ey ot oJ «++ In bedroom, hall or guestroom--from attic to garage -- EXTENSIONS save time, steps and energy; provide privacy, _eeoln kitchen or den, workshop or playroom--EXTENSIONS are convenlent for all the family, morning, noon and night thas - £1 Vy £5 55s ye a. Zz Kw Es aE gig 5; 5 o - A JAR RIL STR NRT I retiiy ot 23472 BY Said Cas kh 4 35d 3 A 5 ga Rl I < * AL iT phe aye 4 Ifa ta Rs Sle 3 "ok £534 or Ate ow La (13 3a 5B C18 i 57] a ¥ RE RINTVARY pl Cite ad Fels IA " : Et } A > ERA > h . 3) . . : 8 ' You can have an EXTENSION telephone anywhere in your home for.., less than . If you have two or more extra telephones put In your home at the same time, you are only charged for one installation, \ Call our Telephone Business Office for an immediate installation 4 pa Light large cigars with larg bils-- Geile but matches really do a better job! - "Hie it in the cookie jar-- Too lumpy for comfortable Sleeping! Spend it all --and fast-- Too risky, Junior afways raids the ja] Now there you have something, whether you pay all cash or in instalments! They're fireproof and safe too--every bond is registered. They're no good for papering walls but can be used to buy the whole feeling. It wont be there diigo really heed it! satis. M . " 10th Séiies pays XN [J 3%% ' interest 0 Cthnans=" house. tho a comfortable feel- ing to know you have the funds for © an 'emergency or opportunity. More than a million Canada Savings Bond investors have that comfortable i oy CS4.55\v2 £-- . ticle it tinder the mattress -- Ladies Monday Night Teague Standings-- - Bon Bons--19, Gum Drops---19, * Péppermints--17. Jennys--13, Jelly Beans--11. "Over 200-- Mrs. Baird (Peppermint)-: ~200, 206, Mrs, Raines (Black Balls) --252. Mrs. Huntley (Gum Drop) --228. Murs. Chapman (Bon Bon)--219, Mrs. Hutchinson (Laura)--214. Mrs. Hayes (Jenny) --213, Mrs. Vernon (All Sort)--210. Murs, Deshane (All Sort)--200, All Sorts--17 Black Balls--6 Candy Canes--6 Caramels---4 Laufas--3 High Triple-- Murs. Baird (Peppermint) --576 Most Number of Spares-- Mrs, Baird {Pepnarnaint)- -11, Ladies Wed. Nig ht Bowling Se Team Pts. Taken Tot. Pts. Kitty Hawks cco... 4 21 Spitfires ....... 3 20 North Stars 2 17 Mosquitos .. i C17 Jets ...... Morgana 7 16 Helicopters .........coovn..8 16 Flyers ........ he 14 Hurricanes .... and 14 Mustangs ... 2 10 Bombers ......... SreirsternieiniD 9 Lancasters ........c..co....... 4 8 Sunderlands .................... 0 7 High Triple--, Bernice Fis (660). Over 200 Scores-- Rk Bernice Fines, 260, 227; Marg. Car- negie, 264; Jessie Derémo, 247; Meta Howsam, 244; Marg. Harrison, 244; Joy Ballard, 226; louise Carnegie, 222 Marion Healey, 217; Doreen Hope, 2141; Mabel Cook, 208; Norma IHowsam, 206 Kacey Harper, 204; Norma Crozier, 203; Joyce Gl 200, Men's League Peterboro Team to Play in Metro Group| LATEST MOVE for the Peterbovo Junior "B" hockey team is into the Toronto Junior "B" Metro group. Sponsored by Detroit Red Wings this season, the Liftlock City junior puck- sters are looking forward to a big season. Now that their club has heen included in the Toronto and district circuit, which includes Woodbridge, Weston, Lakeshore Dixie, Brampton, St. Mike's Buzzérs and Leaside, we can expect some real action. It's a good grouping.and a fine break for the Junior hockey fans and players of Peterboro. Uxbridge Forms Planning Board A Planning Board for the Township of Uxbridge was formed at the regular council meeting held on Tuesday after- noon in Goodwood. A by-law dealing with the board was passed and mem- bers named were Don St.-John, Earl Tindall, Turner Forsythe, Robert Nes- bitt, Ralph Faulkner dnd Chas. Gould. a. The Reeve, Stuart Ball, ralso acts on the Board, aged og Nomination day for the Township o has been named as Friday, November 26th; at 1 pom, with clection day on December 5th, should it be necessary. A road voucher for $1709.08 was received and authorized for payment as was general accounts amounting to $1626.41, An area on the farm of Mr, Marshall Sherrard will be vented for the pur- pose of a township dumping area. +] Joved hymn. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Bible Class was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Hopkins on Monday, Oct. 10 at 8 pm. The presi- dent, Mrs. Alfred Fisher occupied the chair and opened the meeting with the reading of a short poem- "How Old are You?" after which the scrip- ture lesson, John 4, was read by Mrs. Paynter. Mrs. A. Fisher' gave a short synopsis of-the message given by Billy Graham on the night when .a number -of Ashburn folk attended one of the meetings held in the. Coliseum, Mrs, R. Batten led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, Mrs. A, Parrott, Mrs. N. Anderson, Mrs. IR. Batten and Mrs, Lorne Parrott were appointed as the visiting committee for the ensuing month, , Mrs. Wes. Routley and Mus. A. Paynter were appointed as the pro- gram committee for the November meeting, Mrs. Wi. Hopkins then took charge of the program. A reading "The Way of the Eagle", was given by Mrs. Wes, Routley, Mrs. Walter Knight gave a reading on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Harvey 'Bath then played a med- ley of old time favourites on the ac- cordian, Mrs. R. Richardson gave an interesting and informative talk on the life of Billy Graham and his 37th Crusade. would rather have Jesus", on the piano after which Glenna Bradley gave an account of the life of Beverley Shea, baritone soloist, of this much She told various instan- ces of how this hymn had influenced the lives of many people who had heard it, Mrs, Wm. Gardner extended a vote of thanks to Mrs. Wm. Hopkins for her kind hospitality and the meeting closed with the benediction. A dainty lunch was served and na social time enjoyed by all. The annual Thank-Offering of the W.M.S. was held on Wed., Oct. 5th at 8 p.m. in Burn's Church with a good attendance in spite of the unfavaur- able weather, The president, Mrs. Sparks occii- pied the chair and opened the meet- ing by welcoming the guests who were THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1955-5 Perry, and Myrtle, After a Hymn, prayer was offered by Mrs. A. Deem- ing, The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. R. Batten, Elizabeth Deem- ing sang a solo, "Jesus Only Jesus." Dr. Armstrong then introduced the guest speaker Miss Laura Peltén of f Toronto. Miss Pelton spoke on they --sf commitment to our Church and fhe i fh ite Thurs, Friday Sal. | Oct. 20-21- hn missionaries. She said that all phas- es of our missionary work should 'be Adventures of (Gallant Bess a witness for Jesus Christ. ENCHANTED VALLEY UXBRIDGE, ONT: pe Mrs. L. Bradley extended a vote of thanks to Miss Pelton for her excel- lent message. The meeting clésed with a Hymn and prayer by Dr. Arm- strong, THE Everyone was then invited to come down to the basement where dainty refreshments were served and a friendly get together enjoyed by all. Monday & Tuesday The offering amounted to approxi- Oct. 24 and 25 mately $80.00, How fo Marry a Millionnaire Anniversary _gervices will be held | Marilyn Munroe, Betty Grable, in Burn's Chureh on Sunday, October Lauren Bacall Owing to anniversary services be- ing held in St. John's Presbyterian |. Church Port Perry on Sunday, Oct. 16 there was no service in Burn's church. Sunday School was held as usual. Mrs. E. Heron played "I Mrs, Wes. 30th at 11 am. and 7.30 p.m. with Rev. Boyd of Peterborough, as guest Wed. and Thurs. October 26-27 speaker. .: . The King of the [J Kyber Rifles Miss Glenys Stephen, of Port Credit and Miss Fern Stephen of Toronto, [Tyrone Power and Terry Moore spent the holiday week-end with their| parents Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stephen. ARRIGO RPEI Notice A number of our Young People The assessment roll of the Township spent Thanksgiving week-end in Mid- | of Reach for the year 1955 upon which land when they attended the Annual the taxes for the year 1956 will be Convention of the Synod of Toronto, levied has been returned to me. Take Kingstonr P.Y.P.S, notice that a Court of Revision will Co be held in the Township Hall at Man- chester on Monday, Nov. 7 at 1.30 p.m. to hear appeals duly netified for against. assessments. Oct. 27 Routley and daughter Helen and Miss Eileen Hamill spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Jenkins; at Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doble, and Philip, spent Sunday with Myr. and Mrs. James Doble, in Toronto. Mrs. M. Sparks spent a few days with her daughter in Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Llewelyn Richardson and son William of Milton were Sun- day visitors with Myr, and Mrs. RB. closing. quite like it, Only $2.95 There's never been anything . Team . Pts. Taken Tot. Pts: present from Uxbridge, Wick, Pore Richardson. i GRANT CHRISTIE, Clerk. NER: OAR TT 23 |- Zi ers mb ei -- f Fitzjohn ...... ceesereneisin. li} 22 & LLB R RAP TEE, MALABAR A TAR 20% DOAN RANK Ey rR) DeLuxe ......... OUTROS RIN + 19 i o Blow King 4 18 4 RC K Dodgers inti ! 17 | F. W. B i Whiz Bangs oss we? 16 5 Carnegie .......... A 2 14 2 COYDS nits dtmaiivisasind 0 4 IY wae EE Versatile is the word for Red Caps .... 5h C10 (8 Legion... 2 9 |g ! Blackjacks .......i..ooooe.n. 0 0 | NE W 3- W A Y B R A! I Culligans i 8.1% "Mud Cats .........., 4 & ¢ High Triples-- 3 i John Carroz---772- Sept. Ci 7 can be worn as "Garnet Palmer -- 16: =Oct. i - Gordon Mark--700-- Oct. % 4 Oct. 18th High Triples-- C. A. Glass=--613, _ J Bruce Hull---670. Complete bra wardrobe all in one! C. Harrison 57, Co 1 Strapless, halter, or regular --which p High Singles-- ever you prefer --- at the flick of a b Bruce Hull--273, 245; Chas. Popert wrist, And what support and com- : --242; C. Hai risob pr ; Gord Rodd -- 4 "fort! Beautifully fashioned to ae- 5 a C. Andrews--246; Jim Redman-- 4 centuate the ne Wy higher bustline, with i art W i cups wired wider, Tht -bust for extra - i M] support and separdtion. Wide lnstex : STRAPLESS QUILTED PLASTIC Card Table Cover $1.89 oe es ep ee nm wp Nylon Oblong Soarver, §1. 2 oz. Skeins Leeks Caressa Yarn, 90c. Beehive Caressa pattern Assorted ( 'olours Tadies' Crinolines, $2.95 Small, Medium and Large ates tee Ivory Nylon Marquisette 8c. yd. ede Infants (72 x 84) Esmond Rayon and Nylon Blankels $6.50 Yellow and Rose NYLON BUNTING SUITS Pink and Blue .......................... $9. 50 . NYLON SCARVES ¥ * White, Blue, . Yellow _., here rn ssaaens $1 19 Blouses $6.25 14 to 18 ONO 208080808CR0RORORCRCS GRCCERIES: 'Specials Hallowe'en Candy Kisses, Ladies' Suede Plaid A bt ce Stokely's Fancy Pumpkin, 28 0Zz., 2-31c. Nestle's Chocolate Quik, 16 oz. ........ 5he. Boys' Cn en - (6 to 12) $5.95; (14-18) $6.50 W int Flakes, My-T-Nice, 5 Ib, 'bag 39¢, Monarch Red River 'Cereal, 3 Ib. hox 45c¢. Ogilvie Vita-B Cereal, 36 oz. box ..... cddee CRISCO, 3 Ib, Tin, 10¢c. off .....c.oovvvonnn, 99c. ~CHEESE Slices; 10-in-pkg. .............28¢. TOMATO JUICE, Culverhouse, 48 oz. 29c¢, DUZ, Gt. Size, towel premium, 10¢. off 71c. JOHNSON'S PASTE WAX, 1% 1b, tin 59¢. SWEETHEART SOAP, save 6c, 3 for 23e, 14 oz. for 29¢, - Phone 43 GULLS HLA AUR A ERR A DAILY DELIVERY Port Perry y \TIN_RE VERSIBLE JAC KES RK Small, Medium and Large, ...........$3.95 Hy WOOL PUL LOVERS ....... $2.98 © @. LINED GABARDINE PANTS On i Patch Hh "yy 3 » 28 3 7 Eat xa » k W RY FEY { FR Sh BR St Euinatent a - we -