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Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Nov 1956, p. 2

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EASED ART RAND -------i ¥ ® 2--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1956 op . iE : Sy : : 3 5 . . 3 ' . . * \ El { ] A good time is reported from the | Audantic route via Labrador and Ice Sunday visitors noticed at the anni- lor. 3% H x Miss Jean Linton, a Missionary, will : 3 . ' 0 1 1 y . tk acks oC {4 seventh O.N.O. Anuiversary Dance lcf an air crew who flew the North Versary services: Mr. and M, Alvin Mrs. Wm, Cobbledick, of Orono, ky ine Grove speak on Friday evening at 8.30 p.m.; Midav wi . ! ; TP McGill, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs, Geo went a week with her +hter : i vor wi : i which was held Friday night with the land to No. 1 Fighter Wing at Mar- Met ndsay; od » Leo. spent a week with her daughter Mrs, also pictures will be 'shown at Pine , nm t Tues. ) Ww HX Ing ! Cather ford ~ . : " 2% [ Mr. and Derek' Rothwell spent the)' ay Wo He Lo Mission Band met Tues Bryce Brown orchestra providing the ville, France, during the first week of Futhestord and Allan, Miss Dianne Ion Fhompson und Mr. Thompson \ y Groye Church, (week-end with Mr Geo, Hopkins of - day with 23 children and 2 ladies pre- music. Prizes were won by Mr. and November. This is the first of foun Blais of Oshawa with Mrs, George and Jean, Udora. wie Mrs. Charlie Gourlie, Mrs. Talbert sent. Opened by singing "Jesus Loves Mrs, Ted Spencely, Mrs. Roy Turner all-weather squadrons scheduled to V0 Miss M M Dougal, Oshawa, Misses Anne and Pru Melntosh, of M 3 Hill Is. 8 ri Evans, Mr. Russ Ballard and Mrs. J. + : the Little Children" and repeating the {and Mrs, Harold Kyte. [Join Canada's NATO aid division No, Y!b the Bras SU Larmers; Mr. Dop irc; Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Carter, of eh jae Bi is. spending a few Pearce and family attended the ba- { "Purpose" and "Lords Prayer". Mrs.| g.voial from here attended the con- | Ho to replace an F86 Sabre Jet day Sit clair, Cambray, and Ralph Strong 3,00, lle, visited Mr. and Mrs, G, -"'Y3 In Toronto, : :! . Zaar held at Utica on Saturday after- z : 7 Hill gave the worship talk and offered |... in Solina, Friday night. Messrs, | fighter squadron. To-day (Monday) With the Gordan Strongs. : Wolfe and hoys on Sunday. + Mrs. A. Handel is spending a few, noon. : a : * "prayer. Offering was taken by Betty Roy McLaughlin and Gib Marlow with [-M1s. McLean and two children are to Mizzes Pearl Wright, Doreen Van. ¢ On. Saturday ening Miss Shirt 27S at her*home here, We are pleased to report Mr .A. ! Bradburn. We sang "Bless the Gifts". | ays. Herb Taylor (Country Style |#ail from Montreal? The present ex- Camp, Mable and Helen VanCamp Hamilton bride of the near futire: wan Mr. ¥ack Hil has gone north on his Handel is Gut of hospital and is.con- !~ After the minutes and roll call we Orchestra) gave a couple of numbers | pectations ave that they will be three with their parents. tannual deer hunt, very pleasantly surprised when dccept- valescing at his daughters in Toronto. Guests of Mi. and Mrs, Mer vyn Gra- sang the Mission Band Hymn. Patsy | 0 Blackstock's W. I's part on the | ews at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ballard, of To- Marville, . | Wotten gave a reading "Autumn". program. Ifo wd Mrs, Platt on Sanda hols ing an invitation to spend the evening ' J Mi. and Mrs, E. Ballard attended fi 3 { ham and Mrs, Flett,; § ay, were 0 yor oF p isi 3 'wi . Epso i Rev. S.J. Hillier," Mr Cook, Brook- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gubue % 4) . with Miss Joan Venning. She arrived '9"0, visited Sunday 'with -Mr. andthe concert at Epsom Church Friday Mr. a Mrs. Richard wr; Mr, an . Sold 'Helen Swain sang, "Jesus Bids Us ' . : Mrs. E. Ballard o ol : . r nm r SOIT: Whtd i 5 y 'ook WW rere! a : : . } . to find nineteen of Wer gi Jendy': ars. Mu. ballard, evening, 1 Shine".. Shargn Larmer read "The Remembrance Day service was con- | lin, Mis. Jean Cook, Oshawa, wer Mrs. Basil McGee, Brian and Grace, of d nineteen of ker girl friends and * Ze Hallowe'en Kitten"; Brian Mountjoy ducted by Rev. Geo. Nicholson in the| guests of Mr, and Mrs. Neil Maledlm | poepeion Falls; Mr, and Mrs. Joe lett, read "Mice"; Mrs, Kyte toold the |Community Hall, at 10.30 on Sunday, and children, Spnday afternoon and | Bowmanville. These also called on 'story "Swing Day". We sang "When [followed by two minutes of silence, | after the evening service. They en-1{h, 1d. Haryis® family, the reading of names on monument, | tertaind the complete choir from West-1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter placing of wreath by Mr. Malcolm | mount. Enniskillen! "Mr und Mrs, Reg Sutton, school mates already gathered. The, ---- -- a > ® SE girls presented her with a lovely as- if aid subi hiisidic Ebi fads of linens and lingerie to Old Ti . D A N C E M d it : ime - - Modern sartment ' 'hic shirley ade a fitting 'reply. | He Cometh" and repeated the Bene- ierguson, which Shirley made a fitting reply. \ pleasant social time was spent and ST diction, after which we played Korean games, The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. A, L. Bailey on Wednes- day afternoon with the President, pre- siding. ~The meeting opened with "0 Canada', The Ode and Collect... Mrs. John Rahm read the Scripture. The President welcomed Mrs, Brown, the District President, and Mrs. Mills, Emerson, and Benediction at the Ceno- taph. Two splendid anniversary services were held in the United Church on Sunday, Rev. Hillier, of Brooklin, gave a very fine sermon at cach service. Our local choir furnished two fine anthems in the morning and in the evening all were delighted with the Mrs. Oakley Capdoye-and Ann of with Whitby, spent the week-end Blackstock and Cavan friends. Mr, and Mrs, Millard Fallis, Baden, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mus, Stuart Dorrell, and called on all hgr sisters, : Mr. and Mrs. Austin Franklin, of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gray and Ken Jr, Cadmus; Merril and Don El- ford, Port Perry; visited Mr, and Mus, Fred Dayes and family, Sunday. ron, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. Marlow, last 'Monday evening. A good many of their friends have heard from Rev. and Mrs. Hutton and family. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Werry, Ked a delicious lunch served. Mrs. Dona. Hayes assisted Miss Joan Venning in arranging the shower which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Venning, - Miszes Joan Venning and Marilyn Wray a class mate of Toronto Teach- ers College taught at Utica school last week and spent the nights with Mr. and Mrs. John Venning. PO RAMBLIN" LOU AND THE TWIN PINE MOUNTAINEERS Stars of Radio -- Records -- Stag Plus = | THE JAMBOREE BOYS Heard Every Friday on CKLB, OSHAWA All ave glad to know they "My Favorite Radio or T.V. person- Mrs. Fowler, Toronto were Sunday, wa: Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and Mr. and Mrs, Doug Hayes, Islington 9.00 p.m. -- 12,30 After the minutes and the hed : . gh BRL aple Grove : > dick beautiful renditions of two anthems! i "i OTS : : ) Si 3 Naple Grave and . ae v and a solo from Westmount United ti had a pleasant trip and arrived safely Mrs. Arnold Taylor of Peterboro BROADCAST DIRECT -- 11.30 | 3 o y TOO ra ry » Ww bh - . v . ~ ---- . 3 Fae fl a i; w he Hew in he Rig singers, Oshawa. Mee. Cook. is. or Mr. and Mrs. Harry De La Matter, Jriday, November 2nd, Teachers College taught in Bethany : : {k LHI "reall was anterestingly answere y-- By SIE RNE oY : Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd De La Matter and My, and Mis, Ans Taylor, Osha- it week. Yn ' ¢ ) } a! iy ganist and choir leader, ; A i Pedi) aly nson Taylor, Osha- all last week R E D B A R N FRIDAY, NOV. 16 : t | ality. . a . - ; FL. Ernest McLean, son of Mr. [guests of Mrs. Geo. Crawford and Mr. | Dianne, were Wednesday evening din- spent the week-end with her parents OSHAWA Treasurer's port severa ems of I : . «WF ia i , i N . 1 I're asurcrs Report sev ! ; and Mrs. Dave McLean, is a member and Mrs. W. Pearce, nev guests of Myo and Mrs. Roy Tay- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton, " businesss were dealt with. Decided . !. ARS to give the usual prizes to the high -- -r wi -- -- -- -- pe Ra Ue ik. | ' . : 7) [] school at Commencement which is to } } be held Nov, £23. After considerable . discussion re our Christmas gift to . . , ) ia ECan resi our English Institute, it was left with 5 ; Jy A -- . : a committee; also fruit or whatever is / a. . 3 "most needed for Port Perry Memorial | ; PRPS -- . Monro ; J Hospital committee to report and do- : : ® . . nations to be brought to next meeting. : #7 . : ow } : a ; . | Motto for the day --A woman shows - ] £5 Fo - what, she is by what she does with ® a . what \she has. Mrs. Frank Hoskin wit new - : | gave rome very interesting current ; . . " i , a y 3 8 power . "When Apples Grow on a Lilac Tree", . Just here an invitation was received - . ; ] : ] by telephone from Nestleton Institute } - - ; . i to visit them on November 28. The - i =. - Yt ladies were happy to accept. The ' - : meeting closed with "The Queen", after which a Webeious lunch was served by the group with Mrs. A. L. Bailey as ! 5 I 2 events, All the twenty-six ladies pre- cont thoroughly enjoyed Mrs, George Wolfe's talk on her recent trip to hee land. Mrs. Lorne Thompson sang Ny > EE -- convener and a social hour spent. There was a very good attendance cat the Farmers" Union meeting on Fri- [lection of officers result President, Douglas Victor Mal- Mr George Ito ses day night, ed as follows: Machie; Vice-President, colin: Secretary Mes Ken Tolmie, Orono, the Concerva tien Officer for this District, rave nn voy interesting ard helpfal abd an Fa Ponds and conducted 0 dis | cussion period. Two fine films were ! shown, Two Uni visitors from. | Windsor were pres nt. A boun cou | lineh brought a fine evening too closes Boome of the ladies of the Union ! are quilting a quilt ar the home oo | Mrs. Clavence Ginn thi weal | TI nr enn - pes WOE famous 4 , Y Clinton Fi J, OF Wi ' : v/ a. : -~ - a Mew giant Julien g | ad, a0, com VN : window is available to pro- i : te P . I 2 o/ : Sa en etn er Dodge presents a completely new line up of trucks with new Forward FROM % TON TO 65,000-LBS. G.C.W. ik en ) behind the driver. Also Look styling . .. new high-compression V-8 engines, for every model... jo N complements new, modern : : ae Ly New Dodge . Tn At Toner" A ge truck appearance. new comfort and safety . . . improved handling ease and dependability! i VE 8, : Eni Fo 2 my 5,000 Ibs, 0. = : $191 50 Plus these other new reasons for making Now Dodge takes to the highway with combustion, and less carbon build-up. Max. GVW, - 5 A . do Dodge Trucks your choice! the handsomest, most modern trucks You get peak performance on regular- ever. designed! They're styled to give your business a real lift in price and prestige! grade gas . . . plus the extra power reserve of the industry's most effi- cient V-8s, : With Guide Bar and Chain-- ' © ® Advanced Forward Look styling, full wrap-around wind- © Quick Starting shield for better visibility, better eye appeal! @ I'ast Cutting There's much more that's new, too. ® New hooded headlights add modern touch of distinction And this all-new Took in truck styling ® Fingertip Control -. to Dodge trucks for 57! is only the beginning. Today vou can Right from the ground up, Dodge DIO 6 orks ® Big V-8 engines for-all Vols, Veonbimical 6's. & for get big, high-compression V-8 power in trucks are built tougher and better... - with Milk © 30 Day Warranty g engines lor-all mode's. Inconomical 6's, too, for any Dodge truck you choose and still with dozens of new work-saving fea- Delivery Body, low- and medium-tonnage models. enjoy the kind of economical perform- tures. Whether you need one truck or Mak, GV YY. : Yocitivae ick Starting in anv . PI ' Anco 0 Positive Quick Starting in any ® Exclusive! 2-position Alligator hood opens to full 90 ance you want! a fleet, your Dodge truck dealer holds N degrees for complete engine accessibility! ew Dodge the key to all your hauling problems, See him today! See why the smart new, 0p or v3 : powerfully new Dodge trucks are the ' "Dump Body, best truck buys of the year! 17,000 Ibs. : Max. G.V.W. climate, any temperature © with The exclusive dome-shaped combus- ion chambers of Dodge Power-Dome tion chambers of Dodge Power-Dome V-8 engines assure more complete fuel special high voltage Magneto. Fo i Power for cutting any timber, Handy : * Fingertip Throttle and oil plunger control, ® Extra-roomy cabs with new adjustable seat-back as i ag seat cushion provide new driver comfort. x \ 0 2 bey ® Push-button automatic transmission--now proved in millions of miles of driving! Available on 15-ton models. ~~ wi rao Se Sn The high-styled choice for all your hauling needs Available in Transmission or Direct Drive Models. New Dodge D700 V-8 Tractor and Trailer, ' MORROW GE TRUCKS Come | Farm Equipment | upd Ba se R-- To BEARE MOTORS LIMITED PORT PERRY | | ® Adjustable hand-brake lever on all models. You can adjust cable slack from inside the cab. Wart ® New pull-type door handles with self-tightening Life: Guard latches, PHONE 156 PORT PERRY EA PHONE. 133

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