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Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Jan 1957, p. 8

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4 fs 8--PORT PERRY, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1057 Ontario County Junior Farmers { (Continued from Page One) Senior Trophy---donated by Stouff- ville Live Stock Sales--won by Harold Howsam, Uxbridge 3. > Junior Farmer Inter-Club Trophy-- donated by Orvan Chambers, Wifrid-- won by Uxbridge Junior Farmers Field Day : County Softball Shield--Boys-- Ux- bridge Junior Farmers, County Basketball -- Perry Junior Institute. High Boy---Hugh Baird High Girl-----Ruby Leask. Maple Inn Trophy--% mile race-- Hugh Baird. Tug-0-War Trophy--Uxbridge Jr. Farmers, Rifle Shooting Trophy -- Uxbridge Girls -- Port "3 Junior Farmers. High Club Trophy--Port Perry Jr. Farmers and Jr. Institute. Public Speaking The Elmer Powell Trophy -- Alan Ross, Beaverton 1. All were very pleased and thrilled to hear the Ontario County Ladies' Trio and Mixed Quartette. Following the banquet, a Play Party was held in the Brock District High ~ School under the direction of Jeanne Pearson, Ron Werry, Norman Lyons, and Ted:lrsmb. Ont. County Junior Farmers Win Honours "Sing for the joy of the song that's inside you" was the spirit in which the Ontario County Junior Farmers sang in the various competitions at the Ontario Junior Farmer Confer- ence and Competition held on Satur- day, Jan. 5, in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. The county participated in the mixed quartette, ladies' trio, pub- lic speaking competition and in the choir festival. 'Those who represent- ed the county not only upheld Ontario County's high record, but added to it with the ladies' frio winning; the mix- ed quartette placing a very close sec- ond; and the county choir hushing the audience in wonderment. Nine county trios competed in this section and all did very well; how- ever the Ontario County's trio com- posed of Jeanette Dobson, Jeanne Pearson, Uxbridge, and Jeanine Wer- ry, Oshawa, won a decisive first with score of 90, and the audience showed their approval with a very loud ova- tion. The adjudicator"s remarks on the prescribed number "All Glory Be to God on High" were: "blending showed up exceptionally well; minute care in bf SRY 3 betel AhEY {Sih the adjudicator's remarks. "This group sounds well at all times; tone well under control; intonation and diction good. - The second number sung with good spirit; contrasts were well car- ried out; voices nicely placed; sychro- nism good." The Choir Festival was slightly dif- ferent in that the choirs were not their accomplishments. However, all choirs did sing one prescribed mum, ber, "Verdant Meadows", The Ont- ond number, "Without a Song". . The choir festival coming as it did at the close of Ontario County's participation and achievements, for as they sang, under Mrs. Elsie Dobson's direction. they seemed to cast a spell over the entire audience that packed the hall. Dr. Fenwick was very much im- pressed with all the choirs, but was very pleased with the .manner in which the Ontario County choir sang. He drew the attention of the audience to the tone of the choir, mentioning that it was very well controlled and that this choir was very careful with its diction and phrasing. had nothing but the highest praise for the choir. Ontario County can well be pleased with her junior farmers in the mu- sical field and of Mrs, Dobson who so capably directs them. However, the juniors not only shone in the musical events at this confer- ence, but also in the public speaking wi ) La 1 ro 1 $", , [851 , 3 1% 3 4 £5 Weg, : FARA * F * SATS aaa Li a at TELE ME EN IGRRTIpA Fe ig BRA suse ER ibis haben a competing, but-giving a display of | ario County choir chose as their sec- . In all, he' : LN Site hy SEAS TF A RS OF TE i $f hs *¥ AE ~ "Higher Ground", and prayer by Doug Ashton. Bible study under the leadership of Mr, Kenneth Campbell, of Ajax, will be held at the home of Mr, and Murs. Douglas Ashton on Friday, January 18, at 8 p.m. "Everybody welcome. The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held at fhe home of Mrs. A. Deem- with an attendance of 21. The meet- ing opened with the singing of hymn 695, followed by prayer by Mrs, W. Knight, The Scripture was read by Mrs, H. Noble. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the roll call answered by the word "Forward." Mrs, Edgar Heron gave an interesting message from the third chapter of our Study Book with Mrs. 'A, Reynolds PHONE 73 Buy the coal that : outsells all others + Discover for yourself why more people buy 'blue coal' than any other hard coal. finest anthracite plus the town's best service, + CALL REESOR FUEL & LUMBER For the world's PORT PERRY P27 ue coal' DEALER assisting, Glad Tidings, A Mrs. R. Richardson had on me breath of God", and prayer by charge of a quiz from our December | Mrs, Sparks. with singing of hymn 270 "Breathe hour enjoyed. Refreshments were The meeting closed | served by the hostess and a social half SOMETHING NEW in SMILES"N CHUCKLES CANDY. ! CHOCOLATS in 1 1b. and %; 1b. Boxes MINIATURE ~ SATURDAY SPECIALS "Pumpkin Tarts with Whipped Cream" Date Layer Cake" "Chocolate GERROW'S BAKERY PHONE 32W 0 mm G. M. GERROW SA JANUARY 31st. + 1st, 1957. " fo Township of Reach TENDERS for the office of ASSESSOR for the Town- ship of Reach will be received by the undersigned until Tenders to state salary. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Duties to commence April 3 GRANT CHRISTIE, Clerk-Treas., R.R. 4, Port Perry, Ont. . . . : 3 diction, phrasing d e S re gs $ t N 4 "The Ontario Junior Farmer Execu- Pag ng and endings eare competition in whieh Miss Janice Ross, Jan 10-17 . fully and effectively attended to; ex- " tive and Directors for 1957 are as . y Beaverton, represented the county. cellent interprettition and general ef- " » : follows: feet She spoke on "Democracy" and de- § Past President--Marilynn Ross, of Beaverton. President---Maustyn McKnight, Ux- bridge 2. . . Vice-President--Bert Pearson, Ux bridge 2 Secretary-Treasurer--Bob Holiday, Columbus monic relationship throughout. Al. = = oo various exhibits and dis- Garbage Collector and Dog Controller, for the Village of Port i: fla z Cc ar gil thoroughly convincing performance; : tario Goat a . y . hi : now ake horienin 21h 45¢ ' ounty Director--Ron Werry, 40) oi : trast. lines |P1YS: Here again the Ontario County Perry, for the period of 12 months, starting February 1, 1957 \ i. [ER °" ° Oshawa 1. pleasing style, mice contrast, TINS |p, ior Farmers showed their skill. "will be received by C il. Tender be in the hands of u 1 beautifully handled. Congratulations!" rie hd Fi will be received by Council. Tenders to be in the hands o Ww 39 1h DIRECTORS In the Mixed Quartette Competition i nerkglon peas the the Clerk by noon, Saturday, January 26, 1957. Particulars BOMBXS os cE C. 10. Jeanne Pearson, Uxbridge; Audrey [seven county quartettes competed, a Plowing Match at of duties may be obtained at the Clerk's Office. S i Pi kl C i : R ll 53 1h Stiver, Uxbridge; Walter Kerry, Port| The members of the Ontario County Brooklin. This exhibit depicts. the ey | wee 10 @ 0 age 0 ree C. " Perry; Bert Pearson, Uxbridge; Joan Marshall, Cannington; Jeanne Alsop, Cannington; Ken Alsop, Cannington; Jim Semple, Pefferlaw; Carol Midgley Port Perry; Wesley Johnson, Port Perry; Bill Stewart, Port Perry; Lois Tregunna, Oshawa; Eleanor Mole, Ashburn; Ron Werry, Oshawa; Bob Holliday, Columbus. This group recognized the high points of interest and made the most of them". The adjudicator's com- ments on the "Exile", the number of ! the trio's own choosing, were: "tempo --nice lilt fave feeling of happy mem- ories recalled; strong feeling of har- Quartette were Jeanette Dobson and 'Jeanne Pearson, Uxbridge; Hugh Baird, Blackwater, and Ronald Werry, Oshawa. The test number was "Ye Banks and Braes", and the Ontario County Quartette chose' "Little David" as their own number. The quartette lost first place to Brant County by a small score, which was obvious from i \USED Large S 'CARS election PRICED TO CLEAR 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN, Like New 1953 98 OLDS SEDAN, Power Equipped, exceptionally clean 1952 CHEV. HARD TOP, Two Tone, Radio 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN, 2 to choose from, Very Clean Cars 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN, 2 to choose from 1951 PLYMOUTH COACH, Priced for Quick Sale 1951 G.M.C. 9783, Complete with Stake Body A WIDE SELECTION OF 1940 - 1950 USED CARS AT PRICES YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS ASK FOR HOWARD AND GET THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN! Howard 'Motors livered a very fine prepared and im- promptu speech. The winner in this event was David Stager, Smithville, Lincoln County, who gave a remark- able address on "The Successful Inte- gration of New Canadians". In the Assembly Halls, the junior various projects carried out by the Ontario County Junior Farmers and Junior Institute members; to add in- terest to the exhibit, on the table top is a model farm with a road main- tainer constructing a pond. It actu- ally works! ' R Congratualtions Ontario County Junior Farmers and Junior Institutes! Ashburn In spite of the zero weather, there '| was a good attendance at the Sunday School and Church services at Burn's Church, Sunday, January 13th, at 10 and 11 a.m. Dr. B. D. Armstrong had charge of the church service and chose for his text, Acts 7:59 "And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus receive my spirit." Mrs. Humphrey sang a solo "In that city where they need no sun." The regular annual meeting of the congregation of Burn's Church will be held in the church basement on Thurs- day, January 17 at 8 pm. The regular weekly meeting of the Y.P.S. was held on Sunday. Grant Parrott conducted a short song ser- vice after which Mrs. Douglas Ashton conducted the worship period. Follow- ing the call to worship, everyone joined in the singing of hymn 102, "Jesus is Calling". Helen Routley read the Scripture Lesson, St. John 3: 1-21 and Mrs. Ashton led in prayer. The worship period closed with the singing of hymn 118 "More About Jesus." The next meeting will be held on Sunday, January 20th when Mrs) H. Ashton will be the speaker. | ) Bradley and Grant Parrott were chosen as captains of two teams with ~ Dog Controller Sealed tenders, separately or jointly, Tor the position of Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk. io = - CAWKER BROS. pen Saturday Night until 9 p.m. PHONE 29 "The Family Butcher" PORT PERRY Chevy's your perfect partner . . . makes even the coming-and-going a powerful pleasure. How can it fail? The '57 Chevrolet brings you the happiest - handling on the road . . . Anti-Dive braking, of course, and a host of special: fine-performance features no other low-cost car can begin to match. Just try the carefree kind of ginger and grace that's yours only in the greatest of all road cars, 1957s fastest-selling car = Chevrolet, naturally! $y -- the object of increasing our member- a 0 2 ship. A solo" "All that- thrills my Got a job fo do : : heart is Jesus" was sung by Mrs. D. > { Phone 74 Port Perry Ashton and Joy Bradley favoured with Chevy's £007)... Just sper the fig e of any of Chev ocr Hf . : station wagons, start stowing your load, and you ha 5 " iviley of familiar hymn tunes a mean. There's up to 87 cubic feet of cargo area, v roomed Nj cA "WE SELL THE BEST AND SERVICE THE REST" at the piano. Mrs, Helen Gulliver of for the handsomest, handicst hauling in your family history. Y lat 1 r Brooklin was then introduced. She And Chevrolet performance measures up zestfully -. , . with HOWARD CHALLIS, Prop. gave an interesting flannelgraph talk on "Reaching Heaven". The meeting closed with the singing of hymn 105, Now ENTEg HAS YOUR COMMUNITY x - Lge S--el - ING A LOCAL A) So Cruneil? Traffic accidents and fatalities can be reduced in suspension and power that make light of even a half-ton of gear! Wagon-minded? Have a look at Chevy's line-up, ....or just Plain Friendly ? Chevy loves people . . . like Canada loves Chevy. Makes SIX full-grown adults feel right at home, whether they're just . sampling Chevy's size or letting you show off the smoothest, sweetest ride your dollars (so few dollars!) have ever bought. You'll be so proud of its comfort, its good taste -- its Body by Fisher, with all that means in extra fineness of construction, materials and details. Why wait--see your Chevrolet dealer now! ONTARIOVILLE SAFETY COUNCIL PROTECTED V3-@ TIE MOST MODERN EFFICIENT ENGINES IN THE WORLD your community by the activities of a Safety Council. Many Ontario communities now have local councils. The facts prove they are serving their communities effectively and well--and saving lives. : Any civic minded citizen or organization can C-13570 take the lead. Complete "how to" information is = described in "How To Organize And Operate A i * d . y : Community Traffic Safety Council," which 7 A General Motors Value may be obtained by writing to either Hon, Kelso Roberts, Attorney General, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. Ontario Safety League, 1170 Bay Street, Toronto 5, Ontario,

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