Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Dec 1956, p. 4

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+ Ont, --s 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1066 LOCAL Card of Thanks I wish to thank my friends and rela- tives for their cards, tokens and visits during the week I spent ih Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, recently. Sincerely, Mrs. Cecil Fraligk. Card of Thanks I wish to sincerely thank my friends and neighbours for get-well greetings, gifts and calls while I was ill in. Memorial Hospital Bowmanville. . Gladys Hutchinson. Death JAMES, Robert Suddenly at De- troit on November 21, 1956, Robert James, beloved husband of Jessie Me- Dougall, son of Leslie James and the lute Mrs, James formerly of Manches- ter; dear brother of Melvin and Eva of Port Perry. flowers, GREAVES, Bartha Ro At T aronto, NEWS THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. K.*W. Scott, L.Th., Rector Sunday, December 9th-- U.30 a.m,--Morning Prayer and Sermon. 11.00 a.m.-- Sunday School, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. It. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister Sunday, December 9th-- 10 ium ---Sunday School Rev, W. J. IL Smyth of the Missionary and Maintenance De- partinent will be the, speaker. Mr. Smyth is just returning.from a trip through Newfoundland and the Maritime provinces. 'pom lvening Worship, \\ aa. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "Minister: Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B. A., D. D. ou Friday, November 20, (956, Bertha | Sunday, December 9th=-- RU Greaves, wife of the late Herbert IE aan. Sunday School | Greaves of Elkhorn, Man, daughter of i pan lvening Worship-- A | the date Mr. and Mis, Jo Co Camphell, | 7777 , ites rch oby we Prince Albert, Ont., foster wn of bu) PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Edwin Greaves. Interment was at Pastor: Paul Delancey Ping Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, Sunday, December 9th-- In Memoriam SAMELLS --- In loving memory of Vera: Samells who passed away De- cember 10, 1954, In our henrts your Sweetly, There is not That we memory lingers, fond and true. a -day dear Mother do not think of you. . Sadly missed by Helen, George, Roger tender, "dna, and John. Two men were duck hunting and though they had been shooting at du- ck for hours, they single one. "It's getting Inte, ally said, "Let's ro hore, i hadn't bageed a Laka "" one of them fin- miss two more and AICHE i CSA aa CLINTON CHAINSAW lo AY THE HEART 45 a 7 ---" WORLD Famous AY Cumton "A \ (Ging P il \\ / ; Py Catz) Lio s =r ET X As Low As $191.50 Wilh Guide Bar and Chain-- @® Quick Starting @ I'ast Cutting ® Iingertip Control © 30 Day Warranty Positive Stantine in any Ouiel: with | climate; any temperature | pecial. high voltae Power for cutting any Handy Fingertip Throttle control. timber, and oil plunger Available in Transmission or Direct | "Drive Models. MORROW Farm Equipment PHONE 156 PORT PERRY 'Sunday, 10 ALL MERCHANTS AND Magneto, | ness people in Port Perry are to be shoppers. The Port Perry Star the Friday During The Christmas on! wom: | New Years Weeks Sunday School at 10 a.m, Morning Service at 11 a.m. Iivening service at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Young People's on Friday at 8 p.m. The United Church of Canada * SCUGOG PASTORAL C HARGE MINISTIS be Reve d. K. Braham, M.A, B.D." Holy 9th-- * 10.15 a.m. Scugog Church(Grace) Church and Sunday School. » | 11.00 a.m.--Scugog Church . (Head Memorial)' Sunday School. - 11.15 a.m.--Manchester Church * Church and Sunday School." | 1.15 p.m.--Prospect Church | Church and Sunday School. We invite one and all to come and* worship with us. Bring the children - with you. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH "The Twentieth Century Church with' the IMirst Century Message" Rev. Harold J. Williamson, Pastor : Sunday, December 9th-- 10 a.m.-----Sunday School, BE 11 a.m.---~Morning Worship 7 p.m.---Evangelistic Service | Wed, 8 p.m.--Prayer & praise service I'ri., 8. p.m.--Young Peoples Dec. 15--Christmas 'Concert. \ A Warm Welcome Awaits You, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL "OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa 1350 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10. 05 "We peed our Church-- our Church needs us." dee, 156-66 Notice AND BUSINESS PEOPLE Notice is hereby given that all cars ovned by the merchants or other busi- kept off the Queen Street business section from NOW until after Christ- is for the convenience of --By Order. Dec. 13 mas. This Will be published on 'DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE J! Prince Albert, Ontario A Complete line of Meats, Groceries, and Sunbeam Bread and Cakes, : School Supplies: @ °F or Free Delivery Phone 485 w VY A] COMING EVENTS Hosp. Doll Festival DATE CHANGED TO DEC. 11th. Doll Draw, Home Baking and After- noon Tea in the Catholic Church Hall, immediately following the Apprecia- tion Day Draw. eway Lanes PORT PERRY OPEN BOWLING Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday ~ Nights WHERE ELSE DO YOU GET ° OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE? © HEALTHY OUTDOOR LIFE? ® GOOD PAY? © EXPERT TRAINING IN NEW AND USEFUL SKILLS? © DEVELOPMENT AND RECOGNITION OF YOUR CHARACTER? @ A CHANCE TO LEARN HOW TO HANDLE MEN? © FREE MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE? © THIRTY DAYS HOLIDAY WITH PAY A YEAR? except in the Canadian Army? If you are 17 to 40 yewrs of age, and able to meet Army require ments, the Canadian Army offers you these and other advantages of Army life. You enlist for a 3 year term. At the end of that time you may return to civilian life well fit- ted for the future, or continue in the service of your country. Mail the coupon below, telephone or visit your local recruiting station. Army Recruiting Station, ichmond Street West, Toronto, Ont. -- 0 Rehm FW 6.8341, Loc. 276 Army Recruiting Station, iad fore E East, ¥ Hamilton, Ont. -- Tel: JA 28 Army Recruiting Stalion, &: Se St., St Catharines, Ont. -- Tel. MU 2-7527 rmy Recruiting Station, Wolseley Barracks, A llzabeth & Oxford Sts., London, Ont. -- Tel. 4-1601, Loc. 135 Army Recruiting STalion, « 131 London St., Windsor, Ont. -- Tel. CL 2-7615 Army Recruiting Station, 01d Post Office Building, Kitchener, onl. -- Tel SH 36661 097W-OR ---- -------- a ------ . . 56.20 Please send me, without obligation, full information on Army careers. | Name I I 1 | Address I | City/Town | Hair Styling" with Mrs. McPhail, who J Junior Farmers Hold Debating Competition On Monday evening, November 26th, in conjunction with the Beaverton Jr. Farmers' monthly meeting, the Brock Digtrict High School, Cannington, was the battle field for the Ontario County Junior Farmers' Debating Teams as they endeavoured to "Resolve that a reduction in the number of farm or- ganizations in Ontario would be in the best interests of the Ontario farmer." The Junior Farmer Clubs were well represented with four teams. In the first debate, the affirmative was up- held by Evelyn Ianson and Audrey Stiver, Uxbridge Junior Farmers, and the negative by Harley and Wesley Johnson, Port Perry Juniors. Eileen Rarliament and Marilynn Ross, of Beaverton Juniors, upheld the affirma- tive in the second debate, while Alan Ball amd Norm Lyons, Uxbridge Jrs., supported the negative All teams debated remarkably well and the judges, Miss I, Gairgan, Miss D. A. Bolger,-and=Mi. Eldon Beach, all of the Brock District High School Staff, had no easy task scoring them. In the first debate the affirmative supported by the Uxbridge girls squeezed out the Port Perry boys; in the sccond debate the Uxbridge boys, upholding the negative just managed to out talk the Beaverton girls, Representing Ontario County in the Inter-County Debate with Durham County Junior Farmers, on Thursday evening, November 20th, was livelyn Ianson, Audrey Stiver, Alan Ball and Norm Lyons. The girls will continue to support the affirmative and will travel to Blackstock to debate with Durham's negative team. The: dffivin- ative team from Durham will be the High School, Uxbridge to debate with the Ontario County's negative team. Between the debates the Ontario Junior Farmer Public Speaking com- petition will be held. Miss Janice Ross and Allan Ross, Beaverton, were the speakers, Allan Ross was declared winner. Ontario County will be re- presented in the Ontario Junior Farm- er Public Speaking Competition to be held in the King Idward' Hotel, To- ronto, on Saturday, January 5th At the regular, Beaverton Junior Farmers' meeting, the girls discusssed gave some demonstrations, The hou had as their guest apadet, Mr.H. L.Fair,Agricultural Kepre- sentative, Uxbridge. He explained the new Brucellosis Act.and discussed it with the members. The Beaverton Junior Farmers are helping to canvass the Townships of Brock and Thorahh, so that they can come under the new act and so have all their female calves vaccinated against "Bang's Disease" which has and is causing great losses in many herds. : Your child has TWO SITTERS watching over her You never see this second sitter, Yet she is just a moment away -- always alert and ready for help -- at the other end of your telephone. ; } . Normally, should you want to'make sure that every- thing is all right at home you just call your sitter, or have her call you. But situations do arise when your sitter, or you, or . L anyone may be faced with an emergency. Then a direct call to Operator can bring help in a hurry. . She is there to serve you -- to help make the tele- phone a guardian of your security and your peace of mind, _- J THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY,OF CANADA L -- / Needs of District The following is a statistic report of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, which we feel may be of intercst to the public, *Admissions for the month of Nov. at yotir hospital were 82 patients in- cluding 10 births; making a tota) of 963 admissions for the year to date, including a total of 127 births, During November there has been 14 major operations. apd 22 minor opera- tions performed in our Operating Rovm, maikng a total of 360 for the year. Also 22 cases have been taken care of in the Emergency "operating room, At 4 Ls time we would also like to thank all persons and organizations who ahve donated preserves, veget- ables, jams and jellies, or any other donations that have been made. These donations are greatly appreciated. We would like at this time to men- ve as a memorial. Miss Abigail De- Lury of Manilla, Ontario, who was re- cently a patient at our hospital, do- nated the sum of $1,000.00 as a me- morial to her brother, the late [Ralph DeLury also of Manilla. After due consideration some equipment that is needed at our hospital will be pur- chased with this money, 'those who have so generously made these memorial donations during the year, id Manchester In the absence of Rev. Mr, Braham, on Sunday morning, Mr. Wm. Me- Cartney very ably brought a message oa "'Ubedience", The children's chojr with Mrs. Samells at the piano sang "The Books of the Bible." "te annual Christmas Tree Enter- tainment will be held iit the hall on the evening of December 20th. Mrs. Theo. Stevens o5toltained 18 Hospital Fills Many tion a further donation that is to ser- | We are indeed very grateful tol ladies at a "Wearever Party" in her home last Friday evening, Mr, Jewell of Sunderland visited his daughter Mrs. A, Fielding on the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. B, Bounsall and son of Haliburton called on Mrs. Joe John- ston one day last week, 0.N.0. Club Annual Banquet On Saturday evening about 70 mem- bers of the O. N.O. Club and their hus- bands were guests of honour toa. turkey banquet at the 4th annual "Husband's Night" "held in the Re- creation Centre. The ladies of the W.M.S. served a delicious and bountiful supper of roast turkey with all the trimmings, Our president, Jessie Bowles, conducted the toast to the Queen-and Jim Marlow x asked the blessing. Dalton Dorrell and Richard Bowles entertained be- tween courses with a humorous novelty number, When all had done justice to the meal, Shirley Turner expressed ~ our appreciation to the ladies of the W.M.S. to which the president, Mrs, E. Larmer replied. Our song leader, Neil Malcolm with Richard "Bowles as pianist led in a . lively, sing-song. Next came the toasts. ~ Doreen Palk ploposed 'the toast to the 'husbands and Merrill Van Camp responded, George Wolfe pro- posed the toast to'the wives and Gwen * Ballingal responded. v Then Elaine Bailey, with Norma Van Camp and Eleanor Werry assisting, led in several amusing games and re- lays, including the well known tele- vision game "I've got a Secret", All joined in the fun and went home de- claring the 4th Annual Banquet the best yet, Z PING PONG TABLE. PHONE 73 ~ FREE PLANS Outdoor Christmas Decorations DO-IT-YOURSELF GIFT SUGGESTIONS BEDROOMS, BATHROOMS, or KITCHEN RECREATION ROOM IN BASEMENT. All these within easy reach of the "Do-It-Yourself" fan when using handy Plywood. . REESOR FUEL & LUMBER BUILT-IN-CUPBOARDS for PORT PERRY i a aay OSHAWA 1 1 SHOPPING CENTRE 4 eS SUBURBAN and CITY BUSSES COME DIRECT TO SHOPPING FOR ALL THE CHILDREN FREE CANDY CANES FREE PUZZLE BOOKS iA CENTRE AT NO INCREASE DECEMBER 12-13-14 I ' IN FARE. ny. = UNTIL 5.00 P.M. : ; : : i 3 WTAE, CHRISTMAS SHOP WEDNESDAY, THURS. FRIDAY, 4 Yoo x J ®.. int Epler Sat "

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