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Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Apr 1955, p. 1

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sera wn ------ Authorized as Becond Class Nat, Post Office Department, Ottawa, . - PORT PERRY Pee Wee's CAPTURE © PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL Tth, 1955 ' $2 00 per year, Single Copy 3 Ge. MILL RATE EXPECTED Rev. G K. McMillan| Victory Smiles After. Peterborough Championship Win Fe TO JUMP 4 MILLS Called fo Quebec ; a In making a study of the 1065 Bud: ¥ arge Te "driven by J. W. Bridger, Raglan, at|- 'Well at British get, Council feel that the mill rate could reach 60. mills this year, al- though it is being given further study. "The additional four mills over last year are due to increases by the School Boards and the County, also considerable additional work which is being contemplated on roads and side- walks. The mill rate shall be definitely struck at the Regular Meeting of Apr. 11, 1966. Find Pori Perry Driver Careless John A. Cawker, 28, Port Perry, was fined $25 and costs or 10 days in jail by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs on a charge of careless driving. The accused pleaded guilty to the charge. Magi- strate Ebbs left the Cue of Cawker's licence to the department of highways. Cawker's car collided with a car the cofner of Bond street and McMil- lan drive on March 9, at about 8 p.m. Cawker failed to stop before going out into the intersection and was hit on the left side by the Bridger car. - . Cawker 'admitted to the magistrate] that he failed to see the stop sign.|> The magistrate said the honesty of the accused was "refreshing". " Ont. Plowmen Do Columbia = > > > Two Ontario plowing champions finished first and second in two se- parate contests at the annual Chilli: wack Plowing Match in Chilliwack, B. G; March 30. = Hugh Baird of Blackwater, Dikario, 1954 winner of the Esso tractor class at the International Plowing Match at Breslau, Ontario, last October, captured first prize in Chilliwack's open tractor class 'and also won a trophy for the best plowing of the day. Norman Jarvis of 'Markham, Ont., who won the 1954 Esso horse champ- ionship at Breslau, finished second in the Chilliwack open horse class, just one point behind the winner, The Ontario men visited Chilliwack during a western tour provided for them as part of. their championship prizes. The trip, sponsored by Im- perial Oil Limited, also took them on sightseeing tours of Vanéouver, Van- couver Island, Edmonton, and Port- age la Prairie. F. A. Lashley, sec- retary-manager of the Ontario Plow- men's Association, accompanied the «for n plowmen. he Council News The executive meeting of the, film council gvas held on March 24 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter. At this meeting we were informed that Mr, Frank Baker of Port Perry has been appointed film inspector for our film council." Mrs. G. Perry was ap- pointed as editor of film notes. We are pleased to welcome the Church of God, in Claremont as a new member, : Qur Film Club Petting was held on March 28 at the home of Mrs. E. @ornutt: Two films were shown. "As Old As The Hills", and "Wind From The West". A social half hour fol- lowed while Mrs. Cornutt served. tea. We are sorry to hear that! Mrs, Va- lentine {s-inthe hospital but hope that she will soon be home. Manchester Credit Union = "The second and fourth Monday in cach month are: bank nights for the Manchester Credit Union, this - Mon- day the 11th of April is noteworthy as it will be the first meeting held at the. home of the new treasurer, Mrs. Fred Lamba of Manchester, Thé Credit Union began operations the latter part"of Noveniber dnd at 'present has $8,000 invested and all but a few hundred of that out on loan. We need more money because we have loans coming up which we wish to fill. Last week we loaned one man money for a tractor but had_to send another farmer to other sources for lack' of funds, so if you would like to buy one any shares in the Manchester Credit Union you will be most wel- come. There'is amazing security for you, each dollar you invest will be worth "three when used the credit union way, we invite you to investi- gate this new co-operative started by 1the--~Federation- of Agriculture and available to everyone within a ten mile radius of Manchester, . Mrs, Al- len Walsh of Scugog street Port Perry will help the folks fn town with In- formation and leaflets available at the Star office: The Manchester people are starts ing a new group under the Ontario County Co- operative Medical Services and if you are interested in prepaid hospital and surgery bills there is an opportunity to get coverage immedi- ately. $28 provides hospitalization for the parents and children under 18 years with an extra $2.00 for catas- trophe coverage, $30 a year pays your doctor for maternity, surgery and ac- cident care, single plans are half the family cost, but for all the details ask Miss Johns at Manchester. This is another service provided for all the people of Ontario County by the Fed- eration of Agriculture. I, Granddad's old brace-and-bit Vian Forest, north Toronto, MODERN WRINKLE IN THE MAPLE BUSH ol pki "ly hots Power replaces g trees, at maple syrup time near ' 1 lin withdrew. Rev. G. K, McMillan, was inducted into the Charge of St. Lambert, Que., United Church, recently, Rev. J, W. Patterson, Chairman of 'Montreal Presbytery United Church, conducted the service. He was assisted by Rev. N..A/ "McMurray, D.D., Rev. R. De- Witt Ccott, D.D,, Rev. R. C.' Belbin, Rev, D, N. Grant, Interim Minister. - Rev. Mr, Grant was presented with an oil painting as Interim Minster, during the program following the In- duction. us Rev. G. K. McMillan, is the son of Mrs. McMillan and the late Geo. A. McMillan, was a native of Greenbank Community and attended Port Perry High School. The. citizens of this community wish for Mr, McMillan all success in his new Charge, * Ontario Riding PC's First Broa A anpucity 'crowd last Wednesday In Sunderland elected the first executive 'of the Progressive Conservative As- sociation in the new riding of Ontario. Following a split-up of the boundaries of the only Ontario North and Onthrio South Ridings, a new ridng now known as Ontario Riding has emerged. Its first execitive was named last. Wed. night in the Sunderland Twp. Hall. Members of the new executive are Les. McMullen, of Brock Twp., pres; Stewart McFarlane, of Blackwater, 1st vice-pres.; Mrs. R. W. Pollock, of Ux- bridge, second vice-pres.; T. M. Moore, of 'Whitby, third vice-president; Cam- leron McKenzie, of Beaverton, sec'y- treasurer. Mr. "McMullen, a Farin warden of Ontario County, was named president pro tem-at a preliminary meeting ear- lier this month. At the meeting on Wed. night, he again took the chair to open the meeting and called upon. Reeve Morley Bajn of Scott Township |. to come to the platform to conduct the election of a president. Only two names were put forth, Mr. McMullen and Donald Ruddy, QC, of Whitby.: Mr. Ruddy withdrew in favor of Mr, McMullen, ~ According to the*constitution draft- ed, one vice-president must-be a wo- man, said Mr. McMullen, taking his new office. He then threw the meet- ing open for nominations for vice-pres. Seven names were posted but the first vice-pres., Stewart McFarlane was elected by acclamation when the others withdrew. They were Jos. Shields of Whitby, Mrs. Donald. Ruddy of Whit- by, Malcolm Bailey of Epsom, T. M. Moore, of Whitby, Morley Bain, of Scott Township, and Mike Mulvehill, of Rama Township. Two names were proposed for the office of second vice-president, but Mrs, R. W. Pollock was elected by ace- lamation when Mrs, Jordan, of Brook- T. M. Moore, a loser on the first trials, was. acclaimed third vice-pres. The real contest of the evening shaped up when- the meeting was thrown open for nominations and elec- | "Firat tion of a-secretary-treasurer, name proposed was that of Cameron McKenzie, of Beaverton. Arthur Ro- | bertson, of Whitby, and Jno. L. Sweet- man, of Scugog Township, were also nominated. President McMullen call- ed for a ballot and secret Voting was _| conducted. Before balloting took place, John Howden; of East Whitby, a member of the audience, took exception to the nomfhation of Mr. McKenzie. "Is it all right for the secretary of the ex- .| cutive to be the husband ot &-prospec- tive candidate 7" he asked, Mr. McMullen said he could not an- swer, "It is not. proper," said Mr. Howden, "it will leave a bad feeling." "Vote to suit yourselves," said Mr. Mulvehill, of 'Rama Township. "At the conclusion of the coulbing of ballots by. 'the first and -secand vice- president: Mr," McFarlane reported. that Mr. McKenzie had been elected. All members of the newly elected executive spoke briefly to the 300 or more persons present, thanking them for the honor bestowed upon them. Back row-=-D, McMillan, I, From le1t to right, front row--T, Cawker, Middle vow---@G. Carnochan, J. Carnegie, G. Starkey, Tobin, EF. Beare, J, Cnthan, G, R. Carnegie, J, Me J. Burnett, M. Davidson, "MeMillan, Porter, -. K, Boyd, 5 Arthur, Ro Leach, B. Dowson, 1, Luke: » Whitby's Mayor Harry Jermyn last Thursday night announced -that he would do his utmost to become the first resident of the Town of Whitby to sit in the Ontario Legislature. His firs step, he says, will be to secure the Progressive Conservative nomina- tion for the riding of Ontario, he says, and forecasts a bitter battle with a total of "six candidates seeking the nomination, : Mayor Jermyn, who is now in his fifth-term as mayor of the town, says that as far as he can recall, the town of Whitby has never produced a mem- ber of the Ontario Legislature. This Centenial year, he says, will see Whit- by produce its first member. = His Worship has never sat in either the legislature nor the House of C ommons but for the past eight years has held a seat at the Whithy Council Chamber, attaining the office of mayor for the past two years by acclamation. A school teacher for 15 years in the province, His Worship says that he is 'counting 'on former pupils to help him with the nomination. Mayor Jermyn is at present first vice-president of the South Ontario an office which he will vacate at the first Ontario Riding convention since the town of Whitby, except for Port Whitby, is now in the new riding of Ontario. Nomination meeting has not yet been set but is expected to take place next month in Uxbridge. Other candidates in the runing are Ex-Warden Heber Down, of Brooklin; -Dr.-M. B.-DBymond, 'of Port Perry; Mrs. McKenzie, of Beaverton, Ex- Warden Férguson. Munroe, of Black- water, and Prof. John Baker of Thorah Township. Tubeless Tire In Truck Line for Goodyear Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ce. of Canada has introduced a line of tube- less truck tires to complement its tubeless passenger car tires in 1954, R. C. Berkinshaw, president 'and gen- eral manager, told the annual meeting. "We must remain competitive but we hope this year will be more profit- able," he added, noting an improve- ment in the automotive industry. De- crease in-automotive production last year resulting in lower production of original tire equipment offset other improvements in tire business, A bank overdraft and loan of $2,- 606,866 on the balance sheet at Dec. 31, 1064, is expected to be cleaned up by mid-year, he said. - P, W. Litch- vestment will he required in Canada because of it rapid growth, Progressive Conservative Association, field, chairman, said more capital in-| Whithy' S Mayor Aunounces Intention To Be Candidate - United Church W.A. Mrs. S. N. Griffen, on her return from.a Southern States Holiday, en- tertained the Executive Members of the Port" Perry United Church Wo- | man's Association, on Wednesday af- ternoon, March 30th, at her home. Plans were made to- carry on the work of the Parsonage as the project for this year. Reports were given regarding this undertaking and several other matters were discussed. Twelve members were present. 'At the close of the husiness mect- ing a delightful half- hour. was, Agent socially. The president, Mrs; Griffen; PEI | by Mura. {Ronald Peel served a dainty lunch. CANADIAN LEGION DRAW Keith Hooey of Port Perry was an- | nounced winner of an Eyres Rever- | sible - Blanket on Friday, April 1st. This draw was sponsored by the Port | Perry Branch of the C anadian Legion | for their Building Fund. SAID TO BE "FINEST P Rich blue cloak uf ihe Garte sky are part of the Her Majesty-- ton gonl. The Queen is painted life- Into the distance and behind hey artist was commissioned by the war to make the oil portrait for a fee ~--By Pietro Annlge nt from Central Pin Canadian House League |Finishes Season The Port Pervy Hockey Club's hose lepgue finshed its season last Thurs- {day night at the Arena. The two teams, Leafs and Redwings battled it out with the Leafs coming out on top with a 5 to 1 score, in a sudden { death game.™ i . This-ended a season of hockey for the youngsters of our Community and one whic h was ver y successful i ln every way. T fhe Port Perry Hockey Club Exe- cutive would like at this time to thank all those coaches ahd managers who gave. freely of their time to hélp the voung hockey players and also to the parents of the players who brought their sons, in some cases many miles, to participate in these Saturday morn- 'ing games. Once again we thank | you and trust we will see you again | when another season rolls around. BIEAFS 5 ED WINGS 1 Ist Period-- R. Parry=--2.00 ~D. Morton.17.03 "Penalties--G. Menzide | | | (trip); J. Carnochan (trip). 2nd Period-- 1. Luke (G. Edgar)----1.03 G. Edgar--1.40 G. Edgar (I. Luke)--14.07 Penalties-- W.. OF Tip) [3rd Period-- R. Haynes (W.-Oke)--11. 10 Penalties -- Rus Leach Hin Gi. 1D) Byse (elbow). AINTING" OF QUEEN rand background of light blue splendor of this stirring and latest portrait of 'ered her finest by Ifaiian artist Piertro Anni- size, standing on 'a hill looking out Is a quiet pastoral scene. The shipful Company of Fishmongers of £2,000, ! of. SECOND CHAMPIONS Port: Perry Master Feeds Pee Wees Capture Peterhoro Dist. Championship Master Feeds "Taleo's" Pee Wee's again showed predominant strength in skating and stick handling as they captured the Peterboro District Cham- pionship in Peterboro on Saturday last. The "Taleo's" went through the three game schedule in pro style, scor- ing thirteen goals and only having four scored against them! After the first game of the day® wag played be- tween Peterboro and Havelock, Port found that Peterboro was to be their rivals for. the second game. beaten Peterbovo in Lindsay a week or two before they had no fear of what they could do if they worked hard. In the first period Port: had "[-carisiderable trouble in getting organ- ized 5 the Peterbord team' were check. ing very. close and hard: Near: the end of the first period Port connected for the first goal of the game which seemed to give them the inspiration that they needed for 'they took com- mand of the game and continuedsta blink -the red light to a total of five goals and only allowing one to he scored against them. At the final whistle the score board read Port Perry b, Peterhoro 1. After a short rest the local lads took on. Lindsay for their second game of the day. Although the score was not as high as the first game, we feel that they had more opposition in the first with Peterborugh. The Port lads looked like veal champions in this game as'they did in all three contests. They took command from the first whistle and by the final gong Lind- say knew that they had been in a game of hockey and I must say that they were not very good losers. ) rion managed to score two goals during the three periods but the Port champs put on a display that managed to go them two better and "counted four. Lindsay it has been learned are -also going to Goderich for the Young Can- ada Tournament and have signed two players from Apsley. From this I Youngsters in their population of fif- teen thousand. In the third game Port mot the fast skating Apsley team but had little trouble in slowing them down. Port seemed to be tiring a little in the 1st period but they soon regained thelr [am* out skate the tune Apsley crew to the of four to one, This Vivtory rave the Port Lads 2 championships this year and a total twelve games undefeated. A ye- {cord that: they and the people of Port | Pevry and district can be very proud of The local boys go to Goderich next A week for the Young Canada Tourna- | me TT fn your financial support 1s | urgently needed to help pay their ex- | penses. Any donations may be left with Mr. 'Donald Carnegie at Carne- gie's Hardware Store. They have put Port Perry on the hockey map this ig year so let's "show them that we are behind them 100¢,. Lots of luck in * Goderich "Taleo's." : Goals Ass'ts. Pris, UD McMillan od 3 7 R. Carnegie ......... 3 3 6 F. Beave .............. 4 1 4] J. Burnett... 1 1 2 CL MeMillan 1 I. Luke . , 1 1 B. Dowson aR | | i : - ert | Totaly... 13 10 23 72 Goals For Against | Port Perry cocoon 1 4 | Notice eR f Any "person wishing to make a «donation to the'Pee- Wee Hockey Cluh to help pay expenses when they tra- vel to Goderich in the Easter Holi- days for the Young Canada Week Tournament, may do so by leaving -it with Mr. Donald Carnegle at Carno- gies' Hardware Store. Your support is urgently needed. ' Having - LEE presume thatthe 're can't be too mhny © ceond wind and went on to out score - £

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