Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Sep 1955, p. 5

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Se 4 FARE SN fY4 # wre --t a - vi. AR 4 Seddide EEE ata 9 - . . . AFTRA CRE THE SSSR ¥ Fass PLE ia NSH Ba ¥ SEFLEME 5 RAE BEERS Se ER SA LEI eo Loload any I " 6 Saw THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1966-5 : #Call G.M. Strike [Stratford Highest |Around Our House = . " . PROFESSIONAL } Port Perr Y Chor al Society # [TWO MEETINGS SCHEDULED For This Tm By Bill and Eileen Lovett : : ify # | A strike vote will be taken by mem-| §t,atford.-- Attendance at the ninth| We've put a cylinder made out of . i bers of Local 222 (UAW- C10) follow-| and final week of this season's Strat- [tar paper around our newly trans- ' INVITES ANYONE INTERESTED IN CHORAL SINGING § [ing special meetings to be held at the o.q Shakespearian. festival was esti-| planted plants, This keeps away cut > '$i. » | OCVI auditorium Thursday at 8 p.m. mated at 1,050-by box offict manager | Worms until the plants are established TO JOIN : 5 [for General Motors of Canada Ltd. Richard Butterfield. and eliminates a second planting or PORT PERRY ARENA . . 2 day shift employees in Oshawa, and The week's figures were. Mighest of | spreading. poison bait, : Contact REV. K. W, SCOTT, Phone 331 5 'again on Friday at 3 xm, for night- the season, with nine instead of the| Bill has installed a beverage rack 4 ii ? shift workers. 3 usual eight. performances, 4 under the kitchen sink to store bleach, "FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER nd 3 av Port Pers 4 "The Yegular No. 222° 'membership Accurate figures for total attend soda, starchbottles, ete. It's so much ; y Ey meeting scheduled for September 1 has | 8nce this season are not yet available, | neater and earier for me to pick out © 9:00 P.M. ; : ; R been postponed until September 8. Mur. Butterfield said." "But he said it is| the bottle I need. 2 i mds iY 2 expected to 'be around the 1250000 No doubt your youngsters, like ours, EY RE SAAC ARAR AA, WILL BRING MEMBERS UP mark, somewhat lower than last sea-g will pick up their share of thorns, MAIN EVENT -- TEAM MATCH TO DATE . son, when 127,000 people attended. prickles or thistles this summer. - A . At the twin special meétings, T. Mec- e stelv: bainle y ; H B S B k ERAS RRARARNR A Goth Vary Et WAN Rrectos i om ple od Ios a) ot romain 1assan ey toney To0KS - st | will bring Local 222 membership up . works is simply to place a piece of ad: 220 POUNDS 180 POUNDS oe Sealed Tenders i to date on negotiations thus far and Shirley herive tape over the offender, pull off and VS. and pitline reasons for the iiike vote. : - . quickly and, presto, it's removed! Hal Vand vke Jack Dennis » The undersigned will receive se led tenders for complete Lene gf hy Bem Hall on| duck Moore arrived home on Wed-1 This hot weather it's difficult to g ¢ sea en er p I or uto Workers' Union Ball ont, q.4ay after spending seven weeks at keep the house cool, unless you're for- 180 vanay 220 POUNDS plumbing installation in tock Community Hall, of two Briony son Sa 3 om, an Cadet camp, Lbebkash. tunate enough to have air condition- : : : s \y Ir -m, -m. longi ions to Mrs. Irene Moore | ing. For cooler sleani . basins, 2 toilets.and tchen sink, with 300 feet water : Congratulations to > 8 ing. For cooler sleeping we place our SPECIAL ATTRACTION ipe and 300 feet soi Tenders received until Saturday / The announcement was made by and Mrs. Murray Coates on their a-|fan at the open window along with a : Pipe ands $4150 : encers voce ved anulwaturday 45s Cliff Pilkey, financial secretary of [Wards at the'Oshawa Fair. Also to the [ow] of jee cubes. . - - " September 10th, 18 H Local 222, 5 Shirley Women's purine for bial Bill says: "A wise woman puts a Baron Vonsieber VS. Gori Mangotich Pamphlets émphasizing the strike |standing. It is quite aw art to gather grain of sugar into everything she H. W. SHORTRIDGE, Blackstock, Phone 86] : Lie i] ou also emphasizing in [and arrange all the various articles, | says to a man, takes a grain of salt I strong terms union charges that GM |and interesting to compete with other | i, everything he says to her." Kl I, I, rnin ane ET TTY MASA RAS AARAARS vivid as redorted to "unfair bar wl ling tac- | organizations. Mrs. Stella Lansing van inenko VS. Es. yman I re ted t a argaining ta 1 } tics","will be circulated throughout the | was in charge of the Oshawa booth, - 240 POUNDS 220 yn Oshawa plant tomorrow. Judy and Danny Andrews, Toronto, yy i oo ~ are holidaying with their grandparents : R R Al d 0 ] d The conciliation report from the | ap, and Mrs. Fenton. L A C R 0 S S E on 0nesco VS, € 0 I an 0 : NOTICE board which sat in Oshawa, July 29,| ny and Ivan Wray and son, Raglan, 175 POUNDS : 182 POUNDS : Te and August 9, must be submitted to Mr. and Mrs. Merle Wray and baby, ; ey Ontario Labor Minister Charles Daley | Whitby, were Sunday visitors with S » Fi 1 General Admission 75c. hinguide - $1. 00 Children 60c. Applicat ill be 4 bv Hil by September 2, thus putting the their parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Wray. emi- na S -- -- - rho pplications wi received by the undersigned up to union in a legal position to strike 7 Sorry to know Russell Wray has o --_-- -- -------- ee and including September 10, 1955, for position of Secrétary- | [days later. weep il all simmer, Hope he gains Huntsville VS Treasurer of the Port Perry Public School Board. It is not' yet known whether copies | his health back soon. ) : ] P Mr. and Mrs. J. Coates, Patsy, Billie . Blue Coal on of the conciliation board report will 3 State experience and salary expected. Duties to com- be available for the special meetings, | 21d Heather were Sunday visitors with : roo mn _ mence October 1st, 1956. "| Mr. and Mus. Billy Poperwick. : ne : #: -- Mrs, Lloyd Short and Ricky, of Port 2 hp , 2 5s : Perry, were Tuesday visitors with h Th d S 1 Lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. RR--H--n------", |; eve: tuesday visitors wich hor urs ay, ep : st 9 9 i ¢ i . ; Mr, Tom Duff, Willowdale, was '8.45 p.m. $ b. 5 er on _ \ : : $96,781 Damages home over the week-end. . . a p DR. D. C. MacMASTER, ainst river Mr. and Mrs. N. Dudar, Rachel and Brooklin Memorial $1.00 per ton Discount if paid in 15 days Chairman. A D - Ricky spent Sunday with Mrs; Du- g : dar's parents at Simcoe, Ont. Arena - $ " This was the recent headline. REESOR FUEL & LUMBER » Suppose you were the driver? : : ADMISSION -- Adults 50e. ta t® : --- . "s 3 > mn -- A ane you have enough Fair Dates Children 15¢; PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE 73 oe Automobile Insurance for Care. Beaverton ....... Sideagins September 16-17 ---- SH ---- Hi ful Dri vers. Blackstock Stress ereessttesiiisnrenn October 7-8 ASSESS E3238 8088 040,30, 0% 2323 BLS; 0,10 1% 0 EE ET A ST Ts ra ats Sra ta atatat 23858, i J . ; Lakefield oven. September 16-17 8 i Mrs. J. Hamer [wf Sevtember 20.24 1 F. W. B ROCK & SO N Hh ne x DI) £2 aly 3 Myrtle, Phone Brooklin 603-21 | Mor oe str lbiny Sr | [I] CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE | Jt Wood Hs + Pts 2 ; : ASSOCIATION Orillia ooo, September 8-10 fa YX od 1 3 i ] ali Yoo Eins J Orono cciiiiniinn. ....September- 9-10 - ; Riv ou are nee e as d Cl1vl lan P ane 3220230220330 2202322023023830234002202343000343) PORT PERRY i... September 3-6 mE 5 oy Lo otter Visit the Ground Observer Sunderland .............. September 13-14% . i & 27 SP i, ' Wife Presenvers TOrONLO "cov ipuisisirmpuriis Aug. 26-Sepl. 10(% Sl Deh VE. . ws Pa 7 Uxbridge ..occccooeeccococooooo. September 28 | ¥ 4 Corps mobile display at the Port SR E48 mo LET I SN rv SET a, & i |. - = ; Snag - . 5 a Perry Fair and find out how you can T Sh Cg 95 | # Ladies' Wool al bon Ag e Shoes $7.95 i 4 "take part in the/air r defence of your 4 and Pullover Sets a SIGNS f $y 'Country. i ROSE and GREEN Homespun Bedsp r eads v; PL LOVER cco, $4.95 S0 x 100, WOVEN F oh Y DAMASK i CARDIGAN o.oo $6.95 DESIGN, ROSE, BLUE, GREE N, I WINE HR AANA I Ag =e Children D | i rd res i Printed Table Cloths x tDUROY, 7 to 12 years, Red, Gold, 52 x 52 in BRIGHT, ATTRACTIVE i i i Turquoise ......ccccovveiviverniionnnnnn, 4.98 COLORINGS $2.15 > 3 i FLANNEL BRUCK FABRIC ~~~ | ~~ COLORINGS 5 # 1-10: 12.Y00Y8 ou.oiiinmmmiismidirees: $3.50 " - " fief i SANFORIZED COTTON Linen Tea Towels, 35¢. ed. i $0 Eg 1 ' " ar Ji i BROADCLOTH ....7 to 12 years, $3.50 PURE IRISH LINEN, 16 x 28 i 6 f 8 pe p EASY i Blouses $2.9 on Dish Cloths, 18c. each 3 Bi ¥ AA hi re MULTI COLORED, 15 x 15 : GEE ; ADCL , 1 : : 3 oA -- Then drive in for a brand-new G - Sh 92 5 d 9 Shi $ 69 3 Eh - 8 3 sot of Canada's Number One Tire ym oes $ | dan $ 25 : Flannel to lrls 1. 4 hos ~= FIRESTONE. t's the safest, longer- " WHITE CANVAS : ix i HE Ls mileage tire built today! [ B 1 A "ww i M } i : A : - + ALC lager, brighter, mere i Colored Canvas Shoes $1.59 | brile Axminster Mats i bx wonderfu] than ever the 1988 Fi restone : 0 GROUND COLORS in ROSE, BLUE, 0 ey CN.E. will dazzle you with MISSES 11 to 2 GREEN, TAN, RED, 27x51, $6.75 x \ its thousands of wonders-- ) AH v ) 36x68, $11.95 SOA WORLDS icGEsT aon | CT CHAMPION 4 Backethall Footwear $2.50 id Si 4 ' LS , RIGGER LIR/ALN EVER 12S YEAR L and industry--the mile of BOYS Dec I M { 4. 95 a2 bo, luge wohivite wird eep oop d S, ~sports for every fan, Fer v the time of your life pla : HEAVY (3 I. COTTON, rubberized pl Fr ei P. F. Foolwear $3.95 back, 30x60, ROSE and BLUE / or Flannelette Blanket Tg ~ ne No. Wh = SA. @: / ID SULIVAN-- Ladies' Loafers $3.95, $4.95 PLAID, 10X90. oi spurns gsid bern $4.95 0 Qi . st RR (I MARILYN Bau IBEX BLANKETS, 70x90, ........ $6.50 AN En 32 MILE MARATHON SWIM \ Say Dguntiesrandutand® pen to "# CANADA'S SPORTS : ; - RENEE SI OT NE 0 VRE JO Lt ; across Lake Ontario spectacle. Ly : HALL OF SAMS bur 4 Oa Kesarvad was $3.6, Chateau Cheese, V3 Ib, oii 31 A NIN The Bréat a rp -- and Ticket GROCERIES Wleenex, Regular or Chubby ........ 2 for 39c. BOR PROVINCES great athletes - ; Office, Exhibition Park, ¢ Relish \ k, 16 11 'A See "Canada's Parade Toronto 28. SPECIAL-- : arn Kensh, new pac D OZs ciiiiiniiiiiineee v AL of Progress" vt Gol > 16 31 Quaker Muffets, Shredded Wheat, 2/31c. wi [ Ty ' :0ld Medal Peanut Butter, 16 oz, ..... : While Mived Plekline Stee peat, joys oa SEE : ; Wagstaff's Raspberry Jam, 24 oz, .....37 aS J Rey doing pice, f.0z. 10x) .) \ AS [4 / h C tion Milk, 16 oz 2 for 25¢. | "Swift's Hamburgers, 11 oz. tin ............ 15e. : ; | arnation 3 Wh ismsiinsvins ae Pillshury's Angel Food Mix 59 rN Jello Pudding Powders CHAIR. SP 3 for 29¢. Jug § 2 WG ' #ULION BOLIAR PARADE Wim ' Graham Wafers .............. ~*~ 31. | PEACHES -.....cii os raster 9c. UR eam 0 $0 a : ] We » ALS] D) \ S 4 0S ¥ y Au, daily fmers aud Livestock wer. i" wit SEE Your Nearest Special Recipe for new dessert PRESERVING SUPPI IES on the Bandshell 4 ories hig 4 aioe it CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Firestone Phone 43 wuxwvey Port Perry | WILLIAM A. HARRIS r HIRAM E, McCALLUM GENERAL MANAGER DEALER BRI PRI ery RAL RS SEE Reisen

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