Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Oct 1956, p. 7

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<a Prince Albert Last Sunday service of worship ior Rally Service was observed. Rev. R. H. Wylie occupied the pulpit. Mr, J. F. Vickery, 8. S. Supt, assisted. The Junior Choir provided pleasant faces and their sweet voicgs proved pleasing. Mrs, L. Beacock read a portion of the Scripture. Mr." Wylie at this time called on Miss Gladys Joblin for the story period, who passed on to us an instructive oral message; theme be- ing life story of a little Koreap. 'I'he speaker also described and exhibited several pieces of clothing, tiny purse, etc. I'he adults were enthused over Miss Joblin's talk as well as the chil- dren, The regular choir rendered an anthem. Mrs. G. Hunter was at the organ, Messrs. R. Doupe and A. Newn- ham gathered the. offerings. All of the children keep in mind the fall routine of services will commence next Sunday--Sunday School at 2 and divine worship at 3 p.m. A cordial welcome to everyone. Mr. Frank Vickery accompanied Mr, and Mrs. L, Beacock and boys to Usha- wa for a Saturday evening dinner in honuor of Mr. -Vickery's birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, L. Devitt and family. Mr, and Mrs. Wiles, of Hamilton, enjoyed a few days with their cousins Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Hunter and were also entertained at Mr, and Mrs. L. Hunter's home, Mr, and Mrs. N. Wilson and family were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Rodd and son, Oshawa. A number of folk gathered at the Grigg sale of household furniture on Friday, We are sorry to lose Mr, and Mrs, T. Grigg and two children from our village, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hill, Blackstock. speiit Sunday with the L. Beacocks. 'ThE friends of Mrs. Howey hope for a speedy get-well after her recent ill ness. Mrs, Edith McMillan of Peterboro, spent *the week-end with her sister Mrs, W. Somerville, Miss Carol Heayn was a bridesmaid at the Down-Dait wedding in Myrtle Church, The Women's Association met on Wednesday evening Sept. 26 at the home of Mrs. Ben Smith, With the president, Mrs. Grant Hunter presid- ing, The meeting opened with hymn 280. The 23rd Psalm was read by Mrs. B. Snelgrove and the lesson thoughts "God's care for His own" by Mrs. Ben Smith. During the business period a cheque was given the treas. from the Fair Board. A motion wag carried that we present $6.00 to the I'air Board. The president read a letter regarding the Rally in Oshawa on October 25. A motion carried we have a travelling apron, each member to put a donation under a patch. Three nd Participation. Friday, October 5, Radio Broadcasting During Our Regular DANCE \s MUSIC BY THE JAMBOREE BOYS Featuring the Twin Fiddles, Caller: Bob Fowler. COME AND JOIN THE FUN 'Red Barn, - Admission: 75c. Broadcasting -- 11.30 p.m., CKLB, Oshawa Old Time, Modern, Audience M.C.: Johnny Murphy Oshawa | p.m. 012.30 a.m. PICKARD' S PHONE 592 ARE NOW PREPARED to take care of yeur - Plumbing and Heating Needs also Eavestroughing ~~ Call in and ask for estimates. Hardware FLOOR TILE and GENERAL KITCHEN GIFT-WARE. Enquire About Our Christmas Gift Lay-Away Plan HARDWARE We carry a full line of PORT PERRY TE ---- ------ . - 3 HARDY MUM PLANTS TULIPS and DAFFODIL BULBS SEE -- ROBERT G. ECKEL - 3 miles north of Brooklin on Highway 7 and 12 Telephone Brooklin 190 { / FLORIST { INTERNATIONAL ~~ PLOWING MATCH TO BE HELD ON THE FARM OF Heber Down, Hwy. 7A at Brooklin OCTOBER, 10, 11, 12, 1956 In addition to a large 2 oe vatiety of Classes in Plowing there will be Competitions in FARM WELDING each day; a | HORSE SHOW of animals Used in the Plowing, and FARM MACHINERY DEMONSTRATIONS. yg visits were reported. A hymn and the Mizpah benediction closed the meet- ing. Group 1 served lunch to 12 mem- bers, District Churches SCUGOE 'PASTORAL CHARGE: The ladies of Grace Church were very busy with their turkey suppers last week. They had a large crowd on Wedwesday, and had enough left over to / warrant having a second supper on' Thursday. The tables were well arranged with six at each table instead of joining them up in long rows. Mrs. Burnham, who was in charge of the pies, made sure that there were enough shelves to contain them, which made the, work very much easier. June Crozier, the president of the W.A,, welcomed the guests: as they arrived, which created a warm feeling of friendship. Rev. Braham played many selections on his violin, accompanied by Allene Kane on the piano. We thank you one and all for your sup- port, which will place hundreds of dol- lars at the disposal of our Church, Everyone was happy because of the splendid congregation at Grace on Sunday. Our problem now is to keep on filling the Church, now our summer guests have left us, Our session agreed not to make any changes in our hours of worship until the end of October, when we would be through with anniversary services. We are hoping to give Manchester. a morning service, so that all the little children will be able to come to church and Sunday School, It is never ah easy task to minister to three churches and have one hundred percent satis- faction. The School at the "Foot" was beautifully decorated with bou- quets, - potted plants, and coloured leaves. The atmosphere of church was created by the addition of a pul pit, and chairs for the choir. The younger folk came out in goodly num- bers; but we missed the older ones. The minister's theme in the morning was "Liberty and Loyalty" and in the afternoon "An Optimistic Outlook." We say "Thank You to Grace Choir for their contribution at both services. This Sunday will be World Commun- ion Sunday, and the Sacrament will he given at all four Services. We give a special invitation to our neighbours at Utica to come and worship with us at Manchester at 7.30 p.m. Our approach with 'Head Memorial' with regards a union of all our forces on the Island, is progressing very fav- ourably. We met again on Monday evening, and outlined a basis for union which will be--submitted first to the members and adherents of Grace Church; then presented to our Official Board; and then taken to our Presby- tery for their approval, We will not publish the particulars until the whole matter has been discussed: with Grace Church. : It is possible for many of our little rural churches to unite, without the closing of this church and that. It is far better to have one strong rural church in which all the buildings are utilized at some time or other, and have the larger numbers worshipping together. We shall never have a Minister for every little rural Church; and many will either join forces or die. Your minister visited Oshawa Hos- pital on Monday and saw Mr, Edward Moles who is slowly gaining strength; and also Mr. Albert Wilson, who is undergoing a minor operation. Mus. THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 19667 Thos, Redman is now with friends, and will be home shortly. May the heal- ing of our Father go out to all who are in need. Let us all who have been granted health, assemble together on Sunday for worship. Pine Grove A number from Pine Grove attended the Anniversary service at Utica on Sunday afternoon, Don't forget the turkey supper in Utica United Churé¢h on Saturday, October 6th. " Mr. and Mrs. A. Handel and Mrs. E. Ballard attended the Healey-Maclean wedding in Northminsted Church at Oshawa, on Saturday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs. Borsk, Miss Gail Borsk, Mr. H. Hanford and Miss Betty Han. del visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Handel on Sunday. Mrs. Albert Cleland and Marlene Shei Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. . Ballard. "Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans, Miss Jack Johnston attended Anniversary services at Claremont, Mount Zion and Utica on Sunday. Mrs, H. Graves has a grandson, . He is the infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Ramer, of Markham. Little Laura and Linda Ramer are visiting Mrs. Graves, The W.A. will meet at the home of Mrs. Rapsey, of Chalk Lake, on Wed- nesday of this week, Miss Shorley 'Carling is home after- an appendix operation in Port Perry hospital. TOWN POPULATION NEARS 2,400 MARK According to figures recently re- leased by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, the population of the Vil- lage of Stouffville is now 2876. The Dept, stated however, that this tigure was subject to revision. 'Clerk Gar- field Brown believes that the total may now be over the 2400 mark, The recent count is an incerase of 211 over 19566. The last census taken in 1951 showed Stouffville's popula- tion at 1701 or an increase of 675 in the past five years. In 1941, the pop- ulation here was 1219. family. low price field. INCOLN Mieleo / - Sn -- : Here is a new car--a fresh car--a car that scems to say, "Let's go! Let's make a clean break with the past." And the magnificent 1957 Meteor does just - .that through all 24 models in five great series. Here «is big car power--up to 246 hp, Here is big car comfort with new exclusive Balanced-Ride-- engineered for perfect balance of power, body and frame. Here is new boldness that AF shows in every clean line. For Meteor _- for '67 is more than just new--it's " magnificent. See it now at-your nearby Meteor showroom. The Rideau 500 Series --newest and finest in the 1957 Meteor New, longer 118" whee base, unsurpassed in the METEOR --ONE OF FORD OF CANADA'S FINE CARS SEE XI Aan gn gr wa A Fr a wah fy = BALANCED - REDE & NON ¥ JE INC ERO OC HIN GR a, Big, bold, and beautiful . : Ea MAGNIFICENT coOMINGI styling that dares) * to be ahead . with new hooded headlights, new massive wrap-around grille sad - bumper, new swept-back windshicld, Metees looks and acts like the big car it is. MAGNIFICENT aoinal itl Dramatic rear blades sweep back, from body. Accent Meteor's low 4 and a foot houette. Bold rear lights shine like beacons -- easier to see for added safety! SEE THE MAGNIFICENT 1967 METEOR AT YOUR NEARBY MERCURY + LINCOLN + METEOR DEALER WILLIAMS MOTOR SAL Port Perry Phone 576 DRE Ts Fre PIER bAvE fg

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