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Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Sep 1955, p. 4

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oo ot Ws PEA - ------for cards, fruit and kindness shown training at " Nursing. 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1956 ets. LOCAL Mrs. R. Davis who has recently beer with her parents, Mr. and /Mrs. R, W. arrived safely at her home in Vene- | zulla, S.A. Mrs. L. G. Hall is baek in Perry after a pleasant holiday wit} friends and rejatives in, Western Can- ho and U.S.A. Weare sorry to report that Mr. E. Sulman underwent a delicate opera- tion in St, Michael's Hospital, onto. well as can be expected. Little Miss Joyce Druean, Perry, had the misfortune to fall from her bicycle and suffered. a compound fracture of her arm. « Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Ivon Spencer, Green- bank, announce the engfigement of their daughter, Barbara Eleanor, to Norman W. Budd, of-Port Hope. The marriage to take place in Greenbank United Church at 4 p.m. on Sept. 10th. Birth NICHOLLS--Lawrence and Eleanor Nicholls (nee DeNure) are happy to announce the arrival of their daugh- ter on Sunday, August 28th, 1955, at the Oshawa' General Hospital. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank all my friends and "neighbours and especially Rev. Wylie, for the many acts of kindness shown me while T was in hospital. i A. Shunk. 1 would like to take this opportun- ity to thank my many. friends aml neighbours, Rev. Mr, Wylie, Drs. Kan- del, Arnup and Service, nurses and staff of Port Perry Community Me- morial Hospital and Lindsay Hospital during my recent illness. i Mac MacMillan, Jr Scugog Miss Muriel Lamont spent a few Port | Tor- He is reported to be doing as Port ~ EWS THE CHURCHES Brigham, for a couple of months, has | Seagrave Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, MacTaggart's were Mr. and Mrs, Bruce French and Chris and Mrs, Art Moase, all of Toronto, also Mrs. Henry Freeborn of Hamil- ST. JOHN'S. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH by Minister--Rev. B. D. Armstrong, 1! ©. B.A, DD. Sunday, Sept. 4th-- Sunday School. -Morning Worship, 10 am;-- | 11 a.m. ton. + Mr. and Mrs, Lorne McKay of Agin. court, Mr. Cliff Dunn of Toronto, also Miss Nellie Saxtor of Toronto were Saturday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Morley Bruce, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Wanamaker were week-end" visitors at Midland with Mr. and Mrs, Vasey. Rev. R. H. WYLIE, B.A., Minister Sunday, Sept. 4th-- 10 a.n.--Sunday School IT a.m.--"Wheére Do You Come In? No evening service PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 'Mr. 'and Mrs. Howard Billingham and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Moon. Little Miss Peggy Foster spent a few days with Carol Butt, Miss June Billingham of Toronto is spending a holiday with her mother "» CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Rev. K. W. Scott, L.Th., Rector Sunday, Sept. 4th, 1955-- 11.00 a.m.---Holy Communion Sunday School opens 11 a.m. Sept. 1 Mrs. Cora Billingham. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Boe spent a day or two at Huntsville with their son Carl and' Mrs, 'Boe. Mrs. Coutch is spending, a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Orchard in Orillia. A couple of car loads of ladies mo- 1] tored to Whitby one night last week where Miss Willows and Miss Coultes Pastor--David J. Sunday, Sept, 4th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m. --Worship Service 7.30 p.m.- ~Bvening Service. Wed., 8 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting. Fri, 8 p.m.--Young Peoples, Toews PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH have been at Camp-.and heard the very fine speaker Mrs. De Katch of New York. She was certainly well worth hearing. On Monday evening thé North group of the W.A, put on a very fine display of pictures down at Wal-Mur' Park. The place was lit by a huge PENTECOSTAL CHURCH i i Sunday, Sept. 4th-- Morning Worship at 11 a.m. Evening Service at 7 p.m. EVERYONE 'WELCOME Pastor, Hoya Faulkner. bon fire while the children played on :swings and teetors. The older folk sang songs till it was dark enough to , but on the pictures, after which every- J one enjoyed a feed of. corn on the cob and weiners and buns, coffee and freshie, On Thursday evening the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Stewart Hall of Zion with 4 good turn-out of Baking Sale at 3 o'clock in the, lake front park, Port Perry. Penny Draw Prizes Hospital Auxiliary | - sponsored by the will be on display at the Fair Grounds, Monday, Sept. 5th. Tickets will be days last week in Toronin visiting her grandparents Mr, & Mrs. W. Knowles. Miss Patricia Aldred spent a week in Oshawa with her grandparents Mr. and-Mrs. E. Pearson. Mrs. Neil Lamont and family drove to Toronto on Tuesday to spend the day at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion. Miss Sondra James leaves at the be- ginning of next week to begin her sold at 26 for 25c. The draw will be made Oct. 1st at the Public Library. A well Wanaged bush lot will in- crease in value and provide wood and tmber for this and future generations. It will help maintain water levels and help prevent floods which carry much valuable top soil down the rivers. Plant trees where land is otherwise the Oshawa School of . Best of Luck Sondra on vour big venture, Grace Church. W.A. ladies are re- ~minded of their monthly meeting next lying in waste. The Pulp and Paper Research In- stitute of Canada is recognized as one Wednesday--Don't forget your snap- shots for the "youth contest". ledge on woo, on pulp, and on paper, of the chief centers of world know- PORT PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL ANNOUNCING respective classrooms at 9 a.m. Kindergarten-Primary pupi Two at 1:30. a CE (Sh SD |) Sa --- .- SCHOOL OPENING Tuesday, Seplember bth Grades I to VIII will assemble for registration in their -arrangement made last-June--Group One at-9 am.; Group™ NOTE-- Beginners who have moved to Port Perry since June 29th, in order to register must be five. years of age by the Opening School Day in September. D.C. MacMASTER, © R. H .CORNISH, Chairman of the Board. Principal. ls will assemble according to AYLMER CATSUP Prince Albert Week-End SPECIALS, September 2-3 EL IN TAR LL 2c, SHREDDED WHEAT ....... Perris ET Sl IE SO oo 16¢. DATES, 1 Ib, package ................... ait bine ATR, 18¢. RED ROSE TEA; V2'8 coioivoiiiieoes eee eeoe eee Gde. YORK KIRN ¢ COIN, L407. coors inprsivssssioonis 18c. - YORK PEAS and CARROTS, 20 oz. ........... WAIN 1 en 220, Free Delivery of all orders of $2.00 and over DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE Blue Ray Chapter are holding a sale of Home Baking on Friday, Sept. 2nd 36 or more. The meeting was taken by Mrs. McNeil and Mrs. Tate. Hymn Mrs. McNeil and the Scripture was taken by Mrs. Tate. Miss Leona Rey- want me to go dear Lord", after which Mrs, Billingham read. the story from the Study Book. Hymn 2562 closed 'this part of the meeting.' The president Mrs, Bruce took the chair and welcomed cveryone there. Minutes 'were. read and Roll _ called. Collections amounting to $13.72 were taken. Another crib blanket was brought in by a faithful one and dis- cusion -on_ bale and quilts, ete. A' thank-you card from one who had re- ceived help from W.M.S. and discu- sion on chartering a bus to go and hear . Billy Graham in Toronto the later part of September. It was left with Mrs. E, Clements and Mrs. Ja- "cobs to secure names of those who wish to go. Miss, Coultes was called on to say a few words, who gave a brief outline of her work with the Chinese in B.C. Miss Willows then spoke of her work in Newcastle, Alberta and show- UXBRIDGE, ONT Wed. Aug. 31, Thurs, Sept. 1 RITA HAYWORTH, in + Salome TECHNICOLOR A Friday, Sat., Sept. 2 and 3 GENE AUTRY, in On Top of Old Smokey and ROY ROGERS, in Pals of the Bolden West | Sunday Mid-Nite, Sept. 4 Cult of the Cobra Monday-Tues., Sept. 5-6 Ain't Mishehaving Rory Calhoun, Piper Laurie, in TECHNICOLOR Phone 485W Wed.- Thursday, Sept. 7-8 REX REASON, in This Island Earth TECHNICOLOR 241 was sung and prayer given hy | nolds sang a solo "I'll go where you ed some very fine picturés of Banff, also of her church, her home and her people there and the work and effort she is putting up to further. the good she is trying to do. Everyone was certainly glad to see them again, The meeting closed with "Blest be the Tie that binds" and a lovely lunch 3 " | Lotus, on Sunday afternoon.' was served by the Hostess. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds and Mr, and Mrs. W. Martin of Sutton Leona were Sunday visitors of Mr.' "and Mr, Duncan Martin of Sunder- and Mrs. Orchard at Orillia, Leona! lana spent Wednesday with Mr. and remained for a short holiday, Mrs. J. C. MacTaggart. Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Bruce and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, Russel Sparling of Aylmer Ploughman_of Port Perry at-' Meaford spent some time last week tended the annual church service at with Mr. and Mrs. J. MacTaggart. v They all spent Thursday with Mr, Dan MacTaggart at Prince Albert. Mr. and Mrs. W, Keene and family Mr. and Mrs, J, Tobin and family, Mr, and Mrs, Abraham and family, Mr. and Mrs. A, Moon and family were all dn a picnic to Orono Park on Sun- day. ™ . BOOTH DANCE - SEPT. 7th PRIZES ADMISSION 50¢, © 'In Foster Bros. New Pouliry By. , GREENBANK Wed. Evening, Seplember Tth - OLD TYME AND Boh, ui DANCING MONTGOMERY ORCHESTRA, of BROOKLIN NABISCO Shredded Wheat 2-31 ~ BES: FOOD: TT at Red & White BEST BUY ! -- Save 9¢ Black Pe RED & WHITE Instant Coffee Margarine SUPREME PURE oppor 52 29: Rose Brand MN ms : for | ¢ pis BEST BUY ! -- Save 11¢ -- 100s 'RED & WHITE i Jelly I Powders 3.25 (7 FLAVORS) { Purple Lahel BEST BUY ! -- 16-0z. far OGILVIE'S GOLD | CAKE MIX «or 29 McLaren's Bar-B-Q Crown Brand 8 my I TEA "2" ' Tea Bags A fst LAWRENCE SALAD on iw 3 -. AEROXON (RELISH &7 my A Weekend Treat Golden Hour Candies 2.9. 6-19 0 BESTBUY | -- Save gg COILS Johnson's Fame " DYSON'S ike new y 4 3 Sweet PRIDE Bottio ; Gherkins'* 43. BOLOGNA t Swift's Premium -- Large By the Plece Sliced at Lowest Prices Swilts Promium -- Sliced COOKED HAM BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria Bird's Eye Green Peas, 12-o0z. pkg. » No. 1 PEACHES for your canning needs FROZEN FOODS 38e Sum Pep Orange Juice, 6 oz, dn 2 Jor ol LITTLE BRITAIN Bullock's Groceteria PORT PERRY" Dowson's Food Marked ANGELUS ee om : [257 Is Preserving Time | TOILET 2.19 | |e | Emme [SOAP A : ony | Ee EE me | fs Fok 4 5. PICKLING SPICES - Supreme -- 1% | SALT 3 ™ 17- HOP --{ 4 RED & WHITE TODAY and EVERY DAY QUALITY 702 RL ALLS & VEGETABLES | # Golden Ripe -- Firm Fan : ys Bananas 2.0: 35 anands DS. of PICNICS Ib. For a Real Taste Treat las Rolls Popper Squash 2 for 21c \ For Finest Pickling ( | SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- TENDERGROWN __ | 2 lbs. 2 9c | A siverskinOnions CHICKENS b 9 3 Ci SE or bani 69c | basket Ri f Picnic Basket Specials G EE _--_

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