Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Nov 1956, p. 4

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= Er id 8 a Ye ie ~ vs x Apa a b . =f NOVEMBER 15, 1056 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, RE LOCAL NEWS | THL CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION . (Anglican) Rev. K, 'W. Scott, L.Th,, Rector Sunday, Nov. 18th-- 0.50 a.m.~--Holy Communion and ' Sermon--the Rev. M. J. Cath- cart of All Saints Church, Whitby. 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School 7.00 p.m,-- British and Foreign Bible Society representative, the Rev. C. R. Rudd in St. John's Pres- byterian Church. 5 Mr, and Mrs. James C. Cairns have rented an apartment in the Emmerson « Motel for the winter months. Mrs. W. H._Havris left on Monday to fly to Florida for the winter sca- on.. ~~ = . ". Cards of Thanks The Port Perry Boy Scout Associa- tion wish to thank the Prince Albert! United Church for inviting us to share | their Remembrance Day Service, Rev. Mr. Wylic had an impressive message and we feel that those who attended were spiritually enriched. The flowers added to the beauty of the church. It is always a pleasure to participate in this type of service as we feel it is the root upon which our organization thrives. Your Group Committee. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev... 11. Wylie, B.A., 'Minister Sunday, Nov. 18th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--"The Problems of Life" (1) Sin 7 p.m.--Evening Worship, "\ ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: i Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B. A, D. D. sunday, November 18th-- 11 wom. ~Sunday School vening Worship I wish to extend my sincere appre- ciation for the beautiful floral tributes at the time of my mother's funeral. Mrs, HC. Wilson, Port Perry. My sincere thanks to Drs. Dymond, i pan.- Sturgis and Kimmerly, nurses and Special Guest Speaker, Rev. Rudd staff of Port Perry Community Me- 5.15 pan. Religious Film \O | . ni. , morial Hospital; also to my many tire United Chareh of Canada i flowers, cards and gifts. A Mae Shortridge | "ORT PERRY BAPTIST curren Pastor: Paul Delaney friends for I would like' to thank my friends and neighbours who called to many 1 Sunday, November 18th. Sumday School at 10 am. see me while in the hospital, and also Morning Sdrvice at 1) am. for gifts received while there. cards and "Evening service at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at Fopm. Rae Dusty. Young People's on Friday at € pn. Sincere thanks to all my kind friends and neighbours for gifts of flowers and many acts of kindness during my recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear wife. SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE ® Sunday, November 18th. * Sunday Services, November 18th Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A, B.D. *. John MeKitrick. Minjseer Ln 10.15 aan. Church and Sunday School . at Grace > Wo ish to extend oy hafta} 11.15 aom.--~Chuarch and Sunday School * thanks and appreciation for the acts at Manehostar" - of Kindness, messages of sympathy and floral tributes received from rela- tives, friends and neighbours during the loss of a beloved father and grand- father, Harry Moore. We especially wish to thank Rev. Mr. Wylie for his consoling message and also the pall- bearers for their assistance. The family. EES am. The vo 11.00 aam.--Sunday School at Head of Memorial *; 1.15 pom.----Church and Sunday School * at Prospect. i "Whosoever will, may come." Come- therefore and worship with us. | »| PENTECOSTAL CHURCH | Rev. H. J. Williamson, Pastor | Sunday, November 18th. | | 10 a.m. Sunday School Morr ag Worship p.m -EKvargelistic Service All Welcome. 1 Christmas THE SUNDAY SCHOOL » } OF THE AIR Gift Radio Station CKLH. Oshaws 1350 on your Dial livery Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Chureh -- our (urch needs us" That Only ~ You Can Give Your Portrait | RELAN STUDIO 21 ATHOL ST., WEST dee, 15-60 Death Oshawa General Hospital, on Sun- day, Novemb = {1 1956 in his 74th Jig Dr. Franklin James Rundle, be husband of Mabel Hutcheson. was held at the Armstrong I'uncral Home with entombment at Union Cemetery Mousoleum, Oshawa. loved Serviced For Appointment Call RA. 3--3680 (Collect) Causeway lanes OPEN BGWLING Tuesday, Friday, reread and Saturday Nights EET BALLET - TAP - BATON Register Thursday Dp; High School ITARVEY DANCE ? ACADEMY Oshawa RA. 5-6122 Nov.29 | - Ponce PE ------------ DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE Prince Albert, Ontario A Complete line of Meats, Groceries, and Sunbeam Bread and Cakes, ~ School Supplies . @® ) For Free Delivery Phone 485 w COMING EVENTS Change of Date Of Bazaar The annual bazaar under the aus- pices¢ of the Evening Guild of the Church of the Ascension will be on Saturday, Nov, 24th at 3-p.m. in the Parish Hall. Homé Baking and after- noon Tea served. All welcome. Doll Display And Tea The Guide Mothers invite everyone to the Scout Hall on Saturday after- noon, November 17th, For 10c. see an interesting collection of dolls in authentic historical costumes back to the 14th century, portraits of royal family, story book groups, dolls from Egypt, Japan, New Zealand, etc., an- tique dolls and many others. If de- sired afternoon tea, 25c. "touch and take" parcels at 26c. each. Free taxis from post office. Nov. 16 Euchre and Draw Prince Albert Service Club invite! you to attend their Euchre and Lucky Draw on Saturday, November 24th in the Prince Albert School. Please note change in date. © Nov.22 Nofice Remember the Nomination Meet- ing in the Community Room of the Public Library on MONDAY, NOV. 26th, 1956 at 7.30 p.m, Come out and nominate your candi- date! Notice The Scout & Cub Mothers Auxili- ary will meet at the home of Mis. Kennedy on Nov. 19. The Lunch Committee Mrs, C. Reesor, Mrs. M, Elford, Mrs. W. Heayn, Euchre Thursday, November 22nd at 8.30 a'clock a Euchre will be held in the Parish Hall of the Catholic Church. Lunch served. Bazaar Blackstock W. A, Bazaar will be held in the United Church Sunday School room on Wednesday, Nov, 21 at 2 p.m. Guest speaker Mrs. Geo. Wolfe, Home Cooking, Fancy Work, Aprons, Fish' Pond, ete. Xmas Decorations Demonstrations - of Xmas Decora- | tions by Mrs. Rennick on Tuesday, November 27th at 8 p.m. in the base- ment of the United Church. Spon- sored by the Service Club. Admis- sion 50c. Tea served. Lucky draws. Nov, 22 Annual Bazaar The Annual Bazaar and Afternoon Tea under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of St. John's Presbyterian Church will be held on Saturday, Dec. 1st at 2.30 p.m. There will be miscellaneous booths, including baking, candy, ap- rons, novelties, parcel post and, new this year, a table of good used arti- cles. Nov.29 | Annual Euchre Plan to attend the euchre in aid of the Cancer, Polio and 'Tuberculosis Fund of the I1.0.0.F. and Rebekah Lodges to be held in the Lodge Rooms on Friday, Jan. 18, 1957, at 8.30 p.m. Entertainment and Lunch to follow. 4 Prince Albert At church on Sunday it was pleasant to have the Port Perry Cubs, Scouts' and Leaders as guests during the ser- vice, Mr. James Hunter read the Scripture. After observing the two minutes silence, Rev. R, Hi Wylie de- livered appropriate remarks to the guests and "Remembrance Day" thoughts to one and all. The choir rendered two anthems fitting for the day. "Remember Sunday School at and worship at 3.00 p.m. Mrs. A. MacPherson and Mr. James Mark, of Lindsay, visited their sister Mrs. W. J. Martyn and Mr. Martyn. Mrs. Alvin Hunter is spending this week in Haliburton with her daughter Mrs. Walter Webb and Mr. Webb. We all extend a welcome and much 2.00 happiness to a newly married couple Mr. and Mrs. R. Hood. Hope they will enjoy life in our village. Mrs. Wm. Brown and Mr. Dan Mec- Taggart attended a pantry-shelf show- er in"homour of their relative Miss I. Clements at theshome of Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Wanamaker, Seagrave, Thurs- day evening. . Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Cole, Miss 0. Beacock and Mrs. M, Furries,. all of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and 1 Murs. L. R. Beacock, ; 'im A number of ladies are .§pending spare hours quilting at Mrs. William Brown's home. .__ Mr, and Mrs, Les Smith, Mrs. Wm. Dickinson and Judy, of Toronto. with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Murphy and Alen, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Thorndyke and family, Lindsay, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davidson, Jr. and family. persian Mrs, Jackson, who was a patient at Mis. Pearce's nursing home under- went surgery in Port Perry hospital. While there turned 92 years of age. Congratulations and good health from us all. : ! Mrs. Pearl Pogue, Whitby, spent a couple of days last week with her aunt Mrs. Wm. Somerville, i 4 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE YoU know all that talk you've been hearing about the 1957 new car models being really new? Well, in the case of the 1957 Buicks it's true-- gospel true, And we bring them to you now with a soaring enthusiasm we can hardly contain--the newest new Buicks ever built, : co All New--and Then Somel We mean these 1957 Buicks are new in the precise and literal sense. We mean new from the ground up, and from gleaming grille to sassy taillights. a We mean new lowness, new styling, new bodies, new windshields, new controls, new safety- padded instrument panels, new safety steering wheels, new seating, new fabrics, new colors. We mean new front end, new rear end, new frame, new braking, new steering, new handling, * new riding, new roadability--a whole new chassis of greater solidity and safety. We mean-V8 engines new from the crankshaft up--engines that poise on new nodal-point mountings for peak freedom from vibration-- that "feed" through a rust-free fuel system --that breathe freer and deeper to deliver an all-time ~ high in horsepower and comp 364-cubic-inch displacement. So cometakein these low-silhouette, these boldly beautiful,these instantly obedient Buicks for 1957. Come learn about the host of wonders to be had here--inclyding a true work-wagon with the racy and airy grace of a pillarless 4-Door hardtop Riviera--the most beautiful Estate Wa ever beheld. Then you'll see why you can't blame us for being - so fired up about it all--and how catching this excitement can be. *New Advanced Variable P. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM PORT PERRY gon you itch Dynaflow is the only Dyna flow Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and Century-- optional at modest extra cost on the Special, ' Buick Roadmaster 4-door Riviera ression from thelr And we mean, most of all, an advanced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow*--so instant in the stays ing range--so utterly smooth and so totally full range in "Drive" --that your need for "Low js practically eliminated, M-4578 ON DISPIAY TODAY 2 PHONE 57W . R MOTORS 5 Ba ta REE UR AD Ay. A

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