Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Dec 1955, p. 4

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NBN hp 3 74 RL ELF MEA we 2 47 °N YN YE Pes SA 4--THE PORT PERRY Rabi THURSDAY, DECEMBER ud 1066 LOCAL Mrs. Nasmith has left for Vancou- ver where she will spend the winter with her sons Hugh and David. Mrs. Dave Carnegie is leaving for London, Ont., where she will stay un- til the: New Year and then she will]: " traveleto St, Petersburgh, Florida to : spend the winter, Card of Thanks = | Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hunter wish to express thanks to the friends and neighbours who so kindly helped to make their 60th Wedding ARGYEATY & success, Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Switzer of Port Perry announce the engagement | of their daughter Marilyn L. to Mr. Floyd B. Trousse, eldest son of Mrs. Muriel Trousse of Oshawa. The mar- riage will take place on Dec. 31st, 19566 at the King St. United Church, Osh- awa. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scriver of Port Perry announce the -engagement of their daughter, Rena Isabella, to Mr. Elmer Lawrence Koss, son of Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Koss of Maynooth, Ont. The marriage will take place at 2 o' clock, Saturday, January 14, 1966 in "the Port Perry Baptist Church. SOUTH SEA ALLURE --Alluring Susanne Ridgeway -added beauty to "His Maiden Voyage", enchanting comedy presentation on "Jane Wy- man's Fireside Theatre", Thursday, December 16, at 8.30 p.m. on CBC-TV. Veteran actors James Barton and C. Winninger, co-starred in the Jameson Brewer story. NEWS CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. K. W. Scott, L.Th, Rector December 24-- > 11.46. p.m. Christinas Communion Rev, Geo. Nicholson, Blackstock Sunday, December 26--~ Sunday School as usual at 11 aun, 7.00 p.m. Carols = /o Rev. H. E. Pollster, L.Th. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A, Minister Sunday, Dec. 25th-- Christmas. Birthday. This is Christ's Your White Gift PENTECOSTAL CHURCH | Thursday, December 22, Annual Christmas Programme ¥ p.n. kveryone invited Sunday, December. 28 ONE SERVICE ONLY 10.80 a.m.--Morning Worship. "A Saviour is Born, 0 Come, Let Us Adore Him" - ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, December 25th-- Please Note--No Sunday School Classes will be held on Christmas Sunday. 7.00 p.m.--Evening Worship. special Service. 0 | a THE CHURCHES Jon Friday, Jan, 18, 11.00 a.m.--The Real Meaning of will be received at this service. K. Sprackett, Pastor Christmas Service and all mem- bers are asked to attend this PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, Dec. 25th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Service 7 p.m.--Evening Worship shown following the evening service. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. at 7.80 p.m. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL . "OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa 1360 on your Dial . Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 " "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." dec.16-66 Former Ontario Resident Passes In Vancouver formerly Migs Turner, of Tarroll, Manitoba. Mrs. Gibbord is survived by her daughter in her 90th year. F or that last Minute Christmas Gift GIVE A "Timex" Wrist Waich Many other Gifts to choose from TERMINAL GRILL Port Perry - Ont. 8 FAGAN ANG ANAND 6 AE EMS MIMO MEG? OFFICE CLOSED Holiday Season, December 25 to st Peace be with you this Christmas Season and Always Harris, Harris & Wallace Solicitors MSM RMI MIA RI MIMI MOAI AIMS? Bud Hooper, of Oshawa, will be the speaker at both services. Slides jon work in the Maritimes will be Christmas Concert on Friday, Dec. 23 Word has been received of the death of Mrs, A. H. Gibbard, in Vancouver, Margaret Ham of Scugog Island, and sister of Mrs. W. M. Real, of Port Perry; and Mrs. A. R. Enid and son W. C. Gibbord, and was SE het Be ny EEA Y § - £5 Faith Lvs [; Ft I 2D (LU ALE, LT COMING EVENTS Euchre The Cancer, Polio and Tuberculosis Fund of the 1.0,0.F. and Rebekahs are holding.a Euéhre at the 1.0.O,F. Hall, 1966. Lunch will be served. Everybody welcome. All proceeds for chartible purposes. ONO CLUB ' Prin 0. N. 0. New Year's Eve DANCE on Saturday, Dec. 81st, in the Recreation Centre, Blackstock, Music by Doug. Dasti orchestra. $1.60 per person. Darnieing 9 to 12, Lunch. Hats. Horns, . dec22 Burn's Supper under auspices of Fireside Club of Presbyterian Church, Port Perry. Watch for further announcements. Holds Successful 'm8 Meeting ONTARIO COUNTY CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION HOLDS SUCCESSFUL ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Ontario County Soil. and Crop Improvement Association was held jn the Legion Hall, Uxbridge, on Wednesday, Dec. 7 with approximately 160 farmers in at- tendance. The meeting started at 10.46 a.m. and President, John Batty, was in charge of the meeting. Reports of the varioius projects as carried out in 1966 were discussed by H. L. Fair and A. J. Gill and the var- ious co-operators who took part in the different tests and, demonstrations during the year. ' It is very interesting to note that there were 96 different farmers who took part in some uctive Crop Improve- ment this year. These tests and de- monstrations were carried out on a total of 117 acres. « James Semple, winner of the Soil & Crop-Tmproyement Scholarship for the high competitor in the Seed Judging Competition was presented with a cheque for - $10.00. Earl Winday gave a Yory ingests in September this year. Owen Sweetman, Little Britain, Soil and Crop Improvement Director for this district, congratulated the local association on the programme that it had carried out during the year. He also pointed out that it was essential if we were to grow the best crops pos- sible to sow only good quality seed and varieties suitable to the district." Ken Faliis, Crop Branch, Toronto, spoke on weed and brush control. He explained the Live History of grain rust, and emphasized the importance of the eradication of barberry and Buckthorn. He urged that a campaign be organized in Ontario County during the coming year, to eradicate these two pest shrubs. Art Robertson, Department of Agri- cultural Economies, addressed the meeting on the econom ics of farming. He stated that farm income, has dropped 329 since 1951. 9 He emphasized the fact that high qual- ity home grown feed and fodder was véry important if the farmer was to show satisfactory net income at the present time. At the conclusion of Mr. son's address he chaired a panel dis- cussion on "Planning your Farm Busi- ness in 1966. The panel members were Lloyd Smith, Murray Holthy, Larry Burt and Geo. McLaughlin. All the panel members emphasized the im. portance of efficiency in the various farm operations. They emphasized the importance of high quality hay and pastures and warned against farmers having too high a machinery inventory in proportion to the crops produced. It was decided to hold the Annual Seed Fair in Sunderland on Saturday, March 17th. The delegates to the Annual Soil & Crop Improvement meetings to be held in Toronto, January 28rd to January | 27th, are Wm. Heron and Murray| Holtby.. . : The election of officers resulted as follows: R Honorary. President -- Brooklin No. 1. , President--Wm, Heron, Blackwater. "1st Vice. President--Murray Holtby, R.R. 4, Port Perry. 2nd Vice-President--Roy Ormiston, R.R. 1, Brooklin. Secretary-Treasurer -- H. L. Fair, Uxbridge. Auditors--Clarence Armstrong, R.R, 4 Uxbridge; Ted Croxall, R.R. 8, Ux- bridge. Directors and Township Chairmen East Whitby--Elmer Powell, Oshawa, Whitby--Heber Down, Brooklin John Batty, |Schedule c ion Tour that was held Aen] "T 0.A.C;," Guelph, [Robert- Pickering--W. H. Westney, Pickering. Uxbridge--Norman Hogg, Uxbridge Seott--Harvey Meek, Sandford. Scugog---Anson Gerrow, Port Perry Reach---Murray Holtby, Port Perry. Brock--Win. Heron, Blackwater. Thorah--Rosas McMillan, Beaverton, Mara--Frank Davis, Brechin j Rama--Lawrence Cooper, Washago P Oshawa District Badminton League 15t Section Week starting November 27th, Ajax at Bowmanville and. Oshawa at Port Perry. Week starting December 4th, Ajax at Oshawa and Uxbridge at Ajax: ° Week starting, December 11th, Bow- manville at Oshawa, and Port Perry at Uxbridge. . Week: starting January 8th, Port Perry at Ajax and Uxbridge at Bow- | manville, : "Week starting Januury 16th, Bow- manville at Port Perry and Oshawa ut Uxbridge. 2nd Section Week starting January 22nd, Bow- | manville at Ajax and Port Perry at Oshawa. # Week starting January 20th, Ajax 'at Port: Perry and Oshawa at Ajax. Week starting February 6th, Ajax at Uxbridge, and Oshawa at Bow- manville. Week starting Februavy 12th, Ux- bridge at Port Perry and. Bowmanville at Uxbridge. Week starting I we, 10th, Port Perry at Bowmanville and Uxbridge at Oshawa. » ' Playoffs Week starting February 26th (semi. final playoff, total points) 1st vs, 8rd \ courts, Week starting March 4th, final playoff--total points) Ist vs. 8rd at 1st's courts and 2nd vs. 4th at 2nd's courts, 'Week starting March 11th, (final playoff, total points) winner of lst vs, 3rd at winner of 2nd vs. 4th, Week starting March 18th, winner of 2nd vs. 4th at winner 1st vs. 3rd. Week starting March 26th, District League Invitation Tournament. «re Oshawa Memorial Service On No. 2 Hwy. East of Oshawa City Limits MONUMENTS, MARKERS CORNER STONES, and STATUARY, ~ also Markers and Works of Bronze. Manufacturing Memorials to in- dividual requirements from the finest Granites and Marbles Available. For Information without Obligation write Box 218. or call RA. 5-6611 UXBRIDGE, ONT. . ALAN LADD, in "Drumbeat" + Ciniemasedpe & Technicolor Sunday Midnight December 25 "Gorilla At Large" IN COLOR Monday- Tuesday. | December 26-27 ,, SPENCER TRACY in - "Broken Lance" Citmmandops and Technicolor Wed. to Saturday, 4 Days, Dec. 28-31 GREER GARSON and * DANA ANDREWS "Strange Lady in Town" CINEMASCORE, and TECHNICOLOR at 3rd's conta; pn 2nd vs. 4th at 4th's (semi- Fri.-Sat., Dec. 23-24| NCTC ROCTCRROTNE ~ i 85g ODOC CT a [RJ ae WERE # Supreme Brand Sweet Coffee 01d South -- 48-02. tin. Rose Brand Sweet BABY GHERKINS _ 16-08. jar 45: CHRISTMAS CANDIES Culvebhouse Choice PEAS 20-02. in 2 for 31. Libby's Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48-0z. tin 27 NIBLETS CORN 14-0z. Hn 2 for 33: ; Chocolate Drops, Creams and Jolls, Hard Mix, Cut Rock Your choice im large cello package Bouquet Assorted CHOCOL ATES 13-0z. box 69¢ Maraschino CHERRY CHOCOLATES _dgelb. box 89¢ wee ZOE DG EGE GUL E EM CHRISTMAS FANCY NUTS Pecans included wb &Qc Faney BRAZIL NUTS, 1-lb; phar 49¢ Funey Dionond Budded WALNUTS ¥ 1-1b. KE. 59¢ [SEER E DENTE (EEE Christmas - (Winter Design) Wrapping Pap er 50-ft. roll 809. Tl) -- Pkg. of 17 ; 'Serviettes 7: Welch's 32-07. i) Giape Juice 43¢ Mayport ily Queen Olives 49 - 1-1b. box ) C Fancy Jumbo Candy CANES 8/29¢ Golden: Hour Assorted CHOCOLATES i ; 16-0z. © Dalion's Red Maraschino | Cherriesto wl 3c Ocean Spray -- 15-o0z. Cranberry Sauce 3 ¢ 16-0. Mixed Pickles 24k Libby's Fancy -- 2-pie size tin Mincemeat 43c Red & White Instant 2-0z, jar 7c 31. Peas & Carrots Zc 'Culverhouse Choice Halves Peaches or. tinh SC Blended Juice : Aylmer Fancy -- 20-oz. pnt LEE (0 0 ee et 8 Kae "CHRISTMAS GiFTs | °° Lady Lucy NYLONS ear 1.09 51 gauge - 16 denier LN Ontario No. 1 : DRESSED 5 TURKEYS LOWEST 3 Swift's 'Premium 1 TURKEYS | POSSIBLE OVEN READY PRICES DUCKLINGS i 'Swift's Premium -- Fully Cooked . Lhd HAMS b. 53 Swift's Premium -- Fruited -- Indvid- Boxed ; Pork Butts ©69:1 Swift's Premium -- Hockless Smoked Picnics 1b. 39¢ Pork Butts 1.43 Brookfield -- Pure Pork = For Dressing Sausage Meat Ib. 35¢ SWIlPs Premium -- Sealed pkg. 4 yo . PALS ; . Ib. 29: c | 4 Bacon rode, FRESH PRODUCE Fe a: ih Oranges doz 69: Florida Zipperskin re Large 175 size :Tangerines. doz 39} Cape Cod Finest Deep Red 'Cranberries b. oka 23. 5 Holland Marsh -- Crisp -- 20-0z. bag Carrots ~~ 2for19c Always a Favorite Sweet Potatoes 3 Ibs. 27 c Mild -- Flavorful -- No. 1 : . ii : lb. §¢ ~ i Turnips. Firm -- Ripe -- Palm Garden RN Cello Tomatoes 2 for 35¢ Crisp -- Tender -- Green | Celery 2 for 19¢ Firm -- Green -- Select = Iceberg ERE. 4 Lettuce each 17¢ 7 o ~~ FROZEN FOOD % Birdseye Tender Green Pons; 12-0z. pkg. 26¢ Birdseye " French Green' Beans, 10-0z. pkg. . i ' Birdseye ; Delicious Frozen Strawberries, 15-02. pkg. 49 ME degli 50 Cigarettes goth for Plus FIRELITE Cigarette Lighter 1. / 9 | Lig ait Wrapped a, V4 'Dowson's Food Market Port Perry, Phone 91

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