Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Oct 1956, p. 2

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2--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1956 - a fine 'paper "Gad's Garden and of- "a couple of days last week with the Blackstock W.A. of the United Church met in the Sunday School room Tuesday af- ternoon with the President Mrs, War- ner Brown presiding. After the op- ening hymn Mrs. Harold McLaughlin read the Scripture passage and gave fered prayer. A good deal of business was transacted including arrange- ments to cater to a wedidng and the date for bazaar was set for whatever day in the 3rd week of November that a speaker can be secured. Mrs. Earl Bradburn, group leader, then took the chair and introduced Miss B. Flaxman, Bowmanville, who gave an interesting talk on her work as health nurse. Nancy Dorrell play- ed a piano solo & Mrs. Russel Mount- | joy - gave a splendid paper "Glean- ing © from the life of Helen Keller", afte which Mrs. Bradburn thanked all | who had taken part. The meeting wa: closed by the Benediction and lunch was served by the group to the 31 ladies and 12 children present. Miss Betty Ellison, Winnipeg spent Bailey's. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. MeConnell and Mrs. Fr: Patterson, Norwood were Thurs- day callers on the Cecil Hills, Glad to report Mr. Cecil Gibson was able to come home from hospital with- out an operation. We trust he may continue well, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rutledge and Lin- da, Oakville, and Mr. Finlay Suther- land, Bancroft, were Friday evening and Saturday guests of the Howard Forder's and Carl Wright's. Miss Pearl Wright, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Marlow is spending a few days in Toronto this week. Mr. lim Marlow is in Guelph tak- ing a two weeks course in Bulk milk Laulage, : Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pearce, Prince Albert, visited Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Pearce and Mrs. G. Crawford Sunday. In-honor of Bobby's sixth birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin' en- tertained the grand parents, Mr. and Mis. Wm. McLaughlin, Burketon and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Toms, Sunday. guests of the McLaughlin's were Mr. and Mrs, Ross Ashton, Sheryl, Beth and Glen, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow flew to Quebec on Thursday and brought home the new bulk haulage truck on Saturday. Saturday evening they at- tended a dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask, Taunton in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Ewart Leask's first wedding anniversary. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Staniland attend- ed a wedding in Toronto Saturday and are visiting friends there, Mr. and Mrs. Bill King, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rahm, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock at- tended the funeral of his brother Mr. Fred Beacock in Toronto, Saturday. Miss Joan Venning, Toronto, was home for the week-end. Miss Dianne Blair spent the week- 'end and Mr. and Mrs, Geo. [Ruther- LeCece ace,' ASALRASARAAANARANAN adult education. 23rd." A minimum enrolment classes. techniques of sewing. citizenship. The fee for any class is five dollars for a minimum of If your attendance is regular a refund of You may register with the Prin- ! . sixteen classes. RC OR AR A RN RR RR A A RF RR a a aL NIGHT CLASSES PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL * : Woodworking Classes will be held under the instruction of Mr. John Jefford. = Mrs. Mir Miss Anna Steen will teach type- writing to those who wish to begin or those who wish to jn- crease their speed and efficiency. For New Canadians the Provincial Department of Edu- cation course in Basic English will be given by Miss McCully. This-course will assist New Canadians to express themselves more clearly and this will serve as a means to establish their | oy : ; Ed ad dade gs JE Ven The Central Ontario County District High School Board of Education has authorized the holding of night classes for The classes will be held on Tuesday even- ings, seven-thirty to nine-thirty o'clock, beginning October 3 is necessary to establish the. iam Price will instruct in the cipal at the High School, by telephone or personally. SAA A A A LR a er i be % two dollars will be made. i 226 CELINA ST. WILLY'S JEEPS "are available 4-WHEEL DRIVE -- The Vehicle that gets you through in all weather conditions. For Information Call Your Oshawa Dealer: John's: Garage Phone RA. 3-4233 Fa Two Big Shows), Poultry, Harness Contest (Open), Big Prize G. A. BRETHEN, ; President. The Norwood "Where the Champions from the East meet the Best : from the West." SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6th--Light Horses, Dairy Cattle, Sheep and Swine, Harness Races, Drawing Contest (teams under 3200 1bs.), Tug-of-War. . MONDAY, (Thanksgiving Day) OCTOBER 8th .-- Heavy Horses, Ponies, Beef Cattle, (The Shorthorn Regional The last Big Fair of the Eastern Ontario Fali Fair Season. ~ Something for Everybody -- Something Doing Every Minute "COME AND SER" ® ir Holidays and Running Races, Drawing Money. N L- D. A. McNEIL, Secretary. - ford and Allan spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ford and Roberta, Toronto and Mrs. Robt. Ford Sr. visit. Mrs, Jim ed the latters. brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Anderson, Green- bank, on Sunday. ' Mrs, Herb Taylor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, at Nestleton. % Mr. and Mrs. V. Bourgerie moved to Newtonville on Saturday. =~ Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bradburn and Jimmy, Toronto, brought his mother Mrs. J. W. Bradburn home on Sunday and visited Mr, and Mrs, L. Henry. Mr. Geo. Blythe, Caesarea, has ta- ken over the Saywell store and ex- tensive repairs and changes are take ing place at present. Mr. and Mrs. Gib Marlow visited his sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferrier, Perth, on Sunday and brought his mother Mrs. N. Mar- low back to her home in Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Marlow visited Mrs. Oakley Carley at Whithy Ladies- College Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wolfe, Brian]. and John are moving into the Saywell house. dra Ferguson attended the service in Dentonia Park United Church, Toron- to Sunday morning when Mary Irene Ferguson was one of four babies bap- tized. Then spent the rest of the day with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson, Ian and Mary, « Y, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Hill attended the "Dedication of the new Organ" service in Port Perry United Church Sunday morning when Rev. L. S. Os- borne; Principal of Whitby Ladies College was guest speaker, also Sun- day School Rally service in Prince Al- bert in the afternoon and were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Les. Beacock. Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Nicholson re- turned last week from their holidays in Huntsville. Mr. Nicholson occu- pied his own pulpit Sunday. Next Sunday is Thanksgiving Harvest Festival. Mrs. McKibbon, Toronto, called on (Rev. and Mrs. Nicholson Thursday evening. Nancy Dorrell entertained- Marlene and Sheila Tomchishim, Joan Lansing and Elizabeth Thompson at her home ¢ |" Thursday evening. Messrs. Roy and Bill and Miss San- | Little Cheryl Rahm, Port Perry, spent a couple of days last week with her grandparents Mr, and Mrs. Jack Rahm while her parents Mr, and Mrs. Allan Rahm were moving to their new home in Port Perry. Congratulations to Constable and Mrs, Ken Strang' (nee Beryl Larmer) who were married" in Deer" Lodge United Church St. James: Manitoba at noon Saturday." After their luncheon Beryl phoned home and spoke to each of her family. 'After their trip to the const they" will reside in St. James (Winnipeg). Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and girls, Solina, spent Saturday with her par- ents Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer and Glenn, Mr. and Mrs, Keith VanCamp, Miss Joyce and Mr. Harvey Graham and Miss Joan Hoskin, Mr. Richard and Miss Doreen VanCamp, attended the Junior Farmer's Church service at Newcastle Sunday evening when Padre Young of O.A.C. Guelph was guest speakr. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Snowden, Maple | Grove, visited Mr. & Mrs. Sam Snow- Fra Saale den on Sunday, Mrs. Wilbert Archer spent Friday with friends in Whitby. Rally Day service -in the United Church Sunday School was well at- tended." Mrs, Lorne Thompson and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin sang a love- ly duet "You'll never walk alone"; Mrs. Blake Gunter told the children's story and Mr. Lawrence Malcolm of Nestleton gave an address "Why do we go to Sunday School, Rev. Fred Jackson, Tyrone, took the service in United Church Sunday evening as (Rev. Hutton was taking anniversary service at Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. David Fairthorne and Billy, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Beverley and Grant, Bowman- ville, called on Mr, and Mrs. Osmond Wright during the week-end. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, T. R. Bowman, who celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary on Sept. 29th, They accompanied Mr, and Mrs. Wil- fred Bowman and family, Enfield on a visit to Mr. Robson Bowman's in Barrie on Sunday. ~ He RE BAA Several families from the district attended Lindsay Fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm; Blain visited Mr. Blain's aunt, Mrs. Lizzie Little, who is a patient in 'a'hospital near Toronto, last Sunday. oH Several from Cedar Creek attended the Auction Sale of the late Sarah Steele in_Port Perry last Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Steele of Raglan were last Tuesday supper guests of Mrs. Kilpatrick and George. ¥ Mr. and Mrs. John Den Boer and family spent last Saturday with re- latives at Bobcaygeon. They also called on friends at Cavan. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Trepanier and family of Toronto were Sunday visit- ors of the Larocque family. Mr, and Mrs. John Lawrie of Osh- awa and Mrs. Frank Gardiner and Sandra and Misses Allie and Nina Abraham of Toronto were Sunday vi- sitors of Mrs. Kilpatrick and George. - |, ---- Leet IT'S HERE... A NEW KIND OF CAR! NEW '57 FO "a whole era ahead of the field ! station wagons body mouldings servicing "hardtop" look recessed controls closing rear doors Look at all that's in the'57 Ford! D> 2 new super-sizes--Fairlane and Fairlane 500 models now over 17V4 feet long . . . Custom and Custom 300 models now over 16% feet long ; > 18 breath-taking models . . . including 5 brand-new D> Two longer wheelbases . . . far greater length, lowness and roominess : p> Entirely new styling throughout . . . new sculptured » New front-hinging hood for greater safety, easier p> New thinner rooflines, swept-back windshields p> New, super-thin centre posts on sedans for a true p> New Safety-Curved instrument pan' with » Dramatic new canted tail fins p> New Lifeguard safety features BP New "Automatic Doorman"... a helping hand in opening and > New cowl ventilation for fresher, cleaner air p> 3 new Silver Anniversary V-8 engines Pp New, more powerful Mileage Maker Six : Pp New Super-Filter air cleaner, disposable oil filter PB Revolutionary new frame, over a foot wider Pp New "Even-Keel" rear suspension and 4-way Angle- Poised front suspension for a softer, safer ride p> Plus many other new fine-car features! B Two new super sizes . . . far longer, lower than ever before, with all Ford's famous headroom retained! It's here now--in your Ford-Monarch Dealer's showroom . . . the finest Ford of all time, with the most sweeping changes in all Ford history! It took a revolution in design to make possible Ford's new low-to-the-ground styling for '37. These lithe and lovely 57 Fords are actually up to 9 . the biggest cars in their field, longer than many medium-priced models! They're up to 4 inches lower, too--yet there's just as much headroom and legroom as ever! inches longer than in "56 . . - The new kind of "magic" you'll discover when you drive the new kind of Ford for *57 starts with the new 'Inner Ford*--=proved in action! At its very foundation is a 'new and revolutionary kind of . a new contoured frame that's built a chassis , . full foot wider midway! Certain features {llustrated or Odin I are "Standard" on somes models, optional at extra cost on others) Fairlane 500 Club Victoria. SEE THE NEW '57 FORD... : AT YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER'S MANCHESTER GARAGE _ PHONE 512 Tg v '57 Ford . . . first in the field to offer 2 big-car wheelbases! y 1 1 #7 ON FAIRLANE & . FAIRLANE 500 ; 11 6" ON CUSTOM & CUSTOM 300 made Ford the leader! popular station wagons! 4 This is the 25th anniversary of Ford's V-8 leader- ship . . . and the new kind of Ford for '57 brings you even more of the kind of performance that - Now Ford offers three brand-new V-8's--the 190-Hp. Ford V-8, the 212- Hp. Thunderbird V-8 and the mighty new 245-Hp. Thunderbird Special V-8! And Canada's newest SIX--the '57 Mileage Maker--is available in all Custom and Custom 300 models and in three een PORT PERRY

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