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Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Apr 1956, p. 5

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| More high school girls are going Into nursing. today than ever before. And, one of the most challenging branches of the entire profession Is psychlatric nursing--the care and treatment of the mentally lll. Psychlatric nurses are specialists In the diversified field of nursing. Today, mental illness presents a jor challenge to medical science, Girls: on the threshold of their careers can play a fascinating role in helping to meet this chal- lenge by enrolling at one of the Ontario Hos ital Nursing Schools located at Brockville, Kingston or Whitby.. Yes, you, with training and knowledge gained at one of these three schools, can become a specialist in an estab- lished profession. Join the psychiatric team that ls gradually unravelling the mystery of mental illness. While training at one of the Ontario Hospitals you | elve a monthly honorarium ranging from $25 to $50 a & month, free room and board, free uniforms and laundry, three weeks' vacation annually, and all statutory holidays. Send this coupon now Superintendent of Nursing School of Nursing Ontarlo Hospital ' Brockville, Kingston or Whitby Points. Total - Team Taken Points Mustangs . 3 38 Hurricines- ., b 36 Helicopters 4 28 Mosquitoes 2 27 | 4 MT RARER TAA 3 26 Kitty Hawks . 6 23 Lancasters ... 2 23 .| Spitfires ... 2 23 Bombers oni 3 22 i 77 STRAIN. 4 21 Sunderlands . wel: B 19 North Stars on 4 10 | High Single and High Triple Elma Doyle enn 204 Elma Doyle ,..ccocvviiinininniinnninnneine 693 High Singles Elma Doyle .......ccovvriinnnnnns Joyce Venning Bert Freelon ............... Joy Ballard ............... Kacey - Harper Mary Enge ........ Louise Carnegie .......c.ccoviviinnnns Doreen Fletcher ......cccocoecvviinnenne 221 - Eliane Bailey and Beth Oke........ 211 Marg. Harrison ......ccoevcvinevnnnnnnns 208 Ladies Wed. Night Bowling League APRIL 11, 1956 Ladies Monday Jowling League Over 200-- Mary Amell (Bon Bon) FOR 246 Vera Fawns (Jenny) ........couuun. 286 Camille Crozier (Gum Drop) ....224 Shirley Lee (Jenny) .. " Alma Cox (Laura) ....... 218 Elma Vernon (All Sort) .............. 208 Joan Huntley (Gum Drop) ........ 206 Marjorie Burnett (Candy Cave) 202 High Triple, b: Loretta Parrish (Jenny) .............. 6548 Low Triple Without Handicap ~ Marion Crozier (Gum Drop) .... 4203 Hog Producers To Be Informed "Five thousand volunteer canvassers are participating this month in an In- formation Campaign to meet current criticisms that our hog producers are 'I not adequately informed about our marketing agency," stated Ted Mar- ritt, Secretary of the Ont. Hog Pro- ducers' Association, in Toronto. orks this way:" he said, "Each hog producing county has held, or is planning to hold a meet- ing. County executives of the On- tario Federation of Agriculture and of the Ontario Hog Producers' Associa- tion, plus executives of other farm or- ganizations will attend the meeting, "At this meeting," Mr. Marritt con- tinued, "a county 'campaign chairman', plus township chairmen are elected. The duty of the township chairman is to select carefully a "well-informed I'd like to know more about how | can start a career In nursing. BIokbalS «oreo group" of canvassers, each of whom -- : Ere Bon Bons....... will be responsible for a specified NAME .....oomupmims att EO RE APE 2 yy he es lon ADDRESS ful Ft en rasan cesar Fenprfsnemws ne REL OA Peppermints ... The canvasser visits each hog pro- ' Candy Canes ducer in the area assigned him, In CITY omissions pres ssssssiisssmshrsmrgsainstis [TeV All Sorts Rost eines, themmber of prodursrs in ori i on ffi fon 4 po rp fee dig os pry stig mt pf Caramels his area does not exceed'15. When the (ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTL Jennys ..,. canvasser visits the hog producer, he Honourable Mackinnon Phillips, M.D., C.M, LLD., Minster Jelly Beans .. he o describes to him how the hog market- Lauras ....coo. ST Daas 20 |ing agency operates and what benefits : 5 . : * : : f - °o eo of / / : Best performance in ils fiel o ¢ « 173-Hp. to 225-Hp. V-8 The '56 Ford has the world's most - «MD exciting V-8 engine! It's the largest. selling V-8 "of all=mow ima wider-than-ever range z TUDOR YICTORIA Smartest styling o oo Its trim lines Inspired by the Thunderbird 2 i Any way you look at it, you can see the unmistakable styling-inspiration of the Thunderbird in the '56 Ford . . . the same long, low, lithe silhouette, alive with the look of tomorrow! And Ford's big, roomy interiors feature trims gnd upholsteries that are unmatched for smartness and eye-appeal .-. . | all of them as practical and hard. -wearing as they are glamorous. Ford is the Folly car that's Thaderiing lovely, inside and out! ) ® of horsepowe I-block Six--with th v-8 or SIX--a Ford with r ratings, 173-Hp. to 225-Hp.! And Ford also offers the famous e lively performance of deep-block design--available in all Mainline and Customline models tT and in a hens range of station wagons, us Fordowmatic drive offers you the finest, most LAER power, the smoothest, easiest driving! CUSTOMLINE FORDOR Safest car in 7 Jield with all the safety features of Lifeguard Design , Ford gives you and your family the extra peace-of-mind that goes with built-in safety--with safety steering wheel and safety-hold door latches, plus many other built-in safety features. And you can have (at moderate extra cost) Ford's safety seat belts and plastic padding for instrument panel and - sun visors. You have all the newest power assists. too--power steering and power brakes, . power window lifts and 4-way power seat. oe + PHONE 512 (oe V] "ge T NI {141 SIGNS [En WLLL | FOR (Cerfatn features Hustrated or mentioned are' 'Standard' on some models, optidnal at extra cost on others.) WE INVITE YOU TO SEE YOUR FORD- MONARCH DEALER... TAKE A DRIVE AND COMPARE! MANCHESTER GARAGE THE BEST VALUES IN FORDOR VICTORIA PORT PERRY USED CARS AND TRUCKS '| of years in London, it brings to the farmer, Mr. Marritt said that canvassers will urge hog producers to ship their hogs only with those transporters who have a license issued by the Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing Board. . The producer will be urged always to se- cure a receipt from the transporter on which is indicated his tatoo number; he will be urged not to ship hogs at weights of over 200 pounds; and he will-be urged to ship his hogs only to the stock yards unless the Hog Mark- eting 78ales Agency has dlready sold his hogs for a definite price. For those hog producers wishing to become members of the hog co-opera- tive the canvasser will have member- ship cards available, Two Loidon Daries Merge with Bordens TORONTO, APRIL 13--The Borden Company Limited has announced the acquisition of two London, Ontario dairies to camplete the distribution of its full line of products in the rapidly expanding Ontario city. The two dairies, Wilson's Dairies, and Robb-Brown Dairy have served the people of London for many years and the changeover to Borden's will be effected with no dislocation of service. - The Borden practice of establishing its divisions under the control of local management in the various communi- ties it serves, will be followed in Lon- don. To co-ordinate the operations in this centre, one of the plants will be modernized with new equipment to facilitate the production of quality pro- ducts and to give the ultimate in ser- vice, Borden's are well Known | in Western Ontario. As of 1899, the first Cana- dian operation of Borden Company 7| Ltd. was established in Ingersoll. Since that time other plants have been add- ed in the area for the production of dairy and food products, An ice cream branch has been operated for a number Now for the first time, fluid milk distribution will be a part of the Borden service in this city. The changeover to Borden's is effec- tive immediately. . i] go . : H goog oH Sid A y insted wid ai 4S AOE RR ELAR El NG AA A fo ¥ i. THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 19666 ANH, HArAATY Women's Hospital Auxiliary The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary was held at the Community Memorial Hospital on Tuesday afternoon, April 16, with Mrs, M. B, Dymond presiding. Saturday, May 12th, has been pro- claimed National Hospital Day, and once again your Auxiliary" will en- deavour to make a visit to our Hos- pital an interesting event. So many people are in town on a Satuwjay afternoon that we are hoping for a large attendance. The hospital and its facilities will be open to the public from 2:30 until 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon, and during those hours the Auxiliary members will be pleased to serve afternoon tea to the visitors, During 'the past month we have pur- chased several new articles of kitchen equipment, and as usual the sewing and mending committees have worked quietly and efficiently. Plans are .going on apace for the Penny Draw. By the end of May tickets will be on sale, and we hope to have some very worthwhile prizes. Our regular afternoon meeting will be dispensed with next month in lieu of the open meeting, the tentative date for which has been set as May 28th, and which will be held at 8:15 o'clock in the Public Library. We expect to have a most interesting speaker, or speakers, and are hoping for a goodly attendance. Please keep this meet- ing in mind and show your interest in your Hospital by being present with us, 3,203 GOLDEN WEDDINGS IN CANADA'LAST YEAR There were at least 3,208 golden wedding anniversaries in Canada last year. This = incidental information was turned up by Dominion Textile Com- pany Limited in the course of marking its own 50th birthday in 19565. The Montreal company found out-- the hard way--when it decidéd to con- gratulate couples boasting the same span as man and wife. : Originally, says President G. B. Gordon in his report on "operation matriniony," the idea was to send a small commemorative gift and a con- gratulatory letter to those couples celebrating golden anniversaries last January. That was the month when the company was founded. But the idea overflowed into the fol- lowing 11 months, helped along by a returning stream of slices of anniver- sary. cakes, warm letters of thanks and batchs of greeting cards from the re- cipients, . ' Some Peculiarities The gifts were a shegt and two 'pol- low slips to each coupld. Mr. Gordon' has_ just finished signing the last of his 3,203 létters--*"a really. gratifying undertaking." There were some regional peculiari- ties. In the west, November and Decem- baer seemed favored as Prairie wedding months 50 years ago. As one western editor put it: "Crops were all-in by then, chores. done and everything nailed down for the winter, Off they went in the buggy (or cutter) to get hitched." June enjoyed a certain vogue even then as a bridal month. Some 445 couples celebrated golden wedding 'an- niversaries last June--about 14 per cent" of 'the total uncovered by the company. 4 Custom | Slaughtering Meat Prepared for Lockers CAWKER BROS. "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" PORT PERRY PHONE 29 "DEPARTMENT STORE Ns more arab loin walls for me, / WALLPAPER 1S SO BEAUTIFUL .+S0 EASY TO CLEAN ..S0 EASY TO APPLY | .S0 VERY ECONOMICAL . AND IT DOES SO MUCH FOR YOUR FURNITURE! WALLPAPERS--aslowas 29c single roll ~ ~Pre-Pasted Paper, 83c. up. Washable Papers 49¢. up. BIG SELECTION IN Semi-Trimmed, Sun-Tested Washable and Pre-Pasted Phone 43 |e } | er -- TEE ' i of : rs x £5 1 i; Ng yO VO VR J Sl

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