Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Jun 1956, p. 4

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- ¢--THE PORT PERRY, STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1956 LOCAL Miss May Walker and sister, Mrs. Florence Nelson, of Brampton spent the week-end with Port Perry friends. Birth MORRISON--Mr, and Mrs. Stew- art Morrison (nee Ethelreda Hutton) are happy to announce the birth of their third daughter, Ethelreda Mar- lene, on' Tuesday, June 12, 1966 at the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, a sister for Shirley and Janie. HOPE--Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Debra Ann, in the Com- munity Memorial Hospital, Port Perry on June 16th, 19566. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank those friends and relatives who visited me or sent cards and fruit while I was in hospital; also my sincere thanks to Dr. Rennie and to the nurses and staff of the Com- munity Memorial Hospital Port Perry. Glen Demara. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Druean of Sea- grave wish to thank the members of the Seagrave United Church & Sonya for their cards and beautiful flowers sent during their recent bereavement; also a special thanks to the priests at Uxbridge and the ladies of the C.W.L. for mass cards and our thanks to Dr. Rennie and Mr. MeDermoty. ¢ I wish to thank the many friends who visited Ernest and myself during our stay in hospital with a special thanks to my neighbours and the nurses, also Drs, Rennie, Dymond, and Sturgis and Rev. Mr. Wylie; also to all who sent flowers and fruit. Jennie & Ernest Hance. Mere words are inadequate to ex- press our gratitude to our relatives, friends and neighbours who helped through the days of illness and then sorrow with beautiful flowers, words of sympathy and deeds of infinite® kindness. To Rev. R. H. Wylie a special thank you for his kind words. We can only say thank you so much. Garnet Cochrane and family. To all our friends and neighbours we would like to say thank you for all the acts of kindness, words of sym- pathy shown to us in the loss of our Mother and Grandmother. Special thanks to the ones who cared for the children during our hours of sorrow; also to the Scugog W. A. for their consideration of us at this time. Thanks ever so much. Keith Crozier and family. We wish to express our deep appre- ciation and gratitude to our many friends and relatives for their kindly "acts, beautiful flowers & cards which were such a help to us in our sudden bereavement; special thanks to Rev. R. H. Wylie for his consoling words. Mrs. M. T. Beare and family. Miss Rachael (Matilda) Snelgrove wishes to thank sincerely all the rela- tives and friends who made her 100th birthday such a happy memorable event. She appreciated deeply the kindness of all who called, sent lovely flowers, letters, cards and gifts. She would like to express a special thanks to the Woman's Assoc.'s; the Women's Institute, the Neighbours, the Shut-In dept. of CK.E.Y., and the relatives who arranged happy family re-union. I wish to express my appreciation, to the kind friends and neighbours for "the many acts of kindness shown, also the nurses and staff of Commu- nity Memorial Hospital. Sunday, June 24th-- NEWS THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Cin (Anglican) Rev. K. 'W. Scott, L.Th,, Rector 9.30 a.m.--Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School. "7.00 p.m.--Evening Prayer and Sermon, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister Sunday, June 24th-- { 11 a.m.--Morning Worship ~--No evening service, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, June 24th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 7 pm.--Evangelistic Service, CHRIST IS THE LIFE iveryone Welcome K. Sprackett, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., B.D. Sunday, June 24th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. ¢ ( 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. b (Please note change of time) PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Paul Delaney Sunday, June 24th-- Sunday School at 10 a.m, Morning Service at 11 a.m. Iivening service at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Young People's on Iriday at 8 p.m. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, 1350 on your Dial Oshawa Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- ) our Church needs us." dec.16-66 NEW BRUNSWICK RETURNS TORIES TO POWER FREDERICTON.--New Brunswick, first of the three provinces to vote this week, gave Premier Hugh John Flem- ming's Progressive Conservatives a return ticket Monday. Their thumping endorsement of a Conservative program of "power, pro- gress and prosperity" gave govern- ment supporters one more seat in the | 52-member legislature for a total of 38, and upped their share of the pop- ular vote to 51 per cent from 48.9 in the 1952 election in which 17 years of Liberal rule came to an end. 'Quebee and Saskatchewan voted on Wednesday. ' - - The New Brunswick standing, with 1052 standing in brackets: Progressive Conservatives 37 (36); Liberals 15 (16); Total 52 (52). The 57-year-old lumberman-premier almost mobbed by celebrating support- ers in Fredericton, said he considers the result a mandate to continue the government's $211,000,000 power de- velopment program, Death PURDY, Alice Mary--At Hotel Dicu Hospital, St. Catharines, on Monday, June 18, 1956, Alice Mary Purdy, be- loved mother of Douglas Nasmith, of St. Catharines and Frie Nasmith, of Toronto. Resting at the Butler Fun- eral Home, 33 Duke St., St. Catharines, where service was held on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. Interment in Pine Grove Cemetery, Port Perry, on Mrs. Gordon MeDonald. Wednesday afternoon, MONARCH CHOCOLATE CA DOUPE'S HEINZ DILL PICKLE CHIPS, : PHONE 485W, PRINCE ALBERT Free delivery on all orders of $2.00 or over. PRN PON. A rrrrsneesi 290 SR RT esa Pere .40c. $08 4000p in arsasiiiane $1.19 16 0z. ............ evi r rel 17c¢. KE MIX STORE | COMING EVENTS Paper Salvage By Boy Scouts on WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE .2%th, Please bundle and tie papers securely and leavg out by 6 p.m, June 21 -- ' Baking Sale SATURDAY, JUNE g8th, sponsored by the Ladies Aid, to be held ir front of 'the Presbyterian Church at 10 o'clock in the morning. June2§ At Home Mr. and Mfs. Wm. J. Martyn of Prince Albert will be pleased to re- ceive their friends and relatives on Saturday, June 30th from £ to 4 and from 8 to 10 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martyn on the 4th concession of Reach, upon the occasion of their fiftieth Wedding Anniversary. June 28. Dance In Blackstock Recreational Centre, Monday, Jane 25th at 9 p.m. Round and Square dancing. Music, by Hill- billy Ramblers. Admission The. FAMOUS HUSBAND SETS HIS WIFE A MERRY PACE MONTREAL. --Dr. Roger Bannister, famous miler, is a hard man to keep up with off the track as well as on the track, says his attractive wife Moyra. Her husband, Mrs. Bannister said, is" "a house physician in a London hospital, writes articles for The Sun- day Times, is a commentator for the | BBC, is very interested in boys' clubs and serves on a fitness panel." Featuring | SPRING EE---------- Custom Slaughtering CAWKER BROS. "THE FAMILY BUTCHER" PORT PERRY RR FAMILY STYLE ENTERTAINMENT LL UXBRIDGE, ONT. FRIDAY-SAT., JUNE 22-23 "Battle Taxi" also : 'GUN THAT WON THE WEST' Colour Mon, Tues, Wed, JUNE 25-26-27 "All That Heaven Allows" Starring JANE WYMAN and - ROCK HUDSON THURS., FRIDAY, JUNE 28-29 "Bad Day at Black Rock" ., (Cinemascope 'and Technicolor) starring SPENCER TRACY SATURDAY, JUNE 30 'Man of the Moment' starring NORMAN WISDOM "also "Apache Ambush" starring BILL WILLIAMS Sunday Mid-Nite July Ist "Tarantula" starring JOHN AGAR and MARA CORDAY PHONE 29] Prince Albert CELEBRATE 100TH BIRTHDAY An important birthday last Satyr- day when Mr, and Mrs. B, Snelgrove, Bob and vean joined the annual ta- uuly gatheying in honour of an aged aunt dass Sneigrove of Little Britain, This young lady has reached the age ol une hundred, Congratulation from ner many triendsg! . Unce again Decoration Day has beens observed mm our beautiful Pine Grove. cemetery. Sunday was an ideal aay and lriends came to decorate the graves ol wer loved ones. ach year, the sight seems more peauliiul, as one pauses Lo gaze a- round. 'L'ho the season 1s late, the Lowers were Beautiiul and numerous. Lhe service was very impressive, in the sctung of the beautilul grounds, which showed the untiring labor of those who made: it so. : Some familiar faces were noticed: Mv. and Mrs, Les Smith (Rene Hope), Miss IS. Vance, Mrs. Florence Jeffrey, Mr. Robt. Plum, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martyn (Christina Denny) of Scugog Island; Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt (Mary Vickery), Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. G. Plaunt (Kay Murphy) of Reaboro; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wanamaker (Gertrude Martyn) of Seagrave, A birthday party was held on the large lawn of Mr. and Mrs. McCrea on Saturday afternoon, It being the occasion of Mr. McCrea's birthday of cighty years. * Ag a result all the fa- mily gathered from various directions including: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Me- Crea, Georgetown; Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Nesbitt, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. N. McCrea, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs, Ben Pickard, Port Perry; Mr. and Mys. Bill Parry, North -Oshawa; -Mr. and Mrs. Smylie, Port Dalhousie; Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Chicago; Mr. Wm. McCrea, Brampton and all the grand- children. - - Many more years of happiness to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heayn who cele- brated their twelfth year of wedded life on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Wilson and family attended decoration service in Orillia on Sunday and visited rela- tives in that district. : Mr. Dan McTaggart visited friends and relatives in Wick. Miss Shirley Vange;:Ajax-with-Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Vance for week-end. Mrs. Little of Windsor paid a visit to her sister Mrs. Wm. Bonnell. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hunter and fa- mily spent three days with her sister Mr. and Mrs. Larry Glasgow and sons of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Franklin, Osh- awa visited Mrs. H. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Puchrin family, Black- water, Mrs. Jas. Dusty and hey aunt Mrs. Burton, Port Perry enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Love and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bond and family, Toronto, called on his cousin Mr. Lou Bond and other relatives on Sunday. A new family has bought and moved into the house formerly owned by Mr. Porter. : Sonya Several families from Sonya attend- ed Decoration service at MecNeil's Cemetery, Wick, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morrison, of Zephyr, Mr. and Mrs. Manley John- ea ------ ston, of St. Catharines visited Mr. and Mrs. R. C: Morrison, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Allan Wallace, of Port Perry, called on Mr. and Mrs, Roy Morrison on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Williamson, Gordon and Bruce were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Morrison on Sunday. Master Gordon Williamson has been confined to his home for the past week with measles. S Murs. J. Hutton, Mrs. C. LeBar and Michael, of Torontb, Mr. and Mrs. M. Vrooman, of Sunderland, ealled on Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Morrison.and family on Sunday. oor A congregational meeting was held in Sonya Church on Monday evening to make final arrangements for the Anniversary Services to be held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 24 at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m, also for the tea and concert on July 2nd, the programme under the direction of 'Mrs. George Johnston, of Blackwater. Mr, and Mrs, Sam May of Buffalo, are visiting friends and relatives in this district. Miss Lorna Dure, of Taronto, spent the past week with her sister, Mrs, J. S. MacFarlane and Mr, MacFarlane, Mr. and Mrs, Ray, Paul, Marvin and Nancy of Peterborough, were week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Lawnence Morrison, ~ Guests of Mr, and Mrs, J. 8S, Mac- Farlane on Sunday included: Miss Lorna Dure, Miss Mary McTaggart; Mrs. Chas, McKague, of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs, Russell Sparling of Mea- ford. ON FARM LOAN ACT PROSECUTIONS OTTAWA---Amid signs of mounting opposition to a change in the Farm Improvement Loans Act the govern- ment agreed Tuesday to a three-year limit on prosecutions of borrowers for misrepresentation, _. The bill, extending the life of the act for a further three years until March 31, .1959, and raising the loan limit from $4,000 to $5,000 also con- tained a section permitting the gov- crnment to prosecute within 12 months after evidence of misrepresentation cames to its attention, George Nowlan (PC--Digby-Ann- apolis-Kings) led the opposition critics in objecting: to the penalty section on the ground that it would permit pro- secution any number of years after the offence. - N "This is the kind of thing that causes the opposition to obstruct" said John Pallett (PC--Peel), adding he would speak as often as needed to pre- vent Commons' approval of the section. Finance Minister Harris, who was directing passage of the bill through the Commons, resolved the issue by proposing an amendment saying pro- secution could not be started later than three years after "the cause of action" --the offence itself--arose,. However, Mr. Harris refused an- other opposition request that the bill permit prosecution only if a false statement fn a farmer's application for a government-guaranteed bank loan under the act was made with intent to defraud. He said, in effect, such a provision would be of little value since no judge ~ SCIEMCE IN YOUR LIFE ~ Childh3od Crippler One of the most tragic and dreaded childhood diseases is an ail- ment which can transform a healthy 'youngster into a life long invalid Rheumatic fever has chalked up a frightening record both as a killer and. a crippler. Striking, for the f most part, chil- ~ dren between the ages of five and 15, it ranks as the leading cause of death in that group. It produces more long-term crippling illness : . among children than any other disease. The ailment is a baffling and usu- ally prolonged one. It may keep a youngster bedridden for weeks or months, sometimes even for years. It may go away and then return again One of its most feared effects is the life-long shadow it can cast over its victim. Heart damage inflicted by it is almost always permanent-- although not always serious -- and often aggravated by recurrences of the disease. Long a medical puzzle, the disease until a few decades ago was consid- ered incurable. The average patient lasted only 13 years after his initial attack:' Recent advances in treating the disease however, have overturned pJless gloomy predictions. Doctors we found that antibiotics such as Terramycin, administered on a long- term basis, can protect an afRicted youngster from the threat of fur- ther attacks which could leave him a cardiac cripple for life. A study of 143 patients treated with Terra- mycin over a three year period at the Pratt Diagnostic Clinic in Bos- ton, for instance, resulted in "not a single recurrence of acute rheu- matic fever or occurrence of rheu- matic heart disease," according to a report in the Antibiotid Annual, - In spite of the important medical Jnroads made into the prevention and treatment, medical men admit that their fundamental problem is to discover the mechanism of the disease and the mysterious group -- the colligren diseases -- tg which it belongs i THREE YEAR LIMIT IS PLACED would convict a farmer for making a [statements of assets or spending the simple error in his' application for a loan money on things other than speci- loan. fied in the application, The maximum The section proposed prosecutions |penalty is a $500 fine. The measure for such misrepresentations as false |later was given final approval. QUEEN VIEWS CATHEDRAL MODEL 3! --Central Press Canadian Queen Elizabeth II inspects, in London, a model of the new cathedral being erected in Coventry. The Queen laid the foun- dation stone of the structure, which will replace the one destroyed " 1940 by Nazi bombers in their first saturation raid. / HALCO DUAL FURNACE Burns OIL burns COAL, burns WOOD NO ADJUSTMENTS NECESSARY i For Homes, Stores, IFarms, Schools, Churches, "Factories ~ You are NEVER without heat FEATURES: : (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (6) Complete automatic proven high-efficient oil heating system. Higher efficiency burning oil than straight oil-fired unit. Can be fired with wood or coal for regular heating or in emergenc such as oil shortage, hydro break-down, or burner oi d Oil burner will not plug up when burning other fuels. Both fires can burn together. NO ADJUSTMENTS NECESSARY. When burning solid fuels the oil burner takes i when the solid fuels burn out. ose AnomaLially Construction of unit is of heavy steel for long life and high efficiency. IT GIVES MORE HEAT, IT SAVES YOU FUEL AVE YOU MONEY, IT SAVES YOU TROUBLE, Aad Saves OLSEN & WEEDEN HEATING and ELECTRICAL 2r Phone 487 or 402 PORT PERRY (7) (8) As a es your local ir At A When renewing your unemployment insurance books ww i complete a registration form for each insured employee This year all insured persons in Canada must be | registered, and blank forms, UIC 409R, ate being sent to all employers for this purpose. If you have not received yours by June 25th write or phone NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Unemployment Insurance Commission C. A. L. Commissioner 5 ers! Remember: New 1956-57 insurance books cannot be Issued without the completion of a registration form. J. G. Bisson Murchison ' ~ Chief Commissioner R. J. Tallon Commissioner J STL ERASE AR Ry Ra tA a Sede metre memset inhenefiad ®, » o

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