Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Oct 1954, p. 4

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4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 1864 - LOCAL MN EWS Mrs. Paul Mickie and Miss Mary Morishita of Toronto were week-end guests of Miss Clara N. Everton, Port Perry. . Cards of Thanks We wish to thank the friends and neighbours for their cards of sympathy and floral tributes, and for acts of kindness, also to thank Rev. K. Scott, for his consideration at the time of our recent bereavement, in the death of Mrs. Emma Lewis. Evelyn and Wes Vokins. We would like to thank the Shirley Women's institute and all our neigh- bours who so kindly presented us with floor and table lamps for a going away gift and a surprise party. Thank you all, Mr, and Mrs, Earl Tummonds Don and Dorene Ashbridge wish to express their gratitude for the wonder- ful gifts prsented to them by Scugog Community and friends. We thank you all very much. Announcement BRAIN---Jack and Elva Brain (nce Bond) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Stephen Edward on Oct. 23, ~ 'at Oshawa General Hospital -- a brother for Billie. Coming Evenis CHURCH OF THE "ASCENSION Rev. K. W. Scott, L.Th., Incumbent Sunday, October 31-- 9.30 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m--Sunday School 7 -p.m--Evensong and Sermon . S1. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN * CHURCH Minister--Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A, D.D. Sunday, October 31st 11 a.m,--Sunday School 7 pm.--Divine Worship, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rov. R. H, Wylie, Ministcr Sunday, October 31-- : 11 &.m.--"The Fruit of Frustration" 7 pm.--""When Go Says No." PENTECOSTAL CHURCH . Sunday, October 31st-- 10 a.m,--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship . 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service-- * Wed. 8 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study. Thurs., 2 p.m.--W.M.S. meeting, . Fri., 8 p.m.--Young Peoples. EVERYBODY WELCOME * A Pastor: PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH -Pastor--David J. Toews Sunday, October 31st-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Worship Service. 7 p.m.--Evening Service, _ Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Come To The Little White Church on the Hill . Turkey Supper At Seagrave United Church on Wednesday, November 8rd. Minsirel Show Planned The Port Perry Lions Club are plan- ning the presentation of a Minstrel | Show in mid-winter. The show to be prdouced and staged in its entirety by local talent. Annual Bazaar of the Evening Guild of the Church of the Ascension will be held on-Satur- day, October -80th, at 3 p.m. in the Parish Hall, Afternoon Tea will be served. Everyone' welcome, 'oct28 Doll Draw ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DOLL DRAW--Auspices Women's Hospital Auxillary... Draw to be made on Santa Claus Day in Port Perry. Tickets on sale by members of the Auxiliary, 3 for 26c. Anniversary Services GKACE UNITED CHURCH, Scugog Sunday, October 31s, 1954, will hold their 7th' Anniversary services, The ] guest speaker at 11 a.m. Rev. H, B. A Harrison, -- BA; Wilfrid, --at-- 8 p.m. Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A, of Port*Perry. All are cordially invited. ~ Friday Nov. 8 ! The ay, Remembrance Day Banquet in the Scout Hall, at 7 p.m. sharp. Tickets are available at the - Legion Hall. Notice * "The next regular meetifig of the Scugog Chapter, 1.0.D.E will be held on Monday, November 1st, at 8 p.m. in the Library Committee Rooms, Cookie Day Remember Girl ly. Cooky. Day on Saturday morning, October 80th. Please help the girls. Bazaar and ~ Baking Sale to be held on gale Novémber 27, a 8 pm, by the Catholic Women's League in the Parish Hall. After- noon tea served. Everyone cordially invited. 028, N18, N25 ALEK i . NOTICE 27 5 + a Take notice that the second instal. iw A" 4 ment of the taxes of the Village of dt . Port Perry are payable on or before Zit a November 5th, 1954. 5. Lo Hallowe'en Party Twa' n Marquerade Party il! 5 hid in Memory, won Friday Evening, Oct. 0. Prides for costumes. Admission 8be, ey 'Bchool children, free. i + 3 'January 1955. \ | to do their part to make our annual the Royal Hotel. Miss ka Feather" Chosen At Ottawa Miss Anne Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wallace, Oshawa, and grand-daughter of Mr. Allan' Wallace 'Port Perry, was crowned Miss Red Feather of Carleton College, Ottawa, where Miss Wallace is 'a student in 'Journalism, Film Council ONTARIO & YORK COUNTIES' FILM COUNCIL NEWS One of the most successful execu- tive meetings of the year for the Ont- ario & York Counties' Film Council was held last week in Claremont. Reports were heard from the lib- rarians and another two libraries have been set up in the south end to ac- comodate these members. School film report was given by Miss Della John- | son and it is very éncouraging how much the school teachers and children look forward to these special films. Mr. Fred Wicks, of Markham, con- sented to act as Chairman for the An- nual Meeting which is to be held in Members will be asked necting another success. The East- ern Ontario Film Councils' Federation held their annual meeting at the Royal Hotel at Picton last Friday and Satur- day "and - had delegates from Film -Couneils-in Claremont; Oshawa; Peter-- borough, Kingston, Prescott; Picton and other points in Eastern Ontario. Many delegates had. to travel through Hurricane Hazel, but despite the wea- ther there was an excellent turnout. Buzz sessions and reports of Commit- tees were given on Saturday morning 'and at noon a banquet was held at Mr. Graham Fraser of Crawley Films of Ottawa was the guest speaker and 'gave an excellent talk on the production of films. Af- ternoon sessions featured the conclu- sion of buzz sessions and election of the new 1954-556 officers. Miss Mil- dred Ward gave her report to our Film 'Council.'on the success of the Film Club'and reminded all those interested in films that the next Film Club meet- ing is to be held on Wednesday, Oct. 27 at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Hoskins, in Claremont. at 8 p.m, Meeting was then adjourned and re- freshments served. Blackstock The - Y.P,U. sponsored thé Film "Where None Shall Thirst" last Tues, evening, This picture is a very in- teresting and enlightening story of life in India. The high school pupils enjoyed a wiener roast at Emmerson' 8 Beagh on -| Tuesday night. At the 4H Club judging compotl- 'tion in Guelph on Friday, two teams from Cartwright took' part, namely: Beef Team ~-- Donald Green and Lawrence McLaughlin came second. Swine Team--Allan Dayes and Mel- ville Samells came in 8th place. Over thirty teams competing, Con- gratulations boys. Visitors -- Mrs, H,. Hocken, Port Perry at Ivan Motntjoy's. Mrs: R. Courtice, Orilla, has return. ed home ofter spending several days Wm. W. Thompson | * is fly Mr. and Mrs. Howard Polsom and Nan:y, Mrs. Polsom Sr., Fenelon Falls at Fay McGill's on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Bowman in London, Ontario with their daughter and son in-law Mr. and Mrs, Harold Weir. Mr. and Mrs. Leighton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey and Allan with Mr, and Mrs. Hector Shortridge, cele- brating. Mae's birthday. on- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wall with Mr, and Mys. A. Leighton recently. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson and Ian and Miss Mona, Toronto, weeks end guests of Roy Ferguson and fa- mily. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gillis and boys, Millbrook at Oscar Graham's and Ross Duff, Mr.-and Mrs. Mervyn Graham with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gibson, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Swain and fa- mily with Mr. and Mrs. Rupt. Byers, Bowmanville. Mrs. J. A, Johhston is visiting her daughter Mrs. Roy Avery and family with her mother Mrs. B. Bruce, who : her parents Mr, and Mrs. N. Malcolm, Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Weir Swain, Toronto, with relatives here, Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and baby Solina are spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Lar- mer. Misses Joyce Graham, Joan Hoskin and Phyllis Strong attended the Bay of Quinte Young People's Convention in Almonte Friday, Saturday and Sun- day. The Turkey Supper at the Anglican Parish Hall, Friday, was a decided success, : 2 ; Rev, C. W. Hutton is attending the Queen's College Alumni in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wally, Oakville, and Mr. and Mrs, Joe Feffron, Toronto visited Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hamilton on Sunday. Miss Doris Hamilton is spending a week's holiday at home. Mr. Douglas Lancaster, M.A., Lay Reader of St, Phillips Church, Etobi- coke spoke in the Anglican Church Mr, and Mrs, Merrill VanCamp with Displaying the most sweeping line-up of "first- Rime features in Pon cluding two brand-new V8 engines os at 180 and 1 power and a boost to 145 horse- ower in the economical six cylinder model, 85 Ponting in six sompletely rest fled series sf announced . today from coast to coast. Styling advances (illustrated above) include lowered roof-and-belt-lines and a drop in hood and rear-deck heights to produce a low-slung, alert appearance; and a new panoramic wind- shield and more massive grille pointing up the luxury aspect of Pontiac design. in Tilbury. SOFT -- FLUFFY KLEENEX TISSUE JOHNSON'S -- 200, EXTRA HARD GLOSS WAX BEST: on Sunday, it being layman's Sunday, wis 2 ro 3% 1.13 1FOQP: at Red & White Qt, Size %, BUYS wi : Y4elb. Pkg. - Velveeta Cheese 29c .. MONARCH "ANGEL FOOD MIX NEW CROP ~ FANCY DATES EMPEROR GRAPES 2b. 25¢ FRESH CALIFORNIA -- EATING or Wow. phe. 2 for X 0 PORK Shoulders LJ 5. 2 £ STORES 3 . : : ! _ the grand prize orth the : " i Bed Red & White Stars. grand sponing 8. Shlobrijiou, 0 t: Joseph Southwe ughlin, ; Shell Gut Candy Apples! Las ite Supervisor; Margo Tilden of Radio Dr ey ; ' . evrolet car, Mrs, . So ell a CORN SYRU? "> @% . ter Carol, of Whitby. % cup BEE HIVE 1 tsp. anilla , CORNSYRUE % 20 food colortag EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Y cup boiling water (optional) Wen is sugar into saucepan, add Bee Hive Sy1up P A B L U M C E R E AL Pkg. srl "eins Tring To bol, picing wont put 25 RED & WHITE -- REGULAR JAR eS. Boil syrup at 200 deg. until it will spin a very PURE PEANUT BUTTER thas. Ne brittle thread when a little is dropped in cold water, Remove from heat and stir in syenina, KOUNTY or Bet A hot oun. - GRE EEN N BEANS "a 2 re 26. > ROSE -- NIAGARA KIST -- PURE SWEET MIXED PICKLES .. 33 ~~ ORANGE MARMALADE Mes. We WHOLE KERNEL -- FANCY NEW PACK : * EVAPORATED NIBLETS CORN re 27 3s CARNATIO N MILE 4 le . " TASTY -- TEMPTING iy Si PILLSBURY "0X0 CUBES ik TO) 2% | ANGEL F 00D CAKE MIX 16-08 8% GLIDE -- LAUNDRY . LIQUID STARCH Bi 2c Nr LITY ! MEATS FRESH -- PICNIC STYLE or 38¢ Ea -- Lat oie GREEN PEAS DELICIOUS, CONVENIENT CHICKEN PIES BEEF PIES ORANGE JUICE 8T¥ AND RICH AS FRESH ORANGES | | Bl ROYAL ZS || INSTANT PUDDINGS 2 for 25¢ | PO Ri ¥ AYLMER ; ! 4 ll : i | PORK and BEANS w 228 1 Lig TO i GIVE YOUR DOG A HALLOWE'EN TREAT © | I BUTTS |b: ¢ | TOPS DOG FOOD = 3w28c ff 0 © To eee | FURL LIVER = pn 0 Your Distiet PRIME BIBS OF BEEF 8k go 1 9% ER : bam Supe hi aces 5 r a Marks " SWIFT'S, -- PREMIUM -- SLICED RESH FRUITS ohfodgin pi SNEL ou |COOKED HAN - = Yuli aio WEGETIRBLES FI Bc yoni, oJ Ih iol i | owe |The ite. | BREAD i HALLOWEEN asa 16 Brock 86M. Roberts Brow, Food Htore. "TRICK OR TREAT" APPLES | srogkEiv ---- He R town Marke ket ~~ Meon. Loat-. REST ELIT - FANCY GRADE. 59 4 LTE BRADY Te Kine + i 15¢ = SNOW APPLES i "= BIRDS EYE | FANCY GRADE -- APPLES | 25h ANNIVERSARY SALE RED & SCARLET PIPPINS gs 59¢ SWEET, TENDER, FINEST QUALITY » WHITE | FOOD He © fa 4 Bs Bc RE 4% JE Ch STORES

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