Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Dec 1956, p. 8

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For Your . : oF Greaves passed away on Friday after sor Ey Late sud Li Carson Watson, it Mrs Nora Beacock is confined to the| Mr. and Mrs. Ray Medd visited on +] baving suffered a stroke from which ormer resident of the village had the Ing funch dancing was enjoy- | Port Perry Hospital following surgery, | Sunday with Mrs, Ackney in Uxbridge. g : :d to the splendid ic ided b is i i i she never rallied. misfortune to fall last week and has ot 0 Lie =F 0 iS ysis provi ed by She is improving and we wish for her| Mr. Tommy Anderson and Miss PRINTING The regular meeting of the W.A, Deceased formerly resided in this been in poor health following the fall. Ns an Ly 8 bi to ogers, and call- a complete return to good health in| Marie Anderson spent the week-end at was held on Wednesday evening, Nov. | village, first with her parents, the late Miss Marion Horne, Aurora, spent E ¥ Xn fev) Ten ice. ' the near future, ~~ | their home here. S U 28, at the home of Mrs. B, Snelgrove,| Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Campbell in the Saturday with Mrs. Ray Medd. The next party will be on Dec. 14th. ee S with a very good attendance. Mrs, G.| house now occupied by Mr. R. Reader. a W.A held thei 2 en ; tod Ba / "psom W.A held their election ~-- | Hunter presided and called the meet- | Then later, after an absence of several I'ne Community Club held their re- of officers al its mocking. last Thur E | ing to order with a hymn. Scripture | years, she returned to the same home, gular euchre and dance last Friday ke) y R hn $ . g as} Lure. nve opes from Pin 40 Wits goad by Moe and iriglh elie i he Yiluge: She night with eighteen tables of cards be- ny, Ps vost Srgutiie are had fol- ernie: Ri i Lesson Thoughts and [was the last of the family of five-- ing played. Prize winners were--1st | Ws: resident; Mrs, Elmer Wilson; E - f D mb 10th 1956 Letterheads prayer by Mis. Beacock, those predeceasing her were Morley, lady, Miss Barbara. Amell; 2nd lady, | !st Vice-President, Mrs. G. Jeffrey; ! vening 0 ece er rl ; " : We were grateful to have Miss Job- Sorin, Yoda) Alte AM. Brawn). Miss Florence MeArthur; consolation, | 2nd Vice-President, Mrs: Ray Munroe; : ; $ . lin present who in her pleasing man- ev 'ylie conducted the grave- Mrs, J. Philips, 1st gent, Mr, John | Treasurer, Mrs. 'G. Prentice: Sec'y. { i i 3 ( Programs wer gave us a nice talk on her mis. | side service in Pine Grove Cemetery Boketl; ud ont. Me St. mutha ht Shing » Fogel 4 2 2, The Flamingo Restaurant will be closed to the general g ] Bill sionary work, while teaching a- school Whose Friends aa neighbours gath- consolation, Mr, Robt, Risebrough, The Keech ; 7 ? Li 4) ! public 'on MONDAY, DECEMBER 10th, from 6.30 p.m. for | near Montreal a few years ago. ered to pay their last respects to one --Jueky draws were won by Mrs. Oliver|* SI : hist toil : ale Us Hymn, "We've au Story to Tell to | Whose memories were fondly entwined : y . Te " the occasion of the Lions Christmas Party and Ladies' Night the Nations" was sung. During the [in our little village church, ' / : aiate 1 rati 3 Pamphlets business period a motion carried that - - dil i} et We appreciate the co-operation of our regulay customers we donte $10 to the Missionary Fund. ITT VRAD ' in enabling us to provide accommodation for the Lions Club, Dodgers A letter of appeal was read from the Epsom : WATCH FOR 4 : ' . & Boy Scouts, and ten dollars was don- : - ois 1s BO a EL A SR IS IT : By-Laws ated to them to help pay for their new Miss Hageno, of Tornto, and Miss Holiday Skating Party ; va furnace. $5 was voted to a hospital | Klusek, of Kirkland Lake, sen a ) ; a a | B " doll. A motion carried that we send week in the village as student teach- (WITH EXHIBITION HOCKEY GAME) 5 GIVE THE GIFT PEOPLE LOVE TO RECEIVE [] usiness a Christmas box to hospital, contri- | ers at Epsom school and made their| * : 3 - Fi A a butions to be left af Mrs. Ben Smith's. home with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rogers. } Frida December 28th n Smiles n Chuckles Chocolates [ ar S Fk an 2 ppeoval to ol a meeting . The Utica Hall workers are plan- . [J B | Attractively Wrapped for Christmas ui in December with a Christmas pro- ing ywuchre 3 . ny m Nv i linn, A Gym onl Dismal eke) og to hod 4 sudine abd donee on (sponsored by CORONATION T. & F. CLUB) s Shi = Rail 4 0) i h : : Dee, 22 in Manchester hall. They a S | d S ial & z 1ppmag Shokan, dosed ri meeting. | win" make. the draw for the three : ; 1m ad ur ay pecl 8 * soup 4 served lunch. Christmas cakes which they are sell- C fi T & F Cl h M 1 '5 "Orange Layer Cake" "Coffee Roll" u Tags Miss IY. Holman spent a few days ing tickets on at that time. An in- orona 0n ° ° u eefing . | : ge lay } r in Toronto with Mrs, Timlick, Sati ; 4 ' ; . : itat s extended t or » t a ] a ! } J Vi 15 extende 0 every one to at the HIGH SCHOOL, [] . : ™ I, h | The funeral of Mrs, Bertha Greaves | #ttend. : a { S157 UM Labels| vei on Monday morning. Mrs.| We are sorry to report that Mr. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7th . GERROW S BAKERY vis se ms (Before 7.00-8.00 Hockey Game) a Phone 32W G. M. GERROW ~~ ® _ 7A 2x7 IDTIELY VYRRY oT NECTIRE ay e ' : ° BRON SURE VY SLE LE He Al \ 8_THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1966 RG RASTA NR ERIE RO CEA RL IR Libby's Fancy MINCEMEAT 43 Farm Boy Californ RAISINS FLOUR Good Luck 26-0z. tin "Features" Save-All ia Seedless - 15-0z. pkg. 25¢ B-1b. bag 43c Easifirst 1-1b. pkg. WAX PAPER 5c Betty Crocker -- Choice of 35c¢ lines CAKE" MIXES 31.00 SHORTENING 2 45 i 100-ft. roll 2 29¢ 29¢ 29¢ 3rr dc FRESH - LEAN - PORK LOIN ROASTS LOIN RIB, PORK CH SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- Sweet - Smoked , PORK LOIN SWIFT'S - SLICED . RINDLESS BACON SWIFT'S: LUNCHEON -- MEAT L Quality Meats TENDERLOIN PORTION b Dc oPS w. 69c GENUINE ROLL ~~ 69c Cw. eke. §9¢ Sliced iw. 59¢ No. 1 0AF Fresh Produce NEW CROP -- SUNKIST Navel Oranges 144 size 2 doz. 69 110 size ~ doz. 49 CALIFORNIA . GREEN GRAPES STRING FIGS VACUUM COOLED -- CALIFORNIA L E T T UC E Jumbo Heads Ea. 25¢ HOLLAND MARSH GROWN SMALL ONIONS wv. 23¢ 1-1b. cello pkg. 2 vor 49¢ 10.1b. bag 33c Wagstaffe's CUT MIXED PEELS "Supreme Brand" SHELLED . BRAZIL NUTS Canada or Benson's CORN STARCH 2 pkgs. 35¢ Wesley Ackney of Uxbridge, who is a NEw wipTH--Notice how the Big M's new breadth is dramatized by a massive new Jat Flo Bumper. The oval shape of this graceful new bumper design is as functional as it is beautiful. It acts as a double bumper, provides both high and low protection. Notice the matching twin-styled rear bumper (right). Big Mercury for 1957 straight out of tomorrow in size, power, weight and beauty Jaime semis ref NU -- Instant 1-1b. pkg. . A slaen } ® MARGARINE 35 MILK POWDER 3lc Yi d : YET St. Lawrence pint tin Stuart House 25-ft. roll Even CORN OIL 37c|FOIL WRAP 2%c :: Quaker Solo Brand Beehive Aylmer Ww : Ma . Corn Sy rup Tomato or Vegetable : : : | - Margarine eg iE : ~ Muflets | Yate che YP Sop f| 200 0- | oy: 1-1b. pkg. 2-1b. tin ' 10-oz. tin , k----------oven 6% FEET WIDE---UP 8 cms ----3)| NEW OVERSIZED INTERIORS --Three is no crowd in the front or back seat of the new Big M. There's new headroom, legroom, hiproom. As much shoulder room, for example, as in many of the most expensive cars. Stunning new fabrics and interior appointments let you ride in a wonderful new world of colour and luxury. ~ ¢ . NOW OVER 17% FEET LONG-UP 8 INCHES 5) . LJ NEW LENGTH, NEW WHEELBASE--CLOSE TO TWO-TONS Bla-- Every important dimension is bigger. In addition to the new length, wheelbase is increased 3 inches, and the 1957 Mercurys are up to 256 pounds heavier, too. A far lower centre of gravity gives you an amazing sense of "nailed down" stability on curves and corners, ° 2. Pkg. 27¢ | ' Bon, BRR 100, 3 on wg, Be BREEZE DETERGENT : . : S-. JANCHE JM (Free Cannon Tea Towel) i [ ors tilten FLANCUID MMOSDS. | (Free Connon Ter Towel) NEW MIGHTY V-8 POWER NEW OREAM-QAR DESIGN DRAMATIC NEW FEATURES Ar ot tn .oz. . 390 ' > \ arn ely : ; : ; PINEAPPLE RINGS 3-07. phi, 390 SUNLIGHT SOAP The BIG M for '67 offers you the mightiest V-8's It's a new shape in cars--a sharp-cut, dynamic Everywhere you look there's a new idea-- 4-0z. pkg. 19¢ WALNUT HALVES 2 for 230 in 'Mercury history--250 and 290 horsepower. look that makes other cars look soft and static. improved Merc-O-Matic Drive with an exclu- 3-07. pkg. 230 Maple Leaf Also available is a revolutionary Power boost The roof is gracefully slender --sweeps back out sive keyboard that outdates all other push- Wagstaffe's LIQUID DETERGENT engine fan that cuts off automatically when not over the rear window to provide extra head- button transmissions, because it does 80 much a. "CUT CITRC 8-02. pkg. 2 IN WALNUT PIECES le 7-012, pkg. 39¢ Large - 5c off - 36e Giant - 10c off - 7lc Birds Eye . Mixed Vegetable Frozen Foods S 11-0z. pkg. 25¢ Wax Beans Chicken a-la King _____ 11-0z. pkg. 53¢ Haddock Fillets i 10-02. pkg. 25¢ Ib, 37c. - Dowson's Food Markel needed for cooling, saves up to 17 horsepower other cars waste. And there's a unique new: Thermo-matic Carburetor Air Intake that con- trols the temperatura of the air the engine breathes--boosts usable power and economy. many years to come, room, The tail-lights have an imaginative V- angle slant, Here's the first production dream car--a distinctive, straight-out-of-tomorrow design that will influence the shape of cars for more --controls six driving operations, A new Floating Ride that has to be fell to be believed, and aseat that remembers your favourite driving position. You can see all this, and more, at your Mercury dealer. Stop in today. THE BIG MERCURY FOR '57 MEROCURY- LINCOLN- METEOR DIVISION + FQRD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED 3 SEE THIS STRAIGHT-OUT-OF-TOMORROW CAR TODAY AT YOUR MERCURY DEALER Free Delivery "Port Perry | | WILLIAMS MOTOR SALES ¥ Phone S76 © Port Perry 3

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