oO wh > A AT FRAT, UH SAE ii ORB 3: ca oa Ame Blackstock Forty-three persons from Cart- wright attended the Durham Quarter Century Honor Banquet in Newcastle on Wednesday night. A large crowd atterided the S boves for Mr, and: Mrs, Glen VanCanip in the Recyeation Hall, Saturday night. Myr, Neil Bailey was chairman and a - fine programme 'was given. The * young "couple received a great many _useful gifts. + A bounteous lunch was © 'served and a short time of dancing. Glad to see Mrs, Robert Ford, Sr. . back to our village after speiiding the winter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ford, Jr. and Roberta brought her home on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. "W. D. Ferguton and Gary and Mr, and Mrs, Williard Spen- cer of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Collins and son Bruce. The Y.P.U."presented their one act play "Miss. Personality Plus" in the Drama Festival at Hampton, Friday night and won second prize. Port Perry Y.P.U, won first. Mr. and Mi$. Neil Rainey and Miss Arlene, of Orono, spent Sunday with . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer and Glen. There are two Peterboro Normal School students teaching in. dur Cart- wright Central School this week in Mrs, John Venning's room. Mrs, Cecil Hamilton and Mis. Gor- don Wilson, Port Perry, spent Wed- _nesday with their parents: Mr, and Mus. Creighton Devitt, in Bowman- ville. His friends will be glad to learn Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Reynclds and son and Mrs, M. Franks, of Peterboro|] spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Les. Mountjoy. Mr.. and Mrs. Lorne Bradburn visit- ed his mother, Mrs, Wes, Bradburn and other friends on Sunday. Miss Eva English has gone to spend the summer with her brother Mr. M. English at the farm, fap -Mr, Jaek Hooey, Miss Doreen Smith, Mra, Tom Smith and Mr, Jack Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pascoe, Solinaj on" Sunday, then Miss Doreen Smith-réturned to Fenelon Falls with Mr. Hooey after spending two weeks with Mrs. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Whitfield and Evelyn spent Sunday with Mr, - and Mrs. Gordon Cathcart, Toronto." Mrs, Ed. Darcy spent Sunday with Mrs. Ira Argue and Mr, and Mrs. Tom Hoidge. Rev. George and Mrs. Nicholson are in Toronto this week attending the an- nual meeting of the Women's Aux- iliary. A short course in cooking is 'being held in the Recreation Centre, Monday, and Tuesday of this week, sponsored by the W.I. Re-opening services of tie United Church are to be held on Sunday, May 8th, The church has been all re- lage to-day (Mondsy) where they will built besilde it. nagan and family from West Hill, who are moving into the (garl Wright farm. attended ome session of the Branch | went down with Rev. Merrill Ferguson ive until they can get their new house We welcome Mr. and Mrs. John Car- Mrs. Roy Taylor and Mrs, Cecil Hill W.M.8. in Lindsay Wednesday. They who spoke at the meeting. Miss Pearl Wright, Toronto, was 'home for the week-end. .. - The April 'meeting of 'the W.A. of | the United Church, met Atte home of Mrs, Ernest. Larmer' First Vice: President, Mrs, Clarence Marlow, was in the chair. Roll Call was answered with exchange of seeds or- slips of plants by fifteen members present. Mrs. Hector. Shortridge (President) gave the devotional chapter of Solo- mon, Several "thank you" notes for fruit were read. The Treasurer, Mrs. Russell 'Mountjoy, gave the financial statement. The W. A. have spent $1247 to date on the church renova- tion, The members were asked to save Quaker box tops to go towards more church silverware. Arrangement were made for a so- cial get-to-gether following the even- ing service, 'May 8th of the church re-opening. Several ladies offered to decorated and many improvements made. The guest speaker at the am, service will be the Rev. Stanley Os- borne, Ontavio Ladies' College, and at 7.80 p.m,, Rev, H, C. Wolfraim, Presi- dent of the Bay of Quinte Conference. A cordial welcome is extended to all. Mr. and; Mrs. Carl Wright are mov- that Creighton is better again. ing. into a. Fred Trewin's in the vil- ESSO dies) Se ee LOOK A BRAND NEW One that You Can't Afford to Miss DEAL || FOR THE FIRST TIME 10% DOV ESSO OIL FURNACES and OIL BURNERS COMPLETELY INSTALLED. WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS FIVE YEARS TO PAY GUARANTEED OIL and SERVICE ON CONTRACT "By IMPERIAL OIL $3 oe (24. Hour 21 CHURCH ST. = Phones--Office 56-2734 MOSIER SHEET METAL Service) OSHAWA, ONT. Res. 5-2751 --- PORT PERRY "TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS FISH % MEAT * POULTRY CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING | York Frosted Foods C A W K ER BROS. "THE Pali BUTCHER" PHONE 20 of Oshawa Vigor 0il Co. Ltd. FLL wa OIL © Stove 0il 19,5cents per gal. / Fuel Oil 16% cents per gal. FOR DELIVERY PHONE 5-1109 ) | Hampton, on Sunday. help clean and wax the new linoleum floor in the church. Mrs. Neil Werry did a fine job of typing the W.A, programmes and will be given a token of appreciation, Mrs. W. Archer was in charge of the pro- gramme, Mrs, Russell "Mountjoy gave a splendid paper on "The "United Church Training School" Mrs. Archer read "Little Boys Pockets", Mrs. Roy} McLaughlin conducted two contests. A social "half hour and lunch was en- joyed. Next meeting at the home of Mrs, Harold Kyte. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Dorrell visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson, at Ashburn (Too late for last week) The April meeting of the Ladies Bible Class was held at the home of Mrs, A. Reynolds, with the president Mrs. A, Fisher, occupying the chair. Following the reading of"a short poem, everyone joined in the singing 'of 'Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone?' The scripture lesson, Mathew 20, was read by Mrs, A, Paynter and Mrs, Sparks led in. prayer. Letters of thanks and appreciation. were read from Mrf and Mrs. A, Deeming, Mrs. M. Sandison. Mrs? Earl, and Mrs, C. half of the Bryant family for flowers and cards sent during their recent sad 'bereavement, . Mrs. Wm. Hopkins, Mrs. A. Dean and 'Mrs. A. Reynolds were appointed us the visiting committee for the en- suing month, "The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gordon McDonald, of Woodville and Mrs. R. Batten and Mrs. F. Daw were appointed as the program committee, Mrs. IR. Richardson took charge of the program which consistéd of the following numbers -- a piano instru- 'mental, "Amaryllis", by Helen: Rout- ley. Mrs. W. Routley gave a read- ing, "Easter Lillies". Mrs. Richard- son introduced the guest speaker, Miss C. Simpson of Brooklin who gave a very interesting talk on "Easter", and what it should mean to us. On behalf of the members, Miss Glenys Stephen extended to Miss Simpson a sincere vote of thanks and presented to her a bouquet of snap- preciation, * Mrs. Bath favoured with two piano solos, "Bless This House", and "You'll Never Walk Alone". Mra. Richardson extended a vote of thanks to Mrs, Reynolds for her kind RT OTTO Tn Home Builder's Night School Course sponsored by. the Oshawa Business College commencing TUESDAY, MAY 10th, and continuing EVERY TUESD = FOR FIVE WEEKS, 7.30 to 9.30 P.M. Lectures by Eminent Specialists 'in every field 1 OO AY EVENING Bryant expressed appreciation on be-. 'dragons as a small token of their ap- |' THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY bth, 1958-7 Miss Fern Stephen, of Toronto, spent onto, spent the week-end at the Nokia ang Tuesshy With her parents | Mr. nad Mis, Henry Doble. r. and rs rec ephen. Fon ®ceveral members of W.M.S. at- -Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Ashton visited vera nem ers ol oul V.M.S. at Mr. anid Mrs. Peter Barrie of Stouff. | tended # meeting in Uxbridge on Mon. ville, on Sunday. | day evening last when Miss Margaret Mr, and Mrs. James Doble of For ! Leask was the guest speaker, hospitality and the meeting closed with the singing of hymn "Near the Cross", and the Mizpah Benediction repeated in unison, The members enjoyed a social time togethér anda very dainty lunch was 'served by the refreshment committee. home . a aS EI STARTING THIS - SUNDAY, MAY 8th When you call - Your friends in OSHAWA . .. g PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ALL " OSHAWA NUMBERS "Will Start with: RAndolph 3 ~~ Ea <5 RAndolph 5- or "RAndolph 8 With the introduction of the new 2-lotser, b-figure type numbers in OSHAWA, all telephone numbers will be changed as shown in your new telephone book. - After you have-looked up the new nimbier : of your friends and business associates in OSHAWA be sure to jot them down. If you "need a new Blue Book of Telephone Numbews - phone or ask at our Business Office for a copy in regular or pocket size. It's FREI! - This new numbering system is gradually being introduced all over the continent. It enables long Distance operators to dial numbers in more and more out-of-town places, providing faster, more efficient Long Distance service. J. W. LOWRY, Manager. HANDY EXTENSION TELEPHONES are now available, 8ave time and steps ---- just call our Bus iness Office for a "prompt installation. Now... theall-new' 55 DODG brings big-car size and style to the low- Jow-price fi The Course is designed to assist those who plan iY a BE THE BEL L TELEPH ON EC OM PA NY OF CAN ADA = build a home. Le . Register NOW. Dial 5-3375 for complete details. ene : STO OL La nk aes 1 Ih 55.108-FS -- 3 x 133 " 7 ° s oo - v 3 AGA RI Big new POWER choke! Two big new o's, new V-8 2 MMM iM [TTT HMMM ABV MM HMA [To] [TTT a = x . firs mmm ¥ SEE HE DARING NEW DODGE WITH MOTION: DESIGN . FOR THE FORWARD LOOK. 'es a YOUR booge: DE SOTO DEALER'S NOW ~ Th new Dodge is actually ONE FOOT LONGER than its fargest selling competitor! Bik LENGTH Dodge for '65 is by far the biggest car in the low-price field! It's 12 inches longer overall than its leading competitor, and 9 inches longer than another. In fact, the big ngw Dodge is even longer and roomier than many automobiles costing hundreds of dollars more! hood. IBEARE PHONK 338 BIG-CAR STYLE You'll be proud. a sit back, of the im ressively lon, front end with glistening chrome - around the twin arches of its divided grille. You'll enjoy & commanding view through the windshield that (ruly wraps "around at top as well ag bottom, BIG-CAR COMFORT Dodge rides like the big car it is! Wider front tread, wider rear springs, and longer wheelbase contribute to your riding comfort, .Dodgeinteriors are extra roomy, - and they awe delightfully deco- rated in new colour-coordfnated fabrics and trim. tr ouw"ll like the fu bo : . Dodge swept-back --- MOTORS LIMITED PORT PERRY SS NR rn ne nh, 55 Eg, Baie gh Dn LR P| a 4 rh 33 oo ale a ' Tae v y ie fie' Hp nie a ES RE 0 a hs roa UL SLMS 0 JHE NEED 0 0, BL i oe en ro - TTR ' am i dT € { « ' i' vi LI