Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Feb 1956, p. 4

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Rats Be \ i 4~THE PORT PERRY |STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1966 pas guy HUN bie less, Montcalm is not only the best - * Sr COMING EVENTS Junior Far mers malting but it also is a good feed barley. ' N WW : (Continued from page 1) ; Es . LO CAL KE \ In regard to cereal grains, John Gill| Tetra Pekus Winter Rye is an ex-1 - NEAT lm: rrr ARTES ESE mentioned the newer, higher-yielding ceptionally high yielding grain and is Dr, J. B. Lundy has returned from Valentine Euchre varietios of oats such at Rodney, Gar- Fetoanfeideg of grein erg pid hon T%: Pu Rute hide } ; and Simcoe. Rodney is a lat © ° 0 LW, a most enjoyable and interesting trip THE CHUR HES The Rebekahs are holding a Euchre et ES tre a Lor John Gill suggested that farmers on the luxury liner Maasdam of the in the 1,0.O.F. lodge rooms on Friday, turing Garry and Simcoe. Tests have would be wise to test plot the new Hal! erd- -American Line from New February 10, at 8.30, Rebekahs please |. co toi bt Rodne d a h varieties. on their own farms, Thus A] xp y and Garry have his: J : AA York into the Carribbean Sea, stop- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION provide lunch. Everyone welcome. outyielded all-other varieties. Last they -would 'find the highest yielding , PE % Fors gu rind men AN) Feb. ¢ 2 : BPEE: oi &. 16st plot of sligitly varieties for their particular oil and ; 4 Av if wi By Bnd TE 1 : "1 Rev. K. W. Scott, LXh, Rector Gime: more than an acre, Murray Holtby of the following yield would supply suf- I 2 3 on a wy, b iy oa a Sunday, February fous 0 'Farmers' Union , | Manchester; rejforted that. Rodney oats ficient seed, for future seedings at Ld : spe iih avenn athe cautiiul ety 11%a.m.--Holy iin yielded 52 bushels, Lanark 18, Beaver mpi cost. i Sunday School. The Cartwright Local of the Ontario | 14, and Simcoe 10, (Remember we oward the close of his talk John |" . Farmers Union are holding & meeting had a very dry summer). emphasized the fact that' it more than 2 0 ; i mm , 3 " : 3 ' pays to sow pedigreed seed (approved, oie PERRY UNITED CR ORcH 12 the Community Hall, Blackstock, ~~ ey | Sali ghint los tified) ba p a ) SRRY y intér Barley is gradually gaining |registered or certifie ecause. see Word has been gal df Eng. >a on Friday, Febyuary 3, at 8.30 p.m. pnillaronn Ein 8 \ Is Va ohe be oy wold" Port Pern Rev. .R. H. Wylle, B.A., Minister |The guest speaker will be Donald C: in favour with 'some farmers. Kenate, can easily lose its true variety by in- al ong NY : ay Cada hain MacDonald, MP.P. Everyone wel- released in 1964 by the O0,A.C. is a six- [tercrossing with lower producing true is yng Ay og hy id Sunday, Feb, Sth-- come feb2 | rowed, rough awned variety and Hud- | varieties in adjacent fields. Remem- nile J / Mr, " 3 : IN che : 'big 4 ays. , 10.00 a.m.--8unday School son which was released to growers in ber grass seeds should be sewn in}. ° A PN fortnery 21 Te Be! 11.00 a.m.--"Blessings in Disguls¢" | . | Ontario in 1965 are the most winter-|shallow seed beds and for a féw pen: : - wr , oo 7.00 p.m.--~--Evening Worship D Post d hardy varieties for Ontario. However, | nies one can inoculate seed and grain , 98 Tins he lie gis : L ama. ostpone winter barley is not as winter hardy |many dollars in increased yields. OIR NDE «102.8 ¢ little boy 0 R as winter wheat and a farmer would| = For further informati Cont * bounced the scales at 7 lbs. 1 oz. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH iit Pair THEN. Sehicol. Droid have to want It of a very well-drained For further iifotaation in veghnd 1 . Hearty congratulati 'e the ord . \ he plant yu rained | new varieties of seeds, two new cir+|. : of the yee gratulations azs ths cider Sunday, Feb, Sth-- Group presents, "Alexander Proposes" | favourable field. culars, 269 and an Exhibition circular 2 ¥ ---------- 10 a.m.--Sunday School on Thigadey, Bebe 0 Ay 8 ha "Brant and Montcalm are spring va-| November 1966, are at your Agricul-|' a . -- in the High School. Folk dancing andy jaties of smooth-awned six-rowed bar- | tural Office in Uxbridge. It is the 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. de tration by Special C ani 8 : Cards of Thanks pe Brean Eovvite Bung a on | A Shae a ley. Brant is the highest yielding bar- | opinion of this. writer that farmers : A £ Wed. 8 p.m--Prayer Service. Class. Gene " mission abe. ley in most regions of Ontario but not | with their farming problems would be |: - + The family of the late Mr. Thomas | prj § p.m.--Christ's Ambassadors. . . in our County and has given excellent | happier and moye "successful if they Lane wish to express their deep gra- CHRIST IS THE LIFE F U Ls results as a fegd barley. Neverthe- [sought the assistance of Mr. Fair and -titude for the many acts of kindness, Pastor K, R. Sprackett. armer nion Mr. Gill at the Agricultural Office in . expressions of sympathy and beauti- ] Farmers meeting to be held in the : : : Uxbridge. . EY avis " ; : a Te ' ful floral tributes. We especially wish : , Manchester Hall on Monday, Feb. 18, Osha = M 3 ] Our- President, Ted Lamb, thanked THE. '0ANADIAN grog: > S00 Poe Nally Shing Spt On . to thank Dr. Dymond and nurses of - ST. JOHN . at 2.30 pan. Guest speaker Mr. J.| wa emoria John Gill for his excellent talk. ore thods--eayiar, puis de 6.872%, ° ne oe hd P Pi 9 35087 Port Perry Hospital. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Schultz, Chairman of Inter-provineial . - wd Wo dohnson hors d'oeuvres--are gaining in popu- the "Canadian," C.P.Rs 'new, crack Sy Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A, DD. | py Union Council feb.9 Service We SOREN arity with the travelling. public, and | transcontinental, is lobster, and both 1 wish to express my thanks to Minister pL bmn ' ' . succulent "steaks and vintage wines| Chef G. DeCarle and' Waiter Gordon . _~friends and neighbours for their cards, | Sunday, February 5th-- . On No. 2 Hwy. East of Oshawa are sharing favour with the tradition. | Jacobs agree that it is one of the most flowers, fruit and telephone enquiries| 10 a.m.--Sabbath School Valentine Dance City Limits . Ontario County al roast beef and lamb chops on Cana- | savory of seafoods. during my recent stay in the hospital. | 11 a.m.--Divine Worship A leone to the GN. O MONUMENTS, MARKERS ; or --Mrs. Ruby Slute. The Sacrament of The Lord's warm welcome lo the U." IN. CORNER STONES, and Mr. "G. E.. Nelson; Holstein Folds grooms + . } Supper Valentine Dance with Doug. Dasti's STATUARY 0 ein i det led eet of Ble - ' Pa To express my thanks 'and grati- Friday, Feb 3rdf1 3d _ z | Orchestra, Friday P.M. February 10, ; ' ; [mn ove R e ailed 2 pot Su tore losing Hour ' tude in mere words is most inadequate, y Pre abo y Service, \ . |at Blackstock Recreation Centre. also Holds Meetin worl in the Fast-Cen ze pis . He however, I am most grateful for the ) Prizes and lunch, $1.00 per couple. | Markers and Works of Bronze. $A el? g Joe oe 4 phono bitin. i | v 2 beautiful flowers, cards of sympath ae feb.9 Ti 1 alg £ th ; Sraly Wors ue 0g S d 9 nd deeds of kindness which sveryone| PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Manufacturing Memorials to in-| The annual meeting of the Ontarlo| hegt attended projects carried out by arurdays J p.m. . ly offered. 1 thank Pastor: Paul Delaney dividual requirements from the | County Holstein Club was held in the| the Holstein Clubs in his district. He : 'most Senergis y oliere a Sunday Feb. 5th-- v Marathon vit Enchre finest Granites and Marbles Township Hall, "Manchester, on Wed, urged that more breeders take advan- - rr you all, 5 : : Available. January 18th, with approximately 100 y °] : P. E. Sulman.| Sunday School at 10 a.m. Wt i aE tage of the local Black and White Worthwhile : . Morning Servi od at Jha Tiga {the Yona oo bos hig p or Information without Obligation Holstein breeders in attendance. Show at Port Perry to bring out some vy Ais to express iA Shies Panne [Evening service at 7pm. er February Sed, at § paw. Prizes write Box 213 or call RA. 5.6611 President Fred Christie opened thio | ©f their show animals. At the con- . Regi to all who sent me cards, flowers, and | Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 pan. | "or TRE Rn, meeting at 10.30 a.m. with a few words clusion of his address he presented ea ng oe. 0 7 Polite, eg oa ew hei Young People's on Friday at 8 p.m. EHR : of welcome to the assembled breeders. Long Tims Bldg, Sepsifivatis 6) : ; be 36 : 7 = : Dr. Douglas Maplesden, Ontario Vet- | the follwing Ontario County Holstein) . for your whole family - Hospital who were so kind to me ; g D h ' : erinar breeders: : - a y College, Guelph, provided the ; in the world-famous pages Auring my recent illness. THE SUNDAY onoon eal 3 Notice fo Creditors highlight of the day's Seating with| Orvan Chambers, Norman Hogg, of The. Christian Science . . } Betty Moore. , BROCK, H. Sophia --At Port Perry| "lan address on cattle diseases. Dr. | Punrobin Farm, Ed Oyler, Wm. Stone, Monitor. Enjoy Erwin D. = > + [-wish to extend my sincere thanks| Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa Community Hospital, on Saturday, In the Estate of Hector Bert Muplesden emphasized the importance Burnsell Webster, Clarence Werry & Canham's neviest stories, to_the Epsom W.A., Willing Workers 1850 on your Dial January 28th, 1956, H. Sophia Parr, McKercher, Deceased of prevention with regard to all com- Son, H. Ornierod, Walter Davis, Roy| penetrating national and in- -- wert : ly A "; : - -- beloved wife of the late F. W. Brock, oo } 3 Ormiston, Smith Bros, Herman Wal- ternational news coverage, Cae, he ibe Clase he Commons | sunday Moring ot 1005 | fe OF the I FCW, Hae) css ving cas nga | Ho ube denen mud mated tha Qin J So Cnt, TSE CE re L a ti S yi > a os a on "We need Churel | Perry, and Dr. John F. of Oshawa. | the Estate of Hector Bert McKercher, Vandp eile for goo " 2. 'The election of directors resulted as making ideas. Every issue. 2 £a1Y8, ean hos i : Spey : wg y 1 ® Ment HUF a ho d y, Funeral service on Monday, at Me- late of the Township of Reach, in the . dy. ds of treat anit » 8 follows: brings you helpful easy-to- -. : dK. RE Who made Mind inqai wih Fheei oc ONL. Glen Needs iil Dermott-Panabaker chapel. Inter- | County of Ontario, Retired Carpenter, To Po oy iim bios ih year . Orvan Chambers Wilfrid read articles. , i et ag ne 100,10-06 } ment Pine Grove Cemetery. Who Hed. or, alos Pie 160 day a 'pr. a Ross. Evans, "Uxbridge, R. 4 You can get this interna- y oH iL 4s : : fJ , A.D., 1956, 2 3 'od Port Perry Community Hospital. To. i 2 NR wR _ "yor SRERTY ALD, 1986, are hétehy no tospirosis, a disease enusin Abortion Harold Werry, Oshawa, R. 2 tional daily newspaper from sit : WALLACE, Mary 'Ellen At her| tified to send he u g h ps Co Jean Taylor Cm - . ied t nd to the undersigned on 4 tl . Chas. Hadden, Blackwater, R. 1 Boston by mail, without VE t Aylon: Junior Institute ~ |home, Port Perry, on Saturday, Jan.| or before the 28th' day of February,|'" ®*® ; : Ken Hollida > Brooklin extra charge. Use the cou- AN el -| 28th, 1956, Mary Ellen Johnston, be-| 1956, full particulars of their claims.| The various projects ted ont dur. Bob Flett Pe R. 2 pon below to start your : 5 Th k Y (Carol Midgley) [loved wife of Abrahum Wallace, in her| Immediately after the said date the|ing the year were discussed and it| Wm Stone Blackwater subscription. =x, . & 3 an ou The girls opened their January 24th 770 year. Funeral was on Tuesday, | agsetg of the said deceased will be dis- | was decided to sponsor the following| Fred Lonsk Usbridge, B.2 | = ooo r oe 47 sit si vii , is - You will read in this week's issue of meeting by answering the roll call with Jan. 3, at 2 pm. Interment Pine|\jhuted among the parties entitled projects in 1966: Cecil Disney, Brooklin R. 1 Ty Christian Science Heater. Ra Ope the "Star" that I am opening a West-|an idea for the future meetings. Elea- Grove Cemetery. thereto, having regard only to claims LL Bus Trip - Leslie Smith, Port Perry, R. 2 Ca qs. Fhass, U. SA. p 9 ern' Tire and Ayto Supply Store in he Henson ood presented ith 8 MACLAURIN, Alice D.--at Toronto | of Which he shall then have notice. 2, Twilight Meeting Please send the Monitor to me - Stouffville, this spring; but at this|gift for highest attendance last year.| © 0 A 0 100 Bayar TED at. P io.| 8. Black and White Show will again aN _ for period checked © tinte I would like to thank the people | Then the girls divided into groups tof ; ; DA at Port Perry, Ontgrio, 16 6 hs $8 peo 26, 1956, Alice D. Burnham, wife of { 4}. be carried on in Port Perry «in 0 - un u 1 year $16 (J months oO. : bat Tit that X , | discuss and plan pro ram topics until ey this 24th day of January, A.D. 19566 ; onths $4 of this district for -their patronage p prog p CON \ : : i: : - : 3m $0: . Ct for patrol ot Ju Dr. Norman T. Maclaurin. A pri- |. conjunction with Port Perry Fair.|' mgnioht there is a concert in the wn Using the post A bare enjoyed vate service was held on Tuesday, Jan. ARTHUR W. S. GREER, Q.C.,| 4. The Annual Banquet will again High School auditorium, and the, Club Tonks j SorvuE You Pirovgly Mis piitd, of 31, at the Church of the Ascension, Box 131, Port Perry, Ont.,[ = be held this fall. do not in'any way wish to disturb them iY : time. Ry } "Port Perry. . Interment Pine Grove Solicitor forthe abov above Estate. Mr. Roy Ormiston was appointed to ing. ; : IL mo : : 'Thank again : by shooting, so for tonight we are = (0ddress) RAY HOBBS. HOURS Cemetery. Feb. 9th, represent Ontarlo. County oh the Pe: | haying NO SHOOTING, but there will wo wo TE | MeTAGGART, Robert Duncon--At iv ugh i Com- be a get together to talk over casting yr Lg ¢ a Community Hospital, Port Perry, on : n _-- : and fish, and do a little casting. ro-14 [1 . : - Tuesday, January 81, 19668, Robert TV ROTO Births OPEN . (Bert) Duncan McTaggart, beloved ; T SWEETMAN---Keith and Jean(nee SATURDAY NIGHT husband of Margarét Ethel Brown. INSTALLED f p Leask) -wish to announce the arrival at 7 o'clock Resting at the chapel of McDermott- 0 | 1 50 ; di of their baby daughter, Valerie Lynne, - Panabaker, Port Perry for service on n Y ° i. on Sunday, January 29, 1956 at Port -- Thursday, at 2 p.m, ' Perry Community Hospital: NO WEDNESDAY Graham Bros "1 -- Mr 'AFTERNOON BOWLING pl . , . ¢ re . SCOTT == My.dn) Mis, Waldeon : While cheese if an"important food AERIAL SPECIALISTS ; --------- : Scott (nee Jean Crosier) are happy in the total ver of Canadian 4 o0o 0 to announce the birth of their daugh- TL J py © to » am Tort a an foods, 9 George Street : PE WY i. A N ee v " . ter, Donfla Marie, 'a sister for Bobby OPEN BOWLING eesd nil wiodiasty se loos 1ney AJAX 331 for their product than do producers and Brenda, on Tuesday, January 24, 7to11 P.M. 15 ther branch of the i a " Feb. © at Grace Hospital, Windsor. THURSDAY,- FRIDAY, 7 RY Ok Rey PERCH SIE Dim y. ' y ' i . ny - . SATURDAY jie date ate otata Ro mpd Death - ea FAMILY NIGHT BOWLING tie GARBUTT, Arthur Earls--Passcd FRIDAY. il < away .on Thursday morning, January : A Th 19, 1066, Arthur Earls Garbutt,, of "3 iF Westhill, Ont., beloved husband of the ot ps GAUGE NYLONS late Florence Elizabeth Dixon, dear Causeway Bowling | . father of Murray, Beryl, Mrs, Eric \ ¢ | ( "Ormsby (Maida), and the late Lloyd La )C. N 7 ; E. Garbutt, nes oe avin ust Wn - ; tk Garbutt was a former principal tf. . . 3 WIRED hac } st the Public cond In_ Port Perry SUBSTANDARDS :: GOOD WEARABILITY. HRT 2: EL} . 2 a : ome forty years ago. 120 PAIRS ONLY. * COME EARLY. ess wo 1 mm---------- [] ; 3 to i wie ip py oy : : y * - 'X . be to nd ou : Tere 1. eek-En 0 r ruar "AN APPRECIATION MERCHANT" plone you! : SALADA BROWN LABEL TEA, Yo dbs ini. NARA R RENNER AANA ANA RA RRA] IN BUSINESS! +++ Use extra listings to show other =" =~ ee WE "firm hames for your business --to associate your name : MONAR HW ITE CAKE MIX .....oocconinnnnnnnnns ies | CH WH E aa A Sa and residence telephone number with your firm name a - || SHERIFF'S FRUIT PUDDING ...coonmmmirtinsninn 326, --or to show afer hour numbers for you and. you at Pri YORK BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES .........c..co0 386. ~ TENDE 4S Ri employees. #~ A ; : ' : le Other bera arnil and 5 . 7 Anyone wishing to redeem their coupons, bring them in ; - " a HOMEI $e members of the family TILE a4 "next week For the position of Secretary-Treasurer for the Port RESET. | | 13 relatives, ropmers or hoarders would benefit from HERE Re 2 pL ® BAR Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society. Tenders BELL TELEPHONE having their names listed in the telephone directory. : : AR . ' : N ' : : / : i will be received up to February 11th, 1966. Mail tenders to COMPANY Pieaso bp sure to check your directory right away. DOUPE'S GENER AL STORE 'Armour McMillan, R.R. 2 Seagrave. Lowest or any tender OF CANADA For changes and additions in the white page section. To i VUE AN . : rt nessa lly avid Call our Business Office without delay, a. Phone 485W ; Prince Albert : EE MNASMGIIGII IAAI TT CE ------------ 4A AERA AEA ANNAN AENEAN EE . ¥ 5 1 \ i : "Ee i

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