Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Jan 1957, p. 5

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- bp FA . | NS J ' ec 2% py A ALA dred yer LS LE a LES $3 gO Sha] AEE A JU A 24 LB LAA whl talk drm amide AR RESINS LASSER BP) Kaa 1 and NA FAS é Ra atd PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th, 19575 Where Do The Vio aits, nso on | Ladies' Monday |" ie © E Ladies' Wednesday Tri-County League 0.R.H.A. ; " . u Grasshoppers vs. Butterflies : : - re 3 Hockey Players | converse ssi wos Night Bowling Homa vo Beton § Night Bowling Standings A ' Moths vs. Termites Come From? geal wont pass, Tongan BOWLING--JANUARY 14, 1957 Mosquitoes vs. Caterpillars bs ag Goals Goals ps ' Carnegie, 4345. "i ding-- Bees vs. Ants ¥ Kitty: HAWKS=...ooovvvrsrresesss econo 7 Played Won 'Lost Tied Scr. Agst. Points © Po Do you enjoy a good game of hock- . ye Sunderlands .. T SUTTON wooo 7 © & 2 0 3 49 12 © ey? Like to watch those good play-| port PERRY MIDGETS -- 1 Ants--10 Caterpillars--7 | North Stars .......c...... I WOODVILLE 5 4 1 0 43 m4 8 ers flash along thé ice, weaving in AJAX -- 0 Moths--10 Crickets--7 | Feb. 18th-- ) : Helicopters ..oooviieeoesiin 6 GREENBANK NR is i Lo iy . . i ' and out as they follow. that elusive La Hees--9 Beetles--17 Crickets vs. Butterflies Mosquitoes ..... CEE Loy vii mati 4 3 ! " 36 1 v b: & little black disc? Ever wonder how | 1st Period-- ; Termites--9 Hornets--6 Beetles vs. Termites * Jets wii 4 |CGAMBRAY 2 1 1 0 8 10 1 wl they manage to be so quick? Prac- Penalty--A jax--John Ellis for Mosquitoes--8 Butterflies--2 Caterpillars. vs. Ants Spitfires Lula. "3 COBOCONK 3 1 2 0 10 «24 2 hy "tice of course! slashing--9.05 |G 45shoppers--8 Spiders--2 Mosquitos vs. Bees FIVErS cvs rrssssmmmmnerrmsmmmmsmissss 2 KESWICK ooo. 5 1 0 17 26 2 3/ 3 Penalty--Port Perry--Gary Edgar Bombers iin, 2 CTR IR of But do you realize that the practice for tripping--12.40 | High Single-- - Moths vs, Gigs ee Mustangs ooo 0 KIRKFIELD .....ooererre 1 b 4 H 2 v Vi g has to start at an early age? And| ong Period-- Marion LifWFénce--224 Hornets vs. Spklers Hurricaness ... 0 NOTE--AIl Cambray games will be played as 4 point games. v _ Where but in the kids own rink? Of Penalty--Ajax--John Ellis for High Triple-- Lancasters .......ocovervnnnnnn, oI ; 3 course you don't expect them all to tripping--25.20 % . 2 os 553 . . : { } o be stars right off the button. You Goal--Port Perry--Clark (Parry- Rrion ANIORLOT Feb. 25th-- High Single--Dorothy Jardine 284 a - a i won't see that smooth passing and Burnett)--26.40 | Over 200-- Beetle Cricket High I'riple--Joy Ballard 620 ; t the exeprt power plays of the profes- 3rd Period-- Janet Vernon--206; Elma Vernon boat oy iekets A Singles- Atroy DeNure 244; Joy 4 sional teams--but you certainly will Penalty--A jax--John Ellis for 206; Camille Crozier--219; Marion then ies ee Mery ars Ballard 238; Eleanor Cawker 216; MAS ER FEEDS FARM COMES ¥ see them , enthusiastically trying to kneeing--41.20 | Lawrence --212, 224, ermites vs, An Shirley, Chilton 204; Marg. Edin- 5 Moths vs. Mosquitoes Bees vs. Hornets Grasshoppers vs. Spiders do 2 the tricks that the stars display. borough 201; Marg. Carnegie 200. Ladies' | LADIES MONDAY NITE BOWLING SCHEDULE TO YOU. "Come and Hear Dr. Morrison ~ © You enjoy good hockey? then its only good sense to protect the source of new stars. And the only way to do that is to support the minor teams. Following is the schedule for the 2nd Series of the Monday Night ladies Men's Bowling March 4th-- rr - Tou Let the kids know that you are in- L Bowling League: Curling Club or ' . ¥ terested. Of course it may be much eague Jan. 21st-- Termites vs. Crickets The start of the second series seen Talk on the Latest Developments in Live Stock and Poultry ye Jusse Pheean Pl Iolo El Rengors Standing-- Meus va, Ctlelicts . a nan lag the: following scores "shot up, Pording~The extent to which Master Pecds oxperimenta, } ) $a utterflies vs, Mosquitoes p it Grass - Stouffer 10 -- Love 8 tion is conducted so as to continually provide improved 5 and the Maple Leafs battle it out] cuipegie--14 Bees vs. Beetles Mosquitos vs, Grasshoppers Snooks 8 -- Cox b Rations which give the feeder the Greatest returns from 3 oi Ss a ei | Leglon----14 Toxmnites va: Hopiats a Wy Ag Gray 10 -- Hayes 3 his livestock and poultry dollar | ed miss the thrill of seeing the kids grow- Juniors--14 Caterpillars vs. Spiders piders vs. Bees, Marlo Snooks was sole winner of ) . } ing into good players, you will miss Black Jacks--12 Grasshoppers vs. Ants first place in the last serles and we Wh the satisfaction of doing something Stars--10 . have a tie for second which is to be ! en-- ¢ for these lads. Loli Sr. 2th March 11th-- played off at a later date. ' - A They don't ask for very much from Howar --b ' - Crickets vs. Caterpillars --_-- T d E y J 29 1957 vu be you, just a few dollars during the| ~ Whiz-Bang--2 Grasshoppers vs. Crickets Butterflies vs. Termites - ues . ay vening, anuary ' 3 season. Your interest is of far more Flyers--2 Hornets vs. Butterflies Beetles vs. Ants " United Church ; . . . A importance to them. Do come out| Archers--2 ' "Spiders vs. Beetles. Hornets vs. Mosquitoes ' : Where--at Port Perry High School i and let thenk know that you care| Legionaires--2 Bees vs. Termites Bees vs. Grasshoppers , Evenin A ili cll 2 about their games! You'll see some| -Fitz Johns--0 Moths vs. Caterpillars Moths vs. Spiders g uxi lary . . N surprisingly good hockey, too. The | High Single-- | Ants vs. Mosquitoes Following the Prayer Service af the What Time--8§ p.m. sharp. { Bantams and the Midgets have been| G. Carnegie--288 } = Church of the Ascension, Tuesday, improving and the lads are playing nice games of hockey. High Triple-- - GQ. Carnegie--710 ld Scores over 225-- I "Crickets vs. Hornets B. Miller--237; B. Healey--236; {R. Butterflies. vs, Spiders ™ Sweetman--241; G. Carnegie--288 Beetles vs. Grasshoppers T, Eden--228; F. Hastings--2706;| Termites vs. Mosquitoes G. Smith--239; W. St. John--233; G. Caterpillars vs. Bees Goode--244; B. Owen--242, Moths vs, Ants March 18th-- Ants vs. Grickets Beetles vs. Butterflies Termites vs. Caterpillars Spiders vs. Mosquitoes Moths vs. Bees Grasshoppers vs, Hornets January 8, the Evening Auxiliary met at 'the home of the Rev. and Mure. Wylie. After singing the hymn, "Breathe On Me Breath of God", Rev. Mr. Wylie installed the officers for 19567. On behalf of the Service Club, Mrs. Wylie and Mrs. Bill Taylor presented Miss Gladys Joblin with a Life Mem- bership of the Woman's Missionary Society. ° Following the business, the meet- ing was cloged with the Mizpah Bene- Feb. 4th-- Also . " Interesting Films|and Slides : Door Prize. Lunch provided PORT PERRY BANTAMS -- 3 UXBRIDGE -- 2 "2nd Period-- i Goal--Port Perry (Burnett) 19.45 Penalty--Uxbridge (Smith) 27.45 Come and Bring Your Wife i 5 i . p-- PORT PERRY WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM "ARCHER MOTORS M-657C PHONE 57W 1 & il GNA AARAAARARAARASRAAAARRAARARAASARRAAARANS RARARR KERNS NN K REIN, emer diction, very enjoyable social half - re EE | hour conelfided this profitable evening. : " J A ARAN RA a RRR RRR RTT 4 ; Co 4 y Oo ; ! DEPARTMENT STORE i _ ; i SE _ eB > 'SAVAGE SHOES : ses | ti AVAGE SHOES ~~ | : i ; ; Sich ich i N - R 1 a , gi Buick entry 2- Doo Riviera Children's Boots .-. $2.95 and $3.95 i : : t 4 } ' M] What's it Got Oxfords ~~ $39 amd $45 | 3 : § _ | To Patent Shoes, straps, efc. ...... $4.95 - - - - 2 that Everyone's After? Shoes supplied in any width, in : | - every style. ; | | | ; 13 -§ g Wee figured folks would go for shield of vaster dimensions and And here, to deliver that might, i " Xo the '57 Buick--and big. greater visibility. The sweet, solid is the power-pitch action of an i HOW FAST DOES A LADIES SHOE CLEARANCE i * But we sure dida't figure this--the surety of a'new "nested" ride. A advanced new Variable Pitch CHILD'S FOOT GROW? R most rousing reception we've ever. brilliant new handling and cor- Dynaflow.* A Dynaflow of such ti . 0 f d N P Il . $1 19 i y seen in all our years of selling nering and levelized braking that instantaneous obedience, such be XIi0or S, traps, umps, dll S1Zes f i new Buicks come of an ingenious new bal- smooth and Jessie control in . i SE joint suspension. It even has the "Drive" --the need for- "Low" is . i oi a TE A I -- 5 We're getting. more enthusiastic modern answer for today's driving virtually ended. i MEN S OVERSHOES -------- RUBBER t talk--along with the signed Odess --a new Safety-Minder* that Ti all gilts, voi Vo iever hascedta ! : i 4 --than ever before. And, neigh- watches your miles-per-hour ' iy Yo . " "wu $ " \ bor, if you want to know why-- for you. ge go karly live, v0 sign In : with fleece lining ........ .....$5.95 ; listen: ; RIG, des $ ' " " Jaen Buick has that sleek low- But even more important, this of its time, ahead of the industry i Boys Heavy Lined TTA $5.95 i : sweep styling that today's ioderns rakish sweep of automobile has a --even ahead of your great Ki R ; ( a Sp. iid here in extra-long new kind of instant response--and expectations. } : From birth to the lute 'teens a , 2 4 ol ye ure, in the lowest Buick yet. that's the biggest reason for the Come check up on all' this for : Joungster's Set canting lo LADIES OVERSHOES 3 | Meas the room they want--for soaring popularity of the newest yourself. Comedrivethisshoulder- 3 Gull size int naomi, New one 3 3 Buick's new wide-frame chassis Buick yet. high sweetheart with the strong i Heresy must be carefully $5 65 $7 05 $9 50 1 y t permite» spotscu silhouette For here performance sms 112 Appeal Come be our if | dt 9.09, 3.90 38.90 i ith more interi i h ilk -- as i - * ¥ Meanihy de The] o Cra fs yes spacious Ducks, ne Vi shin 301 ub ches Ah ld Dy oe or fer MEN'S HUNTING BOOTS | It has newness everywhere, and big, and with the highest com- standard on Roadmaster, Super and Centur 3 Savage Shoes. They give . v 3 p43 Cr d > d 1 --optional at modest extra cost on the Special, : excellent value. ; . N newness that's wanted . .. pression, torque and horsepower ST err Roadmaster only. ; ¥ Rubber $7 05 i! 3 D A smart new panoramic wind- in Buick annals, A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ; I p | h ph oe aie si boss yins sess ' Rh | i It Pays to Shop a 'S 3 | EE | - : 5 OCKS P MEN'S HEAVY UNDERWEAR : 3 , 11 1C Ye i | Combs. . $2.65, $3.95, $4.95, $6.75 NEN NOE I iS . Newest 1 D§ ol ih 0 3 Ro 2 Fi Phone 43° Port Perry, Ontario

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