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Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Jan 1955, p. 1

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CT . 4 we "L BN ~ PEA SET BRS fe Fa FO) : 4 AA Ha 4 FA ' os AA LANEY (17 SEG BANE AGATE EY, Y STAR gaz Authorized ss Becond Class Mall, Pout Office Department, Oktews. * PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20th, 19556 bs $2.00 per year. Single Copy Se. CI Peel elected Warden of Ontario County for 1955 Mis Ruby Walker Guest Speaker at © Annual Meeting of W.M.S. The annual meeting of Lindsay Presbyterial Women's Missionary Saclety was held in St Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, Lindsay, on Friday, January 14th. The Presbyterial President Mrs. W. W. Finney was in charge of the meet- ing. Devotional periods were taken at the morning meeting by Beaverton Auxiliary, the afternoon meeting by Glenarm Auxiliary: Mis. C. Mackay, from St. Andrews Church Auxiliary, Lindsay, welcomed the ladies. Rev. Mr, McQueen extepd- ed good wishes for the continuing of - the work that has been planned. The minutes of the last Annual Meet- ing were read by Mrs. M. Omerod and approved. Reports from secretaries were read, each one showing progress in our mis- sion work, . Mrs, Wallace, Mission Band secre- tary, reported an Explorers Group in Port Perry had been formed -- other groups interested in this programme can obtain information from Miss Mc- Arthur, > Mrs. R. Wood reported from two af- filiated groups in Lindsay, and St. Margarets, Uxbridge. No new groups have. been formed. in Y, W. and Girls organizations. Mrs, Wood sugg®ted that we have two secretaries for Y. W. and Girls organizations. Report of the Conference held in To- ronto and Evening Departments were given by Mrs. H. Mcintyre. Evening Groups were held in Beaverton and Fenelon Falls, Mrs. McIntyre stressed the importance of the Womens Mis- sionary Society aim, and that every woman in the congregation should be- come a member, also that each leader should know her department, keep acourate records, forward reports punctually, and seek permission from the Session of the Church to organ- ize new groups, Miss Ruby Walker expressed plea- sure in sharing our meeting, and stated that we must be mindful of our Children's work in Mission Bands. Too much is being left to leaders, and they should be helped financially, as well as 'by our prayers, Miss Wal- ker is disturbed by our girls work, which is not a happy ~picture--and suggested there is a splendid program planned to present to the girls--and that it is available for our study, that leaders may work effectively and ef- "ficiently, Mrs, E. Mustard presented the re- port of Literature and Glad Tidings, and advised an increase in the sales of Literature, and a decrease of two in Glad Tidings Subscriptions. Beaverton Auxiliary extended an invitation to the Preshyterial for our June rally. The morning session was closed with prayer by Mrs, Armstrong, Port Perry, and singing the National An- them. The afternoon meeting was opened by singing 'The Lord is my Shepherd.' Rev, Mr. Hart, Moderator of- the Presbytery, conveyed greetings, and expressed appreciation for the work 'we are dong, It is thelr prayerful desire that we have a successful year. Mrs. McQuarrie, corresponding: sec- retary, stated in her report we do not take the financial aid as an in- __dication of our success, we face many { changes and chances in the future-- to follow Him is our only solution-- and He will not fail us. Mrs. D. Whelan, supply secretary requested that reports should be in by the end of October--supply money sent in by June first--send bale the first week in September--and receipt of money sent to the Treasurer, Mrs. B. Fairbairn by the end of October. A slight decrease in Home Helpers and an increase in givings.were re- ported from Mrs. J. H. Summerfeldt's report, Mrs, L. Menzies, welcome and welfare secretary, said our first res- ponsibility is to meet our allocation. Miss Walker recommended that Mrs, Burgess continue with Library Work--the department would not be so costly if we could confine our area to Home Base. Mra. Warmington, Kirkfield, sang a delightful. solo, accompanied by Mrs. Cecil Simpson, Woodville. ~ The Treasurer Mrs. Fairbairn was pleased to report our total contribu- tions amounted to $4,647.09. Mrs. W. W. Finney paid tribute to " the late Mrs, John F. Brabazon--"In thanks to God for the life she lived, and in foving memory" "requested the congregation to rise and observe two minutes silence. The Custodian of Records, Mrs. D. H. McEachern, expressed regret that we record the death of Mrs. Brabazon, our much loved treasurer. Those who were privileged to be associated with Mrs. Brabazon, will long remember her ability, efficiency, and understand- ing. _ She gave all she had to our work, * The Press Secretary, Mrs, J. S. Mac- Farlane also paid the following tri- bute--* . . to one who was so well known for her works of love, charity, | to her infectious humor, her tolerance, and her devotion to duty as the Treas- urer of Lindsay Presbyterial--to her memory,--the late Mrs, John Braba- zon--we pay humble homage." - Miss 'Ruby Walker, 'Regional Secre- tary for the Synodicals of Toronto, Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal, was the guest speaker, and stated in her mes- sage the Presbyterian Church is a Church with misssionary visio The Women's Missionary Society has been commissioned by the Church to accept responsibility in the Church work. Miss Walker reminded the groups of some of the work that was theirs to do in Canada and Overseas, She spoke of the loyalty of the member- ship, but said only a minority in the Church supported missions, much work remains to be done, and to, do it may mean sacrifice on the part of our membership. She pleaded for a re- dedication by prayer, time and money, for our work has outgrown our mem- bership. : Mrs. T. C. Leask, Uxbridge, thank- ed Miss Walker for her message, the soloist, Mrs. Warmington, the ladies of St. Andrew's Church, Lindsay, for entertaining us, and tg all who had helped in any way to make the meet- ing a success, Mrs, Finney thanked the members for their co-operation during the past year, Mrs. C. Veale, Woodville, convener of the nominating committee presented the slate of officers for 1956, who were installed by Miss Ruby Walker as follows: President, Mrs. W. W. Finney, 19 St. Lawrence St., Lindsay, Ont.; 1st Vice-President, Mrs D. McQuarrie, Box 28, Lindsay, Ont.; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. -(Rev.). Bell, Bobcaygeon; 8rd Vice-Pres,, Mrs. (Rev.) Armstrong, Port Perry; 4th .Vice-Pres.,, Mrs. C. MacKay, 261 Kent St. Lindsay; Re- cording Becretary, Mrs. D. N. Smith, 49 Bond St., Lindsays Corr. Sec., Mra. D.. McQuarrie, Lindsay; Treas., Mrs. Bruce Fairbairn, 67 Cambridge St. Lindsay; Y. W, and Girls' Secretary, Mrs. Ivan Gamble, R.R. 1, Blackwater; Children's Groups, Mrs, Willjam Wal. lace, Box 1943, Beaverton; Home Helpers, Mrs, J, H. Summerfeldt, Can- nington; Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. L. Menzies, Fenelon Falls; Literature and Glad Tidings, Mrs. E. Mustard, R.R. 2, Uxbridge; Press, Mrs. J. 8. MacFarlane, Blackwater; Supply, Mrs. D. Whelan, Beaverton; Life Member- ship, Miss Winnie Allan, Blackwater; Library, Mrs, W, D. Burgess, Box 196 Beaverton; Historian, Mrs, D, H, Me- Eachern, Lorneville; Evening Aux, Mrs. Henderson McIntyre, Fenelon Falls. Official Opening of Children's Ward On Thursday afternoon, January 27 at 2.30 pm. the Community Hospital Auxiliary will officially open the new Children's Ward in the Hospital, This project has been under way for some time, and furnishings for the room are now ready. Members and friends of the Auxiliary have worked well to 'provide sufficient funds for fur. nishing of this up-totdate Children's Ward and feel very proud of their accomplishment. : Appreciation and thanks are exten. ded to each individual and organiza. tion who have in any way helped in the raising of Funds. The public is invited for the opening and 'inspec tion of the Room. Afternoon tea will be served by members of the Auxili- ary. They hope a goodly number of people f Port Perry and Com- munity will avail themselves of the opportunity to see this modern Child- ren's Ward and thus see what your local women are doing in Hospital Auxillary work." Flyers Trounse Jr. Petes 7-2 - It was said last week that Saturday night's game on Jan, 16th would find the Port Flyers right after the Jr. Petes and that is just what they did and when the final score was tallied they had bested the Petes 7 to 2. The Flyers made it quite clear In the first period they had no intention of wasting time in the penalty box as was the case last game. The net result, Johnson served one minor pen- alty and that was it, as the Flyers chalked up b goals and at the same time held the Petes scoreless. oo erley from Fisher were the 1st tally at 9.40, then Ed Romanuk sent a sizzler past Delchaye at 18.45 for number two. The third goal was scored by Neil Attersley taking the puck right through, drawing the goalie out and pushing it in at 13.68. At- tersley also scored the fourth goal af- ter taking a nice pass from Dykstra at 14.66, The final goal of the first period came at the 17.22 mark when Bill Cornish bulged the twine after taking the pass over from Steffen. In the second period the Petes tried for a comeback and did manage one goal at 65.46 when the trio of Byrne, Hook and Allan broke through and Allan was successful in banging it past Hawe 'jn 'the Port net for the only goal of the period. Port Flyers served only two penalties to four for the Jr. Petes in the second period. Third period broke very fast and once again the Flyers put on the pres- sure and at 6.28 Dykstra sent a long rife shot Into the Pete net and at 7.31 Attersley scored his fourth of the night.. The Jr. Petes made a final spurt at the 14.12 mark, Brooks took the pass from Ball and made it count. Third period penalties--Steffen of the Flyers served a charging penalty while Ball was given a 10 min, mis- conduct for the Petes. Lindsay Indiays come here to-night, Jan. 20, and from all reports the In- dians are a much improved team since Port met them last. The Petes just managed to beat them with a score of 6 to 5, so there is no doubt that it will be better hockey to-night. Bee you there. L.G.A.'s Swamp Vandorf 11-4 "Port 1.G.A's got back into the win- ning race last Friday night by edging Beeton 4-3. They kept on the winning wagon by. trouncing the lumber boys of Vandorf 11-4 the following Monddy night in Newmarket. The Port boys started fast in the first period and never slowed down until the final bell. Glen Till started the scoring for Port at 3.12. Ron Myles assisted by Bradbury scored for Port at 5.08 and Till got his second of the night at 14.47. Ken Mark ended scoring for Port in the first at 18.26 on assists from Don Mark and M. Mec- Kee. One penality Was handed out in the first to Hannah of Vandorf for tripping at 15,20, Vandorf started fast in the second when McDonald scored at the 68 se- cond mark. Things looked as if the tide might turn in the second, but this goal was soon cvened up when Ken Mark got his second of the night at 1.60 on a nice combined passing play by himself, Don Mark and Bill Olesuk. Big Mert McKee made jt 6-1 for the I.G.A's at 2,40 when he took a long pass from Ross Hockburg, Don Coch- rane came back at 9.17 on assists from Till and Wallace to make it 7-1. Ma- bitt woke the lumber boys from Van- dorf up half way through the second stanza when he scored two fast goals, First from Legge at 10.41 and again from Legge at 11,12, making it 7-8 for the 1.G.A/'s. This goal spree was short lived for as fast as they woke p they went back to sleep faster. on Myles assisted by Bradbury and Olesuk made it 8-8 for Port at the 15 minute mark to end the scoring in the second. Two penalties were called in the second, one to J. Smith of Vandort for kneeing at 17.08 and Don Mark of Port Perry for tripping at 17.41. Port put on the pressure from the drop of the puck in the third and man- aged to count three more before the final whistle, 'Bradbury scored first for the 1.G.A/'s on assists from Keetch and Hockburg at 6/48. Doug Keetch came back at 8,66 when he banged in "la goal-mouth pass from Bradbury. Thomas came back for Vandorf at 18.84 for their last of the night. Don Cochrane got his second of the night at 16,63 from Wallace and Howey to end the.scoring, Referee Bob Peters handed out three penalties in the third, two to the IGA's Heard for interference at 12.31 and 'Myles for holding at 18.36 and ope to Vandorf, Legge for tripping at 19.19, [ LG.A.'s Tie " [ With Minden The Port IGA's had to settle for a two-all tie with Minden on Tuesday last when -Minden tied the score on a fluke goal with only 88 seconds left to play in the game. The game was fast with the IGA's having the edge in play throughout the entire game. Fort had numerous chances around the net but just couldn't beat the Minden goal-tender, who played a: terrific game in the net, The first period saw no scoring. Two penalties were handed out, both to Port Perry--Myles for interference at 3.09 and Cochrane for interference at 8.22, : 'Minden opened the scoring in the second when Brown scored from Rog- ers at 6.26. Their lead was short- lived when Myles evened the score at 8.11 assisted by Heard and Olesuk. Port went one up a minute later when Ken Mark scored at 9.14 on assists from D. Mark and McKee to end the scoring in the second. Five penalties were handed out in the second, four to Minden and one to Port Perry, Penalties--Minden-- Hugh Vasey (cross-Checking) 8.08 Lougheed (slashing) 6.00 Hugh Vassey (holding) 14.00 Caney (highsticking) 19.16 Port Perry-- Heard (tripping) 15.22 Minden scored the only goal in the third stanza which proved to be the tieing 'and last goal of the night. Lougheed scored with 838 seconds left to play on a fluke from a scramble around the net. Port had many great chances in the final stanza but just couldn't beat the Minden goal-tender. Port collected four penalties in the third, Heard for tripping at 5.15, Ken Mark for boarding at 9.17, Bradbury for hooking at 10.38, Ken Mark for roughing: at 12.19. Minden received two penalties, Caney for roughing at 12.19 and Richardson, 10 minute mis- conduct at 18.40. - Ten minutes of overtime was play ed with neither team able to score. Port had some good chances as did Minden. Bruce Mitchell in the Port net saved the day for the IGA's on two or three occasions in the over- time. Bruce played brilliantly all through the game. Port received the only penalty in the overtime, that go- ing to Don Mark for tripping at 7.19. Officlals--Referee, Ivan Locke - of Oshawa; Linesman--Dave Mitchell of Oshawa. Reach Council The inaugural meeting of Reach Twp, was held on Jan. 8rd at 1 p.m. Members present were Reeve elect El- mer J. Gibson, Deputy-Reeve Robt, G. Baird, Councilmen Howard McMil- lan, Glen Wanamaker and Edward Oyler, > The members subscribed to thelr several declarations of office, then took their seats at the Council board and proceeded to transact the busin- ess of the Township for 1856. Rev. Mr, Chapin from Greenbank was pre- sent and was invited to conduct de- votional service reading scripture and leading the Council in prayer. The Reeve in his address thanked Rev. Mr. Chapin for his timely and eloquent address. The Reeve also out- lined to the new Council the different problems that would come before the Council the coming year. Messrs. Holtby and Vernon inter- viewed the Council re grant to the Federation of Agriculture requesting that the grant for 1966 be $400.00 Mr. Fred Christie interviewed Council re wood: for Township Hall. Couneil decided to purchase two full cords of 16 inch wood. Mrs. M, Crosier presented relief ac- count which waa put on direct relief amounting to $280.86, which was or- dered paid. A motion was passed to join the Ontario Association of Rural Mant. cipalities, 497 £585 4 SWEAR IN NEW WARDEN W. Harry Peel, Reeve of the village of Port Perry, Tuesday was elected 101st Warden of the County of Ont- tario, winning out over two other con- tenders. Above, County Clerk, Wil- dy A liam Manning, left, is shown swearing in* the New Warden following the election on the opening afternoon of the January Session of the County Council, --Robertson, Whitby. Mr. Elmer J. Gibson was appointed the Township representative on the Community Memorial Hospital Board. A motion was passed asking the Clerk to arrange a meeting with Ux- bridge Township Council to divide the townline.: The Clerk was instructed to order 8 coples of the Municipal World. Council adjourned at 4 p.m. held a board of Health Meeting. Pay Roll and Voucher No. 1 was passed and ordered paid amounting to $343.69. A motion was passed instructing the Road Supt. and Treas. to prepare the petition for expenditures on Road for 19564 amounting to $28146.46 and forward the same to Department of Highways for subsidy. A By-Law -was passed to borrow money from the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Port Perry to take care of expenditures till balance of 1054 taxes are paid. A By-Law was passed appointing Mr. Ralph Wilbur to the board of the Hillman and Kendall cemeteries to take the place of the late And. Page. Accounts passed-- : Hospitalization... $103.88 General accounts ............ueneie 87.83 Council adjourned to meet again on Monday, Feb. 7th at 1 p.m. and Reach Teachers Meeting The third meeting of the Reach Township teachers was held at Pros- pect School on Thursday, January 13, at 2 pm. Mrs, Wilbur, the President, was in the chair. The meeting open- L ed with the singing of O Canada. A suggestion was then given that we send a card of sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Anson Swanick in the loss of his father. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and approved. Mrs. Hunter reported on the meeting of the committee with the Port Perry Fair 'Board, suggesting that a new committee be named to meet with the committee of town teachers to help in making needed revisions In the prize list. The new committee appointed were: Mrs. Mero, Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Hodgins. The children of Prospect School then favoured us with a number of musical dances, and accordion selections. The next meeting will be held at Man- chester School on March 10, with Mrs. Samells, Mrs. Crosier and Miss Pen- ner in charge. Mra, Crosier had been called on by a member of the film council with headquarters in Port Perry in regard to the teachers of Reach using their projector. This was not discussed, as other plans are being made in this regard. Mr. Nel. son's: work in Religious Education in exceptionally good and well appreciat- ed. The question was raised as to much time in preparation of Christ- mas concerts, noon concert to which the parents were invited be better? Mrs. Sandison gave us a brief ques- tionnaire re the Music Festival in the the schools was mentioned as being | whether it was profitable to spend so , 'Minor Hockey New: Would a brief after- | spring, and Mr. Knight gave us somo | you have been waiting for. books, catalogues, a new map of the |the future in person. County of Ontario and some baok covers. A very helpful and interesting dis- cussion of mathematica then followed with several aspects of problem solv- ing were discussed by Mrs, Randall, Miss Bleep, Mrs. Beckman, and Miss Penner, while a few specific 'teaching situations, including teaching multi- plication tables -effectively, the use of rule of thumb in the Senior grades, the place for "rough work" in the pupil's note-book, the teaching of the different types of per cent problems, a uniform method of subtraction throughout the Province, and varying standards in different localitles were discussed in turn by Mrs. Crosier, Mrs. Samells, 'Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Hodgins, Mrs. Martyn, and Mrs. Wilbur. Since there was not time to finish our dis- cussion the remaining toples will be carried over and completed at our next meeting. The meeting was brought to a close by the singing of God Save the Queen. A bountiful lunch was then served by Mrs. Randall, Miss Sleep, and Mrs. Beckman, LionsClub Activities | On Tuesday night of this week 16 members of the Lions Club travelled to Lindsay for a visit. Actually it was a dual meeting='as Port Perry Club had transferred its Monday sup- per meeting to Lindsay. The guest speaker for the evening was "Dist. Deputy-Governor Whitney Martin of Bancroft Lions Club. Also in ettendance. were the two - zone chairmen of the district--from the north zone, Lion Russ Van Meter of Whitney Lions Club and Lion Art Brunton of Fort Perry, south zone. This year again the Lions are hav- ing a "Minstrel Show---The dates are Feb. 10 and 11 and the place--Port Perry Public School. On March 17 the Lions are holding their Annual Dance in the Public School--More about these two activi- ties later. Braemore Singers To Visit Port Perry The community of Port Perry is again being favoured by a visit from selections including songs, | on outstanding choir when the Brac- more Singers of Toronto will sing at the evening Anniversary Service at Port Perry United Church. This talented Girl's Choir directe! by Jennie Goodman Bouch of Trinity United Church, Toronto, is well known throughout Metropolitan Tor- onto, having put on various perform: Ances in the city. At the morning service, the talented singer Alan Clark of Toronto will be the guest soloist. It appears that the day will be out- standing from the standpoint of music alone. HOUSE LEAGUE -- COMMUNITY ; GAME SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 6.45 p.m. Come one, come all to this, the game Stars cf Harry Peel, Reeve of the village of Port Perry, was elected to the highest municipal post in the County of Ont- ario, Warden for 1956. bested Reeve George Todd, of Picker. ing Township, and Reeve Wilfrid 4 Hart, of Rama Township. It is the 8 | first time in 17 years that Port Perry's "| Reeve has been elected to the Warden. ship of the County, Four members of Council were nom- inated for the office but one withdrew. Reeve Peel, in a brief address before balloting - began, noted that it had been 17 years since his municipality had been represented by the Warden and added that if the County Council should sce fit to hold centennial cele- utmost to make the event one that would go down in the honorable his- tory of this county. Reeve Hart recalled that in 1880, Reeve J, KE. McPherson, of Rama Twp. had heen elected Warden of Ontarlo County and in all the years since, not one Reeve of Rama had been elected to the Warden's chair. It was his wish, he said, to take this honor back to the northernmost township of the County of Ontario. From the opposite corner of the county, Pickering Township, Reeve Todd noted that he had served on the county council since 1950 and now only three other members of the council were still in office. His Township, he - said, was the largest municipality in the county and this year would pay nore than $100,000 into the county treasury. Besides, he added, it might be a number of years before another Reeve of Pickering could sit on coun- cil long enough to make a bid for the Wardenship. Deputy-reeve Patrick Duffy, of Mara Township, in announcing that he would not stand for the Warden- ship this year, paid tribute to the 3 men who were in the running. "They are a lot of good men." County Clerk William Manning cal- led the roll four times before a warden was selected. On the first ballot, Mr, Peel, 10; Mr. Todd, 12; 'and Mr. Hart, 9; on the second ballot, Mr, Peel, 12; Mr. Todd, 12; and Mr. Hart 7; on the third ballot, Mr. Peel, 11; Mr. Todd, 12; Mr. Hart, 8; on the fourth ballot, Mr. Hart was obliged to withdraw, Mr. Peel 19; Mr. Todd, 12. Warden Harry Peel was then sworn in as Warden of the County of Ontario for this, the 101st year of the forma. tion of the Cony. Service Club The December meeting of the Ser- vice Club was held in the home of Mrs. John Brintnell. The minutes were read and approved and the roll call was answered by 21 members, The Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Crawford. Mrs. Bill Pollard and Mrs. Gordon Goode were to be the auditors for the books for 1954. Mrs. Margaret Bunrett and Mrs. J. Brintnell and Mrs. Jack Starkey look- ed after the election of officers for 1966. Slate of Officers as follows: Honorary Pres.--Mrs. Wylie Past Pres.--Mrs. Suwala President--Mrs. H. Edinborough Vice Pres.--Mrs. Bill Beare Sec. and Press--Mrs. F, McCammond Assistant Sec.--Mrs. Lloyd Wilson - Treasurer--Mrs. Irving Boyd Beginners Class--Mrs. Murray Wil- liams asgisted by Mrs. Ben Pickard and Mrs. Frank Honey. Hospital Conv.--Mrs. John Brintnell Visiting Conv.--Mrs. Marg. Burnett After the election of officers, the President's chair was handed over to the new President, Mrs. Margaret Edinborough. Mrs. J. Crane and Mrs. Frank Hon. ey read the scripture. Silent Night and While Shepherds Watched was sung. Mrs. Morley Luke read a story, "Our First Christmas", and Mrs. W. Holt told us some of the customs in Holland at Christmas. There was an exchange of Christ- mas gifts to the girls who were pre- sent and Mrs, Wylie closed the meet- ing with a prayer. Joy to the World was sung, and the meeting closed with the benediction and lunch served. The January meeting of the Service Club will be held at the United Church on Tues, evening, Jan, 25 at 8 o'clock. There will be an "Informal showing of Pictures" by Marian Boyd. The program Committee--Mrs. J. Moore, Mrs. F. McCammond, Mrs. B. Pollard, Mrs. A, Walsh and Mrs. B, Beare. After four ballots were taken W.4: Warden Peel" brations this year, he would do his A Gs nid i a is mn Svan . a lant pot. pl AE IN ny a Loree SN atl lm ~. hh ari tt ed he pm i Ro or Tra sh Al a > dah. '

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