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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Apr 1955, p. 7

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mes TT Nr Sint TT [3 nell am EE, Seagraye (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Welter Edgar and son Garry of Oshawa were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Don Crosier of Scugog - were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mra. Glen Wanamaker, Mr. ind Mrs. Carl Boe of Hiints- ville visited with Mr. and Mrs. O. Boe for the holidays. ; Miss Shirley Robinson and Miss Syl- ~via Wood of Toronto Teacher's Col- lege were at Seagrave School with Mr.-Venner this week, : On Sunday evening the W.A. put on a film entitled "Ye are .the Salt of the Earth". Produced by the Lu- theran film service. The crowd was not too good due to the road condition. Mr.-and Mrs, A. Bruce and Mar- jorie accompanied Mrs, Bruce of White Oaks Sask. who has been' visiting them, to Acton on Sunday. " On Wed, The W.M,S. held a quilt- ing in the 8.8. room where 6 quilts . were quilted and made ready to be gent in the bale to Korea. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Tristram and fa- mily and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mark spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Eagleson, The W. A. was held in the Sunday School room with a fair attendance due to bad roads. The meeting -was in charge of don .South Group, - Hymn 86 was sung. Bible reading 'was taken from 24th Chapter of Luke, first 11 verses was read by Mrs. Butt. Prayer was given by Mrs. Clements. The Toplc was taken by Mrs. Alvin Bruce, "An Eas- ter Message from the United Church", A reading on Easter was given by Mrs. Butt, Hymn 97 was sung and this part of the meeting' closed. The president, Mrs, Wanamaker took the chair. 20 members. The minutes were read and Roll Call taken with some | ment Hill at Ottawa to continue the A discussion on'a paper REPORT FROM By Michael Starr, M.P,, Ont. Riding. The Easter Hecess for the Members of Parliament has ended and they are gradually re-assembling on Parlia- work of Parliament where 'they left salvage, about plays, and the making off prior to Easter. of a box to hold silver ware, took place, "$10 was. donated to the sick box cothmittee and arrangements made for the film put on by the W.A: on The meeting. closed with theine song and prayer. A dainty lunch was served by the south group Sunday night. and a social time spent. On Thurs, night the W.A. present- ed their plays entitled, "No Man in the House" and "Thursday at Home" to Bonnie Foster and Linda' Clements of Greenbank sang "Wide Open Spaces and "Davie Mrs, Billingham gave two almost a full house, Crockett". gules "When-Grandma was'a girl" nd "When. Sister Spects Her Beau". Maureen Tobin sang "The Ugly Duck- ling" and "Six Little Ducks", Morley Bruce gave 2 readings entited "The Snoring Husband" and "The World is Mine". After the "Queen" was 'sung en brought a very enjoyable and profit- able evening to a. close, all the cast their husbands and families were in- vited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wanamaker where she had ready a very lovely and hountiful Jupch which everyone enjoyed, OO EON TEN LS OTE MOC CN TL ' ~~ LOOK A BRAND NEW 'ESSO One that You Can t Afford to Miss DEAL - OR THE FIRST TIME i ESSO OIL FURNACES and . OIL BURNERS COMPLETELY INSTALLED _ WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS FIVE YEARS TO PAY 10% DOW ~ GUARANTEED OIL and SERVICE ON CONTRACT By IMPERIAL OIL " MOSIER SHEET METAL (24 Hour Service) 21 CHURCH ST. * Phones--Office 5.2734 OSHAWA, ONT. - Res. 65-2761 The first major debate will be. the debate on the Budget and in my opin. fon this debate will not he of long duration. The reaction of the general public was one of surprise and to some extent a pleasant one, even though it is felt that the reductions were prob- ably not as much as they should have been. The 'automobile dealers in Canada are quite disappointed in the fact that the reduction in the automobile excise tax was not applicable to them and these dealers who had large stocks on hand were forced to take a loss. Re- »| presentations are now being made by the Association of Automobile Dealers for teconsideration on this tax so far as they arle concerned but we have al- ready been assured by the Minister of National Revenue that no consider- ation in this regard will be given. The weather in Ottawa is getting warmer every day and it is a pleasant sight to see the green grass and the crocuses in bloom. A Return tabled 'a short time ago from the Department of Agriculture shows a Government loss of $63,642 in 1052, and an estimated loss of $700, 000 for 1054 in supporting the price of eggs hy the Prices Suppart Board. 'The Government has paved the way for legislation to lower the pension- able age limit for Canada's blind to 18 years, fsom 21, and to increase the permissible pir under which they qualify for pensions. The Resolution, to be followed-by a Bill, was welcomed by spokesmen of all Parties in the Commons, although -some said. the pensionable age should be sixteen years, so that blind teenagers "could begin collecting pensions: when thelr parents could no longer claim family allowances for them. Besides lower- ing the blind pensionable age to 18, 'the measure boosts by $120 a year the pension payments in all categories. This will increase permissible in- comes for single persons without de- pendents to $960 a year from $840; for single persons with dependents to !] $1160 from $1040. For married per- sons where one is blind, tq $1560 from $1320, and for married persons where hoth are blind to $1680 from $1440. The pensions are included in the in- come ceilings. The changes will in- PARLIAMENT crease the Federal blind persons pen- sion bill by about $u50, 000, to some $4,260,000. The Canadian National Institute for the Blind had recommended 18 as the pensionable age and also had urged permissible income to he yaised "to $2000 for married and $1000 for single persons. It had asked a gulding al- lowance of $10 a month. ; Never before in the history of Par- liament have so many committees been tting at one time as there are during the present Session, This is a new experiment which is supposed to help in expediting the. business of the House. To my mind it is a very good one because it gives a closer secutiny of .the Department under consldera- tion as well as of its expenditures for the coming year. It also affords those Members serving on these committees an opportunity to learn how that par- ticular Departnient functions and to question and criticize the methods used. - ) In a recent Dominion Bureau of Statistics Weekly "Bulletin informa- tion is given that 79% fewer new pas- senger cars Jind. one- "third fower new commercial 'vehicles were sold by automotive dealers this February but March production was up- 119 over last year to the highest level since the , spring of 1953. 'The spring pig crop is now expected be 219 larger than last year with pected to farrow. Nine-city stocks of creamery but- ter cheddar cheese and cold storage at the start of "April. Production of wheat flour was higher and exports lower than the Ei vear in the first seven months of the current crop year. Sd The announcement has been made that Canada has acquired u site on 5th Avenue in New York City for the pro- posed Canada House. The site is In the heart of the midtown' shopping district and a few blocks north of Rockefeller Centre, Canada House is planned to be a centre for Canadlan business firms and other Canadian or- ganizations, ~~More than a score of Canadians have pledged $100,000 each to finance the project. It is hoped that the npw building will be vom- pleted hy December, 1966. Sponsors of the project, incorporated as Canada House New York Limited, will meet in Toronto this month to decide which plan will be adopted. (Blackstock increases of 179% in the east and 269 | in_the west in the number of sows ex- eggs were larger than a year eaylier! THE PORT PERRY EIST raha ey aad a STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1958-7 Wo-He.Lo Mission Band met at the home of Mrs, Cecil Hill Thursday with twenty-two children and two leaders present. Pres. Lorraine Dayes opén- ed, with a poem. We sang Jesus Loves even me and repeated the Mjs- sion Band Purpose. . Mrs. Hill gave the worship talk and Jim Dayes, Anne Gibson, Donna McLaughlin, and Syl. via Lawrence read prayers. Rose- mary Lubson tdok the offering. and Marjorie Stewart said the offertory prayer. Gail Hughes read Easter Lily. "Jill Saywell recited Little Tree, Doris Griffin played a piano solo. Mus. |. Taylor told the story--Holes in the Road. Hymn Jesus Friend and the Benediction closed the meeting. The April meeting of-the W. A, of St. John's Church was held. in the. Parish Hall on Thursday whieh the President presiding and fifteen mem- bers and three visitors present, Dur- ing the devotional a tribute was paid to the late Miss Cartwright of Tor- onto and two minutes silence observed in memony of Mrs. V. Archer, a fine | member loved by all. The president welcomed back Mrs. A. Balley and Mrs. Langfeld after their winter's holideg in Florida. The Dorcas Sec'y Mrs. J. Hamilton report- ed the Indian Girl Outfit plus extras had been sent, also a fine bale for the Arctic. Mra. Nicholson - reported for the last t Diocesan Board meeting. During the month one card of Good Wishes; one baby congratulations, five get-well,. two of sympathy and one birthday were sent and expressions of thanks read from those who had re- ceived them. It was decided to an- swer the roll next month with an ar- ticle for the bazaar to be held on An- glican Day July 1st. A motion was _made_ that a word of encouragement be sent tothe G. A. Girls wha did such fine work in winning thelr badges with honors. The Study book chapter "Education for Citizenship" was taken by Mrs, Langfeld. "The members were happy to hear Miss Hall was pleased with her work in Moose Factory and enjoying 'it very much. 'After sing- ing the "Queen" in recognition of the Queen's Birthday, the Rector pro- nounced the benediction and lunch was served by group one. Rev. C. W. Hutton has been award- ed a scholarship to study for five weeks during the summer at Garett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Illinois. The Garrett symmer course is an n- terdengminational school for Rural Leaders, Staff members are chosen from varfous U..S. schools and col- leges to give ¢biftses in Church Ad- ministration, the church in the com- munity and Rural Socioldgy. Mr. Hut- ton {8s one.of five ministers from the . TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS FISH x MEAT % POULTRY CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING" York Frosted Foods CAWKER BROS. "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" PORT PERRY Vigor Oil Co. Ltd. FUEL OIL ad STOVE. oI' +. StoveOil 198 cents per gal. Fuel 0il 16% cents per gal. FOR DELIVERY PHONE Oshawa 85-1109 VALUE o. Hosp GENERAL MOTORS | like a dream Oldamohile gives. yourself today-- makes all your '§ yo F&F fed 4 EL / 1/4 It looks like a dream but more people than ever before are enjoying the realities of pleasure that ewning an ~ Inside and ont. thanewest new ideas on wheels. Power, color, styling, comfort--you'll find that Oldsmobile gives far more of these than any other car on the road. prove to yourself that Oldsmobile - ey motoring : United Church of Canada chosen by the Board of Home Missions to take the eourse this year. The members of the United Church here and in fact the community are very happy to learn of this honor for Mr. Hutton. Mr» Ted Archer, Lindsay and Mr. Elmo Archer, Janetville visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Archer and Mr. Diver Sunday, . Mr, and Mra: Jno. Waldon, Morley and Debbie, Toronto, visited Mrs, Tom and Mr. Jack Smith Sunday. Mrs, "Doreen Smith, Fenelon Falls has spent the past week with Murs. J Smith, Mr. Oscar Edwards, Toronto atten ded Mr. Tom Smith's funeral last Monday and visited Mrs, Geo. Craw ford and Myr, and Mrs, Wes. Pearce on Sunday, They entertained Mr. and Mys, Archie Newton, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Newton and Mrs. Petch of Toronto. Rev. Merrill Ferguson is spending a couple of days with the Roy Fergu- son's; Cecil Hill's and other frjends. He leaves-for Africa on May 2h. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. L. Wright on the birth of a daughter in Port Perry hospital Thursday. Sympathy 4s extended to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Saywell 'on the passing of her father, Mr, Burke in Oshawa Hospital Friday. Mr. .and Mrs. Hale, Toronto have purchased the property" of the late Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hooey. - The two ladies Bowling teams---the | Bowmanville, at Mr Kitty Hawks and the Mustangs at- | [ . "a A J * " ge wees HAVE OIL ON HAND - OONT LET SPRING FOOL YOU. -- -- dm up So 5 GD St 2 4 2 A BA S20 4D | 2 Zev FUER (IDS | Fa IT HAS SOME DAYS. < THAT CHILLAND COOLYOU ) (Fuel for hility or economy. Fuel Oil supply NOW. ---- A re At A. tlh en Ae o/h eith like a "dream rides is new wrth all Try onel dreanis come true. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO TRY A NEW OLDSMOBILE SOON. PHONE YOUR LOCAL DEALER a --_-------------- --" ----------------_--~-- oLD ol MOE LE tended the banquet in the Scout. Hall, Port Perry Friday night and the gents who have been bowling in. Bowman- ville this winter attendpd their ban- quet there Friday tight also. _ Miss Ruth Marlow; Toropto, Miss Clara Marlow, Leask, Tauton with My. and Mrs. W. Marlow for the weck-end. Mr. McConnell, Brighton, represen. tative of Ont. Temperance Federation gave a splendid address in the United ( HT h Sunday event } Most of the Young pe AT the Y:P.U, banquet and Saturday night and the attenlfed Hite NE ainment services Sun- day at Solin' in connection with the Annual Y.P.U. Spring convention. Our Young People won the attendance banner. Rev. June Done, Five Oaks, was the theme spiaker and all enjoy- ed her messages. Mr.: and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and family attended the convention in El- dad 'Sunday and visited Mr. and Mus. E. Taylor. Mrd. Tra Avgue is visiting her daughter Mrs: Cecil Hyde and family, Toronto. Mrs, Geo. Wolfe and Mrs, attended the Tuesday lun- cheon of Toronto Women's Press Club, Mrs. Osgear Graham spent a day last week with Mrs. Harry Graham and Verna, Toronto, Myr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham and Mrs, Edna Gibson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mus, Rupt. Graham and girls, and Mrs. Chas. Beacoek Graham' 8, ( ndings, 7 pH » # oF EE SE ou Can't Top Our Quality efficiency, dependa- : Order your Phone 289 DE) Se re a np --- ----- * Phone " "BRYDEN MOTORS ~ PORT PERRY Richmond and 'Mr. E.' Austin

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