- & ~ Ly / RY ] [J .. ® ~ A} ) <r £5 [3 LJ - a PORT PERRY COMMUNITY CURLING CLUBS HOLD Mixed Bonpiel Tuesday evening, Nov. 22, the Mem- orial Gardens resounded with the "Sweep 'er up" of the gentlemen and ladies of the two local curling clubs, This was the first venture with a mixed bonspiel and the success and gay pleasure of the evening seems to merit: maré such sociable. bonspiels, FIRST DRAW-- Mrs. Fred Lamb, lead' Fred Lamb, second Mrs. E. Hutchinson, lead Elgin Hutchinson, second Mrs, L. Burnett, vice Lou Burnett, skip ...........ccoonnrns ins 1 Mrs, G. MgeDonald, lead Jack Hayes, second Mrs. J. Hayes, vice ' Grant MacDonald, skip ............12 Mrs. S. Bruton, lead Jack Gray, second Mrs. J. Gray, vice . Stan Bruton, skip a Mrs. J, Crane, lead Jim Crane, second Cl Mrs, Sam Griffen, vice Mis, I. BR, Bentley, vice Ta id sp EAE NERS RE 6 Pat Mulligan, skip cocoon, 6 Harold Martin, second Mrs. Don Pugh, lead Mrs, H. Martin, vice Ernest Till, second Cliff Love 5 Mrs. Vie Stouffer, vice ; AVE: niin en ati Leroy Till, skip wooo, 4 SECOND DRAW Mrs. G. Holdershaw, lead Bruton 13--Burnett 4 Gord. Holdershaw, second MacDonald 5--Cox 4 Mrs. H. SnookB; vice ) Snookes H--Love 4 Harold Snooks, skip ......cco.ccovrevenninn. 8 Mulligan 6--Griffen 38 Mrs, G. Burnett, lead - Till 7--Beare-4 Bill Beare, second =f» - Mrs, Storey Beare, vice THIRD DRAW Storey Beare, skip AE SW 2 MacDonald. 6--Sheokes 4 Mrs. L. Dawson, lead Mulligan 9--Bruton 4 - Elmer Clements, second Cox T--QGriffen 2 Mrs. Art Cox, vice Burnett 6--Beare 2 3 Art Cox, SKip. ween, ation 91Till 6--Love 1 ITS GREAT TO COME HOME ™ "blue coal WARMTH For steady, even heaf _ get this finer fu TODAY! 'blue coal' does more than just heat your home--it provides a sTeAapy LEVEL of comfort that is healthier to live in and more enjoyable for young and old. Phone us now for blue > coal' --the heat that millions prefer Coinie In or Phone Te.. 4 Reesor Fuel & Lumber Phone 73 Port Perry : 'blue coal's' COLOR GUARANTEES YOU SARCINII COMMENCEMENT EXERCIS to be held in the ~ Port Perry United Church SIE 8:00 p.m. sharp. Friday, November 25th. - Guest Speaker--REV, W. J. JOHNSTON, D.D., Eglinton United Church, Toronto. it "VALIDICTORIAN -- NANCY KIGHT EE PYERYIODY WELCOME Lal g ' ~+When' the scorés were tallied Pat Mulligan's rink of Mrs, Dhel Bentley, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb came up with & high of three wins to take first prize with a score of twenty plus one. Second high three-game winner was MacDonald, and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hayes with a score of nineteen Plus four, For the two game winner, total score of nineteen plus one was Art Cox's son, and: Elmer Clements, rie Stan Bruton. skipped his rink with Mrs. Bruton, and Mr, and Mus, Jaek Gray to a total score of thirteen plus | five for the high one-game winper of the bonspeil, And latter three games we struggled home-by cleven-thirty. We'll do it again sometime--the bonspeil night in: January. Ladies Wed. Night Bowling League November 16th Points Total Team * Taken Points SPUTITeS "rrvmsiinpivinmus Ni 45 Hurricangs ".....covevvrirrn 6 42 Jes nara, 4 41 North Stars ...... 3 40 Helicopters ...... 6 39 Flyers ......... 6 33 Mosquitoes ..... 6 31 Bombers .......... RR 6 © 81 Kitty. Hawks ......coevnnns 2 30 Mustangs ......... 2 23 Lancdsters Suen 2 12 utiderlands ........conne.n. 2 11 #1 Triples : : Jeanne Pollard ......... Mortum rahpasenersas 639 Joy Ballard ........oncconsrionnnnnns 618 Singles Marie Healey .....cocoviveviivnnnnn, .268 Jeanne "Pollard ..... 246, 216 Norma Howsam .....c..cwevne. 243 Joy Ballard ............... IIE, 236, 218 Jeanne Goode Beth Oke ........... Ruby Christie ... Ruth Short .......crerreennn. Doreen Hope ...oeerereiennnnnn. Marg: Rodman ...... Marie_Brintnell Bernice Fines CLITTRYTN Marie Wakeford ..,,....cluiceruvins - Jean Simpson designed the 1958 Christmas Seals now being sold throughout Canada and the United States by the voluntary tuberculosis associations to raise funds to fight TB. A native of Philadelphia, she is a free-lance artist and illustrator in New York. Ont. County Tubereulosis Association. ] "TAYLO R'S "YOUR FAMILY GIFT CENTRE" DROP IN AND BROWSE AROUND. SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS IN PORT PERRY. WEEK-END SPECIAL: : BEAUTIFUL WALKING DOLLS Reg. $10.95. Use Our Lay Away Plan IF YOU ARE UNABLE 10 DROP IN SEND US YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST WITH AGE, SEX AND APPROXIMATE PURCHASE 'PRICE AND WE WILL DO Gift Wrapped at Small Extra Cost. ~~ TAYLOR'S 5c. to $100 STORE "An Appreciation Day Merchant" VISIT' - TR Le all - LOOK OVER THE LARGEST NOW $6. E REST. ~ 05 the rink Grant MacDonald with Mrs. rink with Mrs, Cox, Mrs, Lloyd Daw- FIFTEEN YEARS IN SHOWBIZ! Canada's best known and most po- pular comedians, Johnny Wayne and Frank Shuster, have just started their fifteenth season in showbusiness with their new television series on the CBC. It all began while they were at the University of Toronto; from there they moved to "The Avy Show" dur. ing the war, and started on CBC net- works in 1045. Soon after that the first "Wayne and Shuster Show" said, is now -in full swing on Cana- dian television, Ladies Monday Night League Standings-- Jelly Beans--39. Gum Drops--39. Bon Bons--36. Peppermints--36. Black Balls--27. Over 200-- Mary Ame (Bon Bon)---231 Vera Towns (Jenny)---226, . Lorraine Raines (Black Ball)--214. Joan Huntley (Gum Drops)--208, Marie Snooks (Jelly Bean)--201. Mary Baird (Peppermint)--200, High Triple-- 'raine Raines (Black Ball)--561. Low /Score-- Eyelyn Vokins (Laura )--34 Lau ras--23 Candy Canes--21 All Sorts--16 seriesi-- December Hth-- Caramels ys. All Sorts Jennys vs. Peppermints Gum Drops vs. Candy Canes Black Balls vs.-Jelly Beans Bon Bons vs. Lauras December 12th-- Lauras vs. Gum Drops Jelly Beans vs. Caramels 'Black 'Balls vs. Peppermints All Sorts vs. Bon Bons Candy Canes vs. Jennys December 19th-- Candy Canes vs, Black Balls Gum Drops vs. All Sorts Jelly Beans vs, Bon Bons Jennys s. Lauras Caramels vs. Peppermints January 9th, 1956 Jennys vs. Jelly Beans Bon Bons vs, Candy Canes Caramels vs. Lauras Peppermints vs. Gum Drops All Sorts vs. Black Balls January 16th-- All Sorts vs. Candy Canes Peppermints vs, Lauras Bon Bons vs. Black Balls Caramels vs. Jennys "Jelly Beans vs- Gum Drops January 23rd-- - Black Balls vs, Caramels | All Sorts vs. Jelly Beans Jennys vs. Gum Drops Bon Bons vs. Pepermints Lauras vs. Candy Canes January 30th-- Gum Drops vs. Bon Bons Jennys--25 Caramels--18 Following is the Schedule for the 2nd ~ L553 wr CANADA'S TOP WINTER TIRE (ALCEI OY TOWN & | COUNTRY Firestone Town & Country Tires have no equal for dependable winter traction, Dep, self-cleaning tread zips through snow, slush or mud... rolls smoothly and quietly on bare pavement. Put them on now and forget winter driving worries. ne : TOWN & COUNTRY TIRES Available in Vv TUBE or TUBELESS Vv WHITE SIDEWALLS or ALL- BLACK > BRE Black F Balls vs. . Jennys Candy Canes vs. Caramels Lauras vs. All Sortg Peppermints vs, Jelly Beans February 6th-- Peppermints vs. Candy Canes Caramels vs, Bon Bons Lauras vs, Jelly Beans Gum Dibps vs. Black Balls Jennys vs, All Sorts February 13th-- Bon Bons vs. Jennys Lauras vs. Black Balls Peppermints ys. All Sorts Jelly Beans vs. Candy Canes 'Gum Drops vs, Caramels as & SHOMNG Wes err wm Buy Christmos Seals mm | | | Ont. County Tuberculosis Association. § Public Skating Saturday N igh made its debut on radio and, as we've | =w=Help Fight TB | _ THE FORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1965--8 Coming Events at Port Perry Memorial Gardens 8, 00 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. ---------- "Thursday, November 24 Junior' 'D" Hockey Brooklin vs. Aurora Chrildren 15¢. ---- Intermediate "A" Hockey Monday Night, Nov. 28 Orono vs. Bowmanville Adults 50¢, Children 26c¢. Adults oc. ra | | (toons ASSESSOR = Applictions will be recéived by the undersigned until 12:00 noon on Monday, December 5th, 1955, for the position of Assistant County Assessor for the County of Ontario. Applicants are requested to state age, qaslifications, previous assessing experience, and salary expected. ' TT. - : - | WM. G. MANNING, | Clerk-Treasurer, =.' ; Fo. ) County of Ontario, yf Fl Court House, [ - Whitby, Ontario. " | - ] . 0 -- | ----- «lt SAR RARS British Suitings _ in dark warm S282 >» >. 232828 Johnston has them -- the news ~~. masculine colours, And Johnston tailors them into truly fine, long wearing, comfortable clothes. Ao eo Te gre. Gothic colours Tailored-to-measure ROYAL YORK Made-fo-Measure SUIT or OVERCOAT $59.50 - $69. 30 ~ and , 00 TOOKE - FOR XMAS SHIRTS.................... $3.95, $4.95; $5.95 PYJAMAS ............... $4.95, $5.95, $6.95 SPORT SHIRTS .................... $4.95, © $5.95 BOXER SHORTS .......cccovvviinnn $1.65 Toys LARGEST ASSORTMENT YET-- DOLLS, TRUCKS, GAMES, SMALL TOYS °o RUBBERS Goodrich, Bata, Dominion F leece Lint Knee Boots WALLPAPER making, rich new 2 pe. SUITS $69.50 LEATHER, lined WOOL GLOVES MEN'S GLOVES WOOL --with leather face .. New Pre-Pasted Wallpaper WHITE SWAN TISSUE, CULVERHOUSE DICE CULVERHOUSE DICE 20 oz, - Grocery Specials CE TT RET PEE PEEP ETP G.E. LIGHT BUL BS, 25, 40, 60 watt, Certashritisiin $3.95 $3.95, $4.95 COMPLETE LINE seid Te Fgies $1.49 Watch Television Program Blue DUZ, Giant Size, tea towel inside, Sle. JOY, Liquid Detergent .......... > 43c. al 1 for 25c¢. BOUQUET CHOCOLATES, 13 oz. ....69¢. BEETS 20 oz. ('hocolate Covered ji; '6 for Ghe MARASCHINO CHERRIES, % Ih..... 89c. ¥ ' Supreme Blanched ALMONDS CARROTS Ate 302 PRE coovrreeeeereeee seers, 20¢. ssps1s y. Jor hae, Baker's SHREDDED COCONUT 4 02, PUB: .ovivrviiinrnnrrnriennniian 18c. 1 for 69e. Supreme WALNUT PIECES vireirrn 67c. 302. PEE. coven 196, Blue CHEER, giant sizd, 12¢, off Phone 43 ALENT Ee to at DAILY DELIVERY eH A vid 52 ET IC II I RE IE ' ' ' 1] . ' ' L LJ ' [J ' ' 1] ' ' + ) ' ' ' 1 . 13 g 1 13 ' ' ' ' ¢ $ afatatatats® "FW BROCK & & SON Se 3 ® eee Geass ee ee eee eee e ree er eee ee ee LE EE I EE EEE EEE EEN esses es. PN NG ll ANNE NI Po NN MO SSX SS AOS SOM SMO Port Perry Aa ~ en mo LE SA BL {