Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 May 1957, p. 6

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6---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1057 'Fimber land and logs, Elm, Beech, cleaned by hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak. PUMP EQUIPMENT H 1 Wanted FOR SALE--Sebago potatoes, small, H. M. Kyte, Blackstock t.f.| Have your tank checked now before e p suitable for seed. Arthur Taylor, trouble starts. 24 hour service Phone- Port Perry 473-r-8, REG. ARMSTRONG Three girls wanted for Sunday | mem? I N S U R A N C E Port Perry """ Phone 451 | Work: Apply in person to Taylors WORK WANTED--Handy man for Restaurant, Port Perry. 66c. per hour. | 0dd jobs, garden digging, outside win- : 4 July 11, 1967 . dows, cleaning, etc. Farm work by Are your policies up-to-date? FOUND--Tire and rim on 7th Con. |the day. Phone 462-W. Whatever your insurance needs T Vv Radio and of Reach, Phone 320-r-13, HG * ae Mo for Sal ; H Ts Electrical Servi HOUSE FOR RENT -- 4 roomed rigages or da e .W. house, located Lot 11, Con. 4, Reach. : | Phone 41 °° Port Perry ice Apply Howard Franklin, Phone 168.r-| 6% % First Mortgages of $2500 to PHONE 545 4, ort Perry, May 16 $6000 Face Value. , All under 60% "3 - sale value. Monthly repayments. No vy El tri d GORDON FOR RENT -- Small apartment, |arrears and Al Credits, Will guar- ec ical all "T 1 Wils large room and kitchen with built-in |antee for Estate or Trust accounts. M h . al R - ug 1 on cupboards; semi-private bathroom, all | Builders need cash and will give 10% eC danic epair po Port Perry, Ont. conveniences. Suit young couple withd Discount for Capital gain. Inspection to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, "Car Radios a Specialty" child. Phone 195-r-14, May 16 | & Investigation without charge to you. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A Sept. 27| FOR SALE -- English Yorkshire Stan Disne NET REALTY: ORR } ; Sows, first litter due June, Also ser- ' Y us ' ie 0a ' or e a an save : 1 viceable age hog; Chestnut team of REALTOR ] d f bi f th F I baWs. MOWEDS, Macuise Groupd Good Gravel, efc. mares, 3200 lbs, Fred Milne, Black- 969 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa raer 1amo OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC| PROMPT and EFFICIEN oon ii alti ur onde vi, MA 1S cpl Ba : : ---------------- WELDING, Hor yous a ziavd) oy [Pe May so] May 20 Take advantage of these big savings! Place } ' » . . CAUSLEY MACHINE | washed sand and stone, also goo aq aos Jue WAN) TED AUCTION SALES your order now at the year's lowest prices. ) ar, : > - : Yn SHOP loam. Igy vd Su, Lois Ro es ; Pay on easy budget terms--a small down a CALL 322-W ROE SATURDAY, MAY 18th, 1057-- payment and many months to pay the - ; t SALE--2 wall mirrors, Hear-| Auction sale of Household furniture, balance. Have your supply of colour- Isworth Kennedy ing Aid, Violin, Metronme. All rea-| po property of the late Mrs, William . ; , Dead Stock Service Port P Ontatl sonable. Phone 483-r-13, ~~ May 16 | R Smith, Brooklin, Ontario, the cor- marked 'blue coal' on hand when you : ort Perry tario : ; . ( ) Arlo, Pe i ; ) : o-- 1 f ' need it. } : removed from your farm promptly July 20, 1957 3 : ou SALI Colon a pea ey a gt kg : : 3 for sanitary disposal. $2.00 service Medi sop a gool coniliion) sao D JACKSON, Auctioneer. ! STEADY CONTROLLED charge for each call. Telephone : fs RS ap du) x : py REESOR FUEL & LUMBER : A HEAT FROM YOUR Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Tor- DE AD STOCK FOR SALE_1951 Mercury Dump | SATURDAY, JUNE lst, 1957-- LIVING ROOM onto Em. 38-3686. ' Truck. Phone 112-1-6. Important auction sale of 60 head of Th 'blue coal' TEMP- : and Crippled animals : VANTE -- Tt registered and high grade Holstein Phone 13 Port Perr Y : MASTER changes furnace . \ WANTED -- Trailer, Cabin style. | Cattle, with a few purebreds without rols automatically. Saves nt! y o | Hogs, Calves, Sheep, Horses and Cattle ; : : tr D tekiod us Arenptl Bare shell only required. Phone 611, | registration papers, dairy equipment, time--saves steps--soon pays ec. 31, 19567 P PD promply. Port Perry. J © _.aa| farm machinery, lumber, late model a ore Co ¥ G. R. ELSON FOR SALE Two good grade Here- Lincoln sedan, and miscellaneous farm | ; ; Ta ro Phone collect, Uxbridge 541 ford Betiels wh ; 4 \ articles. Property of D. A. Houston : ; 716 oo DEAD S 1 OCK 24 Irour Service. 7 4 x ord heifers with calves. Fred Miller, | oo "arts on woot 16 Concession 3 | ¥ : rvice, 1 days a week. IRR, 3, Uxbridge. Phone Uxbridge 2 ' ! . - : Dead or crippled horses cattle or hogs pares | adaa big lr Bo np Ring Gits: ue Coa CLEAN, SAFE LOW-COST HEAT ' " ~ » [] ' picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone SEEDS FOR SALE--Used lumber in good | on 'Keele St. Sale at 1 p.m, Terms : : collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge| geeds for Sale--Elmar - Ranger - | condition; also baby carriage, fold up | Cash, H [] 92-114, Lindsay 6282. Head Office,| vernal . Alfalfa and other grass| With storm sash, cheap; and Outboard KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, 2 : Woodville 82 r 11. soods, Motor, 4% h.p. in real good condition, | May 9 - 80 Auctioneers. ; ot 1D. PECONI, Registered and Commercial Garry reasonable. Phone 436-M. pe ---------- Argyle Ontario | and Rodney Oats. _. | FOR RENT--Outside Retail Stall 4 : ) . July 80, 1967. Rex High Yielding 2 Row Barley. Space for rent on a day to day basis. : Swain' S | Apply Scarboro Farmers' Market, 468 - by ; i Danforth Road (Danforth Road and a ; R 0 0 F I N G S d Cl - | Birchmount) Wednesday & Saturday. ~ ee @aNer |r Ross Wilson. May 28 iin dy OF ALL KINDS Blackstock Phone 89-r-11 r : }, oor np WANTED--To buy cutting box with : 4 Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, May 9 pipes in good condition, large size; Look how beaut 1 TTT LLANE nd | TI de Y Estimates given th all kinds also egg cleaner. Phone Blackstock i : gt £5 H : of work. ' } 68-r-21. ; A 3 EARL WALLACE ess, LOST -- Sailing Boat, Collapsible - the height of fashion i Port Perry Clipper, air tank, blue in color. Last SE : seen on Wednesday afternoon at . ur, Stephenson Point. Reward. For in- : is this y ear! § Pod] 3 Se ti Tanks formation contact John Orde, Phone 3 ; P C 603, Port Perry. SF ; A 4 Cleaned by FOR SALE--Moffat Electric Range, PUMP EQUIPMENT 4 burner. Mrs. Ron, Peel, Phone 206J7 ~ "THE SURE WAY" Buy Better Hybrids for better yield.] FOR SALE--8-can spray type milk 24 Hour Service Plant Pfter Hybrids for 1967. cooler. ~ A-1 working condition. Phone I er MASTER } gd tp {Ih Yo pa : FEEDS N ry, 5 . } - Weng Ren a hi FOR SALE--52 Prefect, good mo- : June 16, 1957 PERSONAL tor, body, tires. Doug Heayn, Phone « 3 281-W, Port Perry. OLD AT 40, 650, 607" MAN! You're 2 Crazy! Thousands peppy at 70. FOR SALE--'48 Chevrolet Custom Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies | Radio (Motorola). $26.00. Doug. : 1 | lacking iron. For rundown feeling | Heayn, Phone 281-W, Port Perry. 4 \""4\'! many men, women call "old". New pa \ "get-acquainted" size only 60c. All POTATOES FOR SALE--$1.60 per 3 ; druggists. AD 76/1b. bag, free delivery; also Irish x N ; | | 3 | =) oN Cobbler Seed Potatoes. J. Kiezebrink. Spacious . . ~gracious . , . advanced in every lovely lines and the exciting performance of up "ic " Phone 477-r-23, Port Perry. respect . .. and right at the zenith of fashion ~ t0 295 horsepower under the hood. : INSURANCE COMPANY (Ll £ /. & FOR SALE--Tractor-Trailer Com- --that's the magnificent new Chrysler! All Chryslers have the extraordinary cone [EA - Rn . bination, ideal for orchard or market 9 venience and flashing responsiveness of push- igh Consult the Crown Life Man Vu - garden haulage. Chev. engine, hand At the club . . . the golf links . , . the festive button Torque-Flite automatic drive. All have Rn : 57 hydraulic lift on trailer. Excellent house parties . . . and all the other gay places the new Torsion-Aire Suspension system that ks . 27H p gay p : : Pp E . K I N G ) condition. $280.00. J. Lawrence, this year, it's Chrysler the crowd is admiring ~~ BIS Chrysler its remarkable sports-car han- a = Myrtle, Ontario: and talking about. : dling characteristics, as well as the smoothest ¢ » A . . . 1 i oh AGENT WANTED --Pony mare in foal or For nothing quite like this slim, graceful, ride on wheels. All have the roominess, comfort hi Port Perry - Ontarie young mare. Phone Blackstock 84-J. fashion-plate beauty has ever glided in beneath and safety Chrysler is famous for. 4 i i B the smart porticos before. Nothing so tastefully It's your kind of car, this long, low and i : Zr -- -- styled. So luxuriously appointed. So smooth Jirions Chryder of 937. a ye cost ile » J : : ' us demonstrate y 4 IE MAN, WD composes | P P Pp fy and powerful in action. han you They imagine, =o '@ iy J Dead F arm Stock VMRELE, 15 A SCEATER, ort err Y ainting There's the superb Chrysler New Yorker ~~ One to you soon, Just telephone. We'll bring a w ; Hot ' GEvERL THAN AAT, with its splendid length . . . and its great Chrysler to your door for the most revealing 170 Al ) (x3 i x ) ALSO Chit PLED ANIMALS and D ecorating 325-h.p. V-8 with 4-barrel carburetion. And demonstration drive you've ever experienced. For hwy | 8b Drompily toa \ there's the wonderful Windsor with its clean, CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED 3 Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 Jack Par eler . : MARGWILL. FUN FARM g 120 Years Experience Tyrone, Ont. S s St # in Tlie Gusury car Thad so easy 70 Ow Aug. 80, 1967 exrvice d 10 ' nr * ; oh ia or pt : y- Co > SE ==Ily = NEW BUSINESS " wil itil ' by T, BULLDOZING - EXCAV BATES wa BEST sighs Copied u ATING © NEATEST and BEST 'What a Chrysler ride will show you... : Try one soon, See how it feels to command a ; PAINTING and DECORATING . up to 325 h.p. with push-button ease , , . TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK wlan igloos Sida Rina : 0 n wn « « «Ma g urns withou n = : ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING $reg and quick stops without *'nose-diving". It's 4 : : Ye : really an eye-opening experience, One you SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. Walls Washed by Machine shouldn't miss | ; . FREE ESTIMATES---by Hour or Contract. Faster and cheaper g ' : " : = ; /] Je AT rou're always a step ahead in cars of The Forward Look ron % rr a TRIPP CONSTRUCTION © LT. TUCKER J) ny Phone 475 INNES MOTOR SALES 34 : Phone 392W (Office) one 3 " Residence--Wm, Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892J Summer Cottages a Specialty" PHONE 168° (R.R. 4 PORT PERRY) ------ ESE -- 4 2

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