Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Jun 1956, p. 7

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- nin 2 Blackstock W.M.S. of the United Church at at the home of Mrs, Ralph Larmer on Wednesday afternoon. President Mrs, Ernest Larmer opened the meeting with a short poem. Mrs. Roy Taylor gavé a fine devotional talk basing' her thoughts on "The Beatitudes" and offered prayer. Roll was answered by a verse from the Sermon on the Mount, After the business and the plans for the next meeting which will be held at Mrs. Ernest Larher's, and the faniily meeting of Explorers Mission Band and Baby Band. The following pro- gramme was given--Mrs, Ralph Lar- mer read a paper on "The Privilege of Canadian Citizenship; Miss Beryl Lar- mer of Brandon, sang "Keep Passing the Blessings Along"; Mrs. John Me- Kbe read a story "The Salt of the Earth; Mrs. Norman Mountjoy read "In Northern Alberta'; Mrs. Roy -Tay- lor conducted a couple bf Bibical con- tests. After a hymn and th& Bene- diction lunch was served and a social hour eenjoyed by the fourteen ladies PR { "Dollars and Sense 4 Are you planning a trip? Don't take chances of-losing your money--and spoiling your trip--by carrying large sums in cash. Before you go, turn your money into Travellers' Cheques , . . easy to cash anywhere--and safer than cash everywhere. Drop in and see us at The Canadian Bank of Commerce and we'll gladly provide you with Travellers' Cheques. The protection is well worth the slight cost. This is simply one of the many banking services we offer: our customers to keep them free from needless worry about their money. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COM MERCE =p NW-236 J. R. Helm, Manager + PORT PERRY BRANCH. i and five children present. A large number of children enjoyed the merry-go-round set up in the park by the Sunbeam Bread Co. on Thurs- day afternoon and evening, Thursday evening a group of Gradé T and 8 boys went to Port Perry for a game of ball with Port Perry Jr, which resulted in a 12-10 score in favor of Port Pewy: Some three hundred persons gather- ed at the home of Mr. Albert Wright Friday evening for the Durham Co. Shorthorn Twi-light judging contest. Two classes of cattle were exhibited and everyone had a"chance to judge. A few were called on to tell how they placed them and tell their reasons. 'Then the judges, Messrs Ed, Starr and Albert Staltz of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture, Toronto, told their decisions. Mr. red Trewin, the President of the Shorthorn Club was chairman .for an ihteresting program on the spacious lawn, consisting of Cowboy Songs by Allan Bailey, ac- companying himself on the guitar, and songs and playing the bones by Leon- avd Saunders. Mr. Frank Dorland of Enniskillen, introduced the guest speaker Major Jack Naylor, of Osha- wa, who spoke on Municipal Govern- ment and Community Affairs, Prizes were won as follows: Men--Mr, Geo. Neals, Bethany and Mr, R. Flett, of Oakwood. Junior Girls--Joan Beath, Junior Boys--Gerald Preston, David Rickard and Lloyd -Gibbands (tied.) Ladies -- (three tied) ---- Mrs. Lance Beath, Mrs. Walter Beath, and Murs, John Rickard. There were a number of lucky draws. Then a bountiful lunch was segved. The rain which threatened, stayed a" couple of miles south and all around a very pleasant evening was spent, : A few from here attended Cadmus Garden Party Friday night and report a fine time. : 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspell: and family, Tyrone, Mrs. Wm. Lawrenson, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin and boys, Mrs. Ken Terry and children gpent the week-end at Mr, Grant Jackson's. Mr. and Mis. Roy Taylor spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor at Rice Lake. Sunday, July 1st will be decoration day and memorial service if Cart- wright Union Cemetery at Cadmus, at 2.30 p.m, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne! Bradburn and Jim, Toronto, spent the] week-end with his mother, Mrs. Wes jl Bradburn: and the Lewis Henrys and Joe Bradburns, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hudson, Hast- ings, were Sunday visitors with: Mrs.. Wes. Bradburn and family.» Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn and Mrs. Wes, Bradburn attended the Powell- Wotten Picnic in Hastings Park on I'riday:. g Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Henry and Mus. Wes, Bradburn visited the latter's sister, Mrs, Webber, Bowmanville, Congratulations to David Swain on successfully finishing hig second year in Electronics at Ryerson Institute and to Ben Hooyer on his second year in Iingincering; -Miss Mildren Brown has commenced work in the office of Drs, Rennie, Dy- mond and Kendal. ter a week ago. . Paul and Carol Rahm visited their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. A, Rahin, Tyrone, over the week-end, My. Vincent Archer spent Wednes- day with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer and family, in Whitby. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Oke, Ennis- killen, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Mrs. V. Bourgerie spent a vouple of days last "week with friends in Oshawa and Toronto. "Several from here attended the Lar- mer picnic in Orono on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McComb, of Kelvington, Sask., visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Wolfe, last week. Mr. Dugald McDougall, Toronto, visiting Mrs, Fd. Darcy and calling on numerous friends, E Some of our young men attended the Junior Farmers' Field Day at Orono on Saturday. A goodly number from here attend- ig ~ The Many Splendored Thin Splendor is everywhere in Oldsmobile. There's the splendor of distinctive Starfire styling--{resh, dignified, but so alive. There's the splendor of rich, custom-tailored interiors not a s - A --luxurious, gracious and <0 com- fortable. And there's the splendor of mighty power, tamed to go quietly about its task of producing swift, smooth motion. metime thing. From the "And " Oldsmobile splendor is A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 1 ston until you decide And you'll while how to step up even more future, you'll keep discovering new splendors in this unusual car. moment you proudly take posses that distant day wher to trade it in on an exciting Olls of the keep reflecting all the wise you were in 1950 from the ordinary into an Oldsmobile. 0.17560 ~~ OLDSMOBILE HOWARD Mm PHONE 74 OTORS PORT PERRY ed the Orange Service in Tyrone, on Sunday evening. - Miss Beryl Larmer attended the Wylie-Brooks wedding 'in Lindsay. 'Miss Elsie McKeown, Toronto, was week-end guest of Miss Beryl Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Leask, Taunton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, Sunday. & : Mr. Melville Griffin and Doris, Mrs, Jas. Henry, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Griffin attended Decoration service at Hamp- ton Cemetery on Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Clare Rutherford and son, of Mimico, called in Mr and Mrs, Mervyn Graham, on Sunday, Mr. and Murs. Gordon Strong, Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Toms, Mr, and Mrs, Stuart Dorrell and Mr, and Mrs. Keith VanCamp attended Decoration service Lat Prince Albert on Sunday afternoon. (Continued on Back Page) Old? Get Pep, Vim reel Full uf Vigor; Years Younger EN,WOMEN ©f 10.50, 60. Don't be old, weak,worn-out, all wm, exhausted. ry Ostrex Tonic Tablets, Ofte needed after 1 -- by body old, run- down because lacking iron; increases vim vigor, vitality. Thousands feel full of pep. vears younger. Quit being old. Get Ostrex today. "Get-acquainted" size costs little. O, Aart with big, popular "Economy" size ay ave 75¢. At all druggists. "Gee, Mum--is 1 supper lime already ?" Telephone Round-up Every parent knows how easily a two-gun cowboy can lose track of time especially around mealtime. But she also knows it's a simple matter to round him up by telephone. And any vague feeling of anxiety about where he is or what he 1s NEE i avickly dispelled by that caBjwo1ce at the other end of the line. Yes, the telephone is a convenience and a comfort, all day long. It means fewer meals grown cold 'because youngsters or hus- band are late getting home. It means more security when you're alone at night. It means more things done with less time and effort. . . Yet this endlessly useful servant works for you for just a few cents a day. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA THE PORT PERRY, STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 195617 1956 REVIEW OF OUTSTANDING BUSINESSES and PROFESSIONS IN OSHAWA by ROBERT BURNS a y y Country Club Beverages "WISHING WELL DRINKS" . 183 BLOOR ST. I, Phone H-2512 In the last few years the public has been invited to try a thousand different types, kinds and flavours of thirst quenchers. Out of this, thousand | or more have come a few that have hit the spot becoming household words, Among these popular drinks Wish- mg Well have gained national favor and are in demand all seasons of the year, They have proven to be not Just summer thirst quenchers, but a tasty, tangy beverage that everyone from the small child to the elderly enjoy. It is well to have them at home at all times and to serve them both to your guests as well as mems- bers of your family, In this area Country Club Beverages are authorized processors and bottlers of these products, up-to-date plant with equipment HES suring consumers of a healthful dink prepared under special formulas in a plant that is clean and sanitary throughout. The firm has established dependable service to retailers over a wide area and you need only stop at your favorite shopping centre to get Wishing Well drinks of many flavors. Hill Cornish Electric Limited ELECTRIC MOTORS 50 PRINCE ST. Phone 3-2218 Having spent years in the electrical motor business and having enjoyed a measure of success through a policy of good service at low cost, one can fully understand why in this field we immediately connect the name of Hill-Cornish with every mention of thé electric motor. Their knowledge of electric motors saves our readers and the people of the surrounding district many several headaches. . We know that Hill-Cornish Flectrie Limited will efficiently re-build, ro- condition or re-wind electric motors of all types or sizes. They are ex- pert trouble-shooters and are chipable of serving you in every phase of this business. } They have on hand at all times a nice line of new, used or reconditioned motors for sale. They are considered experts on all repairs. We are pleased to tell our readers of the valued ser- vice available at Hill-Cornish Limited in Oshawa. Cliff Mills Wotors LIMITED 266 KING. ST. W. "Phone 3-1634 dollars and As the authorized dealers for Pontiac and Buick GMC trucks, with their fine outstanding re- cord of performance they camry through their policy of "with sales goes service," and CLff Mills Motors Ltd. have lived up to their finest re- pair service departments in this part of the province, where you will find at all times licensed mechanics, who, with years of experience, enables them to service your cab, truck or tractor, in the shortest time possible, together with the high quality work for which they are well known. This reliable firm, besides having expert mechanics, have the best equipped parts department, where you will find all the necessary parts and accessories that your car, truek or tractor requires, Under the capable direction of Mr. CLiff Mills this firm has become one cars and of this community's best auto dealers and we do not hesitate to recommend this dependable firm to all the people of the district. Kool Vent Awnings Lid. 94 Bkuun RA, 3-2219 ag, ne Xa Anyone considering awnings or a canopy for their home buginess would do well to see the Kool Vent ventilated aluminum awnings first and you will be sure of getting something that is safe, permanent and adds to the beauty of your home. ' , The Kool Vent, and all weather year round metal awning is Fire-Proof, Wind-proof and Storm-Proof. Tt is the most economical shade one can buy because, you do not have to re- place it. It i4 custom built to fit any type of window or door, Made of al- or It is a modern and) "sultant, " a E uminum, it has a baked enamel finish and "they are ventilated. Nationally {advertised in the Saturday Evening Post and Better Homes and Gardens magazines, these awnings are becom- ing more popular and deserve consi- deration from anyone - thinking of awnings. ' Their friendy staff will be glad to give you the this awning and estimates are given without obligation, You will he more than pleased with their, appearance and you will save information on modern money. We are pleased to recom- mend Kool-Vent Awnings to our readers, New Service Cleaners 1GA*ONTARIO ST. Ph. 5-5733 A complete service of cleaning and pressing can be had in this district at New Service Cleaners and we would advise our readers to try their service, The work is turned out in such a manner, that you will be more than pleased if you will give them atrial. New Service Cleaners live up to their name in workmanship and business details. i. A specialty is made of cleaning of dadies' garments, while they do this Csame class of work for men, which includes almost every man in town who cares anything at all for his per- sonal appearance. Their pressing of garments is always correctly done. Why not try the New Service Cleaners? They ave anxious to serve vou at moderate cost. - In this special review of the pro- gressive business firms of Oshawa we are pleased to refer the services offered by New Service Cleaners, which is under new management. Broek's store in Port Perry is the. KL. arent for New Service Cleaners. Howard's Draperies 926 SIMCOE N. Phone 5-3141 At the Howard Draperies you will find the most complete selection of drapery materials, cornice boards, slip- covers, custom-made draperjes, and wall to wall carpeting. ~~ | _ Following the decorating scheme, Howard's Draperies, carries a wide line of fabrics and has a complete drapery service to offer you in your planning. You may take all the time you wish here to work out a pleasing colour scheme for your home. [If in doubt as fo choice, vou may discuss your problems with their decorating con- Home decorating today has hecome an adventure in colour, and firms such as this make it a double pleasure. It is a veal pleasure for us to in- clude this store in our review, Tt has much to offer the homemaker. loxpert in interior decorating, we are pleased to recommend HOWARD'S DRAPERIES to our readers. Sahyan Motor-- Sales Lid. 231 RITSON RD. S. RA 5-6233 As the authorized dealers for Stu- cars and Trucks and Volks- wagen cars and Transporters, with their fine outstanding record of per- formance, they carry through their policy of "with sales goes service," and have lived up to their policy by operating one of the finest repair ser- vice departments in this part of the provinee, where you will find at all tines licensed mechanics, whose debaker ~ enables them to years ol expen ¥ service 'your car, truck or tractor, wn. the ~hortest time possible, together with the high quality work for which they are wéll Known. This reliable firm, besidés having expert mechanies, have the best equip- ped parts department, where you will find all the necessary parts and ac- cessories that your ear, truck or trac- tor requires. Under the capable direction of Mr. Bil 'Sabyan, gen. mgr, and Mr. J. H. Keever, sales nigr., who has for 30 venye heen' selling cars and is well known in this district, this firm has become one of thia community's best anto dealers and we do not hesitate to recomend thig dependable firm to all the people of the district.

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