Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Sep 1955, p. 5

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w= a ae a. nohicd / Ashburn The regular Sunday School and church services were conducted at Brun's Church on Sunday Sept. 18th at 10.30 a.m. .and 7.30 p.m, : Rev.' B. 8. Black, B.A, B.D. of : Chalmers: Presbyterian 'Church, Ux- bridge had charge of the Church ser- vice while Dr. Armstrong had charge of the 116th anniversary service of Quaker Hill Church. Rev. Black chose for his text Thessglonians 6 ver. se 17 "Pray without ceasing", On Sunday evening, Sept, 11th fol- lowing the Church Service, the Y.P. S. met in the basement of the church for their first meeting of the fall sen- son. Kenneth Heron led in a short song service after which Elizabeth Deeming, the president took charge. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. It was announ- ced that the Rally of the Synod would be held at Midland on Thanksgiving week-end, with the theme "Christ Be in You". It was also decided that the members would attend the Billy Graham Rally in Toronto on Thurs- day, Sept. 29th, Douglas Ashton convener of the nominating committee was asked to present the slate of officers for the ensuing year. The following were elected--Honorary President--Dr. B. D.. Armstrong; Ashton; Vice-Pres.--Harry Ash; See! retary--Glenna Bradley; Treasurer-- Arthur Richardson; Worship conven- er--Joy- Bradley; Convener of Mis- _sions--Clyde Playfair; Convener of Evangelism and Stewardship---Peggy Graham; Fellowship Convener--Neil | Johnston; Programme Convener--Eljz, | - Deeming and Grant Parrott Film con- vener. Pianist -- Elizabeth Deeming; Assistant pianists--Helen Routley and Joy Bradley; Song Leader--Kenneth "Heron. President--Douglas | : Mrs. Russell Richardson spent the week-end in Toronto 'With her daugh- ter Miss Ruth 'Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doble, Phillip Doble and Ross Batten attended Sun- derland fair on Wed., Sept. 14th. Mids Vera Leach spent the week- end at the home of Mrg, Charles O' Neill, of Beaverton. ; EY Mrs. J. Jones of Toronto, spent last week with Mrs, Robt. Parrott. . Mr. Win, Hopkins; Mrs. Wes. Rout- ley and Mr. Walter Brown attended the Teacher's Institute of Ont. South at Ajax on Wednesday, Sept. 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Purdy and Mrs. Graham, of Toronto spent last week-end at the home of Miss A. Dowson, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Routley ani daughter Helen attended a pantry- shelf shower held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, James Lake, of Cresswell, The shower was in honour of Jean McElwain, of Lindsay, previous to her marriage to Mr. Norman Swain of Niagara Falls. Help "Safety men are developing anew thought," says the Kitchener-Water- loo _Record in an editorial on safe driving. frre .. To save your life, you not only must improve your own driving meth- ods, sharpen your own skill, increase You 'must find some way to spread these plus factors of highway living to other drivers. . "How Can This Be Done? 3 . . "Good manners and good sports- manship often will breed similar atti- tudes in_other drivers. Sometimes when a driver has gotten himself in an exposed position out of the-traffic line, slow down and let him get back into I Joy Bradley then took charge of the worship service. Hymn 399 was sung after which the scripture lesson '1st Corinthians, Chapter i3 was read, !. followed by prayer. The meeting closed 'with the singing of hymn 570, ~ and prayer by Dr. Armstrong. for line instead of stubbornly keeping your nose perilously close to the bumper of the man ahead and shut him out, : . "Another time he may think twice before getting himself into a danger- ous spot, or he may do a similar favor another chance-taker." * HOCKEY "held for the 1956-56 season. R. J. MOORHEAD, - President. The Port Perry Tlockey Club -Annual Meeting will be held in the PORT PERRY MEMORIAL LIBRARY, on MONDAY, SEPT. 26th, at 8.00 p.m. Reports will be given. Election of Officers will be Everyone interested in Hockey in Port Perry is welcome to attend. Let's make this a real hockey season. MEETING | BILL. HARRISON, ' Secretary. Brooklin, and one mi Elmer Powell, President, - 'R.R. 1, Oshawa, Ont. "PLOWING MATCH Sponsored by South Ontario Plowmen's Association, NATION AL STUD FARM 2 Lots 13-14, Con. 5, East Whitby Township, 3 miles east of Port Perry Road: Thursday, October 6th, 1955 = i le south on Oshawa- Oscar Downey, Sec.-Treasurer, Myrtle, Ont. your own caution and consideration, 5 THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1955-5 sy | ~ nce features ~ L¥ " MEALTY ol Why You Cough... t Coughing is caused by irritation somewhere in the regpirvatory system. But irritation itself will not make you cough. A tiny cluster of brain cells must first order the various muscles involved to provide the ex- plosive force which causes coughing. (see illustration) Science has now developed a drug, similar to morphine but non-narcotic, N ty aT which can control coughing that has no beneficial value to the hu- man body.. This drug, known as | dextromethorpfian hydrobiomide, or, more simply, Romilar, appar- * ently is the first anti-cough specific since codeine was discovered more than 100 years ago. However, Romilar, being widely used under doctors' orders for the first time this winter, has none of the disadvantages of codeine. It is non-addictive, causes no nausea, dizziness or constipation. Months of tests on more than 776 patients + In 28 hospitals and clinics show that Romilar causés no bad effects on patients. The chart above explains why you eough. Both 'the "irritation message' and the © rder to cough" are electrical impulses carried by merves. The cough suppressunt works by stopping or slowing down the electronic switching process by I] OV (THOUGHT 7; TE ALOCOMOTION EO! oo OUGH . CENTER (Gam) hen. NTN which the incoming signal sets off the cough signal. Codeine and Romilar seem to work alike, but the latter uppears to affect only the "cough center," The new drug was discovered by scientists of '| Hoffmann-La Roche Ine. BUSINESS MEN'S 4 APN A 17 SCOTT 3 SCRAP BOOK By R J. $COTT T ight 1% Na ues a 1 = 4 Sos a -- - - A YOLCANO tr ; . [1A SERVES A$ { : PROFESSIONAL Bowlin ar col Sa ; i ; 4 WEST CoAT SAILORS. : : : . 2 X 2 ' ; : $ DURING Ake DAY ¥fs « t . : . TUESDAY, SEPT. 27 GIANT PUFF oF SMoKL i , 7 pm. . MS SEEN FAR OUT Af SEA © , WE ! f Blow Kings--Carnegie by ot Luis : ' ! : : # : vi Dodgers--Red Caps > ' A PORT PERRY ARENA 9 p.m. "4 i oy Fitzjohns--Goode Six FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30th Legion--Carps : LE Mudeats Lucky Strike BY wa : rd 9:00 P.M, MONDAY, -SEPT, 26 7 p.m. a ) Culligan-- Prince" Albert ( Soren \niugn . ' ; | " : : RAILYAYS Wily ARL ¢ IMPOUND. DALLEGRAPA |. PORCUPINES Good Sa Yo : y : J LINES DURING | $WIMMERS {RRIEAN IH . AL CIVIL WAR AROS or : mphasize Lhat the WOH "Ao | prontor fu | HELE ated ANY "INAUGURATED | NotloW AR+FILLED : ' Beef Prod sucha Sho | FA Rey y 0 eef Producer a Lo LCA REIN ecial Attractio Pro " [LCA TY = gy rp ep for rT : | The recently announced program of | ik : ! A iv SDAY S the Ontario Beef Producers whereby . improvement and promotion of the | / aE | "meat industry will he financed by : J : small deductions from the sale price | . ) E J I of cattle and calves is a strictly volun- . tary plan. So states Harold J. Huff- : man, President of the Ontario Beef DELICIOUS, ld iy" ' Producers' Association in answer to _-- x rt a ener iS4i rr : : E te many queries of whether this plan is a OROUGHLY COOKED General Admission THe. Ringside $1.00 Children 50c.- designed as a marketing plan such as | ___ a - : is operated in connection with a num- Ready-to-Eat i - --- ber of Ontario farm products. : ; crt pb fetes emer m-- ee i. * Mr. Huffaman says the majorfty of | "1! "etWIN to Port Perry, on Sun. BAR B 0 TITEL . § 3 APT AENEP B - - the members attending the Annual day, SEP EMBER 25th, at 12.01 am. ) [re ry n i meeting of the Association in recent . ag CHICKENS : : | Fair D years have been firmly of the opinion S d es that the greatest need in the Beef In- . . : : me Beaverton en. September 15-17 dustry was to keep the consumer fully SCIENCE IN $1 99 : Nk | Blue 2 | aware of the value of meat in the diet. Ld ! = ACKSOCK oro October 7-8 At the same time there are problems YOUR LIFE ; EACH 1 Lakefield ................ September 16-17 connected with the production, hand- : > rreids Adequate servi n 5 i Eig : te a Tir ou] aati Suni re / ii a Ie y | Dison , LANAY conan September 20224 beef which require attention. How- me ize ; : = y arkhai ; hu Ho otis es ay Arthritis Target sold at $3.00) eam yo | To Markham o.oo Sept. 29, Oct. 1 marketing organization was needed Women appear to be prime tar- OPEN9 ADM TO MIDNIGHT DAILY STRONY A sant adning ol vei Oakwood ....... A. September 19-20 t resent . ts for the great crippler, arthri- - [--= : the children, they gq! be casic: Jo keep at present, s. Statistics show that for every clean. The spots cir be wiped off with Sunderland .............. ".Septeniber 13-14 ; man, three women fall prey to this a8 soapy cloth and rinse. : It was for these reasons, that the disease. - Uxbridge September 28 Association adopted the plan of volun- Shawna Arthritis is the als Uxbridge .... srrs-- eptember tary deductions which become effec-| ®dy"s formal name. Along. wit ch hs FE » ) : c a TUE SAREE, tive on September 26th. Under this Met YIAISnE ID ole SBF 0k Sh I iin i vi HESS ie' SALE 4 system, deductions of 10c. pre head ; than 10 million y : : J ' on cattle and Se. per head on calves people In the U.S. - #4. : y N will be made on all Ontario and calves A ap oawiyely 4 / ° ; i g : sold through public stockyards or di- 200,000 others. 3 2 - | rect to packing plants throughout the The secretary, - . Province. The deductions will "be houfewigs Aid made by the packing plants, commis- yaulg susceptible, ) iISman 0S dan 001s + sion agents and dealers handling the |. * Arthritis is insid- " ; = Ys animals and will he remitted to the } Raf Jous, je gymp. ; } : . ~ I Sei a Asserlatio on a any basis. fee usually mild Gradually de rs , Fi ese other groups (packers, commis- until one ay you wake with an arm M . " : 3 sion agents and dealers) are doing | or leg that is completely useless. en S X ords } I | this extra work on a voluntary basis, What causes arthritis? Scientists a Fis ; : . have not yet found an answer. Nor it is planned they will deduct on all| "have the yet foun 1 complete cure. ; 5 : sales. Any other arrangement would ly " have ? 125 2 number HR fo . | greatly complicate their bookkeeping. | © chemicals to « rol the symp- { : TAT However, any producer-who does not i? Sis alii ad " oo } 7, wish to paticipate in the program can ministered by the physician, can lift 3 Yo th' d B ' ' A obtain a refund of his deductions by | the hopelessly erippled arthritic vie- bi un san 0ys 4 57 writing to the Secretary-Treasurer of vi Oo lite. celchair and back : } i 3; : the Beef Producers and giving the date Among the medicines which have ! = $4 45 7 75 d 'a 'of sale; number of animals, person proyens Shive in some patients are Poe Re, oo he ; " y . an " 4 4 5 . -- ; at's ; & 5g handling then, etc. Sue appicatpn | SBI, old compounds, ana the |i J eons has, te pum of : 1 for refund of the gepnctinn should he and hydrocortisone. ) ' > " that doen sll cay Tallis 0 ' 9 made within 60 days of the transac- owever, these drugs are not ' exible full weight soles, Tredders Ww k B {1 tion - tully effective and the hormones, in o De turd {out "ecmfert' for ens or oots § A > barviculan, Seniors create -un- tl Call soon and Jet us help you outfit : > : , _| pleasant side effects in. some pa- i our young family with famous 2/4 Mr. Huffman says that the progite tients and thus force their abandon- 5" EAN dtedders, $6 95 and 1 95 ¥ ers to whom he has talked since the | one : ° ° ' Eo announcement of the plan, seem to be Recently, a new syntHetie "hops -- ? Bh solidly behind it. The amount of the vy i Ci Ll lL . LC ¥ i : $ . E sicians, ! . $ 1 deduction is very small, and the pro- Do on appears to be far more # 5 fn te hr i | RCRA GOODRICH RUBBERS | SAVAGE SHOE ; for promoting their product. He adds Ysone wn ah raion of 41 Te : ° 5 5 ns ng the side effécts noted with the \ TNC x st hay Also Sonseenis the Ia th otner hormones. ; CHII Bp oh By 2 FORDS, STRAPS, a refund can be obtained, even thoug Vith advancing research and vc - M : K B 4 05 and PATENT STRAPS 5 they are doubtful if they will ever | habilitation, many arthritic pation: - 4 en S nee 001s eu . . : 3 apply for it. will be given a new lease on life, " : p ' | bh . COW Knee B 3.35 | TEEN AGERS $7.95 i a : Women s Knee boots $3. . ; : g Lat i : . SLING SUEDE, and BLACK, . RED & Le LOAFERS XF g 4 SOMETHING TO REMEMBER CANADA BY ; All lines now in stock. AFERS, OXFORDS, SADDLES. ; A ; WALLPAPER - %; Price | i" BATA SHOES ROOM LOTS; GOOD ASSORTMENT i i i. Linoleum Tile : \ ' Gi ] / I, f $3 95 $4 95 : oieum Tile i \ \ {] - 3 ho % UIIlS Loalers, po. A © Hes 12¢., 20c. and 23c. - Bo 2 " Girls' Saddle Oxfords $4.95 ; ce LJ] 12 i Llrls Saddle Uxlords ya. Gracia Shoes for Ladies | #4 Men's Oxfords 7 05 OXFORDS, Orthapedic .............. $11.50 § ' "oe 40s . STRAPS. i iiimiinisatims $9.95 to $11.50 4 GROCERIES MOTHER PARKER COFFEE BAGS by ala he, off... Frasrvonpitsborsinsssnstasseisirinivesy 79. § Le ARNE ' St ecials ' FRY'S HOT CHOCOLATE, 2 Ib. bag, $1.29 5 5! : ' p aw QUICK QUAKER OATS, 5 1h. bag ....53¢. i ge SAVE ALL WAX PAPER ............265¢. RICE, 1 1b. cello 9220. HB JN CLA RK'S PORK and BEANS, 20 0Z. a" 1 " SP Sl Sidi « : $e NR 2 for 5c. KRAFT DINNER ..........cooovvvi 2 for 29c¢. b EW : SARATOGA POTATO CHIPS, } BROOKLIN MILLS XXX PASTRY $2 J A07 Sie SRE NE 19c. FLOUR, 24 1b, bag ............ccoocnn..r.. $1.39 hi ck rs DOMESTIC SHORTENING, 3c, off, 26c." t 0 G0 BLUE RIBBON TEA BAGS, BAKING CUPS, 100 med, 75 large, 14c, § / wip ¥ : ; --Contral Press Canadian 100 OFF isis istiiinniioiiismiarigiviesess 2c. |. GRAPES, good this week ¥} g To the 10,000 Boy Seouths who took over the Canadian National E 2a "ne B Bt Exhibition on opening day, there were many surprises, Some of thé ------ _. tant 24 A mata mit } gs ¥ an boys from tropical colingi les had never tasted ice cream before but h ) b) ' oN soon acquired a taste for Another new taste sensation for h 3 RAILY DELIVERY I P » Ahmadia Salek of Perala 18 the candy floss offered by Bruce Stiles ' one ho : ort erry ; of Toronto. TT hs

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