Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 May 1957, p. 5

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High School Open House (Continued from front page) A the parallel bars, horizontal bars, mats and box horse. Each boy performed a different exercise on each piece of apparatus as well as contributing to doubles and team combinations, An overflowing crowd of some 300 attended each showing in the gymna- sium and showed keen interest in the work displayed.' A note of apprecia- _ tion was expressed by the staff, for Bruce Taylor, a grade thirteen student who encouraged gymnastics during activity periods during the winter by supervising a gym team. A second Fashion Show of grades X and XII was then held in the audi- torium and some 25 girls modelled dresses, jumpers, bouffant skirts and sports clothes made by themselves under the direction of Miss Parker, The stage setting was a huge picture frame through which the girls walked and then down the ramps. Mary Lynn Hodgins commended on these outfits while Lillian Couves, the pianist, set the pace. While these activities were taking place, other rooms in the school were busy holding demonstrations under the direction of a teacher while some had displays of posters and other work done by the students. In room seven there could be seen models of loafing and stanchion barns by Grade ten agriculture students and landscaping displays, weed collections and posters of class room work on bees, ete. dis- played by Grade nine. For Physics Grade eleven the production of a spec- trum of white light was shown. Murals of Agriculture activitfes filling the blackboards, making room seevn very interesting, Credit is due to Mr. Litt on the direction of the work mention- ed, done in room seven. Outside on BIRDSEYE CENTER Cabins and Swimming Pool will open for the 1957 Season on it Saturday, May 18th Child's Name ......ooeeevrerevevnn. 'Age .......... Parent's Name .... Address .......... Phone No. ......ccovrvvivnvecrnnnnnns 220202080808080808080008080808080S080S0S00S0S0R0SOSOROROS0RC Registration of Diabetic Children 'The Oshawa and district Branch of the Canadian Diabetic ' Association wishes to register every diabetic under twenty years of age. The purpose of the registration is two-fold-- 1--For Emergency Purposes. 2--To determine the number and age groups who might be available for a proposed camp. Mail to: Mr. Jack Francis, R.R. No. 1, Columbus, Ontario. Parents please forward the above information-before May 22, to the above address. oc $250090800000 Vv rs 0%" 29090000 2090800080 the school campus Mr, Jefford's shop class was busily making additions to the two buildings in progress--one a colony house and the other a registra- tion booth for the fair board, Inside the shop the boys displayed thein abilities at the various activities such as sharpening, lathe and sheet metal work. A display of everyday chemistry using examples and samples of ma- terials used in the home accompanied by their chemical names and formula could be found in room five, Science experiments set up were on display along with notes and health posters, organized by Miss Brock, In the other half of the school in room two, Grades nine and ten had helped to decorate Miss Widner's French Room by drawing posters to illustrate certain category's of words in French, For a little bit of movement the typists were chosen from grade ten, eleven and all of special commercial to put on a typing demonstration to music directed by Mr. King. Of interest to all the prospectors of Port Perry a Rock display was shown by Miss McFadyens Social Studies class. Mrs, Milne had points of interest on display from the Special Commercial's dictated letters, to the grade 9c Eng- lish. TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE FEDERAL Dy TROVINGE OF ONTARIO GEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed as above, will be received until 8 p.m. (E.D.8.T.) TUES- DAY, JUNE 11th, 1957, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario, Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores, Department of Public Works, Garland Building, Ottawa, and the District Architect, 885 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied by the Depart- ment and in accordance with conditions set forth therein. The Department reserves the right to de- mand from any successful tenderer, before awarding the order,, a pcinity deposit in the form of a CERTIFIED eque drawn on a bank incorporated under the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Bank Act payable to the order of the RECEIVER GENERAL OF CANADA, 'equal to ten per cent of the amount of -the tender, in accordance with the Government Contracts Regulations now in force, or Bearer Bonds, with unmatured coupons attached, of the Government of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies, unconditionally guaranteed as to prificipal and interest by the Government of Canada. - The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. : ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 7th, 1957. may23 vote Mayor W. John NAYLOR ~ Ontario Riding C.C.F. Candidate on June 10th Send the right man fo Ottawa ' The Liberal Party has increased pensions for the aged by a miserly $6.00 per month. This is their answer to the plea of the aged pension! The Ontario Conservative government pretends to give assistance by their supplementary pension. are enforced! It is only pretense as the following stringent regulations $30.00 of the $40.00 a month pension is the amount allowed for food, clothes, and incidentals, leaving the balance of $10.00 for rent." How can an aged pensioner live on $30.00 'pér month for food, clothes and incidentals? Mr. Diefenbaker has said, "If the Conservatives are elected, he will see pensions are high enough". What evasion! THE C.C.F. BELIEVES A PENSION OF $75.00 PER MONTH SHOULD BE GIVEN, AND PLACED A RESOLUTION BEFORE THE FEDERAL PARLIA- "MENT, YET THE CONSERVATIVE SU ING THE C.C.F. RESOLUTION. RPORIR Tm LIBERALS IN DEFEAT- Wake Up, Ontario Riding! MARK YOUR BALLOT NAYLOR X Completing the Room displays was A display of Grade XIII Biology taught by Miss Chrysler, The chief feature and major attraction being the dissection of a rabbit, and explanation of the function and structure of var- ious organs. Also on display were biology drawings, specimens and skeletons all carefully labelled, Thijs years Open House for 1957 was termed very successful by all comers and a great deal of credit for over all organization goes to the teaching staff and principal Mr. Grant MacDonald. Town Council | (continued from Page 4) The Clerk yas intsructed to write the Attorney-General's Department for information, if the postage of the Justice of the Peace is an expense of the Corporation of Port Perry or sup- posed to come out of the fees of the Justice of the Peace. _. Letter from County Engineer re the Water Resources Commission. Filed Letter from Corest Development Ltd. giving a price on preparing three maps of Village of Port Perry $3,000; No action was taken. Purchase of Tease Property on Perry Street and Sale of Council: Building on Queen Street considered. Memo--Master Feeds would like to run drain through Corporation Park. Repair and Construction of Side- walks for 1957 discussed--The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Bob Hoy of Oshawa and request him to come out and give prices on sidewalks. Kent Subdivision Agreement appro- ved by Council and Planning Board. Extension of Water Main--It was moved and seconded that the existing 4 inch water main on the South side of Mary St, running West from Perry St., be extended westerly to the water service supplying the residence 'of Mrs. George Jackson. Carried. Condition of Lawn Mowers Reported and the Clerk was instructed to send letters to Carnegie Hardware, Peel Hardware, Pickard Hardware, Morrow Equipment and Jackson's Implements as follows: "The Corporation of Port Perry has two used, reel type lawn mowers which the Council desire to trade in on a new machine, to be used in the parks. The equipment to be traded in may be seen by contacting Fred Hodgson. Would you please submit a price to the Clerk for a new machine with al- lowance for trade in. We desire as large equipment as possible to do the job efficiently, with or without a sulky." Use of Dock House Discussed--No Action taken. Council Meetings Changed--Council decided that during June, July, and August that the Council meetings be held on the second and fourth Mondays at 7.156 pm. Council adjourned at 5.16 p.m. in brilliant HOLIDAY BRONZE, available in 3 models- Javelin, 35 Electric and 35 Standard FIRST IN POWER, PERFORMANCE and DEPENDABILITY See your dealer about time payments, You'll ind him listed in the phone book under "OUTBOARD MOTORS". Mode in Conado by JOHNSON MOTORS (ASEAN Rol Ho RV HN) . CANADA J. Orde Marine PORT PERRY, PHONE 503 Epsom "if Congratulations to the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs, Barry Bushell (nee Lois Ashton) and Mr, and Mrs, Harry Ja- ger who were married on Saturday. Many good wishes are extended to them. Miss Betty Powell who has been attending University at Kingston has returned home for holidays. She will return to Kingston next week for Gra- duation exercises, Mrs. Neeson and Mr. and Mrs. Cracknell of Toronto spent the week- end at their cottage in the village. The Rev. Kaille attended the Bush- ROXY THEATRE 5 Uxbridge Vv" Thurs.-Friday--MAY 16-17 "All Color Show" The Woman for Joe| Mystery and Murder in the Circus World and on the same : programme CLAUDETTE COLBERT in "TEXAS LADY" SATURDAY ONLY, MAY 18 ROBERT TAYLOR as Billy The Kid Added Cartoon and Shorts Monday-Tuesday -- MAY 20-21 TAB HUNTER with- NATALIE WOOD, in The Girl He Left Behind THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1067--56 ell-Ashton wedding on Saturday and acted as toastmaster, Mrs. A. Bowell has returned home after spending the last ten days in Montreal and Ottawa. rry to report that Mrs. Harry Geer, and Mrs, June Trick and baby daughter Linda Trick have all been confined to hospital. Rev, and Mrs. Hill of Iron bridge visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Armstrong and Mrs. Wm, Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boynton of Toronto visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Boynton. Rev, and Mrs, Bushell spent' the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. John Millman. t Mr. Harold Medd and Mr, Tommy Anderson who are working in New | Brunswick, spent the week-end at home. The Community Club held their fin- al euchre of the season on Friday, May 3rd with a good crowd in atten- dance. Prize winners were: Ladies 1st--Mrs, Hilda Bailey; 2nd--Mrs. Robert Taylor; Con.--Mrs, J. Demara. Gents 1st--Oliver Lane; 2nd--George Harper; Con.--Roy Leach. Lucky Draws were won by Mrs. Chas. Geer and Mr, L. Wagner. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Froris on the safe arrival of their new daughter Joanna Maria. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers at- tended the thirty-fifth wedding an- 'niversary for Mr. and Mrs. John Hill at Pine Grove on Saturday evening. More Chiropractors Are Needed Chiropractic is the second largest and fastest growing of the healing professions. The graduate Doctor of Chiropractic has unlimited opportunity to serye his fellow man in this specialized field. a calendar and further on the four-year leading to Doctor of For information course of, study graduation as a Chiropractic, contact REGISTRAR CANADIAN MEMORIAL - CHIROPRACTIC . COLLEGE 252 Bloor Street West, "Toronto 5, Ontario This man can give you o CED dependable delivery of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE International daily Newspaper Housewives, businessmen, teachers, and students all over the world read ond enjoy this international newspaper, pub- lished daily in Boston. World- famous for constructive news stories and penetrating editorials Special features for the whole family. The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St, Boston 15, Mass. Send your newspoper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. | year $16 (J 6 months $8 ' 3 months $4 Nome Address City Zone State PB-18 RAARAASLAARSSARAARAARAARANARAS DEPARTM Pats A handsome _ HALLMARK OF COMFORT AND QUALITY \ THE LAUDERDALE Dack Custom Grade 3624.95 slip-on with the new Over 100 other styles from $15 to $50 's "silken touch" Big Stock of These Low As $15.00 ORCI ORORO0SOSOEORCHOROROSCEOFOSOSOSOSOROSOROSORORCSOSOSIPOSOROSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOEOSOSOSOE0SOSOOSOSOSOEOSOS0S0SOEOSOOSOS0SOROOSORCEOEOSOSOSOSOROSOSOSOSOROROS0S0S DACK SHOES : WHITE, BLACK TRIM. Popular Shoes - Priced As 57-26 er SS 0 a ee a eg np 0 0 ng Sa eg a 0 0 Sw 0 00 0 0 SoS ng 0 0p 0 MEN'S $2.95 Canvas Boods BOYS' $2.50; Men's Oxfords $7.95; OTHER POPULAR LINES $5.95; WALLPAPER "Room Lots -- Half Price 0 Ba aoe ge Soe se ste Song aos 0 a ee 0 a $10.95 Boys' Shoes, $4.95, $5.95 2 LINES WHITE. - Ladies' Dress Shoes SEVEN NEW LINES--PUMPS, THREE BLACK or PATENT, 2 LINES BEIGE, REXOLEUM for all Floors SEVERAL PATTERNS, 2 YARDS WIDE 60c. Sq. Yard or 40c. RUNNING FOOT INLAID $6.95 $1.50 square yard JOROS0P08080008080908080S08080900R0ROSOROEORCRORORON0S LINOLEUM ng nau ese a 0 gs ee ee a ee es ea ne 0 ae 7 0 50 a0 0 5 3 0 Sa 0% 0 Se PP se ae CRORORORHCEOR0EOROR0ROR0R0 I, J , , * o 5 BEA EE SR Pt Phone 43 : Port Perry, Ontario pORDPOD Te +" +" "5 1"s "sea te St CABO R RR RS

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