Z DARI es A NRG EAE 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28rd, 1954 LOCAL NEWS Gary Lawrence was very pleased and surprised on Sunday morning, when the members of the choir pre- sented him with a travelling alarm clock. Gary has entered Queen's 'University where he:will be 'taking a four year course in engineering. Miss May Walker and her sister Mrs. Tlorence® Nelson, of Brampton, spent the week-end with friends in Port Perry. These ladies were former excellent teachers on the Public School staff and were heartily greeted by old friends here, Mrs. A. J. Skelton, of Shelburne is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Len War- vinet, nd Mrs. Ivan Kerry, who were spending a few holidays in Port Perry, left fo; their home on Sunday, in Prince fi dward Island. Mr, and Mrs. Joel Aldred, Mrs. Jas. Morrish, Mrs, Ramsay and Miss Hazareth, of Toronto, Miss Joan Lee, of Baltiniore and Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las"Aldred and Beverley, of Port Perry visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Aldred over the week-end. Mrs. Waldron Scott, Bobby and Brenda, of Windsor, visiting this week with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beare and family. At Home Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holmes, 124 * Nassau St., Oshawa, will be at home to theiir relatives and friends on Mon- day, Sept. 27th, from 3 to 5 and 7 to PLAS 10 p.m. on the occasion of theiir 50th} Wedding Anniversary. Births JEFFORD--Myr, and Mrs. John F, Jefford are happy to announce the birth of their son, Peter Frederick, at Community Memorial Hospital, on Tuesday, September 21st, 1964,--a brother for Arthur, David, Catherine, Linda-Mary and Elizabeth. . TAYLOR--Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Tay- lor are happy to announce the arrival "of a son, Robert Thomas, on Sept. 14, 1964, n the Community Memorial Hospit:.i, Port Perry. A brother for Billy : ar nd Paul. Card of Thanks We v.ish to thank the Island people, the Po t Perry Fire Brigade and the telephcne operator for their prompt- ness r.cently when our barn burnt. Their nbined efficiency brevented other * ildings from burning. Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Fralick A SM LE OR TWO ~~ Doctor--I know you wanted a boy, Joe; so I'm sorry to have "to tell you it's a girl this time. New. father -- That's okay, doc; a girl was my second choice, anyway. v The Churches CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, September 26th-- 11 a.m.--Morning Service with Mr, Fred Wilkinson in charge. 11 a.m,--Sunday School, ST. JOHN'S : PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister--Rey. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., D.D. Sunday, Sept. 26th-- 10,00 'a.m.--Sunday School. 11,00 a.m,--Divine Worship, - The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper will be observed at this service, Friday, Sept. 24th-- Preparatory Service at 8.00 p.m. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH REY. R. H. WYLIE, B.A, Minister Sunday, September 26-- 11 a.m,--The Value of a. Vow. 7 pm.--Wh yWorry! PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--David J. Toews Sunday, September 26th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Worship Service. 7 p.m,--Evening Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Come To The Little White Church on the Hill PENTICOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, September 26th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service-- Wed. 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. Thurs., 2 p.m.--W.M.8, meeting. Fri., 8 p.m.--Young Peoples. EVERYBODY WELCOME : Pastor: Wm. W. Thompson Re 00 STYLE EKTERTA VERT Uxbridge, Ont. Phone 252 FRIDAY-SAT., SEPTEMBER 24-25 WILL ROGERS, Jr., in Boy from Oklahoma Plus Slaves of Babalon starring RICHARD CONTE f | $ A movie Coming Evens Euchre WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20TH-- The Oddfellows' and Rebekah's are holding a Euchre in the Lodge Rooms on Wednesday, September 29th at 8.30 p.m. Everyone Welcome, good prizes and<¢refreshments, Admission 60c. Proceeds in aid of C.P.T. Fund. (Cancer, Polio, Tuberculosis) NOTICE RE STANDARD TIME Pursuant to. resolution passed by Village Council Daylight Saving Time will . discontinue at 12.01 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 26th. Don't forget to change your clock Saturday night. GUIDE NEWS. Gir] Guides will resume their weekly meetings 'on Wednesday, September 20th at 7 o'clock in the Scout Hall, Please wear uniforms. Rummage Sale The Evening ge of the Church of the Ascension are holding their Rum- mage Sale on Saturday, Oct. 2, be- ginning at 1.30 p.m., in the Library. sept. 30 Turkey Shp per to be held in i upp Hall of St. John's Church, Blackstock, sponsored: 'by St. John's W.A., on Friday, Oct. 22, 1954. Admission: Adults $1.25, Children 60c. Hobby Disp Prince A church parlors on Wednesday, Sept. 29, Afternoon 3 to 5, and evening 5 ~ 7 to 9. Admission 86c. Anniversary Services MANCHESTER CHURCH Sunday, Oct. 3 at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m., | § guest speaker, Rev. Rowe Seymour, |g Special music --|% afternoon -by Greenbank Junior choir! and evening by Enniskillen Male § Quartette. i of Enniskillen. Everyone - Welcome, Anniversary Service, Utica Sunday, Oct. 8rd, at 2.30 p.m., Utica i 2 United Church. Speaker, Rev. Ralph |§ E. King, B.A. Music by Uxbridge Jr. Farmer Quartette. on Saturday, Oct. 9 at 6 p.m. until all served. - Admission: adults $1.26., Public School children 76e. bert sp ] Ys £ welcomes all ages to the Antique and 5 Hobby Display, and Cup of Tea in the | §2 Turkey Supper 3 8ept80 | Fak Notice The next meeting of the Service Club Jil be on Tuesday, Sept. 28, at 8 p.m, in the United Chur rt Perry. The proramme comnfittee \s Mrs. Lloyd Clarke, Mrs. Len| Clarke; Mrs. Ray Birkett, : Mrs. Wilbur Vance, and Mrs, Irv. Boyd. Bowlers Anyone wishing to bowl on the Wed- nesday Night Ladies league, who has not been contacted, please phone Marg Carnegie, 481, or 'Ruby Roach, 6500 r 18. Season starts. Wednesday, Sept. 29th, 1964. Manchester Communion Service will be observed here next Sunday morning at 11:16. Sunday School will be at 10:15 a.m, - On Sunday, October 3rd, Rev. Mr, Seymour, of Enniskillen, will be the guest speaker at the annual anniver- sary services. In the afternoon at 2.80, Port Perry Junior Choir with ) music and at the evening service, 7.80, Enniskillen Male Quartette will sing, Mr, and Mrs. Clinton Midgley and Miss Carol Midgley, visited last Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Steven- son, and Mrs. Wheatley, at Brooklin. Those who attended the variety con- cert at Utica last Friday evening re- port a fine entertainment. Mis. James Torrens, Kingston, spent | § the week-end with her parents, Mr. and B Mrs. F. B. Johnson. - Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ashton and boys of Ashburn, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Clinton Midgley and family on Friday |§ evening, : Mrs. 'Chappell and Mrs, Beth Brydon : and children of Brampton, and Mr. and | § Mrs. Wm. Martyn, of Sutton, were guests of Mrs. Gladys Archer, on Sun- day. : 5 Misses Maureen Donnelly and Carol Midgley spent last Sunday evening |§ with the latters aunt, Mrs. W. Rudkin, Brooklin, Mr .and Mrs. W. F, Crosier visited friends in Hampton and Enniskillen on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M, St. Clair visited friends at Rouge Hill on Sunday even- ing. Miss Carrie Cowan, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Elsie Dobson, will provide the Mrs. A. Roach and family. We will be pleased to give prices. ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce that we are now manufacturing CEMENT BLOCKS, both standard and interlocking. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION "Phone 392W (Office) Residence--William Tripp 392W Joe Tripp 392] the best service at reasonable in PORT COL. W. A. H. SALE PRICE--Reserved OR Sse PORT PERRY LIONS. CLUB PRESENTS HOCKEY NIGHT Toronto Maple Leafs Pitisburgh Hornets Thursday, September 0 GAME TIME 8.30 P.M. Notables who will be present for this game, are: Chairman of Board of Directors of Maple Leaf Gardens. CONN SMYTHE, Manager of Maple Leaf Hockey Club HAP DAY, Assistant Manager KING CLANCY, Coach TEEDER KENNEDY, Captain of Toronto Maple Leafs HOWIE MEEKER, Coach of Pittsburgh Hockey Club FOSTER HEWITT, Famous Sports Broadcaster THERE WILL BE AN ADVANCED SALE OF TICKETS Tickets may be purchaged from the Stores in Port Perry and in Oshawa Students $1.00 PERRY MacBRIEN, $1.60. General $1.26 OROROROAOHOSOOCHONOI0S0OI0EC0 OSES 00000008080T] IRE WY toncling.; os superbly humorous movie ...FOR YOUNG AND OLD... THE WHOLE FAMILY "es WILL MELT EVEN THE MOST SOPHISTICATED HEART. DUNCAN MACRAE Story by Neil Patterson 19.59 wh + ADRIENNE CORRI with a heart as big ¢ as CANADA itself! VINCENT WINTER AND JON WHITELEY 3 3° Ra 2 8 ONE FULL WEEK--SEPTEMBER 21 to SE---- MISSIT © of the J. Arthut Rank Ornanization ROXY - - THEATRE sige RED & WHITE| Food Stores CAKE MIXES, BETTER CROCKUS | hs fii phen. ase. | ; PUMPKIN, Stokely's;-28 oz. .......... ma J) CS TOMATO SOUP, Alymer, 10 02 .ccc..ccocconnmseiss wii2 fOr 21¢, § GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Trinidad, 20 oz. ........cciun: erisnens9Cs CHAN PASTE WAX 1 1b. tin ...ccoooecounnnmviurinenneni2 ting $1,16 SWIFT SAUSAGE, ......coounniiinnssisnssssensssnniecd 1b 49¢, SPINACH, FRESH, cello Kg. .........conccuiivnmssimminiinninc1 760 B KRAFT CHEESE SLICES, % 1b. Pg, ..........ccuunnnnisinnnins 806, 4 DOWSON'S Phone 31 bese sttreeree SERINE INI INRIIRes II IIIRS seeteribie Poets reeesiiis PLEASE PHONE DELIVERY ORDERS EARLY Port Perry | DOUPE'S STO Prince Albert INVITES YOU wo PHONE 485W FOR GOOD SERVICE AND FAIR PRICES We carry an assortment of Canada Packer Meats and York Canned Goods, offered with a silverware premium, WE DELIVER ORDERS OF $2.00 Prince Albert or MORE Phone 485-W BOOST YOUR CONCENTRATE 'Car arriving last half of September, PORT PERRY A os FEEDERS WHO KEEP RECORDS EVENTUALLY WITH YOUR GRAIN Molasses Beet Pulp Order your . Supply Early. $62.00 Per Ton--Delivered off car MASTER FEEDS FALL MILK SUPPLY WITH MASTER DAIRY 24% MIXED OWN IY M n I BV ™ Vi B m § v1 vi 1 7] 1 ™ 7] 7 CIV WN PHONE 1 4 TUE et TT a A BR RA RR RE RO RR RR RR SR SR REO PORT PERRY FUELS for ~~ Famous Reading ~~ Anthracite Coals SIZES RICE, PEA, bi and STOVE Hh Grade Metered Stove & Fuel oil Phone 2 Toi : id PORT PERRY COAL & ICE COMPANY RRS ERAS RORSRORSRORSRORORORS & "Port Perry Business 'Men's Association