Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Nov 1956, p. 4

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* &--~THE PORT PERRY STAR, THUREDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1966 LOCAL NEWS COMING EVENTS Announcement | THE CHURCHES " ig 4 4 > A } TI el A 2 Be itm Fe 0 2 io Sr . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson - an- nounce the engagement of their aaughter, Marilyn Ileen to Ross Iidgar Smalley, son of Mr. and Mrs, lidgar Smalley, Sandford. The mar- Sunday, Nov. 25th-- riage will take place on Saturday, ! December the eighth, 1956. Card of Thanks (Anglican) 11.00 A.M, Sunday School. Sunday. Marlene wishes to thank her rela- 7.80 P.M. Anglican Crusade Service in tives and friends for the kindness| St. George's Church, Oshawa. Bus will shown to her during her recent stay) leave Church of the Ascension at 6.40 in the Community Memorial Hospital, | P. M. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev, K. W. Scott, L.Th., 'Rector 9.30 A.M. Moring Prayer dud Sermon by the Rev. R. A, Ward, Ph.D., B. D. Evening Prayer . cancelled for this and also to thank Dr. Rennie; the nurses and staff of the hospital. Mrs. Fred Warren, Card of Thanks We wish to extend our heartfelt . thanks and appreciation for the acts| 7 p.m.-- Sunday, Nov, 25th-- (2) Anxiety. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Ministér 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--"The Problems of Life" Evening Worship of kindness, messages of sympathy and floral tributes received from rel- atives, friends and neighbours during the loss of a dear husband and fa- ther. We especially wish to thank Rev. Mr. Wylie for his consoling Sunday, Nov. 25th-- message also McDermott- Panabaker 11 a.m.--Sunday School Funeral Home. ST. JOHN'S Minister: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Change of Date Of Bazaar The annual bazaar under the aus- pices of 'the Evening Guild of the Church of the Ascension will be on Saturday, Nov: 24th at 8 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Home Baking and after- noon - Tea served. All welcome, . * Nov. 22 Euchre and Draw Prince Albert Service Club invite you to attend their Euchre and Lucky the Prince Albert School. Please note change in date. Nov.22 Notice Remember the Nomination Meet- ing in the Community [Room of the Public Library on MONDAY, NOV. 26th, 1956 at 7.80 p.m, Come out and nominate your candi- date! Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B. A, D. D. 7 p.m.--Evening Worship-- Mrs. Olive Beacock and "Family. In Memoriam GERROW---In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Elijah H. Gerrow, who passed away, Nov, 26th, 19566. We often think of bygone dads Pastor: Sunday, November 18th, PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Paul Delaney "| sion 60c. Sunday School at 10 a.m, Morning Service at 11 a.m. Evening. service at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. '| Young People's on Friday at 8 p.m. When we were all together; The family chain is broken now But memories live forever. To us he has not gone away, MINISTER: Nor has he travelled far; Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A. B.D, 'Just entered "God's eternal home And left the gate ajar. Sadly misssed by Wife and aly Family. Deaths McTAGGART, Ethel Margaret--At Sunday, Nov. 25th-- School at Grace. Head Memorial, School at Prospect. the Community Hospital, Port Perry,| We give you a very cordial welcome on Sunday, November 18th, 1956,| Come and worship with us, The UNITED CHURCH of CANADA SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE 10.15 a.m.--Church and- Sunday- 2] "11.156 a.m.--Church and Sunday * School at Manchester, . 11,00 a.m.--Sunday School at * 1.16 p.m.--Church and Sunday * [thel Margaret Brown, beloved wife of the late Robert Duncan McTaggart, and dear sister of Leslie and Howard, Oshawa; Viola (Mrs. Cecil Tait) Sea- grave. Resting at Chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry, for service on Wednesday, at 2 p.m, Sunday, Nov. 25th-- All Welcome,' PENTECOSTAL CHURCH - Rev. H. J. Williamson, Pastor 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Interment McNeil's Cemetery, Wick. BEACOCK, Harold J.--At Oshawa General Hospital, on Wednesday, Nov. 14,.1956, Harold J. Beacock, beloved husband of Olive White and dear father of Allen. ' Resting at Chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry for service on | dec.16-66 Saturday, at 2 p.m. OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, "We need our Church-- THE SUNDAY SCHOOL 1350 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 our Church needs us." - Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. MOUNTJOY, Margaret E. -- At Annual Doll Blackstock, Ontario, on Saturday, Nov. | ¥% - ] 17th, 19566, Margaret E. Ferguson, be- ¢ estiva loved wife of the recently deceased Cadmus, Causeway Lanes PORT PE 0 RRY 25c. Buy your tickets now. The Annual Doll Festival will be Norman Henry Mountjoy, in her 71st| held on the 8th. of December, Santa year. Claus Day in Port Perry. In view of Resting at Chapel of McDermott-| the early date in December, will those Panabaker, Port Perry, for service on organizations or persons wishing to Monday, November 19, 1956, at 2.00 | donate a Doll for this purpose, kindly p.m. Interment Union Cemetery, | have same in the hands of the comm- ittee at the earliest possible date, Sev- ' eral dolls or donations of money are Re i sii Ui tM fi i, required to reach our annual quota of 25 dolls. The Auxiliary would app- reciate your assistance in this project. Tickets are on sale at the usual 3 for OPEN BOWLING | Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday J Nights Bl sds --------, | Nov.29 BALLET - TAP - Register Thursday P. P, High School HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Oshawa RA. 65-6122 Prince Albert, Ontario School Supplies DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE / A Complete line of Meats, Groceries, and Sunbeam Bread and Cakes, Xmas Decorations Demonstrations of Xmas Decora- ; tions by Mrs. Rennick on Tuesday, November 27th at 8 p.m. in the base- ment of the United Church. Spon- sored by the Service Club. -Admis- Tea served. Lucky draws. Nov, 22 Annual Bazaar The Annual Bazaar and Afternoon 1 Tea under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of St. John's Presbyterian Church will be held on Saturday, Dec. 1st at 2.30 pm. There will be miscellaneous booths, including baking, candy, ap- rong, novelties, parcel post and, new this year, a table of good used arti- cles. : i Nov.29 a Annual Euchre Plan to attend the euchre in aid of the Cancer, Polio and Tuberculosis Fund of the I.0O.0.F. and Rebekah Lodges to be held in the Lodge Rooms on Friday, Jan. 18, 1957, at 8.30 p.m. Entertainment and Lunch to follow. Notice TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG Effective October 1st, 1956 All costs under Brucellosis Control are being paid by the government. Farmers are asked to notify the vet- erinary when they have calves to be vaccinated. RALPH MILNER, Nov, 29 Clerk. Short Course In Programme- Planning will be given in the Parish Hall on Thursday, November 29th, by Mrs. Elton Arm- strong, Extension Service of the De- partment of Agriculture. Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Registration fee of 2b cents. Lunch served. The course is sponsored by the Honeydale Branch of the W. I. All welcome. Bazaar & Tea The Annual Bazaar & Tea of the Greenbank Fidelis Class will be held in the church basement, Saturday, Dec, 1st at 3 p.m. Plan to attend and do some Christmas shopping. Nov. 29 Junior Farmers Port Perry Junior Farmers will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday, November 27th in the Scout Hall, Port Perry. The 'time will be 8.86 p.m. The program committee hope to have door prizes, special music, games and lunch. Home Baking Sale In aid of the Utica g Building Fund in the Bearé Motors Showroom, (formerly Archers) on Saturday, November 24th at 2 p.m, Canadian Club Ontario County Canadian Club will hold its meeting in the Northminster | Church Hall on Thursday, November 20th. The guest speaker will be Mr. Arnold Edinborough on "Crime Com- ics and Obscene Literature," Meeting Annual ng of the Hospital Auxiliary will be held in the Public Library Committee Room, Thursday, For Free Delivery Phone 485 w November 20th, at 8,00 P.M. tf. - - - Special Evangelistic Services Commencing MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th. SCUGOG UNITED CHURCH, SCUGOG ISLAND MONDAY EVENING--GRACE CHURCH: - Theme: "Created for Love." to return to-the Hospital again last week Monday. We are glad that she is much better, and hopes to be home this week. We are glad that Iva Fra- lick is home again and doing well, We do hope that you will soon recover from your fall on the ice Irene Carter and hope that you won't think less of Wright Crosiers with us on Sunday, and hope that you will enjoy better health, We were glad also to have Richard Steer with us, and hope that you will soon recover perfectly from your fall. Qur best wishes to Josie Bain and Mrs. Joel Miller. On his next visit to Oshawa hospital the Draw on Saturday, November 24th in|. Theme: Theme: Music: "Prospect Choir. Theme: Federation of Agriculture Hold Annual Meeting Dinner and annual meeting was held by the South Ontario County Federation of Agriculture in the Trin- ity United Church Uxbridge, Ontario Mr. Lorne Tindall the president of the Federation was chairman for the evening and in his annual report he spoke of the aims of the Federation of Agriculture. He spoke of the immed- iate problems of the farmers, such as the high cost of machinery, the lack of farm labour, the ever increasing taxes and the artifical surplus which is used to destroy the economy of agriculture producers. He mentioned a solution to the problem greater help for young farmers in financial matters, a com- plete new method of paying cost of education, a fair price for that part of Canadian farmers production that is consumed in Canada compared with other earning power, the institution of a soil bank so that agriculture could keep in a position to increase product- fon in an emergency and the help and co-operation of the government to gee to it that Agriculture did maintain a healthy economy. Various reports were heard from some of the organizations within the federation, the financial reports were available for all at the tables. "Dr. Dymond, M.L.A, introduced the Hon. Mr. Goodfellow. Mr. Goodfellow-said that all farmers should be interested in marketing, He felt that the government should help behind the scenes with research and legislation but the farmers themselves must shoulder the responsibility for their improvement. He said it is im- portant to keep our ideas flowing wh- ether right or wrong. He suggested management and farming principles. The gronp enjoyed the informal way in which the Minister of Agricut- ure spoke and he was ably thanked by Mr, (Russell Rodd. OIE) (A CeAcy FAUCET ) |OR A DRAIN, { WE WORK, "WE FIX {AND WE NORE =PLUMBING Phone 339W PORT PERRY ONT. The Christmas Gift . That Only V You Can Give Your Portrait RELAN STUDIO 21 ATHOL ST. WEST For Appointment Call RA. 3--3680 (Collect) Music: Vocal solos by Mrs. Ellsworth Kennedy. TUESDAY EVENING--HEAD MEMORIAL CHURCH: "Fdith in Christ" Music: Mrs, Thomas Redman and others. THURSDAY EVENING--GRACE CHURCH "The Master's Hands laid upon us." » FRIDAY EVENING--HEAD MEMORIAL CHURCH: : "Facing Life With Christ" ' Music: Vocal 'Solos'by Dr, Kenneth Braham SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL OUR YOUNG PEOPLE, COME and Receive the blessing that God has been waiting to give you, Rev, J. K. Braham, M.A, B.D, the Minister, will be the Preacher each evening The services will commence at 8.00 p,m. District Churches SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE: be any trouble at Presbytery with re- gards the proposed Union on the Is- land, and there wasn't. comprised the._delegation to Presby-| tery, (which by the way was held last week Wednesday at Greenwood) were Messrs. Martyn, and Clinton Midgley. The Presbytery voted unanimously in fav- our of the Churches on the Island; and will have a representative with us on Sunday, December 2nd at both ser- vices, The new membership roll is being prepared Our elders are busy visiting our people, and we hope that everyone is praying for the moving of God's Spirit in all our hearts. Services on the Island, commencing next Monday evening at 8.00 p.m. in Scugog United (Grace). to our special Ad. for the particulars. The services will be alternate between the Centre and the -Head, and there will be Special Music each evening. The Minister Rev. J. K, Braham will conduct the services. to have Dr. Kenneth Braham, Bass Soloist, with us for the Friday even- ing Service." vice will be particularly for Young People of our Charge, and having in mind the organizing of a Young Peo- ples' Society, we would urge all our Young People to reserve that evening, and be with us at the Head Memorial Church, vice for those who would like to link up with Christ to remain, and to feel free to ask any questions they might have'in mind, and the Minister will en- deavour to answer them as the Holy Spirit leads him. It is following these services, that the birth of "SCUGOG UNITED CHURCH" will be ushered farmers should be better trained in]|in. Croziers for looking after the reword- ing and lettering of our "Church Bul- letin Board" at Grace Church. We hope in the near future to have one at "Head Memorial" also, and at Man- chester and Prospect Churches, well attended. It was Missionary Sun- day, and much information given re- garding the work of our Church at home and abroad. Scugog United (Grace) was very generous with their funds as they met last week Wednesday. 1$100 for the Manse; $30 for their-share in a projector; and' $400 towards a new floor for the basement. Our sympathy and love go out to the Burnsell Websters. V "curling." Mr. Will Holtby was do-| Minister will call to Mrs. ing well; 'but suddenly contracted the| Miller... To all our Shut-ins, may you "flu". We do wish for you a speedy |find healing and peace through our recovery. : We were glad to have the! Lord 'and Saviour. ] > _- te pe Air We did not expect that there would Those who Clarence Fralick, Laverne - Cat Fwy FUEL [21D THEIR HOUSE WAS SO CHILLY, IT MADE THEM FEEL HAVE US FILL YOUR TANK with high quality fuel oil. Then let the therometer ' do what it will. You'll be com- fortable Fleare p10 BVT ARTIARL There will be Special Evangelistic Please refer We are hoping "The Friday evening ser- Time will be provided after each ser- ~ We are grateful to "the Donald All our Services on Sunday were They voted Marion had IF YOU FOLLOW TOO CLOSELY A sudden stop by the car in front can result in an accident. If you fail to stop in time, that accident is your fault. Good drivers make certain they have lots of stopping room, Whalover their speed. HOW GOOD ARE YOUR DRIVING HABITS ? DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO ™ eo RCAF Training means Top Training! There are immediate openings right now to train in these important aviation trades: There's a great future in aviation: make aviation your career --in the RCAF! Get all the facts now about RCAF training, pay and other benefits. FOR TAKE-OFF INSTRUMENT © AIRFRAME RADIO-RADAR * ARMAMENT AERO-ENGINE - ELECTRICAL * See, write or phone the RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR at your nearest RCAF Recruiting Unit or write direct to DIRECTOR PERSONNEL MANNING, RCAF Headquarters, Ottawa, is bairaasalitie. | A A ae. i A Las A eh ih Sp i + sx es RE TS I a gn PWR SRS sis cr RAR SA a . EZ Font a © a ; fA id;

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