Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 May 1957, p. 5

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< wo. | BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY | Oshawa Preshylery W. A. Annual Meet Newcastle, April 25, 1957 Mrs, E. D. Cornish /of the North- minster United Church of Oshawa was installed as the new president of the Presbytery Women's Association at the annual meeting held recently in Newcastle, Mrs. M. C. Fisher, wife of the minister of that church con- ducted the installation of officers. Immediate Past President, Mrs, J. M. Tamblyn, Orono; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. L. F. Richardson, Whitby; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Charles Naylor, Hampton; Recording-Secretary, Mrs, J. C. Naylor, Columbus; Treasurer, Mrs. M. J. Hobbs, Enniskillen; Cor- responding Secretary, Mrs. F. M. Black; Press Secretary, Mrs. H. E. Grose. In addition, chairmen of com- mittees were named--Literature, Mrs. J. Welsh and Mrs. Mansell Stacey; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. A. M. Bueler; Devotions, Mrs. Rex Harper; Leadership Education, Mrs. A. A. Crowle; Parsonage, Mrs. N. Alves; Organization, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn; Visiting and' Christian Fellowship, Mrs. Ray Hutchinson; Nominations, Miss E, Penfound; Bursay Fund, Mrs. A. A. Drummond, Mrs. C. Ives, and Mrs. Harold Werry. The annual meeting commenced at ten o'clock with Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn presiding. Mrs. Tamblyn and Mrs. George Walton, president of the New- castle W.A., welcomed over one hun- dred members, and also extended an invitation for all to stay for lunch. After the routine business, Mrs. J. Scott of Albert Street United Church said that it would be a pleasure for them to have the members of the Presbytery W.A. hold the fall rally at Albert Street Church. This invita- tion was greatfully accepted and the date was set for October 24th, The memorial service was conducted by members of the Albert Street W.A., assisted by their minister, Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson, who sang a solo, "Some- of the afternoon. Mrs. Cornish said day I'll Understand" accompanied at the organ by Mr. Norman Williams, of Oshawa. Mrs. E. D. Cornish moved a vote of thanks to all the committee chairmen and Executive members who had made reports during the morning, say- ing that all too often we hear these reports without a thought of the amount of work entailed. Rev. M. C. Fisher, Minister of the Newcastle Church served Holy Com- munion, Assisted by two lady Elders from Newtonville and two from. Cour- tice. During the lunch hour greet- ings were heard from Rev. M. C. Fisher, representing his Church and also as the secretary of Oshawa Pres- bytery. Both he and the Bev. S. C. H. Atkinson, Chairman of the Oshawa Presbytery, spoke highly of 'the im- portant work of the women of the Church. In the absence of Mrs. K. P. Hopkins, President of the Oshawa Presbyterial, * Mrs. Fisher offered greetings from that organization to the W.A. Much as an older sister would praise a younger one. The W. M.S. being twenty years old and the W.A. being just ten. Seated at the . Be head table were Rev. and Mrs. R. W. T. Middleton from the Belleville Pres- bytery, Mrs. E. D. Cornish, Mrs, S. C.! H. Atkinson, Mrs. Clayton Lee and Mrs. W. C. Ives, Mrs. R. H. Wylie and Mrs. Roy Cornish, and Mrs. Walter Jackson, of the Port Perry W.A. conducted the de- votional period in the afternoon assist- ed by Mrs. S. Cawker and Mis. E. Kennedy who sang a duet. Mrs. M. J, Tamblyn gave the presi- dent's report telling the many visits and talks she had been asked to make as president and the benefits she had derived during the two year term as president, She also thanked those on the executive for their fine co-opera- tion and support and said that the in- coming president could be assured of the able assistance of the executive. The offering was dedicated by Mrs. L. F. Richardson after which Mrs, E, D. Cornish introduced - the speaker THIS SUMMER ENJOY YOUR OWN CUSTOM BUILT NOT PREFAB SUMMER AT BEAUTIFUL LAKE SCUGOG Only $3,995.00 Full Price $495.00 own Only $38.00 PER MONTH. Prin. and Int, included AS LOW AS These lovely cottages consist of 3 Bedrooms, Living Room, Kitchen, Bathroom with flush toilet. Hydro. Safe Sandy Beach, Fishing, Boating, Warm Water. | Follow Highway 7A--See our sign at Port Perry Causeway--I1 Hour from Toronto. | CAUSEWAY INVESTMENTS PL. 9-0111 | COTTAGE - Running water and ~ LAWRENCE'S REXALL ONE CENT SALE THIS WEEK Wednesday, Thur., Friday, Saturday 0200000000880 SeedBills for Complete List HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES, FIRST AID SUPPLIES, COSMETICS and SUNDRIES, VITAMINS, STATIONERY TOILETRIES D000 0808080aCacac FORCE RRC e0e0R0N A. M. LAWRENCE The PHONE 49 Store PORT PERRY that although she had never met Mrs, Middleton before, she felt she had made another real friend when she had lunch with her at noon. She said that Mrs. Middleton, wife of the Rev. R. W. T. Middleton of Belleville was a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, a University graduate and later teach- er in university who came from a very scholarly family. Mrs, Middleton spoke with heart-felt warmth and passion about the methods to be used in order to put the high calling of the members of the W.A. into practice by our fellowship, She said that our very person should instantly reveal that we are enjoying the franchise of the City of God. The W.A. theme for this year "Ye shall be My witnesses" was also the theme for Mrs. Middle- ton's address. She explained that the word "Witness" was one which came from a Greek word meaning "martyr" and that as God's witnesses we are saying that we would be willing to be a martyr if necessary for Him. She said that in the first one Jundred years of the history of the Christian Faith she could find no record of any one outstanding person who was re- sponsible for the growth of Christian- ity, but that its growth was sustained by the ordinary people such as we, with the one important characteristic, their fellowship one with another. Following Mrs. Middleton's 'talk Mrs. Tamblyn asked Mrs. Fisher to conduct the election and installation of officers, Before the close of the meeting Mrs. H. Lawry of Kirby, gave the report of the courtesy committee which was made up of Mrs, Lowry and Mrs. S. Lancaster of Newtonville. The new president announced the closing hymn: after which she requested the past president to pronounce the bene- diction. ROXY THEATRE Uxbridge Sneak Preview THURSDAY ONLY, MAY 2 "Fear Strikes Out" The story of Jim Piersall, Boston Red Sox, centre fielder. FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 3 and 4 Tab Hunter in the "Burning Hills" MONDAY to WEDNESDAY MAY6-8 Robert Mitchum &nd Debra, Kerr in "Heavens Knows Mr. Allison" | i Ak A ey ALRPAS Cedar Creek (Too Late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Birkett and family of Raglan and Garry Tum- monds of Port Perry, were last Sun- day supper guests of |the Spencer family." It was Flossie's. birthday. Victor Larocque had a suggestion accepted by General Motors. He re- ceived $120.00 after taxes had heen deducted. Bruce Cummings celebrated his 21st birthday last using Mr. and Mrs. Kiegébrink of Prince Albert moved into the Parm farm house last week. Several of Flossie Spencer's rela- tives held a birthday party for her on Wednesday afternoon. The school children had a party at school on Thursday afternoon for Easter. David Cummings is spending the Easter holidays with his brother Bruce and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hortop, Oshawa were Good Friday visitors of the Jack Holtby family. Carol and Ronnie Larocque and their cousins Helen and Gilbert Mills and their uncle, Milbern Mills, spent the Easter week-end with relatives at Magnetawan. Mrs. Kilpatrick visited Mrs, Harry Edgerton in Port Perry on Saturday 'afternoon. Mr. and Mis, Ross Smith and girls of Stouffville were Sunday visitors of the William Blain and Johan, Green- wood families. or 7 A: a Greenbank | Miss Ann Foster of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Foster. - We are glad to report that Mr. Rye Beare is much better and soon to be released from the hospital . Miss Annabelle Lee was home dur- ing the holidays after spending Easter week-end in New York. ' Mrs. Geordie Beare and M. Wallace attended the funeral of the late Miss Beth Stirling in Toronto on Moiiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee and Mr. Herb. Hook visited in Toronto at Ar- thur Lee's one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hunter enter- tained the Greenbank - Sunderland Hockey Club on Saturday evening. Miss Frances Ianson had the prive- ledge of being able to go for an aero- plane ride for a half hour over and around the city of Toronto. Her fa- ther commented on her taking his al- ka-seltzer all that evening. Prince Albert At S. S. Mrs. Newnham read the theme story to a splendid attendance. Please note that next Sunday owing to Y.P.U. Convention in Port Perry, our S. S. will commence at 1.30 and Worship service at 2.16. The members of the Y. P. U. request everyone to attend a "Variety Pro- gram" in church parlors Friday night | ¥ 8.00 o'clock. Silver collection. In spite of a noisy sky on Wednes- day night, in the church sanctuary the 5 organ recital was classed as a success. | # and at low cost to you. ey 43 THE PORT 'a Port Perry Star PHONE 50 FOR FINE PRINTING Fine Printing for Every Need. No matter whether you'er contemplating a big advertising: campaign or ordering a new supply of letterheads, you can depend on us to deliver a top-notch, carefully planned and executed printing job promptly, * PROGRAMS LETTERHEADS 5 BOOKLETS FOLDERS BILLHEADS > ME Lh Company Lid. PORT PERRY LA wy a rE . x4. isi . PEE eb 1 tof Sa Aya AN oF fh Rar B0 oH J ai $5, 4 Mr. E. Martyn acted as chairman and welcome all present. The pro- gram consisted of delightful soloists, beautiful choir anthems, humorous readings, vocal and string quartette, received favourable comment." A spec- ial 'thanks to. all, also outside talent who provided numbers for this worthy effort. It 'was also pleasant to note guests present from neighouring districts. The 'silver collection amounted to around thirty-five dollars. Once again the teachers are behind their desks and pupils buried in books after a week of pleasant holiday. Ronnie Porter, Oshawa, spent a few days at the home of Bruce Martyn, Miss Shirley Vance has returned to her teaching duties 'in Scarborough, after the holiday with her people Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Vance. Mr. D. McTaggart visited friends in Toronto on Sunday. : The Women's Adsociation met on rod ae e av THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1957--6 Sunday School room. Mrs, McKeri- han presided. The meeting opened with a hymn, The Scripture reading G. Hunter and the Topic on "Self Sacrifice" by Mrs. E. Martyn. We were grateful to Mrs. Love for being present and reading her paper on "Kaster and its Customs", i During the business period a mo- tion carried that we keep the vacuum cleaner which we had on trial, ana use the money from the travelling apron, which was on hand and patches lifted relieving the donations. A few members remembered to bring a bazaar article which helped in the collection, & ; A committee was suggested to meet the committee of school teachers in regard to their turkey dinner in May. Those to help supervise, are Eva, Grace, Florence, Jeah, Myrtle and Tuesday afternoon,' April 231d, in the Elma, plus; gxecutive, Mrs. G. | Smith was among those responding 10 do sewing for hospital. gen, Bx SAVS ' $y 1c v 7 NZ x 7 WRAY Zt £3 = SIN, SEARCH YOUR HEART, FOR THE AH YOUR NEAT] TERMS ARRANGED ON PORT PERRY mayl t.f. JOHN BALLARD LUMBER SPECIAL SMALL ARBORITE TABLE TOPS--5(c., $1.00, $1.50 Plywood Arhorite Floor Tile Ceiling Tile - Doors, Trim Masonite, etc. HOME IMPROVEMENTS PHONE 280 from Matthew 16, was read by Mrs. |. | A hymn and the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. Group 2 served Junch, Mrs. H. Collins spent a few days with her sister Mrs, W. Somerville, Bring radiant new beauty to kitchens, bathrooms, indoor and outdoor furniture. Your choice of sunny pastels, rich deep colors, that stay colorful. CILUX is easy to use, easy to clean, quick-drying, long-lasting. Come in and see these smart new CILUX Colors, J. Orde Marine PORT PERRY, PHONE "503 , IR SAR AAA AAR SAAR AS ARRAARRRRNRS a PAA a ANBROCIK | 'DEPARTM -- Re ee Se 00 0 0 0 Sn Sg Fe S00 0 0 0 0 0 Fe ut neo, SHOES and PRICE ORTHOPEDIC $9.95 0 $11.50 FAT Fo 0% 0 oo ee Fu BROCK'S SHOES OF STYLE GRACIA SHOES ENT STORE | N Sv apps in PATENT, CALF, BEIGE, NEW LINE $6.95 STYLISH PUMPS f ETC. ( IN A WIDE RANGE OF CLEVER STYLES LOVELY doo at |: WONDERFUL sweat Me Shes youll (Boe lo Ceve un... | 0 Dutchies by Woelfle are an entirely NEW concept in f who MUST have smart styling and day-long comfort fit. oY SRILA PAN AANS by WOELFLE PARA o Tote ine quality footwear or active, busy women .. and SO attractively priced! Toes Tae Pe Se oo 0 0 se ste eg a ae oe Se 0 uo Boys' ENE 4 WORK BOOTS! ote 0 0% Sn 0% oe 0 se ns MEN'S OXFORDS oar aaa oe 0% ae te ae ote oe 0%, NEC % ae nen ae Nn gee pe ge SISMAN'S SCAMPERS Men's .....$5.95 and $6.95 $4.95, $6.50, $7.50 | MADE-T0-MEASURE SUITS (free pant sale) $5.95, $7.95, $50.50 - $69.50 EE A BOYS' OXFORDS $4.95 and $5.95 Pate or ase, 4% DACK SHOES FOR MEN $15.00, $17.95, $21.00 POOR LIEN AAS --_- oie og po LARGE STOCK $8.95 Phone Port Perry, - ee rrr 43 Ontario rE ~ - . TL Ne - pr in, -- Res »" ny A

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