 13.00 Cash in Bank «cn 660.49 | Pontypool-Lotus W.A............ © 10.00 : = ------- | Raglan W.A. RO TROPA 60.00 Donations ; Mrs. Thompson oun iasaa}s 1.00 Mrs. R. C. Hull, Weodstock 6. A Friend i... dissiiisias 1.00 Greenbank Friend .. 5 6.00 Mrs. R. Davidson co 6.76 Mr: Falconer, Toronto ...... 16.00 . Mrs. Geo, Payne .......ooee 10.00 Mrs. E. Wodds .......ccooiannnee 10.00 Mrs. M, Chinn, Columbus 5.00 Mrs. E. Dorrell .......... HER 5.00 Sale of Cooking ........... SRA oR 2.1 ---------- Homemakers Meet Fifteen girls were present for the first meeting of the Scugog Junior Home-makers which was held on Nov. 21st at the home of Ellouise Hoggard. We are pleased to have Mrs, Boundey and Mrs. Rodman as leaders of this Groomed." : : The meeting opened with: the sing- ing of "Take Time to Be Holy", which was followed by the Lord's Prayer. Then the. business was discussed. The new slate of officers are as follows: sil President--Sandra James Secretary--Glorig Fralick Press Reporter--Donna Samells Mrs. Boundey pointed out the duties visited" Mr. and Mrs, Herb, Hill, of SEE Fred sorry himself; the: photographer was about the busiest person' around at the re- | cent 'opening of Santa Claus Village at Val David in the Laurentian Moun- taina north of Montreal. Filled with the joyous spirit of Christmas, the enthusiastic cameraman recorded the of Val David; (8) Santa Claus gome of his little helpers being comed to his new home; (4) a ll from the slopes of the Peruvian THE OPENING OF SANTA CLAUS proverbial reindeer; (2) nine-year-old VILLAGE: Except for' Santa Claus Marcel Thouin, grandson and official representative) of Montreal's Mayor Camillien Houde, presenting the keys of the new Village to Mayor Beaulieu and wel- ama An- ; des, one of the many animals which following scenes showing (1) Santa)... freely through the Village, at- Claus arriving at his new home via |tracting almost as much - attention a modern helicopter rather than the | from young visitors as' Santa Claus ed to Lively tu visit Dn nd Mrs. Jack | Receipts .......coiinee ns $2187.62| Anglican Church Evening gr Ba The O.N.O. dance on Friday night RECEIPTS Miah TNE wipe 8280 the new unit. ii : : ii > | Presbyterian Church .......... . ; x " pepsi chugs ode ed So Rebekah LORE... BE aioe paper. Music was supplied by Tommy Hos or Honeydale W. Loins: 219.90 | of shell hemming, faggoting and ma- Langley's Orchestra. The crowd was| Grace Church ssh hogan Order of Eastern Star, Blue terial for our slips were passed around. not quite as large aausual, ir | ATTEN plabicw $151.67 Ray Chapter, Port Perry... 2 34.61 | This was followed by a delicious lunch. eit | Proapeet Community \ 3.50 March of Dimes .....cccivmmiin 120.00 | The hostess was thanked for her hos-. ss : "| Booth at-Lake|Front............ . 216.00 | pitality. Pine Grove | Seagrave Community 13768 ot Fair lGrounds ..... 280.00], Our next meeting will be held at the Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. ii WAL bbb sep 26.00 Cooking Sale vn. 3k = ay 56.08 home of Ellouis¢ Hoggard on Dec. 6. Zystra, of High Point, formerly of va a Aux ary oe 6.46 "Well' at Hostal ..ooc.evrsencren 20.00 The roll call will be--one requirement here, of the birth of a son, November ca Auxiliary ....... 60.00 HAG) of an attractive girl. Remember the 23rd, 1968--John Wayne. ! Utica Auxiliary ....... 9.60 - |Brownics-- rely change in time--1 pam., and-bring your Me. and Mrs. Jack' Hill and June, - 90.95 Mrs. Badour's Grolip ..... 6.00 | pattern and material. 1] $2187.62 unit "Being Well Dressed and Well himself; (5) Santa Claus' own heuse, one of the .many attractions in the Village; (6) the jolly old gentleman himeelf enthralling one of his many friends; (7) two of the bear cubs re- velling in their specially-built pit which, when illuminated at night, re- sembleg a giant birthday cake; and (8) the Chapel of Saint Nicholas which contains a Crib reminiscent of the first Christmas. --Cdnadian Pacific Railway Phote.